Amelia & Andrew: The Diamond Legacy Ch. 06


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Amelia and Andrew would head to North Philly Airport, meet with Andrea and his team and then once they were sure that Gloria had gotten Emma, Catherine and the rest out of town they would head towards the farm. If everything went perfect, they would be able to either capture or kill Amsu and end this mess before it got to out of hand.

Charles called Amsu's cell. "Hey old man, any luck?" Charles asked.

"Who you calling old man? I am sorry my son but either he is a relative nobody or you have the wrong name for him." Amsu retorted.

"Then as much as I hate to ask this, I am going to need you to get a bit more involved." Charles said.

"What do you need my son?" Amsu inquired.

"I am going to need you to help break through Uwais' mental shield. Both Susan and Amelia have failed to penetrate his defenses." Charles replied.

"I will be glad to assist you in any way I can. Where are we going to do this?" Amsu stated.

"I want to get him out of the city. I am thinking that farm Susan and I own about an hour north of here." Charles suggested.

"That sounds good. Do you want me to bring Emma and the rest with me?" Amsu asked.

"No, I agree with your earlier statement they are a lot safer there. I hate to admit this but I have a leak in my organization so I want this quiet so please don't tell anyone where you are going." Charles explained.

"I will get Layla to drive me if that is OK. I won't tell her our destination until we are on the road just to be extra sure of security," Amsu said.

"Thank you Amsu, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your support," Charles replied adding as much sincerity as he could.

"Anything for you, my son. When are you going to leave to head there?" Amsu inquired.

"We will be leaving within the hour and we will be taking a longer route to make sure we aren't followed. I would say it will be about three hours until we get there." Charles stated.

'OK, I will have Layla here within twenty minutes and head their directly to get things set-up" Amsu said.

"Great; with the addition of her we should have enough security in case things go sideways. Thanks old man, I owe you one." Charles said before disconnecting the call.

Charles waited about thirty minutes then called Mitch. "Has Amsu left yet?" Charles asked and waited for him to confirm that Amsu had left before continuing, "Use the emergency tunnel that connects to the old sewage pipes. Gloria will meet you on the lot by alternate exit delta. Let me talk to Emma."

Mitch acknowledged Charles orders and asked him to hold while he got Emma. "Daddy, what is going on?" Emma asked clearly confused and concerned.

"Too much to go over on the phone; I need you to trust me and do exactly what Mitchel and the guards tell you to do. I will explain everything once we are together. I have a task for you. Go to the computer, bring up the security directives and type in "execute code 505", then press enter. It will prompt you to enter your personal pass word." Charles explained

"OK dad, I will do as you ask but I expect a full explanation when I see you." Emma responded. She had a sick feeling in her stomach. She then handed the phone back to Mitchel. While they were talking Emma went to the computer terminal and accessed the file that her father had asked her to use and typed in the execute order.

Charles finished with his call to Mitchel. Gloria was the first one to leave in a large van. Susan and Amelia had helped her stock the van with extra units of blood and snacks. Mainly for Catherine since she was pregnant. Gloria was to circle around for a bit and make sure she wasn't followed.

Amelia and Andrew were the next to leave; they also were in a large van. Their van was loaded with extra weapons for Andrea and his team. They would head directly to the airport and pick-up Andrea's team and then head to meet up with Charles to handle Amsu.

Charles and Susan would leave last and take the long way around to the farm. Charles tentatively planned to meet Andrew at a little farm store about fifteen miles from the farm. He had gave Andrew a burn phone encase they needed to make any changes.


Emma was surprised and saddened when she saw. 45 seconds to core destruction. DO you wish to continue? Y/N. Emma pressed the "y" key then hesitated. She knew that it would be a long time until she would return to Philly, the city that she had called home for the last eighty years. She closed her eyes in an attempt to hold back the tears as she pushed the enter button.

Neil quietly walked up behind her and wrapped his strong arms around her. He could sense her distress even without their bond. "Ohtsévátanó (love) we will come back when this is over," Neil softly promised.

