Bound Friends Pt. 10

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Things get worse for some of the friends.
24.4k words

Part 10 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/15/2014
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The next few days after Carl's death were slow and painful for Sophia. She met with a lawyer who said the contract could be passed down just like it could be sold, and so all the same restrictions apply. Which was especially terrible because there was then no one to give her permission to do the things she needed permission to do. And with the contract transferring ownership, she would likely be under extra scrutiny. She couldn't ever be sure she had a moment where she could be free to break the rules without being noticed.

She was told to be safe she needed to stay in the suite, not the casino at large. But she was often alone and lonely, without Carl living there no one ever had reason to come in. She couldn't even bring herself to go into the bedroom, she kept looking at that spot beside the bed where he had been, all night beside her. No one had even bothered to move the stockade she had been in.

Worst of all she couldn't talk to anyone. She needed permission to communicate long distance and without it being clear who owned her contract she had no one to ask for permission. She asked the lawyer when he was there, but he didn't feel comfortable giving permission as he didn't want to run afoul of the contract himself. She lay on the couch, clutching a large pillow wishing beyond all reason for a familiar face to walk through the front door. She missed her friends, and with so much of her future in the air she wanted desperately to cling to something good from her past. She wanted Lea to tell her this would be ok, or to share a joke with Andrea or ask Megan how her classes were going. Anything. Anything but the bleak loneliness she helplessly sat through.

She was awoken abruptly on the third day as four men stood around the couch she was sleeping on. One wore tan chinos with a polo shirt while the other three surrounded him wearing suits. One of the men in suits she recognized as Carl's assistant but everyone else was unfamiliar. The casually dressed one of the group was tan and looked to be in his 30s. "Are you Sophia Ladas?" one of the suit wearing men asked. Sophia sat up and nodded her head.

"Is that one of my father's shirts?" the casually dressed man asked as he noticed what Sophia was wearing.

"Yes sir, I haven't been allowed to leave and I don't have any clothes of my own," she explained with a slightly downturned head.

"Well, take it off, I want to see what I just got," the casually dressed man replied.

Sophia stood up and removed the oversized t shirt that had been her only clothing. She stood there naked while he seemed to examine her, fighting every instinct she had to cover herself with her hands.

"Are you the only one or did he have any other whores working for him?" he said as he spun her around to get a look at Sophia's backside.

"No others that I'm aware of," Sophia said getting increasingly self-conscious from being so casually called a whore.

"Good, but lets get a few things straight. My name is Felix, and along with my dad's casinos I apparently just inherited your contract. It means that I need to use you daily or I'm in violation of the stupid thing. But my first rule, and I will not tolerate it being violated, I don't want to hear a word about what you did or didn't do with my father. You even mention something in passing and you will severely regret it," he said as he spun her back around and pushed her down onto the couch.

"But sir, Carl had made me this prom...," Sophia tried explaining before receiving a strong backhanded slap to the face.

"What did I just say? I don't want to hear what my dad did with you. I am in charge of you now and I say I don't want to hear anything that went on from the moment you met him to today is that understood?."

Sophia looked to the only person she knew there to help. She had seen him in passing dozens of times, surely he would stand up for her. But he didn't.

"I said is that understood?" he repeated as he raised his hand in the air.

"Yes sir," Sophia said as she looked down at his feet. "But if I could just.."

"Grant, gag her would you," Felix said to Carl's assistant.

With that, Grant pulled from the large bag he was carrying a harness gag. As he stepped forward, Sophia grudgingly opened her mouth and accepted the soft red ball before waiting patiently for all the straps to be applied and tightened.

Sophia was scared. She just wanted to tell him that he had the wrong idea, that he never treated her like a whore. She desperately wanted that promise of leniency Carl made to extend to his son but it didn't seem like he wanted to listen. At least not right now.

"And I can't very well have you following me all day, so we're going to have to make a detour to my home since I can't risk leaving you somewhere not my residence or risk you panicking and running, violating your contract and getting us both in trouble with the ICB," Felix said as he nodded to Grant.

