A Trip To The Hairdresser

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He gets more than a haircut.
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By the time I realised that the alarm going off beside me wasn't in my dream, it was already 8.15am. Oh no, late to work on a Monday again. I jumped out of bed and thumped the alarm into submission in one move and was on the way to the bathroom for the morning shower.

When I opened the door to the bathroom, I was faced with something that was scary enough to make any Hollywood scare film, A mirror. It had been a long weekend of fishing and partying and my hair looked like it had been used to hold the party. This brought a smile to my face. Time to go to the hairdresser. The reason I liked going to the hairdresser was the sexy blonde that worked there. We have often casually flirted and once shared a kiss in the wee hours of the morning at the local nightclub. We were both pretty pissed and I was unsure if she even remembered it.

I was still smiling as I stripped myself of my clothes and stepped into the shower. I heard the usual clang of pipes as I turned on the taps. It seems my shower doesn't like being woken up either. As I stood to one side to allow the water to heat up, my mind went back to that night at the nightclub. Brydee, the hairdresser had approached me early in the night and said how good I looked. I returned the compliment and she drifted back off with her friends into the crowd. As she walked away her ass wiggled in such a way that every guy within 5 metres was looking at it. She had to be doing that on purpose. Brydee has one of those asses that should be in an ad for Levi's. I couldn't help but wonder how it would look without the confining denim tucked so delicately around it.

Later in the night, after I had consumed enough beer to give me confidence on the dance floor, Brydee came up to me again and started dancing behind me and rubbing her nice soft tits all over my back. Damn that felt good. We stayed that way and danced for the rest of the song, and then I turned around so I could get a better look at her sexy body. She was wearing a tight blue pair of Denim jeans with a white top that said honey right across her tits. I didn't doubt that they would taste sweet but I guess it pays to advertise.

"Hey sexy, who cuts your hair" Brydee asked.

"A sexy blond at Jodi's Hair Art" I replied.

"Damn, she does a good job." She smirked, "I hope you pay her well."

"What do you mean?" I shot back at her.

"Well for a job like that she should at least get a kiss of appreciation." She smiled as she delivered this last statement and a sparkle came to her eye.

I stood there, just looking into her eyes. When I hadn't spoken for some time she started to blush and apologise for being so up front. I leaned in towards her as if to say something in her ear but instead started lightly kissing around her ear and slowly working my way down to her mouth. By the time I got to kiss her lips our arms were wrapped tightly around each other. We kissed softly at first enjoying the moment as our tongues slowly started their dance routine. I rubbed my hands up her side from her hips to underneath her arms. The inside of my hand grazed the soft flesh on the side of her tits on the way. I felt my dick grow with the excitement of finally being able to touch this woman I had so longed for. I had been infatuated with her since the very first time she cut my hair, almost two years ago.

I broke off the kiss and said "Thankyou."

"For the haircut or the kiss?" She replied.

"Both" was all I could stutter before engaging in another kiss.

We kept on like this for what felt like 10 minutes but must have been closer to an hour, until we heard the call for last drinks. We shared one last kiss and went our separate ways. I didn't want to ruin my chances with this girl of my dreams.

........The water was so hot that it took my breath away as I stepped under the shower. I guess I hadn't been concentrating as I let it warm up. I looked down and saw my dick standing fully erect. The thought of that woman turned me on immensely. It gave me the tingles in my stomach just thinking about her. I have had many a solo session thinking about that night with Brydee and what could have come.

After I had finished washing myself and having spent too much time concentrating on nether regions I again realised that I was late for work and should get going. I quickly dried myself and threw on some clothes and headed off to work. The trip to work was quiet, I guess everyone else would nearly be at work as it was five to nine.

I arrived at work only ten minutes late and got straight into the pile of work that towered over my desk. It must have been 11am by the time I peeled my head out of the paperwork and remembered that I needed to make a hair appointment. I cleared my throat and I felt the pangs in my stomach rise as I looked through the telex for the phone number. I found the number and started to dial feeling ever more nervous as I hadn't spoken to Brydee since the night we kissed.

......The phone answered on the third ring to a bright and chirpy "Good morning Jodi's Hair Art this is Jodi."