"Néméhotâtse éhame (I love you husband). Hohátséné' ónéé'tov tséhnéehóveto (My happiness is being with you)," Emma responded as she turned to face her mate.

"Néméhotâtse nâhtse'eme (I love you my wife)." Neil whispered as he kissed Emma lovingly.

Mitchel finished getting Charles instructions then hung up and he called in the additional guards that were needed. He then opened up the escape route and gathered the rest of the people for the move into the tunnel. He quietly walked over to Emma and Neil. ," I hate to break up this sweet moment but it is time to move."

Mitch then handed Emma and Neil each a holstered pistol. Emma had seen that Scott and Catherine were already in the passageway with Linda, Burt and several others all of which were among her parent's most trusted people. Burt took the lead followed closely by Kathleen both of them were carrying an M-60 loaded with incendiary. Then it was Stan and Carper both carrying AK-47's, then it was the family group every one of them armed with side arms with exception of Scott and Neil who had a Remington 12 gauge loaded with 00 buckshot.

Then behind the family group were Dawn and Sarah both carrying AK-47's and Sarah with an Army issue M24 sniper rifle on her back. Lastly was Mitch carrying an M-60 loaded with incendiary rounds. None of them had a light, but thankfully they could see just find without them and no one made a sound. Mitch knew it would take them about forty minutes to get to the meeting point. As they were walking, he couldn't help but wonder why they were running from Amsu; he had always been a trusted member of Charles inner circle. After walking for what felt like forever in the wonderful olfactory sensation of the city sewerage system they arrived at the meeting point. Burt handed His M-60 to Stan and started to climb the ladder to the exit and fresh air.

"No! It is a trap, run!" Catherine screamed, her eyes glowing

No one questioned her they all turned to run when the manhole cover was opened and a square package with two small cylinders was dropped down the hole and they heard Amsu say, " Sorry Emma."


Gloria was setting in the parking lot where she was to meet Emma and the group about quarter of a mile away from where they would be coming out of the sewer system. She was to take them directly to the airport so the whole group was to be flown out of harm's way to a piece of property that Gloria had bought almost sixty years ago in Scotland. She felt a spike of gut wrenching terror through her bond from Susan and from Amelia. Then she felt the ground shake and the sound of a muffled explosion.

Amelia felt the spike of fear from Catherine and knew she expected to die. She then felt the link between them shut down. "No!" She screamed as tears started to roll down her cheeks.

Andrew sensed her distress and knew that she was expecting Catherine to die. He could feel the dread and fear rolling off his mate and could hear her whimpering in pain. Seeing that they were trapped in traffic, he turned on to the first side street and parked the van. He pulled Amelia out of the truck with him as he let go of his human side and allowed his feral side to come forward. He grabbed Amelia in his arms and sped off towards the meeting point as fast as he could. He turned invisible after the first few steps to avoid drawing unwanted attention to himself.

Both Susan and Charles felt the spike of fear and sorrow from their daughter. Charles fought against his feral self to keep control. He quickly made a U-turn and raced towards the area that they were supposed to meet Gloria.

Susan also felt the spike of fear and then she felt her own fear. For the first time in centuries, she felt fear from Charles. He had always been able to keep his fear in check no matter what was happening. She knew in her heart they would be too late and tears started streaming down her face.

Both Susan and Charles felt Emma block off their link and it only deepened the pain they felt. Charles was barely holding on to his human side when his cell rang. "Black here," He said gruffly into the phone without looking to see who had called him.

"Hello son. I warned you that Emma would die if you tried to move them and now it has happened. Emma had to pay a terrible price for your incompetence." Amsu stated in a cold hard voice.

"Why? Why would you go after my daughter? If you wanted a territory, you could have had your choice. Any enforcer would of gladly gave you his territory and taken over another." Charles angrily stated as his feral side started to rush forward.

Susan watched as Charles battled with his feral side and she knew he had to keep his head clear if they were going to have a chance to avenge their daughter. Susan laid her hand on Charles shoulder and willed herself to remain calm in hopes it would help Charles to center himself. Charles glanced at Susan and gave her a sad smile letting her know he was back in control and grateful for her being there to help him.

