A Game within a Game Ch. 01


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Last thing, what I have seen in a movie once, the sub got slapped in the face. I like to do chores and a bit humiliation is ok, but absolutely no-one will slap me in the face. I assure you, I have my pride, even when being a sissy: I hit back, if you are a woman or not."

After these words there was a long silence.

"Well," Marion said, "Most things I totally agree with you, but a bit slapping in the face? I hope that you understand that if it ever occurs, it will be by accident and please don't hit me then but make it clear in a more friendly way."

"I don't make a fuss about one slap, but when I receive several slaps to really humiliate me, then there will be a big problem," Rob answered.

"Mistress," said Marion.

"Then there will be a big problem Mistress," obeyed Rob.

"Earlier this evening I mentioned we will be starting tomorrow morning at ten sharp, but you earned three more games a few moments ago. We have time to do them - we have made so much effort to get you used to your mistresses, it's only fair that we get something from you also. When thinking about it I get wet between my legs. Please Roberta, just three games and then we all go to my large bedroom and we will fuck you until you can't produce another drop," Marion asked.

Rob looked at all the whips and things and he wasn't so sure anymore.

"Ok, there must be a first time. Let's play games Mistress Marion and Mistress Jenny," Rob spoke firmly.

"I have here on the bench another two decks, you know what to do," Marion said.

Rob shuffled the decks and pulled three of both decks. Then he turned the other cards and he read aloud the games: "ten paddle, five flogger and five cane."

The last game he didn't like, but he had agreed and didn't want to get out of it, even if it wasn't an official gaming day.

"Can I administer the caning blows?" Jenny asked, "I have never tried that in a game with you Marion."

"If Roberta agrees its fine with me, but be careful, it gives a pretty high sting. You still remember what I showed you: one hand to make the blow and the other hand on the instrument so you can't swing too much," Marion warned.

"Roberta, please remove your panties, I want to see your naked butt again," Marion commanded, "nice butt, so white, but I will change that in a few moments. Walk to the bench in the center and lay over it."

Rob removed his panties and walked full mixed feelings to the bench and lay over it while putting his hands in the cuffs on the floor. Marion fastened the cuffs and pulled the rope from the cuffs to the rings in the floor, stretching out his arms. The same procedure she did on his legs, carefully, she didn't want to ruin his expensive stockings.

"Next time it's better to remove your stockings also Roberta, but for now this will do. It will be a piece of cake," Marion said "I will give you ten strokes with the paddle now - prepare."

Marion took a simple paddle from a cupboard; it looked like a Ping-Pong paddle, and lifted her arm.

She gave the first stroke on his right bum and then directly a second later on his left bum. Rob wriggled his butt.

"This doesn't hurt too much, it's more a warming up Mistress Marion," Rob said proud.

"I know, it's a good thing to start with this kind of instrument," Marion answered.

She continued stroking him, sometimes with a pause and not always left and right, but also two times left etc., just to make Rob uncertain about when or where he will get the next blow.

Finally the ten strokes had been given.

Marion untied Rob and a bit uncertain he walked on his high heels.

"That went fine," Marion said "let's proceed, now on the cross Roberta."

Rob stood before the x-cross and placed his hands above his head, again in the cuffs hanging there.

"First your feet Roberta," Marion said "spread your legs." Rob did was he was asked, placing his feet for the pole. Again Marion carefully attached his stockinged feet to the cuffs.

Then she attached his hands to the leather cuffs above him and pulled the ropes to stretch his hands in the air as much as possible, so he couldn't move at all. The only thing he still could move a little was his butt.

"I will proceed with game number two," Marion said, "You will receive five strokes on your back."

She quickly picked up a flogger and turned to Rob.

"Its custom you kiss this instrument," Marion said to Rob and she pressed the flogger to his lips.

It was a pretty harmless flogger, with velvet cords. Only when given at full strength they would really hurt, but like the paddle, it was more for warming up than anything else.

Marion started and gave five blows crisscross on his back. She did it with more force than normally done, because she wanted to hear him moan. And yes, a sigh came sometimes from Rob's lips.

"Ready and done," announced Marion after the five strokes "you are ok Roberta? I could hear you now and then."

"It's ok, I even enjoyed it," Rob answered.

