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A tentacle slapped her butt hard enough to leave a red mark.Don't be ridiculous! Sylvan is bucolic, not barbaric. You and the child will come back there with Cream and me so that both her child and yours can grow up among little ones like them instead of being freaks or outsiders. And as an artist, that should be something you welcome. Sylvan has woods and minerals unlike any found here on Earth. The raw materials and the unfamiliar landscape should inspire you to new heights of creativity. In time you will become as famous as you are fertile. It's a big planet, Ariel, and it has lots of room for your babies.

The alien's words filled the girl with amazement. A whole new planet full of never before seen materials? It sounded like paradise.

Wait a minute, you, she fired the thought accusingly at the Sylvan,if chicks like me are getting it on with guys like you, all we're going to have is cloned girls. Eventually there won't be any males to fuck with.

Oh,came the response,I'm sure you will find a human man or so attractive enough to bear sons for. Admittedly it may involve one of us, as well, or he might be a second or third generation Sylvan-human who already carries our DNA. So far there doesn't seem to be any shortage of males of either species. And speaking as one, I'm quite happy about it. Now roll over, girl, your scent is getting me all excited again so I think it's time for another breeding.

Ariel wanted to resist but her body wasn't having of that. She rolled away from the Technicolor alien onto her belly. Unbidden her legs spread, her back arched and she pushed her pussy up and out. Amusement mixed with desire filled her brain as the Xenobranch slithered up her back and twined its tentacles in her hair, pulling her head back so that she starred up at the trees. More tentacles encircled her breasts, tips tickling her nipples. And again Coral's oversized member was stabbing her labia in an effort to penetrate her. Apparently it was a prehensile as his other arms and soon pushed with in, making the woman moan. Coral began to thrust, slowly at first but in time faster and harder. Pinned and helpless Ariel couldn't have struggled if she wanted to. All she knew was the intoxicating scent, her own burning desire and the pounding beat of the Xenobranch's oversized cock inside her. At first Ariel moaned and whimpered but soon, to her amazement, she wailed like a cat in heat as he clutched her to him and shot a load of alien cum into her—and then rolled off limp.


The next morning Ariel was back in von Kreusnach's office screaming with rage. "You complete, utter bastard! I don't give a flying fuck what the judge sentenced me to, I am not a goddam lab rat, hamster, guinea pig or macaque. I'm a human being and my body is my own private business. I am not having a baby in the interests of Science and Interstellar Diplomacy. You call that—that superslug off or so help me I'll—I'll drown myself in the lake!"

The baron sat quietly looking at her as she panted in anger for a long while then rose and from a cupboard took a decanter of dark sherry. He poured two generous glasses and handed her one then took a sip form his.

"Ms. Brooke, I'm not going to insult you by quoting law, even though it is quite clear that in cases of this sort you are quite wrong. To be perfectly honest, I empathize with your distress, just as I know how helpless you are in the face of the Sylvan chemical onslaught. After all, I experience it myself. Besides, I personally think the 'branchs are wrong. You and Coral are simply going to have a lot of sex, enjoy it greatly and prove that their theory of induced pathogenesis is incorrect and then go back home to live out your life. Having a baby is unlikely in the extreme."

Ariel snorted and took a big swallow. "That just goes to show what you know," she continued her rant, "Coral says that Cream is already pregnant and she hasn't had sex with another 'branch since she left Sylvan. That damned—thing—is just as smug about it all as he can be and dead sure he's going to knock me up. I warn you, Herr Doktor, if I get preggers, you've got one dead woman on your hands. I'm not going through with this."

Von Kreusnach leaned forward and starred deeply into her eyes, his own glinting like icicles. "Yes. You. Are." The menace in his voice was like a bucket of ice water, chilling Ariel's anger into fear. Then he leaned back in his chair.

"Coral told you Cream was pregnant?"

"He did!"

Cream Rainbow?

Yes, darling?

Do you have something to tell me?

A wash of amusement ran through Ariel's brain.Well, I was going to save it to double the surprise when that cute little girl tested positive but yes, I do. We were right. When our species have sex with each other the female has a very high probability of getting pregnant through parthenogenesis. How, no one knows yet. But it does happen and I'm proof. Ariel soon will be, as well.

