A Babe Amongst...Werewolves? Ch. 03

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Elle finds out more about her situation
6.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/25/2013
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Sorry for the uber ridiculous delay!! Hope you enjoy :)


As the men approached us, I was frightened, but even more so I was curious. What the hell was in this liquid? I wasn't particularly scared that it would kill me, after everything they'd done to get us that seemed a little pointless. Then again I reminded myself, they are crazy kidnapping werewolves so who knows!

They were all dressed similarly, their boots were the heavy steel capped type you see on construction sites. Their jeans looked worn and well used. Longbeard, the leader of the group was wearing a white tshirt, I could make out dried baked beans and what looked like blood from where I waited in my cage. The other men had on creased, dirty flannel shirts with the buttons done up wrong.

The women around me seemed wary of the needles, I could hear some of them breathing heavily, but they were not surprised by it. It must be a fairly common occurrence I thought to myself, trying to control my own breathing.

Was it some sort of birth control I wondered. Or perhaps it's a cruel torturous liquid designed to hurt us for their entertainment? Or maybe they were trying to turn us into radioactive werewolves, because apparently turning us into mythical creatures wasn't enough. I really had no idea, so I watched silently, the only sound in the room was their heavy footsteps, echoing through the basement.

They approached the first cage, the woman inside cowered before them, her dark brown hair falling into her face. She was clearly terrified of them, her arms were wrapped protectively around her torso, almost as if she were literally holding herself together.

As they reached the bars of her cell, the men's large frames partially blocked my view, though my gut twisted in anger when I saw she had hand shaped bruises on her forearms and neck.

To my surprise, when Longbeard beckoned her with his forefinger, not even saying a word she meekly obeyed him, approaching them with her head lowered, her arms still wrapped protectively around herself. Fearfully, she stuck her bruised arm through the bars, where he roughly grabbed it and injected her with whatever was inside. Once the syringe had emptied, I waited with bated breath, expecting her to start spasming on the floor in agony at any moment. Instead, she just rubbed the crook of her elbow where she'd received her injection, a trembling hand wiping away the singular drop of blood before she curled back up in the corner of her cage on a small foam square.

Longbeard quickly dropped the used syringe into a small box that one of the men were holding before pulling out a new needle.

They then repeated this process, working their way down the first side of cages, before working their way back up towards us. One by one the women tearfully came forward and stuck their arms through the bars, allowing our captors to inject them.

As they got closer, I could feel my heart thudding, I swear it was so loud I was sure everyone could heard it. I didn't care about the needles, or even what was in them, whatever the heck it was, I knew it wasn't fatal at least.

It was the compliance that scared me. Not one woman had resisted, despite their obvious reluctance. What the hell had they done to these women to make them that scared? What would they do to me when I refused?

My heart was pounding, my breathing was still ragged, despite my attempts to appear calm before them as I watched Longbeard inject Marigold. I steeled myself as they approached me, but instead they simply walked right past my cage. Longbeard leered at me as he did, his eyes roaming over my body before moving to the woman on the other side.

I was half relieved, half annoyed. All that stress and nothing, no needle! I'd just about had a damn heart attack! Perhaps they were planning on coming back for me, take their time and enjoy the new girl I thought angrily.

But no, once they injected the last woman they quickly packed up the materials into a black case, before huddling together and whispering to themselves shooting excited glances back towards us. I could practically smell the fear in the air, as Longbeard turned around to face us, a huge, terrifying grin on his face, his cronies wearing the same wide predatory smiles.

"So ladies" he boomed. "Who wants to play a game?"

I shuddered, as many of the women around me began to cry.


Grand Alpha Lorek angrily pounded his fists into the solid oak table, growling loudly as he did. He stared down for the millionth time at the photographs of the rogue wolves the packs had been pursuing. His wolf was clawing at his belly, howling, pacing and frustrated, straining to get out. He struggled to keep himself and his wolf under control, feeling his skin ripple as his wolf tried to get him to shift.

Lorek been like this for two months, ever since his mate had been taken from him, along with the women from packs under his protection.