"Charles my poor naïve boy, I don't want your territory. I want our race to go back to the strong race we once were. You and the other enforcers have let our race degrade to the point that humans, a race that is little more than bovines, managed to destroy my daughter. They turned her into a monster, and then killed her. Then, what do you do to avenge her? You assist those very same humans even going so far as to accept them into your inner circle," Amsu ranted his voice full of hatred.

"How the fuck does you killing my daughter help to further your cause? If you have a problem then you face me and not kill my child!" Charles demand now furious.

Amsu's maniacal laugh sent a chill down Charles back. "Charles my son you have become so weak that you were too afraid to even claim your mate, but now you are going to help me whether you like it or not. I have now made it to where you will have to be strong again if you want to avenge your daughter. And by coming after me you will help..." Amsu responded coldly.

"What do you mean I am going to help? I would never help you now. But you did get one thing right; I will kill you very slowly," Charles said interrupting Amsu.

"I know you will come after me, and no little territorial line is going to stop you. So you will be starting wars with everyone and you know as well as I do the council will never sanction my termination so you will have to act without their sanction which will start a war that will purge all of the weaker vampires," Amsu explained as if he was talking to child.

Charles knew for sure his sire had crossed over and was insane and dangerous. He also knew that he was correct about the council not sanctioning his termination, but he was wrong about it starting a war. He knew is there was going to be any justice for his family they would have to do it themselves and it would have to be done very carefully or Amsu would get his war.

"Know this, since you are too much of a coward to face me. I am coming for you old man enjoy what little time you have left," Charles quietly said mourning the loss if the man he had considered his father for over two Millennium.

"I will give you a starting point, head south young man. Do not worry; you and Susan will join your daughter soon," Amsu responded in a bone chilling cold voice


Catherine watched in slow motion as the device fell through the manhole and then exploded she knew in an instant the flames would engulf her and she regretted that her baby would never get the chance to live. She watched in horror as the flames from the bomb engulfed Burt and Kathleen. She could not peel her eyes away as she watched the two of them slowly vaporize in slow motion. She wondered why they all did not run since the flames were moving so slowly. She felt Scott push her and Linda behind him in a futile attempt to shield them. The flames slowly reached out and touched Stan and then Carper engulfing them. They barely had chance to start to scream when they were gone.

Catherine looked at her mate for one last time as the flames came towards them sure, that it would be the last time she would see him in this world. She watched as the flames seemed to hit an invisible wall that was right behind Scott and instead of engulfing them the force of the explosion and the flames were directed up toward the roof of the sewer they were in. the force of the explosion caused a cave in on the other side of the wall. Scott turned towards Catherine, the corner of his lips lifted to a small smile then his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed into her arms.

Emma heard Amsu's voice apologizing as she watched the bomb he dropped fall carelessly through the opening. She watched in slow motion as it detonated spewing forth the flames of her destruction. She quickly closed of her link to her parents to spare them feeling her death and quickly turned wrapping her arms around her mate she wanted to feel his strong arms one last time. She felt his arms wrap around her and she closed her eyes and awaited her destruction. Minutes seemed as hours as she stood there. Finally, she was sure she should have already been dead and wonder why she wasn't. She carefully opened her eyes and surveyed the scene. She saw Scott collapsing into Catherine's arms in slow motion, and as soon as he touched her arms time seemed to speed up back to normal. She looked at Neil his eyes were open wide in shock he whisper, "He stopped the explosion."

Emma looked around to make sure that the others weren't injured; she saw Linda laying on the ground; her leg was bent at an odd angle. Emma rushed to Linda's side and immediately saw it was broken. "I tripped when he shoved me behind him. Damned clumsy of me huh?" Linda stated her voice hoarse with pain.

Mitch handed his M-60 to Dawn and quickly went to Linda's side. He was livid that Amsu had tried to kill his mate when he was supposed to be their ally. He quickly took hold of his mates hand to lend her some support while Emma straightened out her leg.

"Dear, you know that neither Charles nor Susan will let this slight go. His day of reckoning will come soon and he will pay a hefty price," Linda softly stated.