But, Ariel protested, I don't want to be pregnant. This is my body. I'm the one who is supposed to decide whether I have babies or not, not some remote institute.

"Ms. Brooke," the baron switched back to vocal speech, "Presuming the 'branch theory is correct and you do get pregnant, as soon as you test positive I will administer a abortifacient, if that's what you truly desire. And then when your eighteen months is up you will go back to your little garret and return to living on the negative income tax while attempting to get anyone to pay attention to your art."

Ariel turned and starred out the window. Suddenly it struck home just what was at stake here. "I won't be able to emigrate to Sylvan if I'm not pregnant?"

"Ms. Brooke, Sylvan is still under legal interdict. No one can emigrate there, legally. Cream and Coral came here very circumspectly and they will return the same way. My institute isn't going to pave the way for any normalization of relations between the planets. The very unofficial view is that in another ten or so generations the human and 'brank populations of Sylvan will have merged into one polymorphic species. Perhaps at that time diplomatic contact can be formalized but it will be done through the independent planetary government of Sylvan and the mutual consensus is that since Project Lifeboat's Prime Directive is that no colonies will be established on a planet that already has an intelligent species, no further emigration will occur."

The girl put her face in her hands. After a long while she raised her tear-streaked face and in nearly a whisper asked, "Coral said that if I go to Sylvan, the baby will grow up with others like her and that I will have a real chance at getting recognized for my art. But who would take care of the baby while I sculpt?"

Ariel—honey—Cream broke in,we 'branchs have known forever that while most females are natural caregivers, a significant portion aren't. But their children deserve love and care just as much so we crèche our young. As soon as an infant is old enough, and it the case of your species that means nursing no more than about four to five times a day, it goes into community care while mother does whatever it is that she chooses to do. Sure, until the little one is weaned you'd be expected to come back in and feed her but by the age of two or thereabouts children live happily with each other, well supervised by adults whose expertise is nurturing. It's worked for us for thousands of years and since your folk showed up, it works for them, too. You just take her home in the evening for some quality mom time and a good night's sleep. They've thrived for four generations, now.

Von Preussen rose and retrieved a clean handkerchief. He moistened it in the warm water of the office sink and sitting down next to her tenderly wiped Ariel's face. Then he tucked her against his chest and held her close.

Finally, she lifted her face and smiled wanly. "I—I'll have to think this over. It seems like a wonderful opportunity but the price just seems so high. I mean, I'm on community service for eighteen months but a daughter will take eighteen years."

Cream answered.Think Ariel. If you just end your eighteen months and go back to the city, you will be back on your own again. If you come home with Coral and me you have us, all the caregivers at the crèche and who knows how many people who will love what you can do with our stone and wood. Sylvan is a planet of horticulturalists and fish farmers. Very few humans take any time for art. You'll be a sensation. And you will have an amazingly talented baby, too. After all, she will mostly be you."

"Uh—Herr Doktor? Do you have any scenes of Sylvan?"

The tall man patted her shoulder gently. "Much of the planet looks just like Coral and Cream's greenhouse but I do have some seascapes. Here."

The paneling on one wall withdrew to show an immense holoscope. The scene seemed to be sunrise over a calm sea. Possibly Sylvan's atmosphere was slightly different from Earth's or possibly its sun had a different makeup from Sol because the colors playing across the clouds were like nothing Ariel had ever seen before. The view swept down the beach where the sand was bands of dark red and ochre. Huge trees grew behind the beach and a broad, rushing stream emptied into the sea. Big fish, colored like ornamental koi, charged up the stream, leaping riffles and small falls on their way to spawn. For one raised in a four hundred meter high apartment block, it was a scene from Paradise.

"Oh. Oh—my. I never knew. I never thought . . ."

Von Preussen stood and walked over to his desk. He opened a drawer and pulled out a velvet bag. Undoing the strings he poured out a single stone and handed it to Ariel. "What do you think you could do with this?"

Her mouth a silent 'O' of amazement, Ariel turned the fist-sized stone over and over in her hands. How to even describe it? "It—it's like someone combined fire opal and diamond. Is it common? Can you get large pieces?"

