Blissful Torture

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Stranger has some peculiar plans for Yara.
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Foreword: This story is entirely fictional and was written with the sole purpose of creating erotic fantasy and providing reading entertainment. The author does not condone the acts described in this story, nor does he encourage them. For those who are offended by this type of material, please do not bother reading. Critical reviews are more than welcome, in fact they are encouraged. Many thanks in advance for those who chose to read the story and further thanks for those who left their appraisal and suggestions!



It was extremely late by the time Yara walked out of her office, a fact that annoyed her to no end as this was the third consecutive night that she'd been forced to stay in and finish up after her incompetent colleagues. She was young and recently married; couldn't her bosses see that she needed her time with her husband? She'd begun working for the company two years before her marriage and had risen quite a bit since then, now acting as the Personal Assistant for both the company's CFO and CEO. The latter was only temporary, as the P.A. in question was away on maternity leave; Yara could have declined the extra work and responsibility but, along with an extra hefty bonus on her pay check, it was an extremely good opportunity for her career wise. Walking up to her car she noticed that all the lights in parking lot were out again, something that she'd noticed was happening a lot lately. God damned power-outs, she thought, this is really dangerous! People could get mugged! As the thought settled she began to think that perhaps six months of this wasn't worth the bonus... I'm going to have to discuss these late night with Mr. Peterson tomorrow. Either they do something about the power-outs or I'm asking for a raise! she thought as she reached her car.

She fumbled with her purse, looking for the keys to the car, and as she pulled them out she was suddenly pushed against her car, the force of the impact winding her a bit. Yara was anything but a defenseless girl; she swung her elbow back and struck flesh hearing a satisfying grunt from her assailant. Male, 6ft, about 200 pounds by the size of him, she thought sizing her opponent up. A single daughter her parents had been paranoid that something might ever happen to their "little princess", so they'd put her Aikido and Taekwondo from an early age. She felt her assailant step back and she took the opportunity to spun around, bringing her leg up in for a high kick to head and was surprised when he blocked her attacked bringing up his left elbow. Her eyes registered his right arm shooting forward, but before she could react she felt a jolt of pain on her belly just as the world around her went from dark to pitch black.

Yara woke up shivering, her head aching like she'd been out on a binge night, unsure of where she was or what had happened. She could feel her skin on her stomach burning, she didn't know why. She tried opening her eyes, her surroundings were completely dark; it took her a few minutes to realize she was blindfolded, a thought that in her still slightly dazzled state, struck her as odd but, like a wave upon the shore it all came crashing down, her walk up to the dark parking lot, her assailant and her subsequent black out. What did that fucker do to me!?, she thought trying to reach for her blindfold, only to find that her arms were immobilized, stretched high above her head, her wrists cuffed in padded restraints. As she began recovering her senses she also realized she was standing on the balls of her feet, naked save for her underwear. Panic installed and she began hyperventilating, trying as hard as she could to break free from her restraints, yanking her arms and twisting her body from side to side, but the jingling sound told her that she was cuffed to chains and as strong a woman as she was, she didn't have the strength to break those.

Resigning to her fate, she slumped as far as her chains would allow and began to softly weep. Thoughts of her husband came to mind, that she would never see him again and that he was probably worried sick by now. She suddenly caught her breath and whipped her head up; she thought she'd heard something, what sounded like a soft chuckle.

'Who's there?!' she yelled, whipping her head from side to side, trying to determine the origin of the sound. 'What do you want from me?' For a while she was met with silence, until suddenly the chuckle came louder, followed by a laugh.

'I'd have thought that the P.A to the CEO of such a large company as yours, would have had better brains... you're bound, blind folded, and half naked. What do you think a man would want out of a woman in your situation?' he said with a laugh. He had a deep voice, cultured and calm, a man who knew he was in total control of the situation and had nothing to worry about.

'Please... I- I don't have much money, but I'll give you whatever-'

'Honey, had I wanted money out of this, I would have kidnapped your boss's wife, not his P.A. Besides, I've seen his wife; believe me she doesn't have half the assets you do.' He said walking up to her. She felt the back of his hand on her face and she pushed back as far she could, repulsed by his touch.

