Anna's Milk Ch. 02


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"That's OK, David," Moira said, "It's all true. It's not like you're telling me something that I don't already know!"

I was looking down, and blushing, as Moira added, with halfway mock and halfway real enthusiasm:

"In fact, skip the coffee. I want to pick you up in my car, since you clearly appreciate her, take you on a drive, and then you'll be like putty in my hands by the time we get up to Lover's Leap."

"Could we just go to a movie instead?" I asked, looking up at her, hardly believing my boldness.

"Sure, David. I had no idea you were holding the torch for me," Moira added. She was sophisticated, and sometimes talked in a kind of old-fashioned way.

"But you'll need to decide," she added, "Whether you prefer a statuesque redhead with big boobs, or a sarcastic Jewish girl with small boobs."

"Moira," Anna said, "be nice to him! He's a virgin and he's really shy!"

"Anna!" I said, genuinely annoyed this time. I sighed.

"That was kind of a low blow, Anna," Moira said, but then added slyly, in a Groucho Marx voice while holding a pretend cigar, "I would have liked to have found that out myself!"

She raised her eyebrows up and down as she twiddled her pretend cigar, looking me up and down from my face to my still bare chest lasciviously.

I smiled, but was still a little mortified. Moira, seeing this, said in her normal voice, but conspiratorially,

"Just ignore her. She's just jealous of what we might have together. I know I can teach you a few tricks you haven't even heard of!"

As I looked into her twinkling brown eyes I smiled again.

Moira winked at me, and then made sexy faces in an exaggerated Hollywood way, finally licking her lips all around.

I cracked up.

"I like him," Moira announced to Anna, "I think he gets me. Which is more than I can say for Vittorio. We had such a cross-cultural glitch. I was always finding him hilarious, but he usually just didn't get it."

"But Vittorio had certain advantages, from what you've told me," Anna said.

"Oh yeah," Moira said, and her eyes got wide, and she stretched her hands out about a foot apart.

"No!" Anna said.

"I'm exaggerating," Moira said, moving her hands back together, "More like this." It still looked substantial.

"How big is that in inches?" Anna asked, seeming genuinely interested.

"Stop it!" Moira said, "You're shocking the virgin over here."

It was true, I was shocked. When women in high school were around me, I'd never heard them talk quite this way.

"Now you know," Moira said, looking back at me and seemingly reading my mind, "This is how women sometimes talk when men aren't around."

Baby Ben suddenly de-latched from Anna's nipple with a wet sound, and then looked over at Moira and smiled.

"We know what'll keep him happy later in life," Moira said, and with her hands in front of her she mimed Anna's big breasts.

"Do you want the other side," Anna said to Ben, latching up the right side of her bra, and unhooking the left, revealing an equally luscious left breast. She switched Ben around and tried to get him to latch onto her nipple, pushing and tickling it against his face. But Ben was full now, and too amused by Moira's new and funny voice, and so he couldn't be interested. Instead he kept looking over and grinning at Moira.

"Awww," Moira said, "Isn't he cute. But I can't believe he's not interested in that beautiful boob. It looks so good even I almost want to try it!" Moira laughed.

Anna laughed too, and kept trying to comically get him interested in her breast, holding it and pointing it at him, and then tickling his cheek with her pink nipple, which now had a little drip of milk gathering on it.

Moira looked amused, and so Anna took it to the next level.

"Watch this!" Anna said, and as Ben's face was turned away, as he grinned at Moira, Anna slowly and firmly squeezed her left breast with her left hand.

A surprisingly strong stream of milk squirted out of Anna's breast. If you've seen a woman do this, you know that it's not just one little stream of milk, but instead half a dozen or more little streams that all come out of the tip of the breast. This was the first time I'd ever seen it, and I was awe-struck. Moira glanced over at me. She was equally awe-struck.

As the milk squirted onto Ben's face he started in surprise, and then he got a little in his eyes and started crying.

"Sorry Ben. Now look what I've done. I didn't know there would be so much. David, would you take him?"

I came over to Anna and got Ben, as she hooked up her bra and then started buttoning her blouse.

"Jeeze, you two sure make a great team. How much do you pay David? Whatever it is, it's not enough. Except for the fact that you get to see some of the most beautiful tits ever, every day!"

That was getting a little too close to the truth, and Anna and I suddenly were quiet.

