California Dreamin' Pt. 02

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Hot white woman and sexy black lawyer have some fun in Italy.
5.5k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/25/2014
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This is a follow up to the Interracial Love story of Richard and Cecelia in California Dreamin'. It can be read as its own independent story but I would recommend reading the previous story first.

I hope you all enjoy! Please send me feedback, rate and comment as well.

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This has to be the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen in my entire life. Standing on the small balcony overlooking the Italian countryside, I cannot help but marvel at the beauty before me. To my left, the sun is just meeting the horizon, casting golden shadows on the vast fields while to the west, the sliver of silver mood is fading in the distance. The sky is a gradient; the colors blend from rich oranges and reds to cool blues and purples. I watch in awe at the transition from night to day happens before my eyes. There is a light fog blanketing the grape vines below and everything is quiet and peaceful.

I look behind me toward the small bedroom where Rich is sleeping soundly. I turn back to my sunrise and breathe in the scent of the fresh air. Feeling this happiness, this peace inside me, it's soothing and I cannot help but smile and remember the last year with Rich.

Rich, my tall, dark and handsome lover and I have spent an amazing year together, experiencing life and love the way everyone should get the chance to. We officially became a couple in the middle of June and I knew in my bones that it was right. Over the summer, we took a lot of day trips, driving to various small towns along the Pacific Coast Highway when Rich could take time away from the office. On Halloween, we dressed up as matching M&M's; I was the sexy green M&M and Rich was the yellow peanut M&M. We spent Thanksgiving at his parent's house in Atlanta and Christmas with my family in Boston. We kissed on New Year's Eve at midnight and toasted champagne, naked in bed, on Valentine's Day. With the spring came both of our birthdays and the summer led us into our one year anniversary.

Of course our relationship isn't perfect, but it's pretty damn close. I am a dance professor at UCLA and Rich is a lawyer at his own practice. Obviously we are both very busy but we always find time for each other. No matter what happens, we have date night at least once a week and we always say goodnight to each other before bed, if we're not together. On the rare occasion that we argue, most of our fights are stupid in reality. Rich hates it when I double dip and I hate it when Rich leaves the toilet seat up. We hog the blankets when we stay at each other's places, we fight rather intensely about pizza toppings, and Rich gets wicked pissed that my hair is everywhere.

"You don't get it, Rich. You're bald," I grumble as I pull a clump of hair out of his shower drain.

"I used to have hair, I just chose to shave it all off," Rich teases as I get up from the floor. "So I do get it but its gross either way. I think you are worse than Dante in the shedding department." Dante is my cat and he sheds like crazy.

Even when Rich is mad about work or we disagree until I'm red faced and angry, we always make up, share a bottle of red Merlot, and work through everything together. One night over dinner, after a really hard trial for Rich and the end of the school year for me, Rich surprised me with plane tickets and a couple's vacation to Tuscany, Italy. I was over the moon! I never thought I would be able to go back but Rich knew that and he made one of my dreams come true the night he gave me those tickets.

So here I am, standing on the balcony of our cozy hotel, watch the sun rise over the vineyards while the love of my life is asleep in bed. I pull my robe tighter around myself and I am completely relaxed until I feel hot lips on my neck and I stiffen. "Good morning, beautiful," Rich purrs as he kisses my neck and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Goddamnit, Rich! Don't scare me like that," I say angrily but lean my body back into the embrace. Rich is warm and smells like a mix of clean sheets and Old Spice deodorant. I turn around to face him and run my hands up his muscular arms to wrap them around his neck. He leans down and our lips touch for the first time of the day. No matter how many times that man kisses me, I will never get tired of how he makes me feel. When we pull apart, I whisper, "Good morning, Richard." Rich rubs my back with his strong hands and gives me a relaxed smile. "Thank you again for this trip. Everything is amazing," I say as I snuggle closer to him and inhale more of his scent.

Rich squeezes me tighter and kisses the top of my head. "Of course, babe. I'm glad we're here."

I stare up into his deep brown eyes and he returns my gaze. I stretch up to meet him and we kiss again, this time more passionately than before. Rich holds me at the hips and I grip his t-shirt as the kiss deepens. I can feel Rich sneak his hands under my robe, feeling the goose bumps rise on my skin from the chilly air and arousal. I smile and bite Rich's bottom lip when I feel his manhood start to grow in his boxer briefs. "Like what you feel," I ask playfully when Rich grabs my naked ass.