'Stay away from me!' she screamed, swinging her leg up awkwardly in hopes of kicking him. He laughed as he deflected her kick once again.

'I have to admit; you caught me off guard with that elbow of yours... I wasn't expecting you to be so skilled in combat. I have to apologize about stunning you, but you left me no choice. Now I'm not going to hurt you, not unless you give me cause to...' he said his voice serious, but gentle. 'You've got a burn mark on your belly, from the stun gun, I'm going to apply some balm to it, and it'll help heal faster. Are you going to cooperate?' she said nothing and he chuckled once again. 'I'll take that as a yes then.' He stepped closer to her and she felt something cold and gelatinous being spread on her belly. Despite the revulsion she felt, she couldn't help notice the soothing feeling it gave her.

'I expect that your head probably hurts too...' he said.

'Fuck you!' she spat.

'In due time precious... in due time.' He said chuckling again. 'I'm going to give you a pill for your headache soon, but before that I think I should explain exactly why you're here. Among many other things, I'm someone with a remarkably high taste for all that is good in Life, with a particularly keen sweet tooth on all that is sexual. When I first laid eyes on you, I knew instantly that you're the kind of woman who can -- and trust me, you will -- satisfy my every need. Now I know what you're thinking, seems like a one sided bargain -- one in which admittedly you have no vote -- but I assure you, it's not that one sided. Pleasure is only truly pleasing if it's reciprocal, and I believe in this whole heartedly.'

'What are you talking about?! I DON'T WANT ANYTHING FROM YOU!' she yelled. 'And I certainly am NOT going to give you what you want; I don't care if it gets me killed. And you can keep your fucking pill too!'

'Why on Earth would I kill you? That would be a pointless waste... no, whether you chose to accept it or not, before this night is over you'll have experienced more pleasure than you ever believed possible. Now, are you sure you don't want the pill for your headache? There really is no point in suffering and I can imagine that it's bothering you quite a bit...'

She remained silent for a while but eventually nodded her head in acquiescence. She heard him move away and back and felt him press the pill against her lips. She opened her mouth taking the pill, swallowing it down after he'd brought a glass with water to her lips as well. Her heart beat faster and faster as she felt him move away, her mind raced trying to figure out how she could get out of this predicament. As illogical as it had seemed, she'd believed him when he'd said he wouldn't kill her; that gave her some comfort, very small at that, but better than nothing. She was suddenly struck by an idea that could possibly get her free.

'I think you should let me go. My husband will be looking for me! He'll contact my bosses and they'll employ all their resources into finding me! Let me go, and I promise I won't press charges, you can even drop me off blind folded somewhere far away, that way I wouldn't be able to identify you!' she said, hope apparent in voice. She heard him chuckle again.

'I reckon they will at that, but before any searches begin they'll have to make sure that you are in fact missing. It's only been five hours since you passed out and I brought you in your own car. I made sure that there were no witnesses when I took you, so for all intense and purposes you might have strolled off on your own.' He said evenly and unwavering. 'If you were a child, perhaps the police would feel pressed into finding you, but you're an adult so they'll wait at least 24 hours before they mount a search. Even when they do though, it won't be of much use. I'm an extremely careful man Yara; I always plan down to the finest detail.'

The fact that he knew her name worried her and, even though he could have gotten that from her driver's license, everything he'd just said told her he'd known her name long before he'd kidnapped her. Her stomach began to rumble. She hadn't eaten all day and she was beginning to feel weak. He must have her stomach, she felt him press something cold and fleshy to her lips, which she instinctively took into her mouth and began eating. Strawberries! This guy couldn't possibly know it was her favorite fruit! ...or could he? At this point it didn't really bother her, she was famished and the fruit was delicious.