Emma looked over at Catherine and saw that Scott was still unconscious. Both Neil and Sarah were helping her with him. Dawn who now had Mitch's M-60 was standing watch over them all. "Why did Amsu try to kill us? I thought he was our ally." Sarah asked.

"I do not know but when I get my hands on him I am going to strip his skin off of his bones an inch at a time." Mitch replied still trying to recompose himself.

Emma went searching for something they could use to stabilize Linda's leg it did not seem to be a bad break but it did need to be stabilized for it to heal properly. She spotted what was left of the shotgun Scott had been carrying and quickly unloaded it and broke the rest of the stock off it. Mitch handed her his suit jacket and she quickly rendered it in to strips. She grabbed the other shotgun, removed the shells, and broke the stock off.

Mitch held his mate while Emma worked quickly to realign the bones of' Linda's leg, then she used the shotguns to make a splint. Linda groaned in pain but kept from screaming out just in case Amsu or his friends were still around

Scott started to regain consciousness he was weak and claimed he had a massive headache but was otherwise uninjured. Neil was certain that a good feeding would cure what ailed him. When they tried to question him about how he did what he had done, Scott seemed to have no idea how he had done it but he said he was very glad he had.


Amelia and Andrew arrived near the last place that Amelia had sensed Catherine. They saw the smoke pouring out of the manhole cover. Andrew could sense that Amsu and another vampire were just at the edge of his perception to the north he could also sense Gloria to the south east of them; but what confused him was he sensed vampires about thirty feet and underground he could sense that they were alive he sensed eight of them.

" Try to sense Catherine love," Andrew telepathically suggested.

Amelia in all of the turmoil failed to realize that Catherine was still alive or she would have felt her death. "I can't sense her but I know she is alive." Amelia responded the same way. Amelia tried to mentally contact Catherine while Andrew used the phone to call Susan.

"Susan it is Andrew ... Amelia said that Catherine is alive. Do you know about the others...? You can tell she is alive, thank the maker.... We are at the manhole where they were supposed to come out of. Call Gloria and ask her to meet us here... I sensed him on the edge of my perception when we arrived moving out of the area. ... I am not sure how I knew it was him; I just did... OK I will see you two in few minutes. .. Gloria is pulling up now ... you just talked to Emma ... The passage is blocked. The next entrance is a mile up the road we will head there. Amsu just left the area he was heading north. If you and Charles are going to try to intercept him be careful please." Andrew said finishing the call.

Andrew and Amelia got into the van that Gloria was driving and told her where to go. While she was heading to the manhole, Amelia pulled all of the blood that was in the van. When Andrew saw what she was doing he asked." Why are you packing blood? We need to move quickly before the humans investigate?"

"Linda has a broken leg and Scott needs to feed as soon as we can get blood to him. He was the one the stopped the explosion. Catherine said that they lost four of their protection team." Amelia explained.

"When I get my hands on that cock-sucker he is going to wish he was never born," Andrew swore as he started to lose control. The temperature in the van started to rise rapidly.

"Enough already it is way too hot for all of this heat. Get a grip already." Amelia shouted while shaking him by the shoulders.

Gloria wondered why there was no response from the human authorities yet. She looked around getting an uneasy feeling because of the lack of response. "Andrew something isn't right. Where are the human authorities? I expected to be hearing sirens and see some form of response, if nothing else from their fire department," Gloria Stated concerned.

Andrew Looked around and realized she was right. The streets should have been filled with emergency service personnel. Andrew could not sense any other vampires in the area except for the group that was under ground and themselves. He wondered how long before they did finally come to investigate the large hole in the center of the street.

"Amelia try to get a message to Catherine and see if they can start heading this way. I am not sure how long we will have until the human authorities come and investigate the hole in the center of the street but I cannot imagine it will be much longer," Andrew requested.

Andrew looked around he tried to stretch his senses out further but he either didn't know how to or he was already at his maximum range. He thought for a moment and then said, "Gloria I think it would be better if you wait here. If the human response shows up call us then we will arrange for a meeting spot outside of their perimeter. Please be extra careful, I do not want to lose any more friends today."