He was in his office, an enormous room with dark wood panelling on the ceiling and walls. Large bay windows jutted out slightly from the left side, allowing room for cushioned window seats for sitting on. It was a decidedly masculine room, somewhat similar to a cigar room in a golf club, or some sort of exclusive ''mens" club. Lots of heavy, masculine colours and furniture, mainly greys, blues and browns, save for the bright yellow pillows that prettily rested on the window seats.

A large flatscreen was mounted onto one of the walls. The room was dominated by his huge ornate wooden desk, easily the size of a double bed. On its sides were carvings of wolves frolicking in the woods in different situations. Strewn across the desk were maps, photographs of various men including Dennis and Longbeard, along with printouts of emails and text correspondence with their dates and times.

A quiet knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. "Enter" he barked. In walked his Beta, Kane.

"The Five Territory Alphas are here, Grand Alpha" he said respectfully.

Lorek straightened up above his desk, and watched as five large, muscular looking men entered his office. The air thickened with tension as the six strongest and most powerful Alphas in North America sat in the same room.

Before the kidnappings had started, they'd had their meetings via Skype, but the seriousness of the situation needed more than that. The abductions of female weres, including mated weres had put the entire community in edge, and increased tenfold when the Grand Alphas mate was taken.

Lorek and the Territory Alphas had been hunting the kidnappers for a number of months, although, as of yet the kidnappers had been elusive. They'd been careful and well organized, covering their tracks, but finally someone had made a mistake and they had a lead, a solid lead.

Lorek's wolf ached to take control and hunt down those wolves and tear them apart piece by piece, until their bodies were no more than little scraps of meat littered on the ground.

No matter how badly Lorek agreed though, he cautioned his wolf, instructing him to wait for a little longer. If they were to attack without a good plan, the wolves might panic, and kill the women. His wolf snarled viciously at the thought, no one touches his mate!

Lorek's jaw tensed as he fought his wolf back down yet again. As Grand Alpha he was considered the leader of all werewolves. All other Alpha's reported to him, and his word was law. I have to show more control he thought to himself as he forced his attention to the men at the table.

The five Territory Alpha's all settled down on chairs around the large desk. There were approximately 160 werewolf packs in North America. Each Territory Alpha had their own pack, and then was in charge of around approximately 25-45 packs all with their own Alphas who reported to them. They then reported to the Grand Alpha.

Canada and the US was essentially divided into four even (packwise) quarters, with each Alpha being in charge of one territory, plus Alaska.

Lorek had set this system into place when he became Grand Alpha, over three hundred years ago. Before that there had only been a Grand Alpha and Alphas of each individual pack that had reported to the Grand Alpha, but Lorek didn't like that system. It was too difficult to keep an eye on all the packs properly, there was too much wasted death and abuse that was overlooked. In the late 1700's, when the number of packs increased exponentially, he had urged his predecessor to implement Territory Alphas to keep a better eye on things. When he'd refused, Lorek had challenged him for the position of Grand Alpha. Lorek had won, and had been Grand Alpha ever since.

It was a simple system, but it worked relatively well. The biggest risk was one of his Territory Alphas getting a taste for power and trying to take control. So far Lorek had bested any challenges that had been made, he was a gifted fighter.

Lorek studied the Alphas all sitting at the table, waiting expectantly. He knew that there had been whispers of a coup, ever since he'd lost his mate. Werewolves saying he wasn't strong enough to lead if he couldn't even protect his mate. He wondered of the Territory Alphas who could potentially challenge him.

Alpha Sven sat across from him, his eyes roaming the room as he waited for Lorek to begin. He was the Territory leader of Alaska, and while he had only twenty packs to keep control of, less than that of the the other Alpha's, he was also the most ambitious. Of all the Territory leaders Sven was Lorek's least favourite. He studied Sven, with his pale blue eyes and white blonde hair and slimmer, more boyish frame compared to the other Alphas, though still muscular, he was the poster child for the Nordic stereotype.