"Oh yeah," Rich says and squeezes a little harder. "Should we take this to the bedroom?"

I tease Rich's nipples through the thin fabric of his shirt as I pretend to think about my answer. "I think here is perfect," I say seductively. I slide down Rich's body, tracing every ridge of muscle and kissing him down his chest and abs. I settle myself on my knees and grin up at Rich while I stroke his erection though his bottoms. When I finally peel off his boxers, Rich bites his lip to stifle a moan. I take his thick cock in my hand and work his shaft while I give little flicks of my tongue to his head. When I finally take him into my mouth, Rich reaches out to grab the wall with one hand and twists his fingers through my hair with the other.

Rich has a very long, very thick cock, and he is definitely the biggest guy I have ever been with. I can't take very much of him in my mouth but Rich has never complained. He says that he would rather be with someone who takes their time and enjoys what they are doing than someone who is just putting on a show. I close my eyes and enjoy the sweet taste of Rich's precum. I cup and squeeze his balls and move my hand in long, smooth stroke up and down his shaft. "Oh God, baby. I love it when you do that," Rich growls when I drag my teeth gently over the sensitive skin. I look up and wink at Rich, which only makes him moan louder.

I release Rich from my mouth to catch my breath but he pulls me up by my shoulders. His eyes are burning with lust for me and he gruffly says, "I need you right now, Cecelia". He turns me around in his arms and I automatically lean over the balcony railing. I giggle my booty while I look at him over my shoulder. Rich bends down and runs his fingers from my ankles to my ass, making me shiver and my pussy drip. He squeezes my ass as he teases my wet pussy with his cock. I rock my hips back, pushing him into me, and we both let out a mutual sigh of pleasure. Being outside in the open air, where anyone could be watching, is both thrilling and scary to me but it makes every stroke of Rich's thick cock that much more intense.

"Oh baby, you feel so good," I moan out load as Rich fucks me from behind. I pinch my puckered nipples through my robe and close my eyes as Rich rocks me into bliss. After a minute, my eyes burst open and suddenly I need more. I grab Rich's wrists on my hips and he stops. "I need you deeper inside me." Rich digs his nails into my thighs but slowly pulls his hot rod out of my tight hole. He takes a step back and sits down on the chair on the balcony. He holds my face between his hands and we lock lips as I straddle his lap. Slowly, I lower myself down onto his cock and I gasp as I feel him fill me again. He snakes his hands up behind me and splays his wide fingers on my back. I start moving up and down on his shaft, taking him as hard and as deep as I can. The combination of Rich's gentle caress on my cool skin and his aggressive kisses are quickly bringing me to the edge. "Baby, I'm getting close," I whisper breathlessly.

"Me too, Cece," Rich grunts as he moves his hands and pushes my hips into a horizontal grinding motion. When my clit makes contact, I bite down and scream into Rich's shoulder as I explode with my orgasm. I feel Rich tense as he finds his own release and we ride the waves of pleasure together.

After a minute or so, Rich finally says, "Um, babe? You're kind of hurting me."

My eyes fly open and I realize my jaws are still clamped on Rich's neck. I release my teeth from his skin and see a monster sized hickie start to form. "Shit, sorry!" I blush with embarrassment as I bury my face against his chest.

Rich pulls my face up and smiles. "It takes a passionate woman to give a black man a hickie," Rich says with a grin. "Hold on." Rich cradles me under my ass and stands up from the chair with me in his arms. "Shower time for you, dirty girl," Rich scolds with a smack on my ass. I try to give him a sexy pouty face but clearly it doesn't work because he starts laughing instead. "It looks like you're trying to take a shit." I burst out laughing and throw my arms around his neck.

"Do you still love me, even though I just made a 'taking a shit' face after sex?"

We walk back into the hotel room and toward the bathroom. Rich puts me down on the counter and cups my face in his palms. "I would love you even if you made that face during sex."

I smile and purse my lips for a kiss. 'Everything is just perfect' I think to myself as I lose myself in another one of Richard Sand's famous kisses. I untie my robe at the waist and Rich pushes the fabric from my shoulders as he kisses down my neck. The silk pools around my waist and he runs his hands up and down my arms as his mouth finds its way back to mine.

