A Day at the Spa

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Wife discovers new passions with an old friend.
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About a year ago, my husband called me from work and told me about a massage school in town. He said that all the girls from the office were going and it was very inexpensive because the students were trying to get their hours so they could graduate. I've always been a little shy and reserved, and having gained weight after our third child I had lost a lot of interest in letting my husband see me naked, much less anybody else. I had had a massage a year or so ago while on vacation and just could not enjoy it being overweight. I thanked him for thinking of me and told him I would "think about it." Most of the time I "think about" doing things that I don't want to do until hubby forgets about them! Eventually, he always forgets!

I had just decided I was going to finally work hard and get in shape before I turned 35. I did not want to become a "frumpy old grandmother." So, when hubby brought up the massage again, I told him "when I loose some weight I will go." So we both started walking together and watching what we ate, and before long I had lost 25 and then 35 pounds. I had not looked this good in years! I looked better and was feeling somewhat better about myself; I still had a long way to go. I no longer minded my hubby seeing me naked, but I did not care to have anybody else peeking at me before I got closer to my ideal body weight.

About this same time, I got a promotion at work, which thrust me into upper management and all the stress and chaos that goes along with it. The extra stress caused me to go for long walks after work, and by years end I had lost nearly all my extra weight and was looking the best I had since we were married. My hubby was like a new man. He started buying me lingerie and new outfits like never before. He was forever taking pictures of me again, and I was even having to tell him "no" when he asked for sex because I just could not keep up with him.

This year for my birthday, he got me a new ring, a basket from "Bath and Body Works," and some sexy lingerie. When I had opened all the presents, there was a card left on the table. My hubby hardly ever buys cards. "Why pay somebody $5 to say what I want to say?" was his attitude, so I was surprised to find a card and I gave him my "what's up with this?" look.

"Go ahead and open it Sally" Matt said. I opened the envelope to see a hand written note, it read, "I hope you enjoy this much deserved day at the spa." In addition to the note, the envelope contained a gift certificate for a whole day at the spa encluding the massage school.

I have NEVER been to a spa, ever! I called the spa to make an appointment and while I was on hold, the recorded voice said, "This week only, our summer special, two for the price of one, spend over $100 and bring a friend for free." The gift certificate was for $75, but the deal was too good to pass up. I quickly hung up the phone and dialed April.

It had been a while since I had done anything with April. The promotion had kept me quite busy at work, and after work, the family seemed to require my undivided attention. April and I had roomed together in nursing school. We had been in each other's wedding. Somehow, even with kids and work we had managed to keep in touch over the past dozen years or so. I had liked April because she was so much unlike me. She was outgoing and had to try everything at least once.

She was much more like my husband then me. Maybe that is why Matt had always been a little jealous of April. When we were first married, we had "girls' night out" for a couple years until the babies came along. Then "girls' night out" became "mommy's morning out" and finally, "play dates." Now that the kids were getting older, we threatened to start having girls' night out again, but since April had divorced Ken, Matt had become less fond of the idea. Not that he ever said "NO," he was too smart to get into a power struggle that he could not win. Nevertheless, I knew the kind of mother he had had and how she had hurt him, and I loved him too much to press the issue.

April was happy to hear from me. "Hey what's up? Long time, no hear!" she said in a cheerful voice.

"I know, I'm sorry" I started to apologize "it's just this new job."

April cut me off "come on, please, I'm just happy to hear from you, I've missed getting together with you," she confessed.

"That's what I was calling about" I went on to explain the gift and the deal.

"Wow! That would be great, when do you want to go?" she relied. We decided that since she was already off Friday and I was now able to give myself the day off, we would meet at the day spa on Friday.

As usual, I was a few minutes late. April was setting in the waiting room as I walked in. "Damn Sally, is that you?" She said with amazement, "You look like you did at graduation!" She was almost right! I had lost a lot of weight, but was not quite down to my college figure.

"Thanks" I replied, "you look mar-vel-ous" I said as if auditioning for Saturday night live. We both giggled like schoolgirls then gave each other a hug and a kiss on the cheek. We signed in and a cute guy took us to the "dressing room" in the back. It was a small place and when they said "two for one" they were not kidding. They showed us "our" changing room. It was big enough for two and we stepped in. "I guess we paid for one, so we get one" and we laughed again. We had roomed together for over 2 years and had seen each other topless more than once. Therefore, I thought nothing of undressing in front of her, and putting on the robe that the spa provided.

