A Loser Rebounds Ch. 15


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An hour after that discussion, Maggie called Andy and said Addison had just called her to say she would be staying away a little longer.

"I'd like you to come over for a decent meal."

"Um thanks, that's a lovely invitation."

"Philip is out of town overnight but that's all right isn't it?"


"Yes Maggie," he said, but knowing he should have slid out of the invitation.

Andy couldn't get it out of his head that the two women had conspired to set him up for sex.

How did he know that?

He had no idea.

Wasn't Maggie capable of being neighborly without any thoughts of fucking him?"

Um yes... possibly.

And if she pressured him for it he could always manfully say no, couldn't he?

Andy sighed. Just because he'd chased after cunt it was unfair to think of Maggie being keen to chase after cock.

He walked over because Addison had the car and Maggie and Philip lived about a mile away. On the way he stopped and bought a bottle of highly recommended red wine.

Maggie had said 8:00 so he arrived at 8:00.

"Oh hi, you are looking debonair. Sorry the kids wanted to go to bed early and already are asleep."

The oldest kid was five. Andy couldn't believe a five-year old would want to go to bed early? Well if she'd had a hard workout at school that could be possible.

"That's okay, I'm sorry I missed them," he said. "Do I kiss you?"

"Oh yes please and not your usual peck."

They kissed lushly.

There was no other word for it. And as she'd stepped away Andy could she her nipples were showing under her tight green satin shirt. He was sure they'd not been that prominent when he'd arrived.

"You kiss beautifully," she smiled and walked off, leaving him to close the door and then to follow. Why the hell was she talking to him about kissing? That was her asking for it.

Maggie took the wine, looked at the label and said thanks, one of her favorites for special occasions.

She placed the bottle on a sideboard and said, "Come and sit with me. Dinner will be a while yet."

She pulled the front of her skirt high and sat, lounging back.

The skirt had landed to rest high up and Andy could see the flesh above her stocking tops.

"Take a good look Andy. I have always liked you looking at me."


He swallowed and almost asked for water to delay this feeling he had of inevitable seduction. This was one of the few times he'd been seduced by a woman and suddenly knew what it was; that there was a risk his indiscretion could go wrong and cost Addison the best friend she had in this outpost of a city.

"Um the John?" he croaked and she gave directions.

Andy turned right into the passage and went into the kitchen and back to the front door via the dayroom and let himself out and walked to Wentworth's Restaurant. He'd just ordered a meal when Maggie called.


"God it's a long time since I've had a guy run out on me. I've always tended to act a little over-sexed. What's your explanation?"

"It appeared to me we were both hanging out for it," he lied.

She said that's what happened before two people sated their passion.

"I couldn't help thinking that in the morning you would have lost your respect for me and that could ruin your friendship with Addison."

She laughed and said well didn't they think differently.

"I was thinking I hadn't had a really good bang for a long time and you'd be the guy to deliver for me. I'm left wondering had we had done it, would you have lost respect for me?"

That comment excited Andy. She may have unintentionally given him the chance to end this amicably.

"Nah you would have been another string to my bow. I would have fucked you every chance I got even if I caught you outside the house while Philip was inside with the kids."

"Omigod Andy, you animal. But I know what the ultimate result of that would have been... we would have been caught out."

"Oh Jesus," Andy groaned, holding a hand up in triumph. He was sure they'd got their relationship back to the level of being just friends.

"Yes," she said, "and one or both of our marriages could have been affected and my parents would probably have disowned me. I've been a naughty girl four times since my marriage but those blips occurred far away from home and in circumstances they could not have been repeated. It's the repeats when you are most likely to be caught out."

"Oh I didn't realize that," Andy said. "Well good night Maggie... oh some time you must show me your tits."

"Andy, don't be such a pig. Please treat me as a happily married woman."

The call ended with Andy thinking phew, that was a close one and providing Maggie didn't have a girly chat to Addison, he'd probably pulled it off.

Next day Addison called, obviously highly excited.

"I was feeling off color and mom made me go to the doctor. He told me I'm pregnant."

"Oh thank god."


"Sorry, what wonderful news mommy and it's all due to your stubbornness."

"My what?"

"Your determination to get pregnant."

"Oh I misunderstood. Thank you darling. Um did you and Maggie have sex last night?"


"But you were supposed to."

A bell rang in Andy's head and he recalled his vague thought yesterday about a conspiracy between the two women to push him into having sex with Maggie.

"Suppose to what?"

"Maggie asked if it would be okay to invite you to dinner and I said of course and I suggested she try to have sex with you. We talked about that and she agreed."

God the way women carry on with girly talk made them seem incomprehensible at times, Andy thought.

"But why?"

"I wanted Maggie, who has been pregnant twice, to make sure you were performing the right moves to heighten the opportunity for me to have my eggs fertilized."

Andy began feeling as if he were running a fever. He also felt very uncomfortable and had a strong desire not to engage in a conversation like this.

"Gone on," he managed.

"Well there was to be nothing to it really. "You would bang Maggie and she'd report to me whether or no she thought you are capable of impregnating a woman."

Andy was thinking of all the idiotic things he'd ever heard..."

