A Proper Goodbye

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Justin & Eva needed to say goodbye, what better way?
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"It was nice talking to you. I mean, we see each other at work but it never seems like we really talk about anything other then work, you know?" Justin said as the mall patrons passed by them, standing in the half empty parking lot.

"Yes, I know what you mean. You seem so different outside of work. I'm glad I met you." Eva responded with her thick Puerto Rican accent.

"Me too. Well, I guess I will see you tomorrow?" He smiled.

She nodded. Tentatively they hugged each other. As Justin leaned in, he gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. Eva blushed at the touch of his lips on her skin. She pulled away and her hand touched his. They said good night and turned away from each other.

Without a thought, they both turned back to each other and she leapt into his arms. Instantly, his lips were drawn to her mouth. She kissed him, her mouth opened quickly to receive his tongue. They held each other in the dark of the night, with just the light of a not so distant neon sign to direct them. They kissed again. Justin's hands held her tight against his chest, slipping through her blond hair and up and down her back.

They kissed as if they were the only people in the parking lot. They didn't care if anyone saw them. All that mattered to Justin was holding her in his arms, kissing her soft lips. She returned each of his kisses with her arms wrapped around his neck. She moaned quietly into his mouth as they held each other.

After ten minutes of varied kisses on the lips and cheek, they parted ways.

Justin walked to the bus back to his apartment with the taste of Eva still on his lips. That night, he had a dream about her. It wasn't a sex dream. No clothes were removed in the dream. It was a romantic dream. Of their kisses in the parking lot, and of holding hands through the day when no one was looking. Eva had come came back to his apartment in his dream and fell asleep in his arms.

Justin woke up in the middle of the night, hoping the dream was real. But he woke up alone in his bed, with no sign of her anywhere. He went back to bed hoping to pick up the dream where it left off. There was no luck there either. And before he knew it, the alarm clock went off. At least Justin knew he was going to see her again today.

Justin got to the store early and opened. Eva was coming in later then he was. The day seemed to drag by slowly until 2:45. That's when she was coming in. Justin was by the door then, knowing he'd be the first one to see her. He waited anxiously until she got there. She walked by and smiled, saying hello to him.

"I need to talk to you, if you get a chance?" she whispered as she walked past Justin.

"Okay. I'll be around today. Come find me later." he smiled back.

She nodded her head and continued past him to clock in. Justin began to re-arrange one of the displays by the front door. Justin spent the next two hours wondering what she wanted to talk to him about. He began doubting if he should have kissed her last night. What if she didn't want him to?

A few hours later, she found him sitting in the break room. The room was empty when she walked in. He rose to his feet when she came in.

"Hi." she said.

"Hey," he replied back.

"Listen, this isn't an easy thing to say. But I just found out they cut my internship

back. I'm going to have leave earlier then I expected," she frowned as she sat down in front of him.

Justin's jaw dropped. She was only there on an advanced internship, receiving college credit.

"What?" Justin placed his hand on her shoulder as she cradled her face in her hands.

"When do you leave?"

"At the end of the month. I got three weeks left. I was supposed to be here for five weeks, but I need to get back to school. I'm really sorry", she said.

"It's okay. I mean, it's not your fault, right?"

He stroked her shoulder as she looked up at him. Justin's heart sank as it looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"I'd stay if I could. I mean, I can't believe you kissed me last night," Eva said nervously. Her eyes bounced around the room, afraid to look him in the eyes.

"Is that okay? That I kissed you? That you kissed me? That we kissed?" Justin replied.

"Yes, it was more then okay. I just think it was terrible timing, you know?" She sighed, almost under her breath.

The door to the break room swung open and Justin jumped back a few feet away from Eva. A few of their co-workers entered the break room.

"We will talk more about it later?"

The rest of Justin's shift just continued to go by slowly. He continued to check his watch as he worked. He tried to work near Eva for most of the day, but for the most part she was working the registers and he was in stocking, thus their paths hardly crossed.

And now it was time for him to clock out. He looked around the floor to see if he could find her, but she was nowhere in sight. He took a deep breath as he clocked out. Justin headed to the employee hallway when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Leaving all ready," was the voice that rang out from behind him. Justin knew Eva's voice. He turned around and saw her standing there, smiling.