'Eat up' he said, a few minutes later 'you're going to need your strength later on.' This gave her some pause and she refused to eat the next strawberry he offered her. 'Suit yourself.' He said with that annoying chuckle he had. For a while nothing else happened, minutes seemed to go by and she began thinking he might have left, until she felt his arms circle her waist from behind. 'I'm going to love our time together...' he whispered into her ear. She tried to break free of his embrace, but he held her tightly. When she finally gave up, she felt one of his arms letting go and his finger at the back of her head, precisely where her blindfold was fastened. Her blindfold came off and Yara had to squint her eyes while they adjusted to the light. As she recovered the full usage of her sight she could tell that her kidnapper was standing in front of her. He was tall, incredibly tall in fact; she realized she'd sized him up four inches shorter. He had dark hair and olive skin, hinting at a Hispanic or South European decent, but his features and his bright green eyes suggested a Nordic background. Having been brought up as martial artist she could recognize someone who was trained in combat and this man clearly was. His strong muscled build, the confidence in his stance and in gaze, all suggested he was someone who had no insecurities. He was also strikingly handsome, someone she would definitely look twice at, were he to pass by her on any given day, but she couldn't help but smile with pride at the clear black bruise that was on the right side of his face. It did nothing to damage his looks though.

She'd almost grown accustomed to being half naked but now, blindfold gone, she felt terribly exposed. She was in a room that had mirrors for walls, so no matter where she turned to she was bound to see herself in her black clad underwear. This wouldn't bother her half as much if she couldn't feel his lustful gaze upon her body. She decided to focus on something else, taking in as much of her surroundings as she could, hoping to find something that could get her out of this predicament. Aside from a four poster bed at the end of the room there wasn't much else that stood out, except for a small table with a chair, and what seemed like a saddled shaped box on top of it. In other words: nothing at all. She sighed and resigned to the fact that for now there wasn't much she could do about her situation.

'Are you ever going to let me down from this?' she asked. 'This is really starting to hurt me.'

'I know, don't worry only a few more minutes and I'll let you down for a while... though to be honest I do love seeing you like that.' He said with a snicker. He reached into his pocket and he pulled out a small pen knife, springing it open in the process. 'But first, let's take care of those last bits of clothing shall we?' he said moving closer to her. Her heart started racing again and as much as she tried, she knew there was no escaping him, not like this.

'I've wanted to do this all night, but I also wanted you awake and conscious for your unveiling.' He said in a low voice as he wedged the knife, blade up, in between her cleavage and the strap that kept the cups together. And then, with little more than a flick of his wrist, she felt her bra come undone, her breasts parting and pushing the bra aside exposing more of her fleshy mounds. 'Gorgeous...' she heard him whisper. The blunt end of the knife travelled down her belly, past her navel and into panties, tracing the thin waist band before finally settling at her side. She looked into his green eyes, pleading with her own.

'Please.' she whispered, knowing full well that it wouldn't accomplish a thing. A wicked grin formed on his face.

'With pleasure...' He said before flicking his wrist, and leaving her utterly naked. She groaned and let her head fall down, humiliation and shame flooding her mind. She began quietly sobbing as she saw his feet step back away from her. She knew that the worst was only just about to begin.

After putting the knife away and disposing of her ruined under garments, he lit a cigarette and stood back and took the time to appreciate his latest pet. She was by far one of the most exquisite creatures he'd ever set eyes upon. It had taken a long time of planning and researching to accomplish his goal, but he had no doubts that it had paid off. The intelligence he'd gathered had told him quite about her, but had failed to inform him of her martial arts skills, he thought rubbing his face. No matter, it makes no difference now...

Yara Jennings was a woman with a promising up and coming career, married to a young businessman. Born into a middle class family, her mother South American and her father mid-western American, she was an only child but hadn't been pampered or spoilt, she'd been raised to work and strive for her accomplishments... In other words she was a very secure woman, someone who would be harder to crack. The apparent lack of sports was no explained by her expertise in Martial Arts, which would also explain how she'd managed to keep her body well toned throughout the years. Standing at 5ft9', a few would consider her 'big', most would see her as a voluptuous woman, but he saw her for what she truly was: a warrior, quite fittingly an Amazon. She'd clearly taken after her mother, her South-American roots endowing with beautiful smooth tanned skin, reminding him of coffee cream, her beautiful round face ornamented with full luscious lips and sparkling dark eyes, framed by dark curls that fell to her large breasts, almost covering her dark and pointy nipples. She had long legs but, unlike most women, hers were shapely and muscular, the kind of legs that once wrapped around a man would envelop him completely. The thought alone caused blood to rush to his groin... they seemed to go on forever until they finally rested at her perfectly round ass. I'm going to have a lot of fun with that... he thought with a smirk as he finished his cigarette. Her head had begun to loll and he decided it was almost time for his next move.