Grant pulled out a metal collar and locked it shut around her neck. He then produced two ankle cuffs that came forged with an 18 inch hobble chain connecting them. Her wrists were guided behind her back while a pair of similar cuffs with only a 9 inch chain were attached to her wrists. Finally a thin almost delicate looking chain was produced. It was in sharp contrast to the heaviness of everything else. It was fed through a ring in her collar with a handle on one side and a small u shaped piece of metal on the other. Handing the leash over to one of the other men, Grant bent down and replaced Sophia's barbell clit piercing with another bar that fed through the u shaped piece of metal at the end of the leash. Now if she didn't keep up with her leash it would pull painfully on her most sensitive area.

Sophia hoped she would at least get some clothes but she wasn't so lucky. She was led to the private elevator. It opened up in a secluded area of the underground parking, but to get from the public garage to Carl's private garage required going through one of the hotel's many laundry rooms. Sophia couldn't help but look up and see what it looked like when about 20 people all stopped what they were doing at once to silently stare. She looked back down at the ground ahead of her, realizing it was probably a mistake to look up.

When she got to the car she half expected to be thrown in the trunk as cargo for as well as things seemed to be going. She was thankful that she was only led to the back seat where someone buckled her seat belt for her. Felix got in the other side and the two cars drove off with everyone else riding in the second car. Once they were moving, he placed his hand on her thigh and began to feel around. "Don't worry, I'm sure I'll find a use for you yet," he said as they pulled out of the parking garage.


After a very short drive across some water, they arrived at the end of a road leading to a gated address. The gate was wood and metal, looking very old fashioned as it opened up to a wide courtyard. Its stone walls were high and it seemed to be the only thing built on the small peninsula they turned onto. When they pulled up, a large woman was there to greet them. Sophia rarely met women much taller than her but this redheaded woman certainly was. Granted Sophia was barefoot and she wore heels, though not very tall ones.

"Well Sophia, this is Sadie, and welcome to The Couesnon," Felix said as he got to the other side of the car to help her out

Sophia had been so focused on the gates pulling up and the people waiting and keeping her head down that what stood in front of her took her by surprise. It looked like an oversized fantasy castle. The stone walls that made up the front of the property continued around with what was meant to looked like fortifications once it reached the (albeit shallow) water. The main building was not very wide but was maybe five or six stories tall with several towers all with blue cone roofs that rose even higher than that. The whole structure also sat elevated, one man with a drink had walked over to the railing but seemed to lose interest and walk back out of sight. Her gag prevented her from speaking but her eyes asked a thousand questions, puzzled at why it would seem someone would simply move a French castle to the shores of New Jersey.

Felix took Sophia by the leash and began explaining as they approached. "This was a gamble of sorts by my father. Once he had the Baiae up and running here, and a Kasbah in both Vegas and Macau, he was basically printing money. Part of what made his resorts so successful was making them seem more elite, decadent, and more than a bit depraved in parts when compared with the family-friendly catch-alls he was competing against. So he thought about trying to take it one step further, create an ultra high end resort. Problem is he refused to cut any corners, exploding the cost way beyond his original estimates. Somehow he hadn't factored in how complicated it could be to build a tall, mostly stone building on tidal wetlands. Those walls aren't decorative, he had to basically build a giant cement bathtub to stop the whole thing from flooding or sinking. And as it turns out there just isn't enough of a client base to make it very profitable. Years ago when I went to him and said I wanted in on the business, he gave me this to try and run. He had written it off as a failure but I've managed to keep it afloat, no pun intended."

Sophia couldn't help but find it funny to see all the medieval decor, the stone facade, but that the entrance was still a set of automatic glass sliding doors. Inside it looked like the lobby of any small hotel, a check in desk in front of them and a small bank of elevators beside them. She could see that beyond them were gaming tables, but saw no slot machines that she had grown so used to seeing and hearing at the Baiae. Sadie was waiting with an elevator open that everyone piled into.