"Ok, my turn," Jenny spoke. She had already found a cane and she swished with it thru the air.

"Careful Mistress Jenny," Marion warned again.

"Yes Mistress Marion, I will be gentle," she answered with a false grin.

Marion watched concerned. She didn't know what to think. Jenny had a score to settle?

"Mistress Jenny, one more thing before you begin, when you hit Roberta, make sure you hit one bum, or both, but always keep the cane horizontal," Marion still was anxious.

Then Jenny lifted the cane and with a swish it ended on Rob's right bum.

"Ouch," Rob said against his will "this isn't any fun."

"Not all is fun," Jenny replied "I still had to punish you for the email, remember?" and she gave the second stroke on his left bum.

Rob wiggled his arse. "Keep still," Jenny hissed, and she gave the third and fourth stroke fast after another.

"Now the last one," Jenny announced and with all force she gave him the final blow. But, when she did, Rob tried to escape this final blow. He knew she wouldn't withhold now, and he uplifted his butt. But then the inevitable happened: the point of the cane landed on his balls.

Rob gave a shriek and then collapsed. He was for a few moments unconscious. Marion quickly walked at him and gave a slap in his face "Wake up Rob."

A second later Rob opened his eyes. Then he felt the pain again rising from his balls to his stomach, he didn't feel well and started to vomit. "Ugh, I feel sick," he said.

In the meantime Jenny had untied his ankles and started with releasing his hands.

"Wait," Marion said, "don't release him until I have him," and she supported Rob, "Ok, let go," and Jenny loosened his leather handcuffs.

Rob stood dizzy with his hands between his legs touching his balls. His anger rose: "You crazy bitches, trust, my ass. I cannot trust you. You know what? You stay here Jenny; I go find a doctor and the hell with it. I have had enough." He kicked out his high heels and left the gym.

He went to the room with their belongings, fetched his pants and a shirt, put his shoes on, got his keys and went downstairs.

Marion stood waiting for him in the hall. She had quickly put on a coat and normal shoes.

"I'm so sorry Rob, I was afraid that something like that would happen. Jenny still is inexperienced and she got carried away. Please let me drive you, you are in no condition at the moment."

Rob had to admit she was probably right, so he gave her his keys. "You drive, I don't know a doctor here anyhow," and with these words he walked to the front door.

"Rob, please wait, I'm so sorry," shouted Jenny, who was standing in the doorway, still dressed in her dominatrix outfit, but Rob only growled "Fuck off. Let's go."

Then Marion drove the car to the practice of the doctor, it was in fact Marion's old home.

Soon they arrived and Marion walked towards the door and pressed the doorbell.

The door opened and a woman was standing in the light. They were talking for a moment and Marion called Rob that he could come to be investigated, this time for real.

Rob entered the practice with a sour face and the doctor introduced herself: "Hi, I'm Doctor Kim, I heard you had a painful accident. Please follow me," and she walked ahead to her research room. Marion stayed behind, anxiously waiting.

Doctor Kim invited Rob to take off his pants after Rob told her what had happened.

He still wore his waist-cincher and stockings and stood before Doctor Kim. She lowered the research table and Rob lay down on the table.

She looked at his balls, now complete purple and red and said "I know it's extremely painful, some men don't seem to have much trouble when they are kicked in the balls, but most men go down. I will give you a painkiller and I suggest no sex for a couple of days. I can give you also an injection to ease the pain, but soon the pain will go. The best thing to do is to take some rest. Nice legs btw," and she gave him a wink.

Rob suddenly realized that he still was wearing stockings at the doctors.

"I suppose you heard from Marion," he explained, "a game that went out of hand."

"Yes," she smiled, "but knowing Marion I know that it was an accident. She and I are good friends, and I know how kind and gentle she is. Please forgive her."

"No way," Rob answered, "I am fed up with this crap, I go home."

He thanked Doctor Kim, shook hands and told her to send him the bill to his apartment.

Then he went to Marion and said "Marion, I have enough of it. I hope you can imagine that. Please drive to your home and then I will take over and try to drive myself to my place. I am really leaving tonight."

"Rob," she stammered, "please do not leave. You are in a bad condition and tomorrow all will be much better. You will see."