I said, to distract from this, after I'd wiped him up: "Ben seems kind of tired." This suddenly seemed true. He'd already stopped crying, and now was looking sleepy. "Shall I put him down?

"Please do," Anna said, "Thanks, David." She smiled at me warmly, and I smiled back.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Moira looking at us, and I broke the glance with Anna and took Ben over to his crib in the dim second back bedroom, and gently put him down. Then I came out and quietly closed the door behind me.

"So what's it taste like?" Moira asked me, as I came back into the living room.

"What?" I said, confused.

"What's Anna's milk taste like?"

"Oh, that," I said, looking over at Anna, who seemed interested in what I was going to say.

"It's good. It's really good. You can see why babies are so crazy about it."

I tried to sound casual, and I think I succeeded.

"Yeah," Moira said, "but *what* does it taste like?"

"Well, it's sweet and kind of thin, but at the same time still creamy. I think it's a lot better than cow's milk."

"It's better for you too," Anna added.

"Do you want to taste it?" I said, picking up Ben's bottle which he'd never touched, and holding it out to Moira.

"Drink my best friend's boob juice? Sounds kinky! But I don't think I'm up to it today. Sounds like you've got a real gourmet taste for the stuff though David."

"Don't tease him!" Anna said, trying to protect me on what Anna knew was a delicate subject.

"If I didn't tease him, how would could he tell it was me, and not some body-snatcher replicant that had taken on my beautiful form to seduce him, take over his body, and then get him to help me take over the planet! Ha-haa-haaa!" Moira ended this surreal attempt at humor with a clichéd evil laugh.

But I was quite amused, and even transfixed by Moira's sexy sense of humor, which was only rarely on display during my years in high school with her. That word seduced sounded very promising, even though I knew she was almost certainly joking.

"Seriously, David," Moira looked over at me, and suddenly did sound almost serious, "I think you need to get out of this house more. You're spending too much time here with Anna and the baby."

"Moira! He's my main help! Do you want to come over here and change poopy diapers!"

Anna seemed genuinely indignant. It was not the first time she'd used the word "help" to describe me either, which was sort of insulting, but it is true that babies are a huge amount of work, and without Nick she really did need a lot of help.

"No!" Moira said, laughing again and getting up, "I can barely deal with my own shit. I can't cope at this point with much of anyone else's, especially a baby's."

Moira went over to the couch where Anna was, leaned down and gave her a hug and a big kiss on the cheek.

"Hang in there, babe," Moira said, "Sometime when David's babysitting call me, and we can have a girls' night out."

"And David," she said, turning to me, "I'll call you about that date, since I have a feeling that if I wait for you to call it could be a while. Stand up. Give me a hug and a kiss."

Moira hugged me with her slender form, but I could feel her braless medium-small breasts through her blouse against my bare chest, even through her blouse, which felt very nice. And then she looked up to kiss me. I looked down into her beautiful liquid brown eyes, which were sparkling with mischief and sexiness, and then tried awkwardly to kiss her cheek.

"No," she said, moving my face gently back to center with her hands, "let's do it on the lips and get it over with," and she leaned up and gave me a quick but nice kiss right on the lips.

She separated herself, turned to Anna and said, "I learned that from a movie. It was Al Pacino, I think, who told this woman at the start of their first date that they should kiss right away, so they wouldn't have to worry about that first kiss for hours. It seemed totally the right approach for David here."

I was looking at Moira with a happy smile filled with more than a little wonder at her sense of humor and other charms, including her soft lips.

"Awww, look at him," Moira said, glancing back at me, "He's like a happy puppy dog. I'd give you another kiss, sailor, but I want you to have something to look forward to. And I don't want to gross out my friend here with the heavy tongue action of that second kiss."

And now Moira stuck her tongue out a little and vibrated it in almost a butterfly-like way.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"What?!" Moira looked mock-surprised, "You know you want it!"

I kept laughing and blushing, but she was right: I always knew Moira was pretty and smart, but now that she was shamelessly flirting with me she was suddenly mesmerizing.

"OK! I gotta go and figure out how to fuck my Miata!"

We laughed again, and Moira added thoughtfully, "As long as I clean the gear shift it should be all right, don't you think?"

"Moira, you're crazy!" Anna said, laughing some more.