Walking up to her he began lowering her from her restraints, allowing her to curl up on the floor, helping her rub the pain out of her strained joints.

'Please...' she begged. 'You ha- you have to let go- let me go.' She said, her voice slurring a bit. She shook her head, aware that something wasn't right. 'W-what did you do to me?'

'Well sweetheart, that little pill you took earlier for your head is a very, very strong relaxant, and it'll help you go to sleep for a bit before your... workout. Like I said, you're going to need all the energy you can get.' He said, brushing her hair from her face and planting a kiss on her lips.

'Y-you, ba-bastard, I won't let you g-get a-away with th-this.'

'Sweetheart... by the time I'm through you'll be begging me to let you stay.' He said walking away as she collapsed on the floor and passed out.

Yara slowly began to regain consciousness, her mind still foggy and her vision blurry. She was still in the mirrored room and her arms were tied again, only this time they were spread out in a Y shape and she had just enough slack on her restraints to allow her arms to bend a bit, but not much. She was also seated on the saddle shaped box she'd seen earlier, her legs bent at her knees and her ankles restrained secured by shackles bolted to the floor, making it impossible for her to stand. She could smell food, eggs it seemed, along with something else, and her stomach grumbled loudly.

'Ah you're awake!' her captor said in a cheery voice. 'You must be starving, I can only imagine how long it's been since you had a proper meal...' He said, walking into the room from a sliding panel to her right, holding a plate with scrambled eggs, some fried tomatoes and cut up sausages. Her mouth watered and her stomach grumbled even louder. He placed a chair in front of her and, picking up the fork on the side of plate, he ate some of the food on the plate, letting her know that it was safe, before he began feeding her morsel by morsel. This time she offered no objections, and ate greedily, anxiously waiting for the next forkful of food. They remained like his in silence all throughout the meal until her plate was completely clean.

'That's better, isn't it?' he said in a patronizing tone, to which she chose not to answer. 'Now, before we carry on I think some introductions are in order. I obviously know almost all there is to know about you, but you know very little about me and we'll keep it that way for now. However I can't have you keep calling me bastard and all those other ugly names I'm sure are running through your mind right now... I also won't ask you to call me Master, or Sir, or any of that cliché bullshit. My name isn't John, but that's what you can call me from now on.' She remained silent.

'Right, this is another point I'd like to discuss. Things will go quite smoothly if you cooperate. If you don't, I'll be forced to resort to coercive tactics, something I'd very much like to avoid but will do so if necessary. So let's give this a test, shall we? "Yara, I'm John and it's very nice to finally meet you." Now you say...?' he finished letting his voice trail off, but Yara remained silent, meeting him only with a contemptuous stare. John sighed loudly. 'Ok, let's try this again. "Yara, I'm John and although I know I have you here under unusual circumstance, it is still very nice to meet you.' He waited for her to answer but was once again met with silence. He walked off behind her and Yara felt a moment of pride that she hadn't given in to his desires. Her moment was short lived when she suddenly felt a jolt on her back followed by pain. She shrieked just before John walked up to her holding what looked like a cattle prod.

'YOU ASSHOLE!' she spat at him. 'FUCK YOU, YOU CAN TAKE THAT SHIT AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR-AAARRRRRH!' she screamed yet again as he zapped her left shoulder. She felt her muscle go numb, but the memory of the pain remained.

'Now whether you chose to believe this or not, I really am sorry about this, but I did warn you. Cooperate and I promise I won't use it again. Now, one last time, shall we? It's very nice to make your acquaintance Yara, I'm John.' Yara gritted her teeth before answering.