"Don't you think that was a brilliant idea and brilliant for Maggie to allow you to be her sperm donor?"


"Of course you do and I bet she would have been a great fuck. Tell me what happened."

"Oh god, no. He didn't have to be put through all that again?"

"Right from the beginning darling and don't you dare miss out a bit."

* * *

Addison arrived home and they have a great couple of hours together and then she called Maggie and said to come over when Philip was home and could mind the kids.

Maggie was delighted to hear the news about the baby and as she entered the living room Andy was leaving it.

"Andy come back and kiss Maggie."

"Oh hi Maggie," Andy said lamely.

Maggie lifted her head up to be kissed and Andy obliged.

"Let's have a drink to celebrate the pregnancy," he said, avoiding eyeing Maggie's breasts.

God she must have a tighter bra on, he thought and wondered how did he know that if he'd purposely avoided looking at them? Perhaps he required counseling?

"Just mineral water for me please darling, I'm pregnant."

He almost strutted in with the drinks.

After ten minutes Maggie said she had the dinner on so better go.

Addison kissed Maggie and was told Addison was such a clever girl.

"Show Maggie out please darling," Addison, obviously basking in the acknowledgement of her motherhood.

Before Andy could open the front door, Maggie grabbed his arm and spun him around and asked, "Do you want to see my tits?"

He swallowed and went, "Aah, um..."

"You were supposed to say an emphatic no," she said sternly. "Instead you dithered, trying to tell yourself to say no. You are a pig Andy."

He was tempted to go 'Oink, oink' but thought she might hit him.

To her credit she did kiss him goodbye and he noted her nipples were stiff again.

* * *

Andy cleared away after dinner while Addison had a bath and then went into the bedroom.

She looked flushed from the hot bath and pretty.

"How is the book going?"

"Slowing to a halt I think. I'm losing interest."

"And your studies?"

"Going fine, ahead of schedule at present and I'm happy about that. The support I'm getting from instructors and my telephone peer group is really helpful."

Addison said then he should put away his draft novel and concentrate on pushing ahead with his studies.

He scratched the back of his neck and said yeah, good idea.

"As for you Allison, why don't you look for part-time work? Your reason for seeking a truly peaceful environment has now been met."

"Maggie's friend Trish had earlier asked was I interested in doing part-time work from home – basic accounting."

"Well there you are, I can work here in the bedroom and you work on the dining table."

Addison said she would look into that.

Next afternoon Trish called with a box of paperwork and gave Addison the code and other details on how to access her computer at the company where she worked as chief accountant. It was supposed to be on a month's trial but three days later Trish called and told Addison she was hired and would be given an immediate increase in the hourly pay rate.

That news pleased Andy because he liked seeing his wife being appreciated and rewarded as well as being happy about being working again.

They settled into a rough routine of working for two hours, and going for a walk, working another two hours and then having lunch and so on. Andy thought he'd drop gym and that would give him another two-hour working slot but Addison wouldn't hear of it.

"You have to get out of the house and going to the gym and the run to and from it is good for you. I don't want a fat husband."

The fear of being over-weight was sufficient for Andy to agree with Addison on that one.

During one of their breaks Addison asked Andy what were his future hopes.

"To stay here preferably until I graduate, but stay for a year at least. Somewhere along the line I expect the call to come."

"What call?"

"Occasionally my brain leads me to a belief, like when I knew you were the woman to marry."

"You thought that before we began discussing going steady?"

"Quite some time before."

"Right are we to have a boy or girl?"

"I have no idea. The feeling or thought just comes."

Addison sighed, knowing it was difficult getting information from him when he was like this.

"Very well, when and from whom will this call come from?"

"As I said, I have no idea."

She sighed.

"It will be someone wishing to tap my expertise for solutions or getting change done."


He looked at her vacantly and she squeezed a breast and asked him did he want sex and in an instant her boy was back, looking very interested.

* * *

Addison had a relatively easy pregnancy and at five months when she mentioned she missed her friends back home, Andy suggested she call her mom and asking what they were going at the beginning of July.


God why did women always wanted to know why? Andy fumed and said, "Because we could go and stay with them for a bit. You'd like to see any friends who are around."

"How long is 'a bit'?"

"Two hours if your mother was like she was last time I stayed with them."

Addison waited patiently, saying nothing presumably to avoid provoking him.

"Two weeks I suppose and then if you are wearing okay then two weeks at the ranch."

"Omigod, you mean a whole month's vacation?"

"Well yes. You've been bunkered down here with me all this time without complaining."

"Actually I have complained often."

"I know but I pretended not to notice."

She giggled and said god what had she done to deserve him.

They arrived in Chicago on the first day of July and had a great time with Addison's extended family on the 4th. He mother was unbelievably civil to Andy and Addison's theory was it was because he had sired what was soon to become her latest grandchild and it would almost certainly be a boy because the other two were girls.

"No it's a girl."

Addison who was resting her legs on a sofa in her mother's reading lounge said "What?"

Andy said forget it but Addison said how did he know it would be a girl.

He shuffled his feet and she said in awe, "The feeling just struck you."

"Yeah but I'll thank you for not mentioning it to anyone."

