All Comments on 'Aquarium'


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mybuttsursmybuttsurs11 months ago

I really enjoyed reading this story. There are a lot of tentacles stories and very few that involve snakes. Very well written. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

A bit more detail of what they did would have been awesome but still a great read! :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
short but sweet

I'm happy to see not all of your storys seem to leave off, granted its nearly midnight and thats when i have to stop reading, but your work is good enough that i dont want to. I particularly liked this story, as its not your atypical tenticals (too late in the evening for spelling sorry) nonhuman sorry (which btw, dont get me wrong, i love!) nor is it an over the top scene. ^^ danke danke

CliffordJCliffordJover 16 years ago
WOW and then some!

More please...adventures are a plenty I would like to think.. maybe add her closes girl friend perhaps??? Or maybe the have 2 snakes????

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