Alpha Morgan was at the end of the table, his mate had also been taken by the rogues. His reddish brown hair fell into his eyes, but he didn't seem to notice as he waited for Lorek to speak. Lorek recognised his expression, frustration, desperation, anger and fear. It wasn't a look Alphas had very often, control was something they all excelled at and craved in equal doses. He couldn't help but wonder if he looked like Morgan too.

He glanced at the next man at the table, Alpha Miguel. Miguel was originally from South America, his dark eyes flickered, taking in everything. He had an olive complexion and curly dark hair, Miguel was probably the most popular of all the Alphas, with a quick smile and a joke for anyone. Sometimes wolves would take his smiles for weakness and challenge him, but Miguel was as funny as he was ferocious.

He controlled the South East packs of the US, ending in the New Orleans. He lived in Atlanta, where he looked after thirty-one packs. Lorek didn't think Miguel would challenge him, his mate had just given birth, a rare occurrence in the were community. Besides, Lorek knew he would best Miguel in a challenge, and he was sure Miguel knew that too. His close friend, South West Territory Alpha Corman say stiffly beside him.

Last, but certainly not least was Alpha Leo. Lorek turned his head to look at the final Territory Alpha. Leo controlled the North East packs, including Toronto, New York, Chicago and Boston. There were forty-six packs in his territory, significantly more than any other Alpha.

If there was an Alpha to properly challenge me, admitted Lorek reluctantly to himself, it would be Leo. At 6'4 he cut an imposing figure even in here. Despite been a good hundred and seventy years younger than Lorek, Leo's power was undeniable, and his control legendary. His dark hair was cut short, and his eyes a startling green, Leo waited impassively for Lorek to begin.

"Thank you for coming so quickly gentlemen " started Lorek, as he sat down at the head of the desk. "As you're all aware the rogue pack has been abducting female wolves and, we believe kidnapping human women and forcibly turning them in an attempt to create more mates for themselves.

The Alphas all nodded affirmatively at this, a low, terrifying growl had resounded around the room with Alpha Lorek's statement. Females were rare in wolf packs, and wolves, especially Alpha wolves were protective of their female pack members.

"Some of our scouts followed a lead and ended up in North Dakota," continued Lorek. He leant forward, and put his hands on the desk. "We believe we have found their location. I understand you all brought your best fighters from your territories?" The Alphas nodded again, their eyes were bright.

Lorek's wolf was howling with excitement, FINALLY!!

"Alpha Corman if you could start us off," Lorek turned to the last man at the table. Alpha Corman, who controlled the North West packs. He was ex military and he still kept his light brown hair in a buzz cut, his face hard and stern. He rarely raised his voice and seemed to be in complete control of his emotions at all times. Despite his stony countenance, he was very protective and caring of his packs, and well respected and liked by the wolves.

There were thirty-three packs in his territory. Corman was a fair and just Territory leader Lorek trusted him implicitly. His military background was invaluable, as he launched into an explanation with the other Alphas discussing a detailed plan of attack to bring down the rogues.

They surveyed the rogue wolves base of operations intently, making sure they wouldn't be leaving any room for escape. Once the Alphas were all satisfied with the arrangements, Lorek rose from his chair.

"Explain the battle plan to your warriors and prepare your things, we leave in one hour for Dakota. We will attack them tonight" he ordered with a finality that only a true Alpha can.

The Alpha's rose simultaneously, the excitement palpable in the air. The rogues had taken women from every territory, and they were out for blood.


Longbeard leisurely surveyed the room. Cruelly he smiled, before pointing his finger at the first cage. "Eenie meenie, minie mo. Which little wolf gets to go. To run outside and howl to the moon, don't worry girls you'll all go soon. This big wolf will count to ten." As he counted, he pointed to each caged woman. "And count back again" the women cringed as he pointed to their cage. "Far out, you're out."

His finger landed on a young woman, probably two or three years younger than me, I would of been surprised of she was even twenty one, with long dark blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She cried out as he selected her and scrambled to the back of her cage, her slim frame quivering. The four men approached the bars, their eyes were gleaming as Longbeard unlocked the cage, ducking as he entered.