When they got out, Sadie walked ahead again, opening one of the double doored rooms in anticipation of their arrival. As soon as Sophia was through the door she was handed off to Sadie. "Ok, Sadie, I want you to go secure her in my bedroom and get her whatever she might need. Oh and you can probably take the gag out too"

Sophia started to protest, she rattled her chains and tried her best to say "I'll be good." She didn't like the sound of "secured in the bedroom"

"It's for both of our sakes, you look like you're freaking out and I need you to really not try anything stupid like running away. You need to stay in the room."

"I wirrlt, I promisch, I'r be ghood" Sophia sware with utter sincerity.

"Sorry, but I just don't put a lot of weight in the promise of some random whore," he said as he began to back out of the room. "I got many, many more hours with lawyers, I'll probably be back late."

Sophia watched helplessly as Felix simply closed the front door leaving her there with Sadie. Sadie led her through one of the only two sets of doors coming off the living room, revealing a rather spacious bedroom. Sadie pulled out a key fob and held it down at a patch of floor about two thirds of the way to the bathroom from the bed. A small chamber opened up otherwise concealed by the carpeting about the size of a large water bottle case holding a spool of somewhat thick cable.

She pulled out part of the steel cable and closed the door again, making sure the cable lined up with the small hole that allowed it to feed out. She pulled it up and used the fob to open a mechanism in the loop at the end of the cable, before closing it around Sophia's collar for a near seamless connection. Only once Sophia was secured to the cable did Sadie let go of and then remove the chain connected to Sophia's piercing. She unclipped the chain from the piercing but left the piercing where it was. "This cable is long enough you can reach the bed and the bathroom. If you want to retract the cable press this button on the loop here otherwise whatever you pull out will stay out. You should rather easily be able to get your hands out in front and then you can take the gag off yourself," she said as she was already halfway out the room.

Sophia breathed a sigh of relief when she moved her arms in front of her and was able to remove her gag. She pulled out as much cable as it would to give her so she could better see her range. She couldn't reach the doors to the living room, not even with her feet, though the whole of the bed was within reach and it was quite soft especially by comparison to the couch she had been calling a bed the last few nights. She saw a closet at the other end of the room but there was no way it was close enough for her to peek into. The bathroom was rather empty, though to her relief the cable just barely let her into the shower, something she knew she could really appreciate. She just looked down at her cuffs and hope they'd not be staying long and also hoping that they could stand a little water.

Felix did not return until quite late. When he did Sophia simply sat up in bed quietly as she watched him go silently into his closet. Without even glancing much in her general direction he continued on to the bathroom, preparing for bed as if she was not even there. When he left the bathroom he wore only a pair of satin pants tied off with a drawstring. He continued to ignore her existence as he marched back out into the living room closing the door behind him.

Sophia wasn't sure if this was a good or bad thing. It was certainly more than a bit dehumanizing. He seemed to give her about the same acknowledgment as the bedside lamp. But on the other hand, people usually don't mistreat a lamp. When he returned he climbed into bed opposite Sophia and just said "off," like he was shooing a dog off a couch. Sophia didn't say anything she simply got off the bed. She took a pillow with her, which he didn't seem to care about. It made the carpeted floor a little more bearable, but as he turned off the lights she knew it wasn't going to be a very good night's sleep.


She woke up to the sound of a bedside alarm which began blaring until the sound of a fist against plastic shut it off. After it came back on and was again hit off, she finally heard stirring in the bed. She sat up to get a better look and saw him rolling over to her side. He sat up and stretched with what was very noticeably a morning erection.

"Come over here," he said as he sat a little more forward. Sophia crawled forward until her knees were at the base of the bed. Felix bent down and grabbed her by the hair. "Now, so long as I own your contract I need you to service me daily. Do you understand that?" He asked condescendingly. Sophia nodded her head causing him to release her. "Now if you'll excuse me a man has certain needs," he said as he stretched out his arms, giving prominence to his erect cock. Sophia made a guess at his meaning and began to sit up and free his erect member from his pants.

"So that's how you want it then? Alright but you better not spill a single drop is that understood?"