"Hi, it's Mike here" I struggled to speak, "I'd like to make an appointment with Brydee."

After a second's pause the voice replied, "Could you just hold on for one minute?"

The phone was placed on something hard with a clunk and I heard some incomprehensible babble in the background. There were steps growing louder.

"Brydee is on holiday's, it will have to be one of the other girls." Came the voice.

Great, I had blown it, she obviously didn't want to see me. She must have remembered and is blowing me off.

"Sure, came my disheartened reply." Would this afternoon be alright?"

"The only appointment we have this afternoon is at 6pm." Jodi said.

"That'll be fine, I'll see you then." I moaned as I hung up the phone.

What a way to put a dampener on your day. My dream woman didn't want to speak to me. I spent the rest of the day wandering around work with my bottom lip dragging along the ground like a 6-year-old boy who had lost his best toy.

I left work a little early, as I wanted to duck home and get changed before my appointment. Still feeling a little down, I threw on my favourite jeans and shirt and headed off to my appointment.

Jodi's Hair Art is only five minutes from my house; it is in a little shop on the main road next door to a busy take away outlet. I pondered what I would have for dinner as I drove passed the shop looking for a car park. I found a park not too far from the hairdresser, locked the car and headed for the salon.

As I entered the hairdresser, I was greeted with a big smile from the girl I had been talking to earlier on the phone. "Hi Mike." Jodi said, "take a seat it shouldn't be too long."

I looked around the salon, it was very similar to any other hairdresser's I had ever been in, bright colours broken by a fair distribution of mirrors. There was only one other person in the shop, a middle-aged woman who had obviously just had her hair coloured and was having it blow-dried. I glanced at her and offered her a smile, she smiled back and I turned my attention to one of the magazines on the stand. It was some stylist magazine, I wasn't really interested, I just wanted to look up and see Brydee going about her business, chatting away happily. It didn't happen. I kept looking up, only to be disappointed every time.

I was just getting in to the latest styles for women with long hair when I heard Jodi finishing up with the middle aged lady in her chair. I put the magazine down as the lady thanked Jodi, paid her for the job and headed for the door. It brought half a smile to my face, thinking of how I paid for the last haircut. What a night.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, please come up. Just the usual for you?"

"Yes please." I replied as I stood and was shown to the basin where I had my head washed every time I came. It just feels so good having a professional wash your hair, especially if a goddess like Brydee was doing it for you. I wasn't going to be that lucky today, I would have to settle for Jodi.

Jodi was an attractive lady herself, she was in her early thirties, brunette, and petite and had her fair share of breast. She was wearing a flimsy white top and a pair of tight black pants. As I looked at Jodi again, I realised that she wasn't wearing a bra and I could vaguely see her nipples through her top.

I sat in my chair at the basin as Jodi began to wet my hair in preparation for the shampoo. She moved around me and I felt my dick grow hard as she brushed her tits against me as she was reaching for the shampoo. She had to be doing that on purpose. I was sure she had noticed the bulge in my pants as she inquired, "Comfy." I just grunted my approval and started concentrating on the massage she was giving my head.

In a short time I was lying back with my eyes closed, feeling quite relaxed and enjoying every minute of my head massage. I felt Jodi take her hands from my head for a moment and I heard a little scuffle behind me. It sounded like she was preparing to rinse my hair. After about five seconds I felt her hands on my head again, running her fingers all through my hair and rubbing all the right places.

This went on for another then minutes or so before I again heard the scuffle behind me, followed by the familiar sound of the water running and the warmth on my head as she began to rinse my hair. I was in Heaven. After the rinse, Jodi patted my hair dry and began using the blow dryer to complete the job.

"OK, over to the cutting chair now." Came the voice.

"Pick any chair you like, you are my last appointment." She said.

I peeled myself of the chair I had been in for the last twenty minutes or so and walked over to the chair that Brydee normally used to cut my hair. As I was sitting down, I caught a glimpse in the mirror of Jodi bending over directly behind me as if picking something up. I stared at her ass for what seemed like minutes. I hadn't noticed her ass look so hot before. My eyes were still fixed on her as she stood, bending upward from the hip. As she was almost standing straight, I realised that the woman who had been bending behind me had blonde hair. I was glad to be sitting down as the woman turned with a huge smile and said, "Hey Sweety."