She tried to fight, swinging wildly at him, but at 5'5 she was dwarfed substantially by him, and he easily twisted her arm behind her back before pulling her into a vicious headlock. She was gasping and crying as he dragged her out of the cage, her fingers were clawing at his arm. The other men were crowding her, groping her breasts and ass. Her breasts were already beginning to redden from abuse, she shrieked as her nipples were cruelly twisted and pulled. One of the men pried her thighs apart, thrusting his fingers into her crotch, she was yelping in pain as he began to roughly finger her.

That poor poor girl, I felt like I was going to be sick, I didn't even want to think about what other horrors she was about to face. Watching this was bringing back too many painful memories for me.

As her abuse continued I screamed silently, rage flowing through my body as I watched them continue to maul her, they were clearly enjoying making us watch her suffering. I couldn't do anything to help her, I can't even get out of this fucking cage! Tears ran down my face silently in rage. I closed my eyes briefly, as I was flooded with images from my foster homes, I was still a helpless little girl I thought bitterly.

A pained cry, louder this time startled me out of my reverie. My fists clenched as an eerie sense of calm settled over me. Just think, think what to do I chanted to myself. My mind was blank, I had no fucking idea!

They had started dragging her towards the stairs, probably to take her to the other kidnappers I realised. If I was going to act I should do something now! Fuck come on Elle, come up with something I mentally yelled at myself, anything, just distract them!!

"Hey ugly!" I suddenly shouted.

Longbeard turned back to me, surprised. The other women looked at me like I was insane, but the girl in a headlock stared at me desperately and it spurred me on.

"Yeah you, you big ugly lumps of meat! Want to hear a joke?"

Longbeard and his three cronies were still staring at me. I guessed they didn't get a lot of backchat down here.

"Ok well, I'm going to take the open mouths and vacant expressions as a yes" I continued quickly, in for a penny in for a pound I figured, inwardly shrugging.

"You're so ugly, it looks like your face caught on fire and someone put it out with a fork!"

"You're so ugly, I understand now why some animals eat their young!"

"You're so stupid, you asked what was the number for 911!"

"You're so ugly, your doctor is a vet!"

"You're so ugly, you have to Trick or Treat by phone!"

I furiously continued yelling out these insults, silently thanking the sole middle school friend who had given me a book full of them as a gift. They were still staring at me, absolutely flabbergasted as I shrieked insults at them for a good ten minutes, getting louder and more worked up as I went.


I huffed as I finished screaming, out of insults. Admittedly, the finale was not my most eloquent work, but I think it got the message across.

The men were white they were so angry, but, to my delight, I could see that Longbeard had let go of the girl completely, he had forgotten her in his anger towards me. She was now standing to the side of him, her arms wrapped around her body. She wasn't moving and her face was bloodied, they'd split her lip in the struggle. She stood still, trying to avoid their attention.

As I glared at them, I considered what I'd just done and what would most likely now be done to me, and started to feel a little nauseous. I had just insulted four enormous werewolves, while I was still locked in a cage... fucking awesome.

Seriously, I berated myself, what is it with you and pissing off dangerous men once you have no chance of escape? Probably need to work on that I told myself. The men were ignoring the blonde girl though, I had protected her girl from whatever horrors they'd had planned, they wouldn't break me. I straightened my spine as I continued to glare at them, keeping eye contact.

As I stood there I couldn't help but remember how I'd gotten passed over for an assistant team leader position at the restaurant because they thought I couldn't be assertive, clearly they'd never seen me naked in a cage surrounded by werewolves before.

Longbeard and the others finally snapped out of it, he roughly dragged the blonde back to her cage, and threw her in and locked it.

"You're going to regret that, you fucking little cunt" he swore at me, as he headed towards my cage.

As he came closer I started mocking him "here puppy, *kissy sounds* come here little boy, does puppy want a doggy biscuit?" My brain was screaming at me to stop, but my suicidal conscience was proudly beating the war drums and screaming right along with me.

Longbeard pulled out a set of keys, and began searching for mine. As he was looking, the door at the top of the basement opened, and in popped Buzz Cut. "What are you doing Olly?" he asked, glowering at him.

Olly/Longbeard jerked his thumb at me. "We're about to show this bitch who's in charge is what!"