A Deviant Spawn Betrayal Ch. 02


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"And there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it, fucker," Revelin responded, striding to the stage's stairs. Once up on the platform, he picked up his guitar and re-strapped it to his chest. Facial expression impassive, he stared down at Shane from his higher perch as he started playing the instrument again. This time the tempo was angry, passionate, fervent.

It embodied every tempestuous emotion Shane felt for Revelin.

And every contemptuous emotion Revelin felt for Shane.

"Shane," Rory said as Taz stalked out the club, "don't bother lying to me again. I know all those piercings are because of Revelin. You needed the pain."

"Yep." Shane's mono-syllable response was so quiet it was almost drowned out by Revelin's loud, intense solo.

"Why? What happened between you and him? Because everyone has just sort of automatically assumed that whatever occurred, it was all Revelin's fault since neither of you will talk about it."

"It's not."

"I'm really starting to get that now. Crap, Shane," Rory said, eyes flicking from Shane to Revelin up on the stage to the open doors to the hotel lobby Taz had disappeared through, "I know you've had a lot on your mind lately, so I haven't said anything, but you should really know there's been tension between those two, tension between Revelin and everybody, ever since New Year's Day. And you just saw for yourself how volatile it's gotten between Revelin and Taz."

Shane nodded.

"It's so bad now it's threatening to destroy not only their friendship, but to also destroy Deviant Spawn." Rory's gaze focused on Shane again, the brown depths filled with concern. "So, unless you want our favorite band to self-destruct, I really need for you to start talking. Tell me what the hell happened the day Revelin came back for you, Shane. What the hell happened on New Year's Day?"

To hide the tears slowly trickling down his cheeks, Shane lowered his eyes to the ground. He didn't bother to wipe the hot tracks away, the burn on his skin reminiscent of the blistering in his heart. "I happened."

"What do you mean?"

"I screwed up, Rory. Big time." Screwed up so bad it was more than evident there would be no chance for a reconciliation.

Shane was not a prince. Revelin was not his knight-in-shining armor. And their story was not some fucking fairy tale romance.

This was real life.

Following the path set by Taz, Shane ran out the club.


"I hate you. Fucking hate you!"

~Linda Wilkinson to seven year old son Shane~


December 24, 2010

As I suspected, Taz had stolen Rory's keys, leaving us utterly dependent on him for transportation. And though he did provide us with that transportation, via a limo, it didn't take us home. Instead, it took us to the club where Deviant Spawn would be in residence for their after party. I couldn't help but poke fun at Rory the entire way there about how easily Taz had duped him and gotten under his skin.

Cool, contained Rory was a cutie.

But totally flustered and ruffled Rory was a person I'd only met on the rare occasion in the entire twelve years we'd known each other and he was just too hilarious. I wanted him to hang around for a while.

On entering Virtuous, infuriated with me and my teasing, Rory grumbled, "You just make sure you get my keys, jackass." He skulked off, dodging the guard who tried to grab his arm. But Rory proved to be too quick and was down the steps leading to the club's crowded lower level before the guard could stop him. It was the same guard who had chased us down in the concert venue's parking lot and escorted us, to Rory's consternation and loud objection, to the waiting limo.

Smiling, I approached the guard. He grunted, "Guess one's better than none."

He guided me up to the third floor, the section reserved for VIP. I was surprised to see I was the only person present other than a few bored looking girls, none much older than me, who were all dressed in ass cheek baring red shorts, minuscule white half shirts with Virtuous blazoned across their chests in big, crimson lettering and silver, strappy, stiletto sandals. I felt a slight disappointment, having expected VIP to actually be packed with very important people such as music industry promoters and magazine reporters. Or, at the very least, I'd expected I'd be socializing with other Deviant Spawn fans or even their groupies.

I sat in the middle of a couch as the guard motioned to the closest girl. She trotted over, but didn't lose that look of Do I have to? until he said, "A close friend of the band. Treat him good and get him whatever he wants. There's a big tip involved."

Mistakenly, I thought it was the words "big tip" which caused the girl to brighten. Her change in personality was so drastic, that once the guard disappeared down the stairs, the girl decided to have a sit down. By straddling my lap!

Head cocked to one side, curls cascaded over a shoulder, she regarded me through big, guileless eyes. She leaned forward, until my face was inches from her breasts.

"So, you're a friend of the band," she said breathlessly, enlightening me as to the true cause of her rapid switch in temperament. "Any way you think you could hook me up with Taz? And since he's bi, maybe you might even be interested in joining us for the night? I kinda have a thing for gay goth boys. And you're cute."

Jeez, I'd found the groupie. And I didn't even have to try. Go me.

Now, I think it's important to note that I'd never, ever truly found myself at a loss for words before.



Even when Revelin had questioned if I was "comfy" earlier, I'd been able to respond. Didn't matter that it was a sadly lacking one word response, I'd still said something.