"I can't. Mom would have a fit."

"And people would want me to tell them their fortunes but I'm not into that stuff. Mom's mother had it big and she even located a lost child on a couple of occasions just sitting in her kitchen. But she had it big whereas I have only a little bit of it."

"Of what?"

"Dammit Addison can we drop this?"

"Of what, what power do you have?"

"I've never been told. It's some kind of perception but usually it's cloudy and I have to wait for the event to happen to learn much about it. But just a few minutes ago I saw a little baby with a bit of blonde hair."

"Omigod, I do so much want a girl but I was too afraid to find out what it will be in case I was disappointed and that would not be fair on my baby. God I'll want to kill you if it's a boy... oh no, I don't mean that."

"You don't need to worry."

"Oh really and why not?"

Andy shrugged and looked at his feet.

"Oh I know, you believe in the feeling."

"Yeah and thanks for understanding. We can drop it now can we and it's our secret?"

"Yes of course. What name do you favor?"

He said Karen and she said omigod, so did she and he said yes he knew that.

As he walked away Addison said, "Stop. I've never told you I favored Karen, You said it was dumb to start thinking names a long way out, that we should do it in the last few weeks before birth when we'd really be switched on."

"Yeah that's true."

"So the name Karen just appeared to you?"

"Yeah but it's not the way you think. You left the list on your computer in the kitchen unattended about two weeks ago and I saw your number one for a girl was Karen and number one for boys was Zac."

"Oh god, why do I feel your power of thought is superior to mine?"

"The answer is simple: you are female. Oh and add logic to that superiority."

She reached behind her for a pillow but he was out the door before she was ready to throw one of her mother's treasured cushions.

Andy's brother Peter was home from college and working on the ranch and his sister Susie was so excited about having Addison staying and they talked for hours about college and sex.

Addison was aware she already liked Irene but being two weeks with her she came to adore her and was aware Irene had more than a fondness for her. Irene was so calm and so efficient about everything she did and Addison noticed that the two children and their mother occasionally hugged and when they sat they sat very close. She rather liked seeing that and wished her mother had been an open and loving person like Irene.

It was rather like the time she'd experience being at home in Chicago, only more intensified. People would drop in for coffee and stay for dinner and Andy and family did the same with other neighbors and then someone would call to say they were having a cook-out and Karl and Irene would take their crew along with a couple of baskets of meat, fresh fruit, cookies and bottles of drink and half the district would be there.

The older women just adored having a pregnant woman in their midst and suddenly Addison found she was meeting other young pregnant women, and some not so young, and she had wonderful interaction.

With three days to go before leaving for home, Addison asked Irene what she could tell her about Andy's power.

Irene said the obvious: "So you know about it?"

"Well yes, only because of a couple of things he attributed to a feeling. But he was reluctant to talk about it. I wish I could have met your late mother because Andy said she had the power intensely."

"Yes that's true, and it skipped me. But my mother is very much alive."

"What? Oh I'm so sorry. I'm sure Andy didn't say she was. I guess he spoke of her in the past tense and I just assumed she had passed on."

"Would you like to meet her?"

Allison's eyes bulged, "Oh god yes."

"It's a bit of a drive; they live almost a hundred miles from here. We could go tomorrow if you wish."

"Oh yes please."

"I'll call them now to make sure they are home. Mom will tell you what sex your baby will be if you want to know."

"I-I... yes please. Omigod she will be our baby's great-grandmother."

Addison would always remember meeting Mrs Roberts because she didn't say the expected, like she thought the baby would be female. She touched Addison on the side of the face and said, "You and my grandson will be very proud of your long-legged and charming blonde daughter and I believe there will be another child to follow."

Addison hugged Mrs Roberts, tears flowing.

Addison was very tired on the long drive back to their home from Wyoming, although they'd stayed two days about midway to break the journey at a small resort and had a Jacuzzi in their luxurious cabin.

At home she stayed in bed all next day.

That evening Maggie arrived after her children had been fed with dinner for Addison and Andy, not unexpectedly because the two women had talked on the phone for half an hour before Maggie left work.

Addison let it slip without meaning to. She said, "We met Karen's great-grandmother..."

"Who's Karen?" Maggie asked, sounding mystified and of course then got the full story.

Next morning Addison, re-energized, was up and had the breakfast ready for them when Andy emerged from the shower after being at the gym and running home.

Addison confessed she'd told Maggie about Karen.

"That's okay," Andy said. "She's your best friend her and you would have been bursting to tell someone. Did grandma tell you the next baby would be a dark-haired boy called Luke?"

Wide-eyed, Addison yelled, "No and why didn't you tell me that earlier, like when we were still in Wyoming?"

"Steady baby, you're wet your panties. That was just a joke. I'm sure gran can't see that far out."

"God I could screw your neck. You really had me going then you hound."

"I hope Karen has humor."

"Of course, Karen will be... oh you point is I have no humor?"

"I think you do generally. You just struggle with the teasing kind of humor."

"Go to the bedroom and study bad boy Andy."

"Yes mommy."

Addison felt movement that was more like shudders than kicks from Karen.

Or was that laughter?

To Be Continued

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