Black Magick Ch. 10

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A little nighttime naughtiness.
5k words

Part 10 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/20/2022
Created 06/05/2006
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(Attention readers!!! Everyone in this story is over 18!!)


"Hey, wake up!" Nick said to his new "sister," the reincarnation of his dead grandmother. She'd just given him the most awesome blowjob of his young life in order to cure him of the supernatural illness he had contracted this morning, and now he wanted to know she was still all right. He didn't know very much about the health issues of dead people and so had no idea how to tell if she was ok or not. She just sort of passed out after eating his cum. Did the magick she cast on him eat away too much of her energy? And if so, how could he help? Oh, where was Elisabeth when he needed her! She seemed to know everything.

Nick put his finger on Victoria's neck to check her pulse. It was strong and steady, which should be a good sign, at least if she was a normal person. But she wasn't, that was the problem! What if she lived on sexual energy or something? Hadn't she said something like that? She could have hurt herself performing the healing, maybe by consuming too much of her power too quickly. Wasn't it his responsibility to take care of her as her older brother, even if it was a sort of an unconventional relationship?

Boy was she beautiful when she was sleeping. She looked like a porcelain doll. Her skin was so white and smooth and contrasted so much with her long black hair. Seeing her that way, Nick wanted to fuck her, to pull her panties off the way he did with his sister's dolls growing up. Shit, what was he thinking at a time like this? He picked Victoria up by the armpits, oddly conscious of his nakedness. His cock had hardened again, and it brushed against her shirt as he maneuvered her over to a chair. Was it only him or did she feel oddly light for a girl her size, as though she wasn't quite made of the same material as normal people? No, he had to be imagining it. She didn't react when he moved her, like she really was a doll.

Nick heard a knock at the door and ran back to his bed, covering himself with his white bed sheets. A moment later, his mother walked in, carrying a bowl of soup.

"I thought you might want some more for dinner," Susan said with a little smile. "Oh, what is Vicky doing here?" she asked, noticing her daughter (or perhaps her mother) sitting in the chair.

"Oh, she was worried about me, but I told her I was ok and she fell asleep," Nick lied quickly. Maybe it was more of a half-truth than a lie, he just left out the whole healing blow job bit, that's all.

"I swear. She acts so immature it's so hard to believe she goes to high school," Susan said, shaking her head.

"It's hard to believe she's almost fifty and raised from the dead," Nick thought to himself. To his mother, he just nodded in agreement.

"Thanks for the soup Mom, but I think I'm feeling well enough for solids. I guess a good fuck was all I needed."

Susan glanced at her sleeping daughter in near panic, hoping to God that she was really sound asleep and didn't hear her son's dirty mouth.

Nick laughed. "Oh believe me, Mom, she's sound asleep. I was shouting her name a moment ago and she didn't wake up. She's completely innocent."

His mother clicked her tongue nervously. Obviously she was still uneasy about talking dirty with her daughter in the room.

"Why don't I put her to bed, and you can put on some clothes and have dinner with me."

"Where's Dad?" Nick asked. "Won't he be eating with us?"

"Oh no. He's holed up in his study. The sandwiches I left him for lunch are still untouched, but he has gone through three pots of coffee. I wouldn't expect to see him for a couple of days unless the house caught on fire."

Better not tell Elisabeth, Nick thought. She might be tempted to set the house on fire the way she did his office. But of course he didn't say that out loud.

"Hey where's Elisabeth?" Nick asked instead. He really did want to know.

"Oh, she's staying the night at Amber's house tonight. Something about studying for a midterm. I swear the two of them are as thick as thieves."

Nick nodded. But what he was thinking was, "Shit, I'm on my own on this one."

His mother picked up Victoria in her arms and carried her like she was a little girl. Boy she really must be light. Either that or his mother worked out, which Nick wasn't willing to put past her.

Nick pulled on a pair of pants and a t-shirt, combed his hair and walked out to the kitchen. He was really looking forward to eating. It felt like ages since he had a good meal. Nick felt hungry enough to eat two horses whole.