But, right at this exact moment, I didn't have a clue what to say to this chick. This chick who was straight up lying. She was full of shit. She didn't have a "thing" for gay goth boys. She had a "thing" for Taz...and anything that might land her in his bed. But if she hoped to charm the singer into burying his magic stick in her enchanted sheath, she was sniffing after the wrong fairy. She would need Rory to assist her with that wish.

When I didn't answer right away, she moved her big ol' jugs until my face was buried in their sweet smelling crevice, cutting off both my sight and my ability to breathe. I held my breath, determined if I was going to die of oxygen deprivation, it was going to be by my own choice and not because I'd been smothered to death by a set of double D's.

Thankfully, my ability to hear hadn't been impaired. I listened to the DJ announce Deviant Spawn was in the building, experiencing equal parts titillation and horror.

Titillation, because, well, I'd be seeing Revelin again. Real soon.

Horror, because the pronouncement titillated the girl as well. She sprang up, pushing to her knees and leaned into me further, bringing another part of her anatomy I had no interest in meeting into direct contact with my upper belly. I was very disgusted to discover this newest part of her was hot and wet.

Note to self: Mesh shirts? Yeah, not the most effective as moisture resistant barriers.

From somewhere behind me, I heard a very famous tenor remark, "Damn, Nietz, thought you said you told the girl she'd only get the tip if she treated him good."

"Taz," the girl whispered. "Oh, my god, it's Taz."

Taz, I thought in relief. Oh, my god, saved just in the nick of time.

"What?" the guard protested. "Looks like he's being treated good to me. Real good."

No, no, no, no, no! Chicks with oversized ta-tas and damp crotches were not this gay boy's definition of a good time! But when I opened my mouth to voice that complaint, I found it filled with woman flesh. Disgusted, I sputtered, glad that at least a shirt, what little of it there was, had prevented me from getting my first true taste of titties. Given my relationship with my mother, I was fairly certain that bitch hadn't given it to me as an infant via breastfeeding.

A loud smack sounded. And the sex kitten leaped off me. Rubbing her abused rear end, disgruntlement on her face, she whirled to confront her assailant.

And came face-to-face with Revelin. A very irate Revelin.

Eyeing her in disgust, he said, "Here's your tip, get lost."

Shooting one last look of longing over my shoulder, in Taz's direction, the girl returned to where she'd been standing earlier.

"Thanks," I said, with feeling, gasping to fill my lungs with much needed air.

"Don't go thanking me just yet," he replied, a sly grin twisting his lips. "My turn."

And for the second time that night, I found myself with a guest straddling my lap. But at least this time it was by someone I desired.

And, more importantly, given Revelin's lack of a bosom, I could breathe.

He grabbed both of my hands in one of his and pinned them behind my head on the top of the couch. Placing his lips right over my left ear, he said, "Hope you don't think for one moment I didn't notice what you did earlier, little twin."

"Did? Earlier? Me? Have no idea what you're talking about," I lied through my teeth, knowing I fibbed about as well as the sex kitten. "Or, are you talking about that toothpick? 'Cause if you are, I'll replace it for you. In fact, I'll buy you a whole—"

"Fuck the toothpick." Starting at the top of my ear, Revelin ran his tongue down its edge until he reached the lobe. "I'm talking about that feel you copped, Blue."

"I did do that, didn't I? About that, er...sorry? Didn't think you would notice?"

He grabbed the fleshy part of my ear between his teeth, nibbled gently, sucked the entire lobe into his mouth, then let it go. "I don't believe you for one second."

"You're right, I absolutely don't regret what I did," I agreed. "Would sooo do it again if given half the chance."

"Now that I do believe," he said, hot breath tickling me.

Then he pulled back slightly...only to place his mouth right on top of mine's moments later.

The feel of his firm lips was heavenly. His salty, male taste unbelievable. And the knowledge of who it was on top of me, so thoroughly owning me?

Mind blowing.

An eager participant in the meeting of our lips, I gave as good as I expected to receive. Opening wide, I thrust my tongue into Revelin's mouth before he had a chance to plunge his into mine.

Not content with having control wrestled from him, he used his tongue to chase my organ back to where it belonged. I willingly let him do so, settling for sucking on his tongue instead.

Our oral acrobatics continued until a throat, in very close proximity, cleared loudly. In unison, we turned our heads to see a now fully clothed Taz sitting on the couch right next to us. He observed our passionate display with amusement.

"Shane, right?" Taz inquired.

I nodded.

"Sorry to break up all the fun," he said, mischievous grin negating his apology, "but I'm feeling a little lonely over here all by myself. Angel over there has the freaky duo to keep him company and Revelin has you. That leaves me as the odd man out. And that just ain't right, don't you think? So, how 'bout telling me where I can find that lovely friend of yours at."