More amusement.No, it's not particularly 'common' Cream replied, but yes it does come in large pieces. You have to dig in streams for it, something we 'branchs avoid. There may be more than anyone knows because hardly anyone looks for it. Show her the stick, Joachim.

Behind his desk was an antique umbrella stand and from it von Preussen took a smooth, twisted waking stick. He handed it too Ariel. "I don't know how common or uncommon that mineral is, Ms. Brooke, but wood like this is very common. The colonists never cut living trees but when they naturally fall, you can imagine the size of the logs."

The stick was streaked like Macassar ebony but instead of tones of dark chocolate to tan, this piece was jade green streaked with iridescent black. It spoke to the artist. Everything she'd made from synthetic materials and industrial parts faded away in the glare of pure, natural beauty. She imagined abstract shapes, fluid and sensuous, swirling around to enclose spheres of that wonderful mineral. So intent was her study that she failed to notice when von Kreusnach left the room, when Hallowell left a tray of sandwiches for her and when the sun began to set behind a wall of clouds.

She started at the touch of a soft tentacle.Ariel? Coral lifted her chin with the tip of one arm.You're letting perfectly good smoked salmon sandwiches dry out. Come on, girl, eat something. Are you like this often when you're working?

Coral, I—I've never seen anything like these. Is Sylvan full of this stuff?

Well, yeah. Of course my species is a bunch of bioengineers and performance artists. We do dance and color fields and scent displays. It never occurred to us to make art out of—of stuff. That's why we need you, Ariel, to show us new ways to beauty. We were thunderstruck when you humans introduced us to the idea that eating could be an art form and humans were entranced by our dancing--even without music. We still have so much to learn from each other, Ariel.

Absently, Ariel stuck a sandwich in her mouth. Smoked salmon, huh? She wondered how the leaping fish from the video compared. Would they taste as good?

Coral, if I have a baby and go with you and Cream, will you stick with me? I really need someone to keep me straight, make sure I eat and got to bed on time. Shoot, I'll probably need someone to remind me to go pick the kid up at the crèche. I get kind of single-minded when I'm sculpting . . .

Colors rippled over Coral's tentacles and he filled Ariel's mind with laughter.Somehow I really believe that. You even copulate more intensely than any human woman I've ever met. Ariel, when you focus on something it must be like a laser beam. Yeah, it would probably be a good idea if you came and lived in our tree at least to start. Eventually I'm sure you'll find some guy you like and move back down on the ground but we'll insist that he keep you where we can be close. I—I really like you Ariel. I want to take you home. I want to keep you.

A cold though struck the girl when he said that. But—but what if I can't get pregnant?

Fat chance of that! Cream's voice cut in,one of the reasons you were 'sentenced' here was that your arrest physical showed that your birth control implant was only marginally working. Your body could well have overridden it. Not that any of that matters. They took it out before sentencing. Let my brother 'have his way' with you and you'll be preggers before the month is out, Ariel, and then we can all go home to Sylvan.

Ariel took a breath. There was that scent again, the one she'd first sniffed sitting on Coral's 'lap'.You! She pointed an accusing finger at the tentacled alien. You're trying to make me horny again, aren't you?

The voice in her mind was sardonic.Of course I am. I'm male. You're female. I'm horny and you turn me on. What do you expect me to be doing?

Oh yeah? Well, I've got news for you, mister—it's working. My room or yours?

An arm reached out and gently encircled Ariel's wrist.Mine, he answered,I'm taking you up to my place in the treetop. It's nothing like as high as the one at home but it's good enough for now. We're going to spend the next few days 'topside' and if you aren't 'in the family way' by the time we come down, I'll want to know why.

Coral's 'quarters' high in the tree were a surprise to Ariel. Yes, it was kind of a nest but with all modern conveniences. A room was hollowed out of the trunk and floored in soft bark crumbles. The top of the branch that jutted out from it was flat as a sidewalk and lead to another softly lined 'nest' out in the artificial weather. There wasplumbing in the room! And when she was done using it, Ariel walked out to the—well it was obviously a bed where Coral waited, his tentacles waving gently, sensuously and filling the air with a perfume that seemed to go straight from Ariel's nose to her crotch without even pausing briefly in her brain. She shivered and then slowly, languorously discarded her caftan and slipped out of her thong. Taking a deep breath, she blew softly at her lover.