The day was filled with facials, to include the whole cucumber over the eye thing, tanning beds, a mud bath, finger and toenails trimmed and polished, and the much awaited for massage. They led us into a small room with two massage tables, a boom-box playing some soft new age relaxation music; and not much else. It when our masseuse walked in, I understood the whole two for the price of one thing. The young woman, Cindy, was clearly the student. Cindy was a 20-something with blond hair and blues eyes. Real fit and firm, the kind of girl that could cause a three-car pile-up by distracting a driver as she walked by. Ben, who appeared to be nearly 40, was the teacher. They explained that the new class was just starting to work on clients, and so we would each get time with the student and the teacher. Ben moved to my table, Cindy positioned herself at April's side.

Soon the room was filled with April's soft moans. Ben's hands were large and strong. It had been a long time since another man had touched me. He worked my neck, shoulders, and when he finally got to my back, he quickly found every knot and worked them out as only somebody with a dozen or so years of experience can. I felt as though I was melting.

He asked me if I wanted a total body massage, and the instant I moaned "yessss" he moved his hands to my legs and started working his way up towards my ass. Had he asked me when I walked in the door, I would have said "no thanks." At this point, I would have said yes to anything he asked. I was putty in his hands. The massage was not sexual, but feeling another man's hands on my body was sensual.

"How are you doing Cindy?" I heard Ben whisper.

"I'm finishing up with the back now" she replied.

"Good, now we need you both to turn over" Ben commanded. I felt the sheet lift up off my body, opened my eyes as I rolled unto my back. Ben positioned the sheet over my breasts down to my thighs. I could not tell if he had caught a peek of my ass or not, but my guess was that he had had a peek. Cindy moved over to my table.

"Go ahead and close you eyes and relax," she said. Cindy's touch was much different then Ben's and I new why April had been moaning while I had been grunting! She started at my fingers and worked her way up my arms to my shoulder. It was a calming touch. She softly rubbed each of my fingers. I felt the air touch my breast as she pulled the sheet down to expose my white 38DD breasts. I had lost weight, but my tits had not returned to anything close to the 36C's I had known in college. She lightly stroked each breast in turn. It was more than a breast exam, but less than my husband's sex play. As she moved her hands on my breasts, I felt the familiar tingle between my legs. I have the hardest time keeping my fingers out of my pussy when my hubby plays with my breasts. I knew that I had to keep my arms out of my crotch now! I was relieved when she moved to my tummy and started the effleurage. My large breasts remained exposed. I knew that with Cindy on the right side of my table and Ben on the left side of April's table, Ben was for sure getting an eyeful.

I thought of Matt at work. I had not told him of the "2 for 1" deal. He would have wanted to come with me, or something silly like that. Worse, he would have said we could not afford the extra $25. He would give his right nut to see what Ben was seeing. Although he was jealous of April's time with me, I knew him well enough to know that he found her attractive. He liked blonds like me, but what he really lusted after were redheads. April had album red hair, natural curls, 36B tits, but lacking the freckles that the fair skinned redheads had. Her skin was darkly tanned. She had suffered none of the side effects of having had two children. I felt the sheet return to cover my breasts. And Cindy was now at my feet. All too soon, she was working her way up my legs. I was so relaxed.

I was kept from slumber by Ben's gentle voice speaking again "feel free to stay and relax as long as you wish, when you are done just open the door and Nancy will show you to the hot hub and sauna."

The hot tub was the same as the rest of the day's experience, one tub for the two of us. It was large enough for both of us. In fact, Ben and Cindy could have joined us and we could have fit a couple more. We were alone, and April just slipped off her robe. She stood naked in front of me for a moment before she stepped into the tub. Her nipples had gotten larger since I had last seen her naked in college. Her nipples were the largest I had ever seen, but her areolas small, slightly smaller than a half dollar, and they were now dark brown like mine, the result of pregnancy. Her red pussy was neatly cropped. It looked like there was no hair at all around her lips.

