A Message from Mr Smith and Mr Wess


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"Sorry doll, any other time and any other place I might have been interested."

"So you've got a wife, or is it a girlfriend?"

"Both." I smiled at her. "See you around." Another time and another place I would have been interested for beneath the make-up and the impossibly blond hair was a very attractive girl, not the type that usually does what she does.

Moira's parents lived in a small town not far out of big town so I flagged a hack and gave him the address. "This is going to cost you buddy."

"Forget the cost, just drive." The money that I saved by not having a car would more than cover the cost of the ride.

I caught him looking at me in the rear view mirror. "You look like a shamus to me, are you on a case?"

"You could say that."

"If you are and needed me on a regular basis I could cut you a deal."

"What sort of deal are we talking about?"

"The way I figure it, if I take you to this address I'd probably have to drive back empty so if you're not going to be long the return is free, same for any future trips."

"Sounds good to me, how do I get in touch if I need you?"

He pointed to his hack tag on the visor, it told me that his name was Eddy O'Halloran so I wrote it down in my note book. "I'll write my number down for you when we get to where we're going, or you could reach me through the dispatcher."

By the way that he handled his cab I suspected that he had been taught to drive by experts. "You used to be a cop, didn't you?"

"Good guess pal. I was a highway patrolman until a wayward truck knocked me to hell and gone. It took years to recover and when I went back to work they wouldn't let me back on patrol, and I hated the desk job they gave me so I left."

We turned into a leafy street and Eddie cruised looking for the right house. He stopped the car and I handed him my note book and waited for him to write his number and hand it back before I got out. "I shouldn't be long."

A woman I took to be Moira's mother had the door open before I reached it. "Mrs Freeling? I'm Gerry Pretty and I'm investigating a case that involves your daughter Moira, I would like to have a word with you if that's okay."

"Do you have any identification?" I took my PI card out of my wallet and showed her. "I can't be too careful." She stepped aside and motioned me in.

"What do you mean you can't be too careful?"

"About a year and a half ago I kept on getting phone calls from men who claimed to be the police asking to speak to Moira, but I knew that they weren't the police at all, and every time I left the house I was followed, I guess they thought that I could lead them to her, but I couldn't because I don't know where she is, she just vanished off the face of the earth. I'm scared Mr Pretty, scared that something's happened to my Moira, it has hasn't it, something very bad?"

"I don't know but I'm trying to find out. I don't believe that she's dead but I do believe that there are men who would like to see her dead and I am going to do my best to stop that happening. What I need from you is the most recent photograph of her that you have, you'll get it back when I've finished with it, I promise."

"I have one taken not long before she disappeared, it was taken when she got engaged to David, he's such a nice young man and I can't believe that he did what they said that he did."

"I don't think that he did either and that's something else I have to do, get him out of jail."

"I wish you well Mr Pretty, I'm sure if anyone can find my Moira and get her David out of jail you can." She grasped my hand in hers and her pleading look tugged at my heart, I hope that I'm not getting her hopes too high. Eddie had the door open for me before I got to the cab.

It was a quiet drive back to town, Eddie could see that I needed to think so he shut up until we got close. "Where to Mr P?"

"Please, call me Gerry, I don't like the sound of 'Mr P'. About half way down Fifth Street there's an alley, you can drop me there, my office is in back of the bar at the end."

"Sure thing." Minutes later I got out of his cab, I peeled off some notes and handed them to him. He didn't count them before shoving them into his pocket. "Call me when you need me again."

"You can count on that, thanks for the service." I closed the door and walked down the alley, deep in thought.

I heard a movement behind me and something hard was jabbed into my ribs. "Just stop right there, hands above your head. I have a message here from Mr Smith and Mr Wesson." He chuckled at his attempt at humour while I was patted down. "Now turn around, slowly."

"Hi Steve, a bit out of your regular beat aren't you?"

"Don't get smart if you know what's good for you Shamus. Why are you poking around in other people's business?"

"I have a client who is interested in one of your cases, is that going to be a problem?"

"Only if you don't leave it be, it could become unhealthy if you don't." He was trying to sound tough, he almost had it but not quite.