His mother and him ate steak, fillet mignon with scallop mushrooms and red wine. Susan didn't seem to mind that he was too young to drink as long as it was a part of a meal, and eating such a fancy dinner alone with his mother made Nick feel very powerful and manly.

He was there, enjoying her cooking and fucking her during the day while her husband sat alone in his study, completely engrossed with his plans to make more money than the family ever needed. It was some kind of Freudian dream come true. And the sex was just so damn hot! Damn, Nick loved being Susan's toy. If he knew that's what would happen to him for being naughty, he would have been a lot naughtier a lot earlier.

He rubbed his foot against his mother's leg, making her tremble just a little with pleasure as she ate. It was obvious that she was devouring his attention, as though she was starved for it. Nick wanted to just rip her clothes off and fuck her right there on the kitchen table. To hell with dinner!

He put his foot up higher up her leg so that he touched her upper inner thigh. Oh, it felt so naughty to be doing something like that during dinner!

Nick was staring underneath the table more than at his dinner. His mother's legs were spread far apart and he could almost see her panties underneath her skirt.

Nick watched his mother pull her shirt up just a little and push her panties to the side so he could see her sopping wet pussy, which was filled with a huge black dildo that almost seemed to split her in two.

Nick's fork fell from his hand and clattered loudly against his plate.

"There's no excuse for bad table manners!" his mother said with just a trace of merriment in her voice. "It's rude to your company if you eat in such an unsophisticated manner. Is it too much to ask that you keep your fork in her hands and your mouth from going slack while you eat?"

"No ma'am," Nick said, taking another bite of his steak and chewing it politely. He knew what the game was now.

He could do whatever he wanted underneath the table as long as on the surface he seemed to be having nothing more than a fancy dinner alone with his mother.

The thought made his heart beat loudly in his chest, and his cock, already quite hard, gave a delighted twitch. What a kinky woman his mother was, to play such a filthy game with her son!

Nick pushed his toes up higher along her leg until he felt the warm, wet feel of her pussy, stretched almost to the limit by the humongous dildo.

Above the table, he took a fork full of mushrooms and put them in his mouth. He had to concentrate hard not to get his jaw drop or a moan pass his lips.

Oh, the restraint was killing him!

He let his left hand drop into his lap and began stroking himself through the material of his underwear, but he couldn't let his hand rest there long because it wouldn't be polite to eat one-handed.

He pushed his foot against the black dildo in his mother's pussy and she almost fell forward into her plate, before she stopped herself and continued eating her dinner like nothing had happened, but perhaps taking a little more wine than usual.

Nick had to wiggle a little to get his foot further between his mother's legs and he did this very slowly and carefully so that it couldn't be detected above the table.

He grabbed the dildo between two of his toes and timed it so the he pulled the toy free of Susan's pussy in time with a great gulp of wine.

The toy hit the ground with a wet, sloppy noise, which was ignored by both Nick and his mother.

He could fell the moisture leak out of her, flowing down her legs and probably forming a puddle on the kitchen floor.

Her pussy hung loose and empty, and Nick quickly filled it with his big toe, roughly stimulating her clit with his little toe.

His mother moaned softly, but tried to disguise it by taking another sip of her wine.

Nick pushed another toe into her.

He was almost done with his steak now and only had a couple of mushrooms and a little green salad to go.

His cock was throbbing, and hungry though he was, he could hardly force himself to keep eating. He wanted to get his mother away from the table so that he could fuck her brains out. He was too horny for any more games.

His hunger for food had completely transformed into a frantic hunger for sex. Was it some sort of magick spell?

No, it was probably just hormones.

Suddenly, the door next to the kitchen opened and Nick's father, Samuel, appeared with a serving tray and an empty coffee pot.

"The sandwiches you made for lunch were exquisite," he said to his wife, not bothering to look under the table where his son's foot was firmly wedged up her wife's privates.

He set up the coffee maker to brew up another pot.

"Susan, you know what a scatter brain I am while I'm working. Will you remember to bring me the coffee when it's ready?" Samuel asked, smiling lovingly at his wife, who smiled back in the same manner.

"Of course, dear," Susan said, just like all the perfect wives and mothers in old television shows. "You just go back to work and leave all the little details to me." She gave her husband a little satisfied wink, as though they were conspirators in some sort of little mischief.