"Yeah, it's about that time. Been a long day, I guess you could say," he replied. He took a deep breath.

"Was it long because of me?" Eva asked, biting her lower lip. Justin froze, staring at her.

"Not really. Just a lot going on." He lied.

"I'm sorry," she replied. "Well, I guess I should get back to work. Just told them I was running down to use the bathrooms" She shrugged.

"Have a good night?" She smiled as she nodded.

Without thinking about it, for a second night in a row he kissed her, this time in the employee hallway. It was quieter then the night before. She returned his kiss, as she did the night before.

And that's the way it went for the next three weeks between Eva and Justin. On the clock, they were completely professional. They almost got caught a time or two, but no one was the bit wiser. As soon as either one of them, if not both, were off the clock, they could be found somewhere quiet in a warm embrace, their lips locked tightly together in deep, passionate kisses.

They had said their final goodbye in the break room on her last day of work, neither sure when or if they would see each other again. That was before Justin checked his phone and saw a missed call from an unrecognized phone number. He held down the one button and listened to his new voicemail.

"Hi, Justin. It's me. It's Eva. I was wondering if you could come by the hotel tonight when you get out of work. I just want to see you one more time before I leave. I hope you can make it. I'm staying at room 1426 at the Adams Hotel."

Justin's eyes lit up as he heard the message. He looked down at his watch and cursed under his breath. Justin still had three hours to go before his shift ended. He took a deep breath and remembered her smile. It made him smile. Then he remembered her taste on his lips. He couldn't wait for this day to end.

The day seemed to go by really slow. But finally, time to clock out. Justin ran to the time clock and clocked out. He went to the employee bathroom and changed clothes, silently cursing himself for wearing a plain t-shirt and ripped jeans.

Checking himself one more time in the bathroom mirror, he left the mall and headed to the bus.

Sitting on the dark and half-empty bus, Justin was nervous. He had no idea what to say to her when they saw each other for what probably would be the last time. He didn't want her to go, but he knew her life wasn't here. She had talked about how home sick she was; how much Eva missed her parents and her sisters. He knew she would be happier leaving and that made him sad.

After what seemed like an eternity, it was Justin's stop. He made his way two blocks from the bus stop to the Adams Hotel. He took out the piece of paper that he had written the room number on and followed the signs to room 1426. Taking another deep breath, Justin stood outside the door, slightly pacing as he thought about what he was going to say. He gathered all the confidence he had and knocked on the door. Justin fidgeted as he waited for the door to open. He knocked again. Still no answer. Justin looked at the crumpled piece of paper and again at the number on the door. They matched.

After knocking a third time, Justin decided to check the lobby in case Eva had decided to meet him there. He moved quickly down the long corridor and through the pool area. He checked the lobby, the gift store and even the restaurant area. Still no sign of her. Justin moved back to the hotel room to see if she was there now. He was getting nervous now. Was she just playing him?

Justin leaned up against the wall, cursing at himself and at her for this. He couldn't believe she would stand him up. He was angry. His hand was clenched in a fist as he looked around. She didn't seem like the type to play him. Maybe she wasn't? He was so confused now. He began to walk away, heading to the bus area that he had originally arrived. Justin took a deep breath and sighed.

Justin decided to make one last loop around back to the lobby and then check the room one last time before heading out. He walked carefully down the path to the main lobby, looking around at the various people who had passed him, just to make sure she wasn't one of them. Five minutes later, he found himself walking back to the room for one last ditch effort to find Eva. He had given up hope that he was going to find her that night. But for some strange reason, there was a voice in his head telling him to check the hotel room one last time.

Justin stood in front of the hotel room and knocked firmly on the door three times. He was about to turn around and leave, cursing under his breath when the door opened up.

"I was beginning to give up that you were coming tonight!" Eva said as she grasped the door.

"I could say the same thing. I have been from here to the lobby like three times looking for you," he replied.

Eva held the door open and gestured him inside.