"Ooh I'm so scared of you that I think that I'll run inside and tell Mummy on you, she'll come out and give you such a beating." I put on my best swish accent. He took a swing at me with the hand holding his roscoe but I ducked under it easily and came up with a ripping right into his solar plexus. I left him rolling around gasping for air and getting grime all over his trench coat.

Laura Lee came out from behind the bar where she was stacking glasses for the night trade. We met and her arms circled my neck and her lips found mine. When she eventually let me breathe again I held her head in my hands and gave her a kiss of my own. "I think that I'll have to go out more often just so that I can get kissed like this."

"Give me a hand to stack these glasses and I'll show you that you're better off not going out at all." I liked the sound of this and the feel of it as well.

A couple of pleasant hours later the joint was half full with the usual crowd that aren't into cool jazz, enough to keep us busy, when Lou walked in with Dolores on his arm. I looked at Laura Lee and she smiled at me telling me that she was okay with meeting my ex. I introduced Dolores to Laura Lee and we chatted for a while, both women seemed okay with the situation. Lou caught my eye, "Can I have a word." We walked to the end of the bar. "That was a pretty dumb move you made smacking Steve around earlier, he'll make life tough for you, you know that."

"He made the first dumb move sticking a rod in my back. You could tell him that if he wants to talk he should ask politely. He took a swing at me and I ducked and gave him a gentle tap in the breadbasket. What was I supposed to do?"

"I don't blame you, he thinks that because he has tough friends that he's tough. He's a pussy and one of these days he's going to step over the line once too often. Just watch yourself, okay?"

I looked at Laura Lee and Dolores comparing notes on me and decided that it was time to break this up before I got into trouble. "Okay ladies break it up, enough with talking about me behind my back."

"Who said that we were talking about you?" Laura Lee asked, "For all that you know we could have been talking about fashion."

"But you weren't were you?"

"No, but it was all good things we were talking about. Dolores was telling me that she's going to dump Tony and that she's hooking up with Lou, so I take it that we'll be seeing more of her."

"Only if you're okay with that."

"I've got my man and I'm not letting anyone steal him from me, especially not his wife."

Lou and Dolores sat in a booth and in between serving customers either Laura Lee or I kept them company. It was obvious that they were relieved that Laura Lee didn't scratch Dolores' eyes out and I made it clear that I was happy for them both.

"How's the investigation going?" Lou asked.

"I've spoken to the girl living in Moira's old apartment, but she doesn't seem to know anything of her whereabouts and her mother is desperate to find her. Mum doesn't think that her future son-in-law is guilty and I'm inclined to believe her. I'm going to have a chat with the bank's auditor to see if the evidence is concrete, and I think that I'll have a chat to Harley Grainger the bank manager."

"Keep me informed, this could be my chance to get enough dirt on Steve to put him where he belongs."

"You're enjoying the prospect aren't you?"

"It shows does it?"

"You were never good at hiding your feelings were you?" I saw him reach for Dolores' hand under the table.

Lou and Dolores gave us a hand to clear up after the last customers left. They wouldn't accept payment so we all sat around and had a couple of drinks before they left. I got the impression that Lou would not be occupying his own bed tonight.

Chapter 3

Samuel T. Willoughby was an accountant, more importantly he was the accountant who carried out the audit of the bank's books that put David Monroe away. But the conclusions that he reached during his examination of the books was that while there were discrepancies in several accounts there had been no evidence to implicate David specifically. His evidence during the trial concentrated on the fact of the discrepancies only, he was never asked to lay the blame on any particular person.

My next port of call was the bank. I stood in a queue for several minutes before I reached a teller's cage. The guy behind the grill was a weasely little man with a pointy nose and close together eyes that hid behind thick lensed steel rimmed glasses. "How may I help you sir?" He sniffed. I almost expected him to rub his hands together like a Dickensian usurer.

"I would like to see Mr Harley Grainger."

"Excuse me while I see if he's in." What he meant was that he'd see if Grainger could bother talking to me.

"I can see that he's in." Grainger's door was ajar and I could see a hand raise an expensive looking Havana to his lips. "Just tell him that I would like to talk to him regarding David Monroe."