Yes!Coral responded,that's what we like. The pheromones in your breath are an intoxicant to us. Now lie down here next to me.

Ariel responded with a raised eyebrow and a sultry smile. How often had she heard that invitation! From dark men, light men, large men, slight men and not a few women if one were to be honest. And yet, as she complied, she was amazed. I can't believe this, she thought,I'm getting ready to have sex with an intelligent—person, who not only isn't human but doesn't even look mammalian. But I'm so hot for him! And he's going to get me pregnant. Not because I really want a baby but 'for Science'—and because I really, really want to go home with him. This is so weird . . .

She wriggled down into the soft, spongy duff and rolled onto her side to reach for Coral. He wrapped half a dozen tentacles around her back and pulled her close.

Coral, how do I kiss you? I mean what do I kiss? I can't imagine making love without kissing.

This!Came the reply, and the tip of a tentacle brushed her lips.Take it in your mouth, Ariel, and suck on it. It feels so good.

Taking a firm grip on the arm, Ariel first licked and then sucked it in all the while mentally thanking the men who coached her on how to give good head. She slowly bobbed and rotated her head around while stroking the muscular tentacle. More of them stroked and massaged her back and squeezed her buttocks and thighs. Coral held her head and ran the tips of arms through her hair and all the time each lover's chemicals drove the other to higher and higher levels of arousal.

Finally the girl pulled away.I'm ready now, Coral. Stick it in me! She lay back, lifted her knees and spread her legs. The Xenobranch again reared up and then came down between her thighs, supporting himself on a dozen arms. She reached up and wrapped her arms behind his eyestalks, closed her own eyes and sighed.Let me have it, stud. If the only way I can get to the stars is get knocked up then just jump my bones.

Pressure on her sex. Wet and receptive as she was, Coral's member was big and spread her labia wide as it slid inside her. Back in art school, Ariel and her more-lezzie-than-bi roommate had dared each other into trying fisting. Shannon was a small girl and her gloved and lubed hand hadn't taken long to work its way up Ariel's love canal. The sensations had amazed her and she'd come back for more. Now the sensations returned on the phallus of an alien species determined to make her conceive. As he thrust, she bucked up against him trying to pull more of him inside and to milk him for all the cum she could.Plow me, Coral; plant my fertile field. Make me have your baby.

Faster and harder they bucked against each other until at last the convulsions hit them both in waves of ecstasy. Coral rolled off and lay there gazing at her.

You, Ariel Brooke, are going to be a very popular young lady. Mothers may send their sons to learn from you and males of both our species my line up at your door. You may have to lock yourself in just so you can get any art done.

Ha, ha, funny guy. I may make you stand guard while I work—in exchange for favors later on, of course. And now, I'm going to sleep.

As am I. Sweet dreams, Ariel.


Two orgiastic weeks later, Ariel was again in von Kreusnach's examining room. He drew a small vial of blood from her arm and then ran it into a series of small tubes in an assaying machine. It whirred and hummed for a while before producing a readout. The baron looked at it, thoughtfully rubbing his chin.

"Well?" Ariel asked, "Do I have a bun in the oven?"

"Mm-hmm," the man answered, "you are one week pregnant and carrying, as expected, a daughter. And Cream Rainbow is likewise pregnant with a daughter and I have to admit that the 'branchs were right and we humans were wrong.. Which is not to say that we were totally wrong. After all, there are plenty of hybrid little 'humanchs' boys as well. It's just that no one on Earth could accept that women could give 'virgin birth' without divine intervention. I now have to write up a Library entry establishing that they can—so long as they have Xenobranch intervention."

"So when do I leave for Sylvan and how long does it take to get there?"

"It takes two weeks to ride the Space Elevator to orbit but once you're there all you have to do is wait for some dead time in the Jump Gate. Once through the gate, you have another two weeks down to the surface of Sylvan. So call it about five weeks total. You will move into Coral and Cream's tree, unpack your tools and get started."

"Oh shit! I totally forgot about my tools. They're still . . ."