A Reluctant Nudist Ch. 09


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When women are seen naked, there are some occasions when the image can be devoid of any sexuality and can be genuinely just appreciated for it's aesthetic value only, but this was never the case when ever Helen paraded around like she had just done. With her inner lips cleverly although artificially spread as they were, rampant sexuality was not only blatantly evident but I would go much further, even to the point of saying that this sexuality was overtly amplified many times over, to the point that it was near impossible for any red blooded male not to get some stimulation around his groin area. Feeling quite proud of her, I also had an impulse to show myself off too, the new feeling of exhibitionism in me wanting to go one further than Helen had just done. On the pretence that I was just getting out to retrieve my beer, I climbed the steps of the pool and casually walked over to the table to take possession of my still almost full stubby. Knowing that I was still as stiff and hard as a poker and standing to attention, I turned around, standing there momentarily in almost a statuesque pose so that Marny, in particular, could not fail to be aware of my excited condition and just as slowly returned to the pool. I think Troy was taken aback even more than his new friend was as he trod water in the deep end with an astonished look on his face. Marny was covering her eyes with both hands but giggling at the same time.

"Take no notice of him Marny." Said Helen.

"He's only showing off 'cos he's got a big one."

"Yeah, and he sure knows how to use it." Added Sue.

"Careful now, don't give yourself away dear, remember there's family present."

Brian chipped in.

"Look I can't help it if nature's been kind to me, but as someone famous once said, If you've got it, why not flaunt it, I mean, they say it pays to advertise and I haven't noticed you being too reserved either Helen, have you?" I responded.

"No way, I love being nude and what's more, I love people to see me nude too and I don't mind admitting it, it doesn't offend you though, does it Marny?"

"Well, I suppose not, it's just that I'm not so used to it as you lot seem to be. In Cape Town, it's just not done for a girl to go topless, even at the beach and that includes the coloureds and blacks as well. My parents would kill me if they knew I was now swimming in just my undies in front of people as it's not even deemed proper to be seen in a bikini suit in public let alone your bra and pants."

Looking down as she spoke, she suddenly became aware of the fact that the thin wet cotton was hiding nothing and instinctively placed one arm across her chest and hid her hand between her crotch to conceal her nether regions.

For the first time she smiled, albeit nervously, without trying to hide her brace.

"My God, I'm as bad as you lot are, don't look Troy."

This remark was about five minutes too late as Troy had noticed this transparency thing since she had first surfaced and had hardly taken his eyes off her except for when Helen and me were doing our thing.

"Don't be embarrassed, I've seen plenty of tits before, haven't I aunt Sue?"

"Breasts, dear, please refer to them as breasts, tits sounds so common."

"Alright, breasts then, but I have seen heaps haven't I just."

"Well I suppose you have, I've never hidden mine while you've been around and most of the girls on the beach don't bother with their tops too much nowadays so I suppose it's true."

"Well that may be so but nobody's ever seen mine before now so stop staring will you Troy." Marny said, giving Troy a small kick that dislodged him from his hanging on position at the end of the floating seat.

Brian now climbed out of the pool and laid himself down on one of the loungers.

He was nowhere as hard as I still was but there was no hiding the fact that his semi flaccid appendage was more than double it's normal soft size. Sarah follow him out, laying next to him. Taking hold of her shoulder straps, she pulled down the top of her one piece black swimsuit to expose her nicely pointed breasts with those beautiful permanently hard nipples, as usual in all their glory.

Brian had taken a real liking to my sister Sarah and obviously found her breasts and nipples very sexy because before our eyes his dick started to harden and grow even as we watched.

"Still some life left in the old fella." He commented, as he looked down and actually gave himself a bit of a massage with one hand, his dick now becoming completely erect.

Marny had now gotten over her initial spate of embarrassment and was not bothering to cover herself so completely now with her hands. She seemed mesmerised by Brian's private parts and his touching himself without any embarrassment. She clinically asked Sue if people here normally showed themselves off so casually.

"Not everyone dear, but in the right company it sometimes happens." Was her reply.