"You didn't think I'd miss the payment for cutting your hair did you." She followed.

It was Brydee standing there larger than life in almost the exact same clothes as Jodi Had been wearing. They must have switched while I was having my head massaged.

"How the, what the, when." I started before I was cut off.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to duck home and freshen up for my last appointment. Jodi knew I had been waiting for you to call, and when you rung this morning I asked for you to be booked in last."

I struggled to keep the smile off my face while saying. "I thought you must have been trying to avoid me when I rung."

"Quite the opposite." She replied.

"Where has Jodi gone?" I questioned.

"She finished up half way through your wash and headed out the back door. Just the usual for you today?"

"Whatever you like." Came my reply.

Brydee began cutting my hair and we kept up the small talk as she did. I felt so relieved that she hadn't been brushing me off. I couldn't stop moving my head to try and get a better look at the sexy lady cutting my hair. I guess she didn't like me moving my head because she turned me to face the bare wall without a mirror. I was a little disappointed with this because I wanted to see if Brydee wasn't wearing a bra like Jodi had been.

I heard Brydee say that she was almost done and placed the scissors on the bench. After a short silence Brydee turned me around to face the mirror as she asked,

"Do you like what I have done?"

My disappointment had quickly turned to excitement as I looked in the mirror and saw that Brydee had removed the flimsy white top that I had been trying to peek through to reveal the most gorgeous set of tits I had ever laid eyes on. They were not the biggest pair I had ever seen but they were certainly more than a handful and sat up on her chest very proudly, unaffected by the gravity that had been pushing them down for the last 25 years or at least since puberty.

"Ummm, yeh" was all I could manage to force out of my mouth as Brydee walked around in front of me so I could get a better look.

"Now it's time for my payment," she said with a grin.

I stepped up out of my chair and ripped off the plastic coat that had been stopping the hair from falling on my clothes. I reached forward and wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her on to the bench in front of the mirror. She started to talk again saying that she thought I wasn't going to ring her when I stopped her by covering her mouth with mine. She didn't try to push me away and began to kiss me hungrily. I felt the pangs in my stomach grow to a point that was almost unbearable. As we kissed my hands started rubbing her all over. It felt so good to be able to feel her exposed skin.

Brydee took her hands from my face and began to loosen my tie with one hand while pulling me even closer with the other. She had to be able to feel how excited I was now by the bulge in my pants. I was pressed firmly against her crotch. I don't know if it was my imagination but I felt a warmth between her legs. Brydee had moved on to my shirt now and was tugging at it to try and remove it from my pants. I helped her out and ripped off my shirt and threw it on the ground with my discarded hair.

Her kiss was just as I had remembered, soft enough to be nice yet firm enough to let me know that she wanted more. We still hadn't come up for air as we both begun to take off each other's pants. She was working on my belt while I was toying with the two buttons that was keeping me from her pussy. I desperately wanted this woman as she gently lifted her hips enough for me to pull violently at her pants. My god, there it was right in front of me. A freshly shaven pussy with a small tuft of rich, black hair, just above her slit. I finished removing her pants and stepped out of my own before diving between her legs like a starving man to a meal. She leaned back against the mirror and let out a small moan as my tongue touched her smooth lips.

I licked slowly and deliberately, my tongue strokes teasing her by staying clear of her clit. I licked the lips of her pussy over and over before I used two fingers to spread them. Brydee's clit was showing it's head like a dog hungry for a pat. I gave up on teasing her and with one long, slow lick, I licked from the bottom of her hole right up and over her clit. Damn she tasted sweet. She had obviously been home for a shower while she was 'freshening up'. I moved in circles now and concentrated on her clit. Her hips were pushed into my face harder with every circle. Brydee's moans were growing louder and louder, so I slowed a little, as I didn't want her to come just yet. I moved down slowly and began probing gently at her hole. She obviously approved of what I was doing because there was moisture all over her pussy and the inside of her legs. Man she was wet.

With that, Brydee moved her hips forward to the edge of the bench to allow me better access to her. She opened her legs wider than before as if offering herself to me. I couldn't get enough of her pussy, I began to fuck her with my tongue, all the while dreaming of doing it with my now rock hard dick.