"Seriously, take care you two!" Moira said, as she grabbed her small black designer purse from the table, and then, glancing one last time at both of us, quickly breezed out the door and closed it behind her.

We could hear her car starting outside, and then the slightly whining sound of her transmission as she backed out of the driveway.

A couch pillow hit me in the head as I was staring at the door, lost in thought about Moira and our future date.

"What?" I said, as the spell was broken.

When I looked back at Anna, I was shocked to see that she had gone from laughing a minute ago to clearly on the edge of tears.

"I thought you only looked at me that way," she said, clearly trying to breathe evenly and stop the tears from welling up in here eyes.

"Oh Anna," I said, trying to be sensitive, "You're being silly, what man couldn't look at Moira that way when she flirted like that. And, besides, you're married!"

I knew I was stating the obvious, but suddenly it seemed like it needed to be said—to both of us.

"Anyway, you're welcome," Anna said, with a slight hint of bitterness.

"For what?" I said, slow on the uptake.

"For setting you up with Moira, of course. You'll probably have fun, but I'm not sure it will all that you seem to be hoping for."

At this point, I was hoping for quite a bit, and so it was a let down to hear that. I was already trying to picture losing my virginity to Moira.

But I just said, "You mean she's not going to kiss me with her tongue like that," trying to recapture the humor of a few minutes before.

"Oh, she'll probably do that, and maybe a whole lot more—if she likes you, which she seems to so far."

I think I looked shocked and puzzled at the same time. How could it be a whole lot more and not what I was expecting at the same time? But Anna asked,

"Have you ever even seen a woman naked, David? I mean, aside from my boobs."

"No, your boobs pretty much cover it. Aside from, I have to admit, a few women on the web."

I blushed as I said this, and looked down, as I confessed to Anna what she must already know, that I looked at porn. What I didn't add, and was now thinking about, was that I tried to look for women who looked like Anna, which wasn't easy. I've mentioned several times that Anna was pretty, but now I'll mention that she looked rather like Amy Pond in the later Dr. Who TV show that would be on almost ten years later.

"I can tell you what Moira looks like naked, if you want," Anna said, clearly just letting pass as obvious that I looked at nude women on the web.

"How did you see her naked?" I asked, and then got really shocked, as I blurted out, "Have you two....? Oh my god!"

"No," now Anna was laughing again, "But I thought about it. If I ever do it with a woman, I hope it's with her. She has kind of made a pass at me, but that was before I was even pregnant."

"You mean she's....?" Again, I couldn't finish the sentence.

"Bisexual? Yeah. But in practice she seems to mostly go out with men."

"But then how did you see her naked?" I asked again.

"Oh, we used to have plenty of sleepovers before Nick, and she's very casual about nudity. She basically would flaunt herself in front of me, and then taunt me to take off my clothes too."

"And did you?" I said, still getting over my shock.

"Yeah, more often than not," Anna admitted, "And we did give each other back massages. And we also compared our breasts and pussies and stuff. But we never actually had sex."

"Oh my god," I said, taking this in.

"Does that turn you on, thinking about me and Moira together naked?" Anna asked.

I laughed.

"I suppose it might, if I could just get over the shock."

I then added, "What do you mean, comparing your breasts and...stuff?"

"Oh, that. Once-in-a-while I think some women who are *really* close friends do that. We tell each other how sexy and beautiful the other one is, while comparing and contrasting. I loved Moira's pointy breasts. They look almost like large and wide champagne glasses with little nipples. She let me touch them. They're very soft, and warm, and yet firm...." Anna was looking at me to see what effect this might be having.

She saw me looking at her with wonder and growing horniness at this description of what I might soon see—maybe on even the second date? I was calculating.

"Shall I go on?" Anna said slyly, in a sexy voice.

"Sure," I said, a little hoarse.

"Well, the other thing about Anna is that she doesn't shave much, and so she's kind of hairy."

"Hairy?" I said, almost in a trance.

"Yes," Anna said, seeming to enjoy the effect her description was having on me, even though it was about another woman, "Of course I am too. But Moira has a very beautiful black-haired pussy, and when she spreads her legs you can see her dark red pussy lips inside...."

My mouth opened with awe, and my cock started rising visibly in my swim trunks, which I still had on. At this point, I was beyond caring: what did she expect would happen when she talked that way to a horny 18-year old guy?

