Company Picnic

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The men ruled the roost until the women turned the tables.
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Many thanks to Lily Eve Martin for first editing and improving this story.

Special thanks to SlaveGirl70 for fixing problems and offering suggestions to make it much better.

Something was up in accounts receivable.

Eight of the ladies in that department seemed preoccupied. The ninth was on the edge of hysteria.

The rest of the two hundred odd employees were oblivious. They were competing in the games, relaxing in the shade and enjoying the barbecue in the large tents -- all the while flapping the fans with the company logo for relief from the heat.

The only two men in the department, James, the manager, and his assistant, Granger, didn't notice anything amiss. Their subordinates had kept their plastic cups full of beer and punch, and they were feeling happy and sappy.

Mr. James and Mr. Granger, as the women addressed them, were known for being jolly, even when they weren't drunk. Almost a joke in the company, they seemed to be joined at the hip. Both in their forties, like most of the women they supervised, they were always smiling, joking and strutting like roosters in a henhouse.

The superiors they reported to knew that behind their easygoing exteriors, both were efficient and ruthless administrators. They got bonuses every year for how well they kept their costs down.

The women they supervised felt they should be getting paid more for how hard James and Granger worked them. But they also knew that their jobs were secure as long as they produced, so they put up with the way their bosses condescended to them, their annoying jokes and their fake good-natured banter.

When one of the older women retired, everyone moved up a notch, and the newest employee always became the executive assistant to both men. They talked to her as if she were important and dictated letters and messages to her. In reality, she was little more than a file clerk and errand girl for everyone in the department and worked harder than any of the other women.

The newest woman in that position was a cute young thing in her mid-twenties. She was viewed with suspicion by the veterans at first, just like each new hire. But Viveca was so eager to please, friendly and trusting that by her second month, she had become the department pet.

Abby and Kathleen were shocked to find her sobbing with her head in her hands late one Thursday afternoon. They had been working late to finish a project and thought everyone else had left when they heard a noise in the break room.

"What's wrong, Viveca?" Abby asked.

Viveca looked up startled.

"I didn't think anyone was here," she said, standing up and wiping her face with her hand. "It's really nothing."

"It sure didn't sound like nothing," Kathleen said, pulling her back down to the table and sitting next to her. She put her arm around her shoulders, and was startled when Viveca turned, buried her face in her shoulder and began sobbing again.

Viveca wasn't a hard nut to crack. It took less than an hour of soothing, sympathizing and grilling before she spilled everything to her colleagues.

She told them how James and Granger had been joking with her since she began working for them, and since she saw them joking with the other women, too, she figured that was just part of working there.

The joking began getting graphic, making her increasingly uncomfortable. Sometimes individually and sometimes together, they would make sexual innuendoes. Although it upset her, she didn't say anything because at first it happened only occasionally and not for long.

Then the touching began, and it kept escalating. Finally, she resisted and told them to back off. That's when they laughed and joked that she must have misunderstood their intentions.

In subsequent conversations, they both mentioned how bad they felt about her mother's health and how glad they were that she could earn enough money to make sure her mother would be able to get the care she needed.

She was shocked because it sounded like a veiled threat. They told her how much they were looking forward to working together and valued her commitment and loyalty. While they spoke, they both gave her looks that told her she was interpreting them the right way. If she wasn't prepared to put out, she would be out of a job.

For the last two weeks, she told Abby and Kathleen, she had been having sex with each one alone in their offices in the middle of the day. It started with oral and went on to full sessions on top of their desks and couches. And they both told her today that they were expecting anal next week.

Viveca said she was afraid to tell her boyfriend because she was sure he would go after Mr. James and Mr. Granger and end up in prison. She didn't know which way to turn, and she felt like she was going out of her mind.

Abby and Kathleen listened in shock. This was way beyond any of the conniving James and Granger had done to keep salaries low. They looked at each other and at Viveca. Abby cleared her throat and spoke.

"Viveca, you can stop crying. We've known Mr. James and Mr. Granger well for many years, and we'll have a chat with them. They are going to stop this nonsense. Call in sick tomorrow, and we'll see you at the company picnic on Sunday. I promise you by the time you come to work on Monday, all this will be behind you. Now get yourself together and go home."