"And what about you, do you go naked in front of other people too all the time?"

"No, of course not, not all the time anyway, some people would consider it quite rude, even more so if someone gets excited, if you know what I mean."

"Yes, I know what you mean alright, I've never seen a man's thingy like that before, it's quite scarey really isn't it."

Laughing at Marny's not meant to be funny remark, Sue quickly regathered her composure and explained that it was part of nature's way and it was better to learn about these things when you are younger than to get any false ideas in your head about what to expect in a few years time. Helen instantly agreed, saying that she was nearly eighteen before she found out what to expect and it put her off for some time before she realised that a mans bodies reacting in this way was more of a compliment than a threat. Troy put in his twopence worth too, saying that when at home, he often used to skinny dip in the pool when no one was around and he couldn't help getting hard as well sometimes.

"How long will it stay that way for, you know, I mean all stiff like that?"

Marny went on, her gaze still firmly fixed on Brian's hardness.

"Well that depends on a lot of things dear." Sue answered

"If he gets relief, it will go down straight away, but if not, it can stay that way for half an hour or so, especially if he gives it gets some personal attention."

"Relief, how do you mean?" Marny enquired.

"You know, if he comes, ejaculates, that sort of thing."

Sue answered with a look that expressed almost disbelief that Mary could ask such a basic question.

"Oh yes, I understand, you mean if he spills his seed and all that."

The biblical images that this expression brought with it made some of us break into a gentle yet audible round of laughter before we realised that she had indeed been serious and the extremely hurt look on her young face brought us to the sudden realisation very quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take the mickey there, it's just that you sounded so quaint then." Sue said almost apologetically.

"That's okay, it's probably because my parents are staunchly religious and they always use terms like that and the nuns at school talk the same way too, I often get gypped by kids here because of the different way I say things."

It suddenly occurred to me that maybe we had all taken it a bit too far in our over relaxed attitude towards exposing our bodies to this possibly very innocent young girl. Her seemingly, almost complete lack of awareness concerning the human body, especially genital functions, made me realise that this might really be the first time she had been in the presence of adult nudity, not to mention the fact that we were all in an obvious state of sexual excitement as well. It was a bit too late to pretend that Helen and I, and now Brian hadn't deliberately shown ourselves off without due regard for this young girls feelings so there was no point in going back on it now. However, the very idea that she was most likely a virgin as well, excited me even more than I had been before and the thought that my erection had probably been the first one she had ever seen did nothing to make it lose any of it's present rigidity. I felt that I should at least make a conciliatory, if not half hearted attempt to placate the situation a bit by offering to put my costume back on if it was offending her at all, but her reply was very gracious and mature considering her age.

"No don't do that, my mother told me that I always had to respect the different customs in other countries so it would be rude of me to try to change the way you act."

"In this country Marny, it's always traditional for new guests to get their gear off too, isn't it Steve?" Troy said, giving me a sly wink at the same time.

"Yeah, that's right Troy so how come you've still got yours on?" I replied.

Troy's smile instantly left his face, his ploy having back fired on him.

"Sure Troy, let's see you get yours off too." Sue joined in.

Brian immediately scolded Sue with a terse remark that I didn't quite hear too clearly but definitely had something to do with family being present again. Sue didn't answer him and just walked out of the pool and sat herself down in the last remaining lounger at the end of the line of three. In one smooth movement she removed her bikini bottoms and laid back, making not the slightest attempt to keep her legs together. The sun being down our end of the pool, made it easy to see every last contour and fold of her now smooth and hairless fanny and looking over at Brian she asked Brian.

"Sorry dear, but what was that again, you know the thing you were saying about family?"

"Touché, my dear, touché." Said Brian, not being able to hold back a smile.

Troy, trying to not look too surprised by his aunt's action, turned towards Marny.

"It's also traditional here for girls to shave off their pubic hair too as you can see, do you want us to do yours while you're here?"

"I don't know, do I have to Sue?"