"I guess we kept missing each other. I'm sorry. I should have stayed in the room. I am glad that you made it though." Justin stepped into the room as Eva released the door. It swung shut.

"It's okay. All that matters is I am here now. And so are you,", he smiled. They both looked around the empty room. "You do realize this is the first time that you and I have ever truly been alone....?" he asked.

"I know. Amazing, isn't it?" she responded back.

They looked at each other and rushed into others arms, kissing passionately. Justin's hands slid through her soft blond hair as she wrapped her arms around his waist, holding his body close to hers. Their tongues pressed firmly together as they kissed. Carefully Justin guided her to the bed. She went willingly. He laid her down and moved on top of her, his lips never leaving her skin. He began to move on top of her, his body moving slowly as he looked into Eva's eyes. She bit her lip, feeling him pressing between her legs. Justin couldn't resist any more.

"I want to touch you. Like I haven't before," he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"We shouldn't. You shouldn't. I mean, I hate to say it but we may never see each other again. And if you touch me, I am not going to want you to stop," she whispered back, still feeling the hardness rubbing between her legs.

"You're right. I know. I am sorry," Justin responded suddenly looking away from Eva.

She reached out and touched his face, guiding his gaze back to her. "Don't be sorry. I want you to touch me. I just don't think it would be a good idea," Eva said.

She kissed him again, slipping her tongue past his teeth. He moved forward again, almost thrusting on top of her.

Eva could feel her will power leaving her. She wanted him. They kissed again, his hand slipping slowly up her hip, teasing her slowly. Part of her wanted him to do it, but she knew it was best that he didn't. The kisses lead to more kisses, which lead to more of him moving on top of her. Justin began to dry hump her, wishing there was no clothes between us.

Suddenly, Eva stopped him.

"I'm sorry, I should stop," Justin said as he rolled off of her petite body.

"No, it's not that. I just, hmm, I need to go use the bathroom. This is sort of embarrassing," she replied suddenly looking away from Justin.

"It's fine. Hey? When mother Nature calls, you better answer!" he joked back.

She giggled half heartedly as she crawled off the bed. She walked to the bathroom and half turned around, flashing Justin a sexy smile.

Justin sat in the quiet hotel room for a few minutes. He wasn't entirely sure what he should do. He debated turning on the television while he waited. There were no sounds coming from the bathroom. He wondered if she was all right. Justin stared out the window when a moment later, he heard the door open and Eva cleared her throat. He turned his attention to the doorway as she stepped out of the bathroom, naked.

Her small breasts stood up at attention. Eva stood in the doorway, biting her lower lip as her hand dangled by her side.

Justin jumped to his feet.

"What happened to we shouldn't?" he asked.

"If you really want me to, I can put my clothes back on." Eva responded knowing full well he wouldn't say yes.

She rushed to him as he pulled her back into his arms, kissing her lips passionately as his hands squeezed her small breasts tight in his hands. She moaned as she reached for his belt, slowly unhooking his pants and letting them fall to his feet. Justin struggled to kick his pants and shoes off. Eva moaned as she reached between them and felt between his legs. She stroked slowly as she pulled down his boxers, exposing himself to her for the first time. Justin's hands slip between her legs. Eva moaned a little louder. Justin's finger slipped inside her. Eva moaned, biting her lip a little as her hand wrapped around his shaft, rubbing a little faster. She kissed him again, as their hands explored their bodies. Justin's finger became soaked as he continued to slide it in and out of her petite body. Eva released him and focused on the pleasure. Her eyes closed as she moaned again. She was on the verge of orgasm. With her voice barely a whisper, she slipped out.

"Harder," she moaned.

Justin slipped a second finger into her. That was all she needed. Eva's body convulsed in a jarring orgasm. She erupted all over his fingers. Her eyes flew open as she kissed him again, reaching under his shirt to play with his nipples. She pulled the shirt off his chest. She ran her fingers through his chest hair. Justin picked her up and carried her to the bed. He laid down next to her, kissing her passionately. Eva's hands slid up and down his back, causing him to shiver at her touch. She rolled him onto his back with a devilish grin on her face.

"What are you going to do?" he asked as she smiled at him.