"Waiting—on me—jeezus—he wants his—sweet lord—his keys," I answered between rapid pants, eyes half shut. On seeing that Taz wasn't speaking to him, Revelin had started to tenderly suck on the skin of my turned neck, right above the leather collar I wore.

"You can just tell him I said no. But he's more than welcome to come up here and discuss the issue with me directly if he would like. Rev, can you stop chewing on our new friend long enough for him to go deliver my message?"

After applying one last long lick, starting at my collarbone and ending at my ear, Revelin freed my hands of their confinement and removed himself from my lap. Lightened of his comforting weight, I felt bereft. But I dutifully followed suit regardless, standing as well.

Naughty smile still in place, Taz suggested, "Rev, I think a little incentive just might be called for right about now. You know, a little something to make sure your boy hurries back to you."

"And I think you might just be on to something, lover boy." Tucking a hand down the front of my jeans, Revelin used the leverage to haul me close. He placed feather light kisses on each of my eyelids and on the tip of my nose. His lips descended on mine, hot and heavy, filled with the promise of what was to come. He pulled back to whisper, "Don't keep me waiting for too long, baby. Else I'll be forced to come find you. Understand?"

And, for the second time in my life, the second time in one night, I found myself without words. So I just nodded.

I drifted down the stairs. Aimlessly, I wandered through the club's second level, not paying attention to where I was going and not really searching for Rory. My thoughts were dominated by Revelin. And that was the state in which my best friend found me.

"Were you able to get my keys?" he asked, pulling me to an out of the way corner.

I shook my head.

"Damn it. Did you at least see Taz? Did you speak with him?"

Head nod.

"What did he—Shane, why the hell is your lipstick smudged all over your face? Never mind, don't answer that. I don't want to know. Just tell me what Taz said. Did he give a reason for why he refused to give them to you?"

Head nod.

"Let me guess...he refused to hand them over because, because he wants me to come up there instead."

Head nod.

"I can't go up there," Rory whined, raking shaky hands through his brown locks. "I mean, I guess I could, but I...can't. I mean, I won't, because, oh, my god, I'm not, like, a groupie or something. But if he were to...then I would...I really would...crap, listen, Shane, you have to get those keys for me, 'kay?" Setting both hands on my shoulder, Rory angled me towards the stairs and gave me a stern push.

I mounted the steps to VIP again, only stopping when I stood in front of Taz who was now sprawled on his back along the length of the couch. His head rested on the arm, cushioned by the palm of his left hand, while he used the thumb and forefinger of his right to twirl a lock of white blond hair currently tinted purple by Virtuous's ultraviolet lighting.

"Find him?" he asked.

Disappointed I didn't see Revelin anywhere in the immediate area, I was just about to inform Taz of Rory's rejection of his invitation and his most recent demand for the return of his keys. But then I heard Nietz answer from right beside me, "Know exactly where he is, boss. Just let me know when you're ready to go collect him."

Bemused, I observed Taz's cunning smirk. And Nietz's amused countenance.

Shit, I realized, this time I'd been the one duped! They'd made sure I was so out of it over Revelin I hadn't even been aware of the gigantic guard following me.

Or realize I was leading him straight to Rory's little hiding spot down on the second floor.

Poor Rory. Once Taz caught up to him, the chance of him resisting the sexy musician was equivalent to the chance of—

A rock hard chest pressed against my back. "You still owe me for that feel you stole earlier," Revelin's distinctive baritone rumbled. "And I have every intention of collecting."

—me resisting Revelin. Only, I wasn't planning to resist Revelin.

"Starting now, little twin."

Nope, resistance was nowhere on my agenda for the night.

BabyVampyBabyVampyover 12 years ago

so darned happy!!! On to chapter three!

AzanianHeatAzanianHeatalmost 13 years ago
Mad skills

It takes particular talent to be able to juxtapose darkness and levity the way you have. And more than just blend the two, you've used each to highlight the other brilliantly.

Shane's pain and everyone else's frustration stand out more starkly because we don't expect it to come wrapped in wit and humour. And in turn the lightness in the scenes is so desperately welcomed and amplified by the subtle fear of what dark secrets lurk around the next corner.

You've contrasted and balanced the two beautifully.

It's nearly 2am and I really should get some sleep now.

But I won't.

Moving on!



Morrigans_FaolanMorrigans_Faolanalmost 13 years ago

I, like Shane, at am a rare loss for words. But the good news is that anticipation of the next 2 parts has left me in my happy place.... where I will wait.... patiently.... sorta. You are nine kinds of awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Agree with gw - - POST damn it POST!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gw0313gw0313almost 13 years ago

WOW I have to say that this story is full of deep dark emotions. I want to know what the HELL Shane did and I agree with WICKED....I AM IN PAIN waiting for the next chapter...Post dang it POST.

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