Brydee was moaning as I kept probing my tongue inside her while gently rubbing her clit with two fingers. Round and round nice and slowly. Brydee begged me to come up to her. I obliged and I moved up to her mouth and was attacked by her mouth and tongue, kissing me as if there were no tomorrow. She broke the kiss and started licking her own juices off my face. I was groping at her tits, I found the nipple and focused my attention there, her nipples were hard enough to hand a hat on, poking out, pleading for some attention. I rolled my fingers over each nipple before moving down to take her right tit in my mouth. I played with it as I had played with her pussy. My left hand alternated between her soft pussy and her left breast.

I was getting to hot, I had to be inside her and soon. I lifted my head from her breast to be met by her wanting mouth again. I wrapped my arms around her as I gently placed my cock at the entrance to her pussy. She lifted her feet and placed them on my ass, pulling me inside of her. I almost came with just the feeling of her warm tight pussy. She was so wet that my rod slid inside her with the greatest of ease. We both let out a moan as my full length made it inside, Brydee began rocking and she was clenching my ass pulling me in harder. I pulled my head back and looked her in the eye. She had gorgeous blue eyes. She gave me a grin before closing her eyes and reaching in to kiss me.

My hands searched her body, concentrating when they found her breasts. I kept rubbing her breasts with one hand while the other ventured further south. I massaged her clit with a circular motion she began to moan even louder. I increased my speed and began to hump her even harder. Our hips made a slight slapping noise as they met. Brydee reached her hand behind my head and pulled me into her as she let out a loud moan. I could tell she was past the point of no return so I concentrated on pleasing her. My hand moved faster on her clit while my dick rammed in to her like a jackhammer. Her grip on my head tightened as I felt the muscles in her pussy contract. Brydee was moaning, calling out, "ooohhh don't stop, please don't stop know ooohhh." I kept going as Brydee grew louder and louder before releasing her grip on my head. She looked up at me and said "Thankyou".

"Thankyou" I replied with a smile from ear to ear.

"You have nothing to thank me for yet," she purred as she pushed me back down in the chair.

Brydee kneeled between my legs and began licking the top of my thighs. Running her tongue over my balls and teasing me like I had done to her earlier. After what felt like an eternity, she slowly kissed her way up over my balls to the tip of my dick. She looked up at me with a quick smile before parting her lips and taking me in her mouth. She went slowly, savouring the moment. She seemed to enjoy what she was doing, as did I. She took her mouth off me for a moment and started licking the length of my dick. God she was good at this. Again she took me in her mouth. This time with a lot more vigour. She began pumping up and down with fast movements, all the she had her hand around the base of my cock, milking it. I was heaven. Was this the girl I had been dreaming of for the last two years?

Brydee must have felt that I was nearing orgasm as she slowed down and looked up at me. She took me out of her mouth and stood up. She turned and faced the mirror with her hands on the bench in front of her.

"I want to feel you come inside me." Brydee urged as she bent over right in front of me. The ass that I had longed for in those denim jeans was less that a metre from my face. This time without the restricting denim, hiding it from me. I stood from my chair and looked at the sight in the mirror. Brydee bent over, breasts hanging freely, and I could just see the little tuft of hair on her pussy. I positioned myself behind her and rubbed her back. She grabbed hold of my dick and placed it at her entrance. That was all the invitation I needed. I eased myself inside of her and didn't stop till I was parting her ass cheeks with my hips. I began to thrust it inside of her, reaching forward to play with her tits. I reached around under her body and started playing with her clit as she grabbed my balls and gave them a little squeeze as I was pumping.

Looking in the mirror watching her tits bounce with every thrust was a sight to behold. The looks on her face were of pure pleasure, as was mine. I diverted my attention back down to the sexy ass right in front of me and watched as my cock kept going in and out of her pussy. That was enough for me I was pumping now with everything that I had. I could feel it coming, it started in my toes, working its way up my legs before taking over my body. Brydee was still holding my balls and was starting to moan with pleasure again. Another couple of thrusts and it was upon me, I felt my cock pumping cum deep inside her. She let out one mighty moan when she felt the spasms, which tipped her over the edge again. She started gasping, "oh yeh, cum inside me. You feel so good."