"You mean the David Monroe that used to work here?"

"The very same, now scurry off and tell your boss I want to see him." He scurried and returned to usher me into the inner sanctum.

Grainger came around the desk to meet me. "Good morning sir, I don't usually agree to see anyone without an appointment, how can I help you?" He was making it obvious that he was doing me a favour just seeing me but that I wasn't to push my luck.

"I'm investigating the trial of your former Chief Teller David Monroe and I have many concerns about the evidence presented and the conduct of the trial. I need for you to clarify several points."

"I'll do my best to help but it was a long time ago. I have to confess that I was as surprised as anyone when the auditor implicated him."

"That's one of the areas I hope to cover, you see I've read the auditor's report and it doesn't single out David as the culprit at all."

"But I understood that it did, at least that's what the police told me."

"I would take too much of what Steve Hendricks told you, he was working under orders from Joe the Goose."

"You mean the mobster Joe the Goose?" That he wasn't the star of the local drama group was their loss.

"You've obviously heard of him. From my reading of the trial transcript it would appear that several parties with a vested interest made sure that evidence that would implicate Monroe just appeared as if by magic. My aim is to find those responsible and see that justice is done and that my client is released from jail, and (I placed considerable emphasis on 'and') handsomely compensated for his wrongful imprisonment. Believe me when I say that I mean all of those responsible."

"I see, you can be sure that I'll help where I can."

"You can start by telling me where Moira Freeling is."

"I'm sorry I can't."

"Can't or won't?"

"I can't because I don't know."

"But surely she contacted you with an address to send the money that was owing to her?"

"No, I've still got that locked in my safe."

I stood up to leave. "Thank you for your time and the information. If I think of anything else that I need to know I won't hesitate to ask." I poked out my hand for him to shake and wished I hadn't as soon as it grabbed mine, it was like grabbing an eel, cold and slimy.

I felt two pairs of eyes follow me from the bank, the weasel and the eel. They had different reasons, the weasel because I punctured his perception of his importance and the eel because he was now more scared than he was when Monroe was fitted for embezzlement. I wouldn't like to be in his shoes when he tried to explain to Gus the Goose that the matter had reared its ugly head all over again.

I was pleased with my mornings work as I walked towards my home/office/alternative employment venue. I certainly wasn't anticipating the speed with which orders were given and carried out until I heard a car accelerating behind me. I almost jumped clear, it winged me as it sped by and my knee hurt like hell. I tried to stand but my leg collapsed under me so I sat there waiting for someone to come to my aid. In a matter of minutes an ambulance arrived and I was loaded onto a stretcher and shoved in the back. While I was complaining about them not putting a splint on my leg and bracing myself for when the ambulance should turn off into the hospital entrance I realised that there was no lurch. "Where are you taking me?"

By way of an answer I felt a needle jabbed into my arm. When I woke I couldn't move, I was seated on a hard chair with my legs trussed to chair legs and my arms behind my back and tied to the chair. I was looking into the squinty eyes of Joe the Goose. "Ah you are awake at last Mr Pretty."

"What do you want?"

"We want you to mind your own business."

"And if I choose not to?"

"A demonstration if you please Mr Hendricks." I waited for the inevitable clip behind the ear but it didn't happen, at least not to me. The sound of the slap was followed by a sob of pain, the sob of a woman in pain. "Bring her forward." Laura Lee didn't look so good, her face was bruised and swollen, her beautiful eyes all puffed up.

"Don't do it Gerry, don't give in to them." Steve slapped her again, he was enjoying it. I made a mental note that I would see that he hurt worse than Laura Lee.

"Listen to her Mr Pretty. I'll leave you for a moment or two while I discuss the situation with my colleagues, our friend will be just outside the door to see that you don't try to escape." They left and Laura Lee threw herself at me.

"Oh darling what have they done to you?"

"I had an argument with a car and my leg's busted up, but I'll recover, I'm more concerned with you, what have they done?"

"That cop Steve likes to beat defenceless women, especially when he's got someone to hold them. Just give me five minutes alone with him and I'll show him what pain really feels like."