"But," Anna added, in a suddenly brisk way, "She makes it clear to almost all of her lovers that she'll never really fall in love with them, and probably won't ever commit." I saw Anna glancing down for a small fraction of a second at the tent in my swim trunks.

"I don't understand," I said.

"She's a 'friends with benefits' kind of gal. She has a big speech about it that she gives to people. I've heard it too, and she told me she tells a variant of it to almost all of her fuck buddies."

"Oh," I said.

I really couldn't tell how appealing this was to me, to be just one of a number of Moira's friends with benefits. My dick seemed to know and started rapidly wilting. I had no idea that brilliant Valedictorian Moira had this kind of sex life.

"David, let me ask you something, and I want you really to think about it," Anna said, in a different tone of voice.

"Yes," I said, puzzled.

"Do you love Ben?"

"What? That's quite a change of subject!"

"Just think about it and tell me: Do you love Ben?"

I thought about it, and I realized with wonder as I searched my strong feelings that I did love the little tyke.

"Oh my god," I said quietly, and even a little choked up, "I do."

"I thought you did," Anna said, beaming, but with tears again suddenly brimming in her eyes.

"Oh David, give me a hug!" I hugged her in a genuinely loving way for half a minute, and then separated, and said with amazement:

"It just kind of snuck up on me. It took you asking for me to realize it, but I do love Ben."

"He loves you too, I know it," Anna said, still on the verge of tears.

"I'm so glad you love him."

And then she paused and added: "And how do you feel about his mother?"

"Oh, Anna, I don't think we should be talking like this...." I was shocked yet again, wondering how I could be shocked in so many ways in such a few minutes. I almost felt like I had psychological whiplash.

"But you do care for me?" Anna said, seeming to know the answer.

"Of course I do. Very much! You're my best friend. In fact, I think in this short time you've probably become the best friend I've ever had."

"And you think I'm beautiful," Anna added. It was a statement, not a question.

"Of course you're beautiful! Every guy at the pool knows that—you don't need me to tell you."

"But I do need you to tell me, because I don't really care about those guys at the pool."

"Anna, this is getting very weird. Nick would not want us to be talking this way. He trusts us," I said, feeling very worried and exasperated at the direction the conversation was going. I added:

"This is why it's good I'm going out with Moira. Thanks for setting that up."

"Why do you think she wants to go out with you?" Anna asked, simply, as if asking a child.

"Um, I don't know. I think she likes me, but...."

"She does," Anna said, "You're cuter than I think you know, with your curly brown hair, your thin and muscular build, and your shy and bashful looks. And seeing how capable you are with Ben I think makes some women think, including my Mother as you saw, that you would probably have skills in other area. Like pleasing a woman. Or, that at least you'd be teachable. And that you'd really want to please a woman that pleased you. Isn't that right?"

"Yeah, I guess," I said, blushing.

I was hoping I could figure out how to please a woman. Or at least be be taught how to please a woman.

Anna continued.

"But I think it's more than that that's making Moira flirt with you so much. Try and put two and two together."

Since I was better at math than Anna was (although not as good as Moira), this seemed like an insulting question. But suddenly it dawned on me. I couldn't quite say it. But Anna could.

"She's going out with you to try to keep us apart," Anna said quietly.

"Oh shit," I said, knowing it was true. And then I walked over to where the bottle of breast milk was still sitting on the living room floor several feet away. I picked it up, and started sucking down the sweet juice of Anna for comfort.

I stopped nursing on the bottle, and then suddenly laughed at the absurdity of the whole situation, and said:

"I'm sure glad Moira can't see this! What would she say?"

"I can barely imagine," Anna said, "But it would be some kind of horrified, sarcastic joke."

"How's the milk?" Anna added, as I kept nursing it down.

"Delicious, as always," I said, somewhat sarcastically myself, shaking my head at the craziness of it all, and yet tipping the bottle up and sucking some more of it down just for the heck of it.

"Oh fuck," I suddenly stopped. "I think I should be drinking whisky instead and getting shit-faced. But I hate whisky with a passion...."

"Please don't drink—unless it's my milk, or get a glass or water," Anna said quietly, "I'm going to take a bath and try to relax, and I'd like you to listen for Ben and get him if he wakes up."

"OK," I said, standing in the middle of the living room, still holding the bottle. As Anna passed by me on the way to the bathroom, she patted my tummy with her hand affectionately.