"Yes sir," Sophia meekly replied before wrapping her lips around his cock. She began to suck but after only a few strokes she tasted a warm acrid liquid begin to fill her mouth. All she knew was if she didn't start swallowing it would start to spill out, so as much as it disgusted her she quickly began to swallow. When the flow had finally stopped she pulled herself off of him and began desperately to cough.

"Well that's certainly serving," he said as he lightly slapped her on the back. He walked past her into the bathroom where she immediately heard the shower turn on. She went to test the door, she badly wanted to rise her mouth out, but the door was locked. She wasn't offering that when she crawled forward. She didn't mind the taste of cum but this was a different story. As his shower continued on for what seemed like an eternity the taste didn't go away. She leaned against the wall just beside the bathroom door and brought her knees up to her chest. She brought herself to the verge of tears but was able to just narrowly pull herself back. It wasn't just the taste, it was the violation. Carl would never have done that. But she wasn't Carl's any more.

When he left the bathroom, she immediately ran in and began using the toothbrush Sadie had given her the day before. She scrubbed her tongue all the way back until she was nearly making herself gag. It was minutes hunched over the sink. By the time she returned out to the bedroom he was just emerging from his closet with khakis and a white button down shirt. He didn't acknowledge her he simply left.

Once Sophia was sure he had left she went to his bed and buried her head in one of his pillows, finally feeling free enough to cry. At some point the crying turned into sleeping, she had been on the floor naked all night and wrapping herself in covers on a real bed was simply too comfortable to stay awake.

"Excuse me," Sadie said, waking Sophia from her rest. "I need to make the bed, and I need you out of it to do that. You can go back to resting on top of it when I'm done."

Sophia got up and stood aside as she went to work. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, though I can't always give you an answer," Sadie said without even breaking her stride.

"Is there a plan.. you know for me?" Sophia asked, trying to keep her voice from cracking as she asked.

"Not really, he's probably not going to be taking you with him so you're probably going to be confined to his room most of the time. Surely it can't be that much smaller than when you were confined to Carl's suite," she said as she pressed the topsheet flat and even across the bed.

"Well I wasn't just confined to his room. His lawyers got it so the whole hotel complex considered his residence for the purpose of the contract. So I was.." Sophia responded before being interrupted.

"So you could go anywhere in the whole complex? And that was within the confines of the contract? And what did you do when you weren't in his room?" Sadie said, finally seeming to show interest in Sophia and not her work.

"Well he let me understudy for one of the dancers, I really liked that, it was a lot of my time but it was fun," Sophia said, cracking a wistful smile. "And otherwise I had to do some daily shifts at this sports bar. I had to wear this skimpy costume so it got the sexual service part out of the way so that.."

"So you could go anywhere, and working for the hotel counted as service as long as it's sexual?" Sadie interrupted again. "And this all worked within your contract?"

"Yeah, but what I was trying to say.." Sophia continued before being cut off for a third time.

"Excuse me I need to go see Felix, I think we might just find a long term plan for you yet." Sadie said as she was rushing out of the room.

Sophia had a difficult time gauging this. On the one hand it could return her to a little more sane of a life, but she didn't trust Felix to really make anything better. All he had done so far was make things worse, and she worried she just given him new tools to maybe make her life even worse still.

When Sadie came marching back in about a half hour later the first words out of her mouth were "hands behind your back." Sophia scooted her chain around her legs, standing up with her hands behind her, but all her mind was thinking was that this didn't sound good. Sadie had brought a bag with her and disappeared with it behind Sophia. She felt the chain connecting her wrist cuffs pulled up slightly before she felt something attach to the back of her collar. She could no longer lower her hands and when she tried it put pressure on her neck.

Sophia opened her mouth to ask a question bet felt something round and hard pushed into it. The invader was clearly hard plastic but the straps she felt going around her face were clearly metal; heavy, dull and almost rusted from what she could tell. As metal straps snapped into place she could feel pressure along her lips where a metal panel hid the gag. She could also feel pressure on her lower jaw and the top of her head, preventing her from attempting to open her mouth. There was a hole no wider than a pencil through which she could easily breathe but she could do almost nothing else. She really didn't like where this was going.