"Hold that thought, I might just hold him for you, and then we'll change places, I owe him one. But first, when they let you go I want you to do a couple of things. First go to Lou and tell him what has happened and then I want the both of you to go to Moira Freeling's apartment and talk to the girl living there now, she goes under the name of Tiffany. You go in first and tell her that you know the truth and that David will be free soon, and if she's prepared to give evidence you can make sure that nothing will happen to her. When she agrees get Lou and he can get all the information that she has. It should be enough to free him. One more thing, in my note book you'll see a phone number for Eddie O'Halloran, he's a cabbie, tell him that you're my girl and use him to go to Moira's. If you're followed he'll spot the tail and he knows how to lose it, just do as he says. Have you got all of that?"

"Yes. Don't do anything brave or silly, I don't want to lose you."

"I won't, I want to feel the warm welcome when I get home." She kissed me as hard as her puffy lips would allow.

"Now isn't that sweet, the lovebirds are kissing, let's hope that it won't be for the last time." Joe the Goose had returned. "The good news is the lovely lady will be returned to her home, but she is warned that any attempt to involve the police will result in you, Mr Pretty, suffering very severe pain before you meet your untimely death. Is this understood?"

"Yes." Laura Lee answered in a soft voice.

"Darling, would you tell Dolores that I'm safe and well for the time being." She caught on quick.

"Sure lover, I'm sure she'll be pleased to hear that."

"Dolores, who is this Dolores person?" Joe asked.

"She's his wife." Laura Lee answered.

"I don't understand you people, he has a wife and you two are lovers, what ever happened to the sanctity of marriage?"

"That's strange coming from someone who makes his fortune from cheating husbands." I told him.

"That's my business it has nothing to do with you." He went to the door. "Steve, will you escort this lady home?"

"If you so much as lay a hand on her I'll beat you to within an inch of your life."

"Aren't you the tough guy?"

"I don't have time to stand here listening to you two playing at being the tough guys, just get her out of here." Steve reached for Laura Lee who brushed his hand away and walked out of the room. "She is a very lovely lady, it would be a pity if she was to meet with an accident."

"If she meets with an accident you will meet with an on purpose and it won't be pleasant." He just looked at me for a minute and left the room.

When you are on your own in a room, trussed to a chair with your leg hurting like hell time seems to drag by very slowly indeed. I had no way of knowing how long I sat there counting the throbs coming from my wounded knee, I got up to three thousand two hundred and seventy-four when I heard the noise of running feet and men yelling, I also heard the noise of gunshots and screams of pain, something big was happening and I was beginning to fear for my life. The door succumbed to some heavy treatment and Lou came in followed by Laura Lee, her kisses felt better than any I'd had before. She was muttering something between sobs, I couldn't understand a word of it but I didn't care, she was here and I was safe in her arms.

Lou took a knife from his pocket and cut the rope around my legs and arms. I tried to stand up but it was no use, I sagged to the floor. "Stay there, we'll have an ambulance here in a few minutes to take you to hospital, both of you. How did you know about Moira?"

"I have to admit that she's been very clever, who would think to look for a missing bank clerk in a joint like this? It came to me when I looked at her photo that her mother gave me, she was dressed in very formal clothes, high neckline and loose fitting skirt, it was as if she was trying to hide her figure. One look at her mother told me that underneath was a very shapely woman, that's if she was anything like her mother. The peroxided hair was as far as she could get from her natural colour and contact lenses changed the colour of her blue eyes. I figured that she worked there so that she could get any evidence that would help her man."

"She did at that. It appears as if Grainger bankrolled Joe in setting up his enterprises, for a percentage of the profits of course, that is after the loan was paid off. The problem was that the loan was under the counter, he took the money from accounts that were rarely used and he would have gotten away with it except that Joe got greedy and decide that he didn't need to repay the balance of the loan, after all what could Grainger do about it?"

"He must have been desperate?"

"Yeah, that's when he hatched the plot to blame David for the shortfall, he would kill two birds with the one stone, cover the losses and get rid of David, he had the hots for Moira and wanted a free go at getting her for himself, except that she didn't want a bar of him."