"No," Rob told her, "no more games for me. I was afraid it could be out of hand and it happened. Murphy's Law. I won't take your offer of living with you."

Marion said nothing more, she knew that everything she said wouldn't improve Rob's mood, so in silence she drove to her place and at arrival she handed him the keys.

"Please drive carefully Rob, I will think of you. Can I still give you a kiss?" Marion asked.

"No," Rob answered blunt, "goodbye," and he drove home, leaving Marion dumbfounded.

After the weekend at the office

"How was your weekend Rob?" Holly asked curious the moment he arrived at his office.

"Don't ask," he told her, "Awful. The surprise was an S&M session with Jenny and a friend of hers, with me as victim. Something went very wrong and I got a blow against my balls. I fainted and afterwards I had to see a doctor. You understand I was ready and done with the whole event."

"Poor you," Holly said "and the lingerie? What was the purpose of that?"

"Well, the intention was that I would wear lingerie at regular times at Jenny's friend. Guests would arrive on Saturday and it was the purpose that I would become the servant girl. You now know me better and you know that I am in for a game, thus I would have done that part. But the pain they inflicted on me was too much, so I left Friday evening and I was alone the entire weekend. It seemed I had the day off today, but now I can better go to work, under these circumstances," and with saying all that, Rob started his computer and opened his mailbox.

And yes, an email from Marion. The same sender as last week, but this time she put her name on it.

Rob started reading. "My dearest lover, I have the permission of Jenny to address you that way.

So dearest lover, please accept my apologies. I should have known better than to give Jenny a free hand to spank you. She is still very inexperienced and I never forgive myself that I didn't spank you myself. People get carried away in this type of game, so you must be very sure of yourself and have a clear head.

Rob, Jenny was crying for hours last weekend. We cancelled the guests and we just hang around with a very bad feeling. We know you had a bad weekend also and we felt so guilty. I hope you will come back and that we can talk about it face to face.

Signed Marion XXX."

With a grim Rob showed Holly the email. "Here is an apology email from Marion, she is Jenny's friend."

Holly started reading. Then she said "Marion is very sad about it, I can read between the lines that she is in love with you and she really wants to make it up with you. Have you no forgiveness for her?"

Rob answered "Not at the moment. You have no idea how angry I was and still am. I repeatedly warned them about being cautious and I mentioned that most men have extremely sensitive balls. Sorry for talking so intimate, but since you asked, I withhold nothing."

Holly thought it over a bit and then said "I have work to do."

With this remark Rob knew she didn't agree with him, but he didn't care. He didn't reply to the email.

The next day he received another email.

"Dearest, the pain should be gone by now. I want you to think of the pain Jenny and I are suffering right now, without you.

Love, Marion."

Rob felt a bit guilty after reading it. This time he didn't show it to Holly.

Suddenly Holly said: "I have a visitor, I'll be back in thirty minutes."

Rob didn't pay much attention to it, and after forty minutes or so he wandered what Holly kept. She still wasn't back from her appointment.

One hour later she finally came back, carrying a box. "This is for you. Since it's personal, you have to open it this time at home. It's from your wife."

"So you have spoken Jenny?" Rob asked.

"Yes" Holly said, "and Marion. We had a long conversation and I was asked to keep an eye on you. What they did mean, I think, was that I should calm you a bit and make you temper your anger. Anger isn't good, you have to learn to forgive and we all do things that we later regret. You can't stay angry Rob, Marion and Jenny are very upset. It seemed to me that you didn't tell all what was happened. I understand Marion made you an offer.

If they made such an offer to me - I would immediately say yes."

"So she did tell you all," Rob said, "and you would go for it? I never suspected, I thought you didn't care about men or women and had the impression you lived from one holiday to another to travel the world."

Rob sneered "Ask if they would take you in my place, everybody happy."

"You are not a nice person Rob, I never expected that you would be so cruel to me," and Holly left the room with tears in her eyes.

Rob immediately felt sorry for her, Holly wasn't to blame at all. She had a different opinion, but that was no reason to be cruel to her.

When Holly came back, Rob immediately apologized. "I'm so sorry Holly. I have no right to say these things to you. Forgive me please."

"So now I have to forgive you, but when you are the one who is hurt, you don't forgive. You give a good example," Holly replied with anger in her voice.