"Don't you worry about a thing. I owe you for that," Eva smiled as she laid beside his chest.

She started with soft kisses on his neck, letting her blond hair rub against this skin. She would occasionally glance up and stare into Justin's eyes as she continued to tease him. Kissing his chest and nipples next, she could feel the electricity running through his body. She glanced back up as she slid her body lower, to his stomach. Eva's hands wrapped around his muscular thigh as she kissed his belly button. Justin bit down on his lip as he looked down and saw the devilish grin on her face as she moved lower.

She sucked him into her mouth, tasting how hard he felt inside her mouth. She felt Justin's hands slip from the bed to her blond locks of hair, holding her head gently. Her mouth moved up and down, slowly at first as she tasted him. The bed under them squeaked gently. Her lips held him tight in her mouth as she moved up and down, letting her tongue gently caress the tip. She took as much of him as she could in her mouth, sucking harder. Her face began to move up and down at a quicker pace. Justin moaned louder as he felt her licking him.

Eva reached between her legs and began to play with herself as she continued to please him. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter with each soft flick of her tongue on his skin. Justin's hips raised up off the bed, driving him deeper into her mouth.

Quickly she jumped off the bed. She looked at him, licking her lips as she tasted him still there. Justin watched as she reached into her nightstand. She pulled out a condom and quickly unwrapped it. Justin stood up behind her, kissing her neck as his hands went around her waist holding her tight. She felt him hard against her back. She turned around and kissed him hard.

Eva gestured for him to sit down. He complied, smiling as he lowered himself to the edge of the bed. She smiled back as she knelt on the bed beside him. She unrolled the condom and slipped it on him. Eva grinned as she saw how hard he was for her. Without a word spoken, she stood up in front of her and crawled on his lip, kissing Justin deeply. Eva reached between their bodies and moaned as she took him in her hand and guided it inside her. She closed her eyes as she felt him enter her. Justin's hands slid up and down her spine, making Eva's body shiver at his touch. She bounced slowly on his lap. They kissed gently as his fingers traced her spine. Her body moved up and down on his.

Justin took her by the hips and flipped her onto her back. Her eyes lit up as he crawled on top of her. Her legs flew open as she felt his weight pressing down against hers. This time, it was Justin's turn to reach between their bodies and guide himself inside her. She bit his bottom lips as she felt him press against the inside of her body. They kissed deeply as the moved together in a perfect rhythm. The bed shook with each thrust of Justin's body into hers. Her nails dragged up and down his back, spurring him to go faster. The room echoed with the sound of moaning as Eva and Justin gave into their desires for each other. They kissed and licked and sucked whatever they could get their lips on as they moved together, like a well oiled machine. Justin caressed her thigh as he pushed into her. They were both in heaven.

Justin could feel how tight she was becoming. He figured she was close. He gazed into her eyes with a big Cheshire Cat grin. She knew what he was thinking. She nodded her head. Justin began to thrust a little harder, drive a little deeper inside her. Eva's eyes rolled in the back of her head, her hands dropping from him to the bed, grabbing the sheets tightly in her small hands. Justin kissed her neck as he watched her surrender completely. She erupted around the condom deep inside her.

"Do it," Eva whispered in a labored attempt to get her breath back.

She wanted to know that she can make him feel as good as he just did for her.

"Whatever it takes," she said before slipping her tongue back in his mouth.

He responded with actions, not words. He began to thrust harder into her, the bed now violently crashing into the wall. Eva could feel herself getting damp as she took him all the way inside her. Eva's hands dragged through his chest hair and around his nipples, playing with them. She looked at his face. She figured he was close too. She leaned forward to suck his nipple into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around his skin as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Justin started moving even harder, feeling the tension in his body get ready to burst like a dam. He knew he was close. He could feel every ounce of his body tense up. And finally he erupted, filling the condom deep inside her. Sweat poured off his body as he orgasmed. Feeling his body give in, Eva came again for the third time that evening.

Justin rolled off her body and collapsed on the bed. She slipped over to him, drapping her blond hair against his darker chest hair. He stroked her hair as they glanced at each other.