Her husband smiled back at her and disappeared back into his study.

Nick sighed a heavy sigh of relief.

Is mother laughed.

"What were you so nervous about?" she asked her son almost critically. "Your father already knows about our relationship and he doesn't care. Nothing is going to change just because he sees us having a little fun underneath the kitchen table. Besides, he's too preoccupied to notice anything. He even forgot to push the 'on' switch on the coffee maker just now."

Nick pulled his foot from his mother's pussy and looked at her inquisitively, almost as though he couldn't understand a word she was saying.

"But he's your husband! It's wrong for us to be doing things like this right in front of his nose!"

Susan just waved this away with a flick of the wrist.

"It's wrong of him to hole himself up in the his study all day and night when he's got a hot wife who needs fucking, but that's just the sort of man he is. The two of us find ways to work around it."

"Oh," Nick said, staring down into his salad and feeling a little depressed. He felt oddly used, like a mere plaything to his mother. He felt like the relationship they had developed in the last few days meant nothing compared to the years she had spent with his father. Or worse, that their sex was merely a diversion for his mother and didn't mean anything at all to her, even though it was beginning to mean the world to Nick.

He sighed heavily.

"Do you mind if I excuse myself from the table?" Nick asked. "I'm not really hungry anymore."

His mother looked at him, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"I suppose it would be alright," she said. "After all, you are still recovering from the flu. You need your rest. I'll just finish up here and be in your bedroom in thirty minutes to tuck you in.

"That's really not necessary," Nick said, scrapping the remainder of his dinner in to the trash can and leaving the plate and silverware to soak in the sink.

His mother gave him a look which said that it was very necessary. "I'll be there anyway. Make sure you have your teeth brushed and are ready for bed by then."

"Yes, ma'am," Nick said, resigning himself to the idea that he was going to have to fuck his mom whether he felt up to it or not. His cock was behaving very oddly in his pants, refusing to either become completely hard or so shrivel back to its relaxed size.

Nick walked through the living room to the hallway where the entrance to his bedroom was and was about to turn the corner when he saw a door right in front of him. That door definitely hadn't been there last night. What was going on in this house, anyway?

He opened the door slowly. The room was half-dark, lit only by three very dim lamps that reflected off the antique mirrors lining the walls. Just above where he could reach there was a row of shelves that held a collection of porcelain dolls of every shape and size.

Nick felt a shiver run down his spine. He couldn't help feeling like the dolls were staring at him in the near-darkness.

He tried to think of something else.

Almost in the center of the room, Victoria was sleeping in a long narrow daybed that reminded Nick of a coffin.

"Nothing like being dead for ten years to turn a person Goth," Nick thought with a little shiver.

His younger sister was decked out in an adorable white lace nightgown with a blue satin ribbon and matching knee stockings and looked just like a life-size version of the dolls that lined the room.

Nick stepped forward and put his fingers against her neck. Her heart really was still beating strong and steady, and she was breathing, too. It was practically adorable how her chest moved up and down while she slept.

But her skin was ice cold, and that frightened Nick. How could he let himself be dragged away when his sister might be in trouble?

But what to do for her? He didn't have any clue Elisabeth really was the person who knew about this sort of thing, and she was staying the night with Amber. He couldn't tell his parents either. They were so under Victoria's spell that they firmly believed she was their daughter. They'd send him to a shrink for sure if he came to them with a story about his dead grandmother coming back to life as his little sister and giving him a blowjob to cure him of the illness he had contracted during her awakening.

But he had to do something.

He forced himself to concentrate. Hadn't she said that she used the sexual energy of a bunch of men as a power source to bring herself back from the dead? And that was what happened to him in the shower last night. His dead grandmother was stimulating his body to steal his energy. So if he could somehow get her to give him an orgasm now, then that might give her enough power to wake up.

Oh, but there had to be more than that! Giving him a blow job was what made her pass out in the first place.

It was so confusing!

Maybe, just maybe, if Nick got her off at the same time, it would do the trick. He didn't quite know whether it would work or not, but it seemed to be worth the risk. At any rate he couldn't make matters worse, could he?