Sue again laughing, told Marny that Troy was just having a go at her and that she didn't have to do anything that she didn't want to, Marny looked very relieved after hearing Sue's reply.

"You rotten little bugger." Helen said.

"You're really trying to make her feel very uncomfortable aren't you."

"Come on Marny, let's teach him a lesson."

Coming up behind and grabbing him around his waist, Helen called for Marny to assist which she did by slipping off of the inflatable and tugging at the bottom of Troy's shorts. They came off quite easily with his underdaks sliding down along with them. Even from where I was in the pool it was obvious that he too was still far from being flaccid and unlike his uncle, he certainly did have something that he could be proud to show off. Marny being at the business end of his equipment just gapped, open mouthed.

"Boy, you need to spill some seed as well by the looks of you."

This time we had no reason to conceal our laughter as Marny had obviously picked up very quickly on our group sense of humour as she joined in with the happy chorus.

"And what have we here?" Chimed Helen who was still behind Troy and holding him around the waist with one arm.

Lifting him out of the water, his manhood pointing to the sky with Helen's hand wrapped tightly around it, I had no doubt that her question was rhetorical. For the first time since we had been together I realised that this was the only occasion I had actually seen her, touch another man's penis (other than when Pep's husband Steve took her from behind that day on the houseboat, that is).

"You are a big boy aren't you." She added giving his old fella a tug up and down a few times.

Troy made no attempt to struggle or break free and I could understand his pleasure in being handled this way. It occurred to me that this might also be his first time in a situation like this as well and I could empathise with him having no objections to the way he was being handled. Marny, although professing to be new to this sort of behavior seemed to be handling it well and even stretched out her arm to gently touch the top of his hardness with her hand.

"It feels kind of weird, doesn't it." She said, pulling back her hand a lot quicker than it had gone out.

Helen released her tight grip and took hold of Marny's hand, positioning it back where her's had been and keeping it there by wrapping her's around Marny's.

"It feels nice though, don't you think?" Said Helen as she guided Marny's hand in a few up and down movements. Gradually pulling Troy over to the stairs of the pool, Helen managed to sit herself down on the second top one with Troy now almost sitting beside her and Marny on the other side, but keeping all three of them still anchored to each other, his erection being the common anchor point.

The girls now being on either side if him, Troy with his right hand made an attempt to touch Marny's bra covered but highly visible breast, getting it slapped and instantly pushed away by her in the process. Turning towards Helen, he did the same thing but this time received a more welcome response, Helen taking his hand in her own and assisting him to squeeze her breast and tweak her nipple whilst she continued to massage his dick with Marny's hand still locked tightly beneath her own. Kneeling up so that her fanny was now above water level, Helen took hold of his now unassisted groping hand and guided it down to her still separated lips and positioned his two middle fingers above her clit area and as exactly as she was doing with Marny's hand, began to pleasure herself using Troy's fingers to actually do the touching. Troy probably being without experience in such maters, attempted to lower his hand position so as to insert one of his fingers between her lips and Helen being the generous soul that she was, allowed him to proceed even though I knew that she was more interested in having her clit area stimulated. He quickly had an extra finger moving in and out of her and she was becoming quite excited by this stimulation.

"Have you ever fucked a girl before Troy?" Helen asked, raising one of her knees out of the water and throwing it over him. Before he had a chance to answer, she had positioned her left leg, still bent at the knee right over him and Marny's arm and was lowering herself slowly down, her and Marny's hands still firmly attached to his upright stalk. Marny managed to retrieve her's before it was squashed by Helen's downward moving torso, which as we could all clearly witness was now beginning to engulf most of Troy's hard on.

"Well, you have now." She said as she started to raise and lower herself in slow but rhythmic fashion.

The rest of us being pretty much behind the action, all had a good view of Helen's lips, tightly wrapped around his well proportioned cock as she seemingly sucked it's whole length in and began pumping it in and out with great gusto.