"I will think it over," Rob said, "there is a lot of truth in your words. Can I make it up with you with a dinner this evening? You decide where and what time. I don't feel like cooking for just myself, now Jenny is still with Marion. And I promise: I will be a gentleman."

That is exactly what I don't want you to be Rob, Holly thought. "I only want a quick meal in the cafe at X, and a drink, so we can talk a bit. Afterwards you can bring me home and nothing else."

"But of course," Rob said.

After a few hours they left their office and headed towards cafe X.

In the cafe, when they enjoyed a simple but tasty dinner, Holly asked "Did you made up your mind yet Rob?"

"Yes," Rob said, "and you are to blame. You made me thinking and you are right. I will return to them next Friday, so I won't work that day, thus you can take the day off as well if you like."

"I'm glad," Holly said, "Jenny is a dear friend and when I saw and spoke Marion; she looked to me also a very nice person. Rob, isn't that too much, two women all for yourself?" and she watched Robs eyes.

"I can live with three if I must," and he gave Holly a wink.

Holly blushed suddenly. "You never had an eye for me; how it comes that you look to me in a different way?"

Rob answered: "When you helped me with the clothing last week, it suddenly appeared to me that I always saw you as one of the guys. You are of course a woman, but you never seemed to be interested in any man or woman. But then you treated me so kind and understanding, and my eyes opened: you are a kind and very attractive woman and probably very lonely, you just never met the knight on the white horse."

Again Holly got tears in her eyes; that is the second time today, she thought.

A bit angry Holly said "Who says that I'm not interested in men? My problem is that most men don't see me."

Rob answered "I think you should speak to Jenny. She has a few tricks so men follow her always with their eyes. And may I really be honest to you Holly?"

"I can't stop you I think," Holy answered agitated.

"Holly, I was very vulnerable, while putting on my lingerie. It also made me humble towards Jenny and Marion, but also to you. However, maybe you noticed, it was very lovely lingerie and it did something to me. I think if you change the style of your clothing it also will do something for you. Often clothing has that effect. Remember, there's an old saying 'clothes make the man'. And if I may be so frank: get another hairdresser, your hair is always the same. You have to be a bit more adventurous in your looks, you only live once," Rob said.

"I think it's time you bring me home," Holly said.

Rob brought her home and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"You are very important to me and if I wasn't married, I sure would have proposed you. Thank you for the lovely evening."

Suddenly Holly hugged Rob and kissed him on his mouth "I know, I will always love you." Then she let go of him and disappeared in her house.

Very moved Rob went home.

When he got there, he opened the box that Jenny and Marion gave him. Inside were a beautiful black long nightgown and a matching negligee.

He felt grateful and suddenly picked up the phone.

"Hello Marian, it's Rob. I just opened your present and I think it's beautiful. I want to tell you and Jenny that I will be coming to you next Friday, or Thursday evening if you like. I have one question: can you ask Jenny that she gives Holly a makeover. I think that she deserves it, she is the reason I now am speaking to you, otherwise I would have waited at least one more day."

Then Marion answered "Rob, I'm so glad to speak to you again. Yes dear, join us on Thursday, we have so much to talk about and I will ask Jenny to go shopping with Holly. In fact, I'll join them.

Kisses and I see you on Thursday," and she hung up.

The following day, Wednesday, Rob received again an email from Marion.

"Dearest, today you will receive another package. Again, can you ask Holly to fit it on you? I want you to wear it tomorrow evening under your men's clothes. We will have dinner in a local restaurant, and Jenny and I want to tease you a bit during dinner.

I cannot tell you how glad I was hearing your voice again, but I don't want to say too much by phone because I want to talk to you in person and see your face.

You're loving friend and wife,

Marion and Jenny


I asked Holly whether she also received an email from Marion; she didn't, so I let her read my email.

"Another surprise Rob, you are such a lucky men, or should I say girl?" Holly laughed.

Rob said with a smile "Don't you start commanding me also, two mistresses are enough.

Holly, about yesterday, I cannot say what I felt when you disappeared. It made me sad, but we have to act mature."

"I know Rob, we will act mature. I don't want to stand between you and Jenny. And I could never be your mistress, on the contrary, I am a bit submissive myself, so we would never fit," and again Holly looked so sad that Rob hugged her.