He pulls back and my face is flushed with heat. He takes a step back and strips off his boxers. I raise my eyebrows as my eyes fall on his cock, which is starting to grow again. Rich laughs and shakes his head as he moves to turn on the shower. I sigh dramatically at his denial of round two and drink in the sight of his strong back and perfect ass. When the temperature is warm enough, he comes back and lifts me up to carry me to the shower.

We take turns lathering up our hands with soap and massaging each other's bodies with the suds. The smell of lavender and olive oil is hot in the air and I let myself relax under Rich's kneading fingers. After we rinse and get out, we dry off and cuddle in bed with the balcony door open. I can hear the birds chirping and the soft rustling of the trees reminds me of summers at home. I snap out of my day dream and roll over to face Rich, which is when I see his shoulder. "Damn," I say with amazement. "That is some hickie you have there, Mr. Sands." I tenderly touch the purple welt crowned with teeth marks.

"No big deal," Rich says and pulls me closer. "I guess I just can't go shirtless."

Somehow, we manage to get out of bed and get dressed in time to have coffee and a light breakfast in the dining room before the kitchen closes. After we eat, we take a short walk around the hotel. I watch the white and black Italian crows pick at the grass and see a few rabbits dart out from behind a low berry bush. The countryside is alive with fruit and life and I feel invigorated. It is a warm but comfortable day and Rich says it should be the perfect day for spending time outside and tasting some of the finest wines Tuscany has to offer.

We spend the day with our fellow couples from the vacation group going to a few vineyards, eating homemade foods and sampling wines from the various wineries. I indulge on creamy soft cheeses, fresh and pickled vegetables, salty focaccia bread and various small plates of hot appetizers that each vineyard has prepared for us. We each choose a red, a white and a rose` wine from every place we visit to taste. Some of the vineyards have mead and craft brewed beer as well. Rich and I eat and drink our fill, enjoying every sip and bite.

"Everything is amazing. I don't think I have eaten or drank anything I didn't like yet," I saw with a mouth full of tomato and basil ciabatta bread. I swallow and take a sip of a dark red, letting the flavors mingle on my tongue.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," Rich says as we clink glasses together in a private toast.

We are seated at a long table under the shade of a group of Cyprus trees near the main house on the property. We visited three vineyards today and now, back at the hotel, everyone is content after a day of blissful eating and drinking. Rich relaxes back against his chair with his arm resting on the back of my seat. I settle back as well and enjoy the slow touch of Rich running circles over my bare shoulder with his thumb.

Everyone is relaxed and happy to be in this beautiful place and you can feel it in the air. We swap stories and laugh with some other couples. The temperature is warm and we stay together at the table and watch the sun go down over the hills. I giggle as I remember greeting the day with a quickie on the balcony and Rich pulls me in for a long, hot kiss, as if he can read my thoughts.

"Did everyone have enough to eat and drink today," Michelangelo, our tour guide, asks the group. His Italian accent is smooth and very sexy. There are some low murmurs and a few people yell 'yes!' out at the guide but most of the people just sit and listen, relaxed. Michelangelo smiles and nods and looks from one guest to another as he speaks. "I'm so happy! Allora, there is a small place just a few minutes down the road from the hotel that has music and dancing tonight. I am going with some friends if anyone would like to join us."

My heart flutters in my chest and I jump up from my chair. "Yes! We would love to go," I yell as I struggle to pull Rich up behind me.

Michelangelo laughs and nods at me. He looks from me to the rest of the group and says, "We are not going for about one hour. Please rest and get ready and we will meet outside the hotel at about ten o'clock, va bene?" Again, there are a few smiles and nods of affirmation from the group but I run toward the hotel, dragging Rich behind me.

When we get into our room and Rich shuts the door behind him, I jump in the air and scream in delight. I turn to my suitcase and start taking every piece of clothing out and throwing it on the bed. Rich just stands by the door, his gorgeous arms crossed in front of his chest. "I guess you're excited," Rich comments smugly.

"Fuck yeah I am excited!" I run toward him and throw myself into his arms. It is sudden and impulsive but Rich catches me with a grace and finesse that is very sexy. I wrap myself around him and kiss him hard. When I pull back I throw my head back and squeal. "It's been a while since I've gone dancing and I am so happy I get to go dancing," I say with a peck on his cheek, "With you," a peck on the other cheek, "In Italy!" I yell and plant a wet kiss on his parted lips. "Now put me down so I can get ready." Rich laughs and lets me down and I go back to the fashion explosion on our king size bed.