He raced into Elisabeth's room, grabbed one of the vibrators from the stash he had stolen from his mother earlier, and brought it back into Victoria's room. This vibrator had four leather straps on it.

Making sure to lock the door behind him, he pulled the skirt of her nightgown up and slowly began to ease her panties down her legs.

Her pussy was so beautiful that he couldn't help fondling it just a little while he spread her legs apart to put the vibrator in place over her clit and strap it firmly in place.

Nick turned on the power and Victoria began to writhe on the bed, although she didn't wake up. The color was beginning to return to her cheeks and she looked like she was becoming rather aroused, which Nick took as good sign.

Nick pushed the top of her nightgown down below Victoria's sizeable breasts, eased his cock into her cleavage and began to pump. He concentrated on his sister's reactions timing his thrust to make sure they were at the same level of arousal, because he really did think that it was important for them to come at exactly the same time.

He watched the juices begin to slide down his sister's legs and wanted nothing more than to lick them up as he continued to thrust in her cleavage, but he was afraid of doing too much. He wanted to help his sister, not violate her while she slept. If nothing else, she wasn't the sort of woman to cross. She probably had the power to kill him.

It sure was a pain, trying to hold back from coming while he watched his little sister writhe under the touch of the toy strapped to her clit. Even trying to judge her arousal was such a kinky task that it nearly made him come, and he had to try to think about other things from time to time in order to keep his cock under control.

Fortunately, distracting himself turned out not to be as difficult a task as Nick might have supposed, because Victoria's room was sort of creepy, like a tomb, and whenever Nick looked up and felt the gaze of the porcelain dolls on him, his cock because to shrivel just a little bit and he could hold back just a bit longer.

It didn't take long until he fell into a pattern: thrust three times, make a quick judgment whether Victoria was about to cum or not, and then look up into the face of the scariest doll overhead. Thrust, check, look up, thrust, check, look up.

It was maybe ten minutes before Nick was certain his sister was going to have an orgasm. He pulled out all the stops. He stared lovingly at her beautiful, aroused face, watching it begin to tense up. He thrust hard into her cleavage, pressing her breasts together against his member. His cock began to compress like a fire hose, and Nick expelled immense loads of cum all over his sister's breasts and down her nightgown.

At the same time, Victoria began to writhe like never before, her hands clutching the bed sheets as though she was possessed. She began to moan and whimper in a way that excited Nick so much that he nearly came again. It was like she knew just how to get him hard again, without even trying. She moaned and moaned, and Nick was afraid that his mother would hear. But then he realized that the noise was hardly louder than a whisper, it was only the fact that he was so enthralled by his sister's climax that it seemed like the walls were shacking.

Nick pulled his cock out from between Victoria's beasts and stuffed it roughly back into his pants. He adjusted his sister's beautiful white lace nightgown, which was now completely soiled with his cum.

Victoria's orgasm subsided and her eyes opened. She looked around the room as though she had no idea how she could have gotten there. She sat up looking groggy. It took a moment for her eyes to focus on Nick.

He looked at the bulge in his pants and then felt the hot wet spot on her breasts and her nightgown, and the vibrator which was still going full-blast against her clit.

"For heaven's sake, Nick, you could have gotten yourself killed trying a thing like that!" Victoria said, staring her older brother in the eyes. "I suppose I must have used up a little more of my power than I had expected with that magick blowjob, but it's not like I'm made of glass! I would have been fine if you let me sleep it off until morning. There was no reason for you to jump-start me, like some old car with a dead battery!"

Nick felt a little disappointed. He tried so hard to take care of his sister, and he hadn't accomplished anything useful. He just crept into her room like some sort of pervert and used her as a sex toy. He tried to cover his low spirits by smiling, and it sort of helped.

"Okay, so next time I know to let you sleep," Nick replied, his less than natural smile still firmly attached to his face.

"You should probably find someone to fuck before bed," Victoria said, completely ignoring Nick's had attempt at saving face "Otherwise you'll have troubles getting up in the morning. I must have taken back almost as much energy as I gave you, considering that you were able to wake me up with it."