She only had to continue this effort for about sixty seconds before Troy's facial expressions and his increasingly sharp intake of breath gave away his imminent state of climax. Helen, seeing this, quickly raised her self off of him and grabbed Marny's hand again, Marny not having moved away and still keenly observing the proceedings. As before, Helen encased Marny's hand within her own again, only releasing it when Troy's back started to arch and his hips convulsed. Marny, seemingly mesmerised by all of this continued, almost robotically to pump his hardness up and down on her own until, probably surprising only her, he ejaculated, powerfully projecting a huge glob of spunk at least two feet into the air, some of it coming down over Marny's still tightly gripping hand.

As if in shock she released her grip, holding her juice covered hand up out of the water and just staring at it. Helen's hand managed to quickly take over the job from her to get the most out of the next four or five equally impressive spurts. Helen, seeing that Marny was possibly a bit traumatised by it all, took her still spunk covered hand in her own and licked some of the creamy juice off of it. Pushing it back towards Marny's own face, she indicated by sticking out her tongue that Marny should do likewise which very surprisingly she did, not stopping till it was licked clean.

"Yes, you're right, look it's started to go down now that he's spilt his seed."

Said Marny, her eyes glued to Troy's quickly deflating manhood.

"But didn't that hurt you, him going in so far, wasn't it painful?"

Helen just smiled, saying that in fact it was just the opposite, it felt great, one of the best feelings a girl could ever have in her whole life. I think that if the others had not already realised it, my previous assessment as to Marny's virginal state had just been confirmed by her question. Her apparent innocence somehow made me want to take her myself, here and now, just to show her how nice it could be. After all, it would only be fair, what with Helen having just deflowered her companion in front of us all. Funny enough, the fact that I had just witnessed my wife with a young guy's dick choker block up her had not really upset me in the least. The act had only served to make me even more hornier than I had been before and I was quietly pleased with myself for having been able to see her do this without getting mad or jealous. I guess the fact that I did not see this young boy as any long term threat to our relationship probably helped, but in the back of my mind though, the fact that she had not let him come inside her did seem to make her behavior more easy to accept. After all, when you think about it, the main reason why any animal actually has sex, other than in humans, for the pure enjoyment of it, is to reproduce and if she had let him come inside of her, this could probably have been viewed by me, or anyone else for that mater, as an acceptance of him as a possible mate, which in the animal world would be a challenge to the normal pair bonding that Helen and I had. Should then, not the reverse also be true? Hadn't I ejaculated my sperm inside more than one or two girls in the last year or so without Helen ever really raising any obvious concerns or doubts regarding the strength of our relationship? Perhaps it was different for men and women when we considered these sort of things. Undoubtedly the invention of the birth pill for women was the main reason why attitudes had changed, the amount of sexual freedom now available to the average man or women was limitless compared to that allowed in our own parent's days, but I digress.

Marny seemed to have recovered from her initial shock of having made Troy spill his seed, as she so quaintly put it and had got back up on the inflatable chair.

Floating around and using her hands to paddle, she no longer made any attempt to cover herself up, her nice pink little nipples still showing through, slightly hard now. Even her body language seemed to appear more relaxed, her legs draped either side of the seat, and sitting in what she herself might have formally described as a rude position with her crotch area open to view due to water having revealed the transparency of the thin white cotton gusset. Troy had disappeared inside, maybe to dry himself off or possibly just to escape the situation for a few minutes. If this had indeed been the first time he had ever done it with a girl, it must also have been a big moment for him, one that I knew for sure, he would remember all of his life.

He had retrieved his shorts before leaving the pool and reappeared soon after, now wearing them again, him with a rather smug look on his still slightly flushed face. Observing Marny drifting around on the air bed, for the first time I noticed that between her bra and panties, her skin was white, almost matching the whiteness of her wet underwear. She had not the slightest hint of tan on her mid drift, only on her arms, legs and face. Her previous statement that in Cape Town, girls could only wear one piece suits at the beach was clearly substantiated by these tan marks. Whether she had had any romantic designs regarding Troy, she certainly didn't appear to be too flustered by the previous interlude, perhaps because she was the one who had eventually made him come.