I had trimmed my pussy before I came, but I never got into the whole "hairless" thing. I loved the way my pussy felt without the hair, but saving had always been a pain in the ass. I too dropped my towel. As I entered the tub, April motioned for me to sit next to her. I moved through the swirling water and sat next to her. We both sat there quietly for a few minutes. "This feels so good," April said "thanks for sharing this with me." She moved her arm around my shoulder to give me a little hug.

"No problem, I've really enjoyed this today, and it would not have been half the fun if I had been alone" I confessed.

"What did you think about Ben?" April inquired.

"His hands were fantastic; I could take that every night when I come home from work!" I answered honestly.

"Yeah, me too, it's been a long time since I guy has touched me" April said. "What did you think about Cindy?" I had always wondered about April. She had never come on to me, but she had many friends in college who people talked about being gay, and some who were even "out." She had not dated much and I knew that her marriage had ended on a sour note and while her ex would not talk about it, there had been accusations of cheating. Yet after the breakup, there had been no new guy in April's life. So I always had thought that either her ex had really cheated on her, or that the other man was a woman. However, I had always been afraid to talk with April about it. I really liked her and had decided to take a "wait until she brings it up" stance.

April's eyes fixed on mine. "Cindy had really good hands, reminds me of Kathy." Kathy had moved in with April after graduation when I had moved in with Matt. They had gone to high school together.

"Yeah, her touch was so much different than Matt's" I found myself saying.

"So which did you like better?" April asked.

I have never been a good liar, especially with people who knew me well. Therefore, I had to tell the truth. "Honestly, Cindy" I replied after some hesitation.

"Me too!" April smiled and winked. Then she said "you know what would feel real good right now?" Her eyes glanced from my eyes to the jet spray and back.

"What?" I said.

She moved away from me and positioned herself such that the jet stream pushed the water between her legs. "Have you ever tried this?" She asked as she let out a soft sigh.

Tried it? I had never even thought about it. "Ah, no" I said hardly believing my eyes. When we were in college, I used to hear April moving in her bed as she masturbated when she thought I was asleep. Once I had even returned to the dorm early when my algebra class was canceled to find her washing her pussy in the shower with the bathroom door open a crack. I watched her through the glass shower door until she came and then quietly left the room and retuned at 10:50 am when I normally got back to the room. She joined me for lunch without giving me a clue that she had seen me, and I never confessed that I had watched her pleasure herself. However, this, this was another thing all together.

"Come sit behind me, I can not support myself like this and enjoy it, the tub is too big." She reached for my hand and I moved. I sat on the bench and she reclined on my legs and hooked her legs over the side of the tub so that the water moved freely over her clit. Her body moved as she responded to the pleasure. I held her with my arms around her shoulders. I felt her quiver as she came. "That was nice!" She uttered, "Now it's your turn."

There was no turning back. The sexual tension had built to the point of no return. We changed places. I moved quickly so I would not turn back. I felt the warmth of the water rush over my pussy; it was the most intense thing I had ever experienced. I had not played with April's titties, but she did not let that stop her from touching mine. I was overwhelmed with sensory input. I came in less than 5 minutes, faster than I ever had even with my vibrator.

I slid off her lap onto the bench. We sat next to each other without saying a word. There was nothing to say. She turned to me and kissed me on the lips. I did not resist. "I had a great time today, can we do it again?" She asked.

"Sure, it was a great way to end the week." We got out of the tub and went to the dressing room. Another quick hug and April was out the door. I was a little confused.

I got home, Matt was waiting for me. "How was your day at the spa?" He inquired.

"The best gift you ever gave me" I answered.

"Did you miss me?" He asked.

"Sure hubby, I missed you," I said to pacify him as I patted his hand; "it wasn't the same without you." I smiled, he smiled; but we each had our own different reasons.

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juanwildonejuanwildoneover 16 years ago
A name by any other rose

Good story - nice pace - reasonable sex encounter. // . What made it a challenging read was the mixing up of names as you went along Al speaking when it should have been Ben - little things like that. // . I was a little surprised at the condescending tone at the very end - Kellie to Ben. Here's the guy who has been nothing but supportive during this transformation and he gets a pat on the head with the unspoken but clearly implied- "I'm glad you weren't with me." I'd have liked to see her take his hand and lead him toward the bedroom with a simple, "I want to show you how much I appreciate your gift." But that's just me.

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