Rich sits quietly in a plush armchair reading a magazine while I rush around the room in a wine induced frenzy. I try on several different outfits and do my makeup about three times before I finally come out of the bathroom and tell Rich I am ready. When he looks up from the page he is reading, his jaw drops. "Damn, honey! You are looking fine!"

I am wearing a strapless black dress that is covered in printed roses, paired with crimson open toed pumps. My hair is tied up in a loose bun with a few strands hanging down to frame my face and there is a large rose stuck in the middle of my hair. My lashes are fanned out wide and I have done subtle smoky eye makeup with a hint of red to match my dress. I spread my arms and slowly turn for Rich as he gets up from the chair and makes his way over to me. He catches me at the waist and stares into my eyes. "You are so beautiful, Cecelia." I smile up at the man I love and blush.

"You're not so bad yourself," I taunt and pull away from him.

I take a neutral pink shade of lipstick and swipe some on to complete my look. I admire Rich's back muscles as they flex when he peels off his polo and reaches for a red button down shirt. I go over to him and do up the shirt, leaving the top two buttons undone so I can see his long neck and just a sliver of his hard chest. It is a warm evening so I roll his sleeves up and tuck them around Rich's elbows. I take his hand in mine and with a soft kiss, we leave the room together. In the lobby, Michelangelo and a few couples are waiting for us. Once we meet them, we leave through the open door and head off down the road.

The sky is clear and I can see every star in the sky. The moon is high and bright so the path is well lit even though there are not many street lights. I hold on to Rich's arm as we walk, enjoying his company and the feeling of the others around me. We share a few words with each other but I can sense that everyone is feeling the magic of the night and enjoying the calm around us.

After about ten minutes, a small building appears in the distance. The windows are lit up with red lights and I can hear Spanish music thumping in the air as we walk closer to the bar. When we approach, there are a few men playing cards, smoking cigars and drinking wine at a table out front. They all nod to Michelangelo and he returns the gesture as he ushers us into the dark room.

The space is wide but the ceilings are low, giving it a very intimate feel and it is warm from the heat of writhing bodies. We move to the side of the dance floor to a few tables that are reserved for us. The tables are dotted with small candles, casting flickering shadows over the walls. As we set down out bags and settle in, the bartender brings over several glasses, pitchers of water, and a few drink menus. A bar back follows with bowls of olives, salted nuts, and chips for the table. Rich asks for a bottle of the house Merlot and I just smile in agreement when the bartender asks for my order. He comes back with two glasses and a fresh bottle of red. We touch glasses and close our eyes to savor the first taste; we both agree the first sip of wine is the best.

After a full glass of wine and a few songs, I finally convince Rich to dance with me. It is a sexy bacata and I really feel the music in my soul and dance sensually with Rich. He lets me move around him, feeling my body, and matches every one of my hip motions but he has a hard time with the actual steps. When the music changes to a faster, salsa beat, I show him the footwork and he tries to keep up with my pace but the beat is too fast.

"The fact that you are such a good dancer makes my dancing skills look even worse than they are!" Rich throws himself into a chair at our table, breathing heavy after a mediocre attempt to dance with me. I take the seat next to him and take a drink of my wine.

"Oh come on, babe. You're not that bad," I say with a smile.

"You're right, I'm not that bad." Rich takes a drink and turns back to me. "But next to you, I look like Black Peewee Herman trying to dance with Baby from Dirty Dancing."

I laugh out loud but when Rich starts to pout, I get up and settle on his lap. I take his face in my hands and say, "You are perfect just the way you are. I don't care if you can't dance well, but you're trying for me and I appreciate it". I give him a smile and kiss him. We sit together and sip our wine, watching the dancers move in and out of each other as the beat ebbs and flows.

"May I have this dance?"

I look up and see Michelangelo standing in front of us. "Go ahead," Rich nudges me off his lap and I take his hand. We go to the floor and dance a hard, fast salsa with lots of tricks and turns. I can feel Rich's eyes on me and when I steal a glance in his direction, I can see a playful yet lustful jealousy burning in his eyes. When the dance ends, Michelangelo brings my knuckle to his lips before heading off toward his own table with his friends.