When she had left, Kathleen turned to Abby and said, "Why did you tell her that? What can we do?"

"I don't know," said Abby. "We have to think of something. I'm going to spend some time tonight thinking about this, and I want you to do the same. First, let's think of which ladies here hate them the most. All of them will be glad to help Viveca. Mr. James and Mr. Granger have screwed us over through the years, but this time they've gone too far."

On Friday, Kathleen, Abby and six other ladies in the department had lunch at Denny's. When Kathleen and Abby told Viveca's story, collective outrage was followed by frustration. Everyone felt powerless to help.

Abby and Kathleen read from the list of ideas they had come up with, each one more extreme and outrageous than the one before. They all had two things in common: humiliation and blackmail.

The faces of the others turned from frowns into smiles as they listened. Soon a wild brainstorming session was in full swing. Finally, Abby called a halt.

"We have half an hour left, ladies. We've got some great ideas. Now we need to figure out which ones will work on Sunday at the picnic."

They enjoyed conspiring so much that they didn't notice the time. When they got back to the office ten minutes late. Granger and James didn't reprimand anyone because the ladies who were late were among their most efficient and reliable employees. They made a joke about it, and the ladies all laughed -- louder than usual.


At the picnic, James and Granger buzzed around Viveca as the eight conspirators plied them with drink. Whenever one of them managed to get near her out of earshot of the others, he would whisper something into her ear that made her upset.

After one of the episodes, she ran to Kathleen and, in tears, told her, "They keep telling me jokes about asses and anal sex."

"Take it easy, Viveca," Kathleen said. "Until the picnic is over, I want you to stick close to me and Abby. We'll run interference so Mr. Granger and Mr. James won't have another chance to talk to you alone. When we're done here, I want you to go straight home and be in the office on time tomorrow morning. We'll take care of everything else."

"What are you going to do?"

"You're not going to be involved in any way, and you're not going to know. It's safer for you that way."

"Please don't get yourselves in trouble on my account."

"You're such a sweetie-pie," Kathleen said and gave her a squeeze. "Don't worry about us. We'll be fine. I'm so glad we got to know you."

Granger and James didn't notice that the women were adding strong whisky from small bottles in their purses to each cup they were giving them. Their wives weren't at the picnic to limit their drinking, because the picnic was an employee-only gathering, with no boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses or partners -- unlike the Christmas party.

They had driven there together but hadn't decided who was the designated driver. As the picnic wound up, both were sitting on benches, heads leaning over the picnic table, unable to speak coherently or even stand up.

Kathleen, Abby and a couple of the other conspirators managed to almost drag them to Abby's sedan and dump them into the back seat, where they leaned against each other and made it hard to tighten the seatbelts.

Some of the other women in the department watched them and remarked that they had never seen Mr. Granger and Mr. James so drunk.

"We know," Abby told them. "We'll sober them up so they can drive home later without getting in trouble with their wives."

That got them a look that seemed to say, why in the world would you do that for them?

The car was silent as Abby drove, except for mumbling from the back seat. The first time either man spoke was after the car, followed in a caravan by two others, pulled up the driveway of a country estate about fifteen minutes from the picnic grounds. As the women rolled the two men out of the car, Granger asked, "Where are we?"

"This is the home of one of my sisters," Kathleen explained. "Her family is on vacation in Europe, and I'm keeping an eye on it. We brought you here to sober you up before you went home. We already called your wives and told them you'd be delayed a few hours because of an unexpected meeting."

Both men nodded.

"Let's bring them around to the back yard," Kathleen said. "We've got everything set up there. We won't have to go inside the house at all. Help me get Mr. Granger and Mr. James over here by the volleyball poles. Bring those straps over here, Josie."

The estate had wild growth on both sides of it and in back. The wilderness in back led to barbed-wire fences that were too distant to be visible. The women couldn't see a sign of a neighboring house. Kathleen's sister and her husband apparently liked privacy.


The yard was almost as big as a football field, divided into a large pool area and an even larger grassy lawn that rose to a nice hill from which you could see over the fence into the wasteland beyond. Large trees around the perimeter gave shade and made patches in the bright sunlight on the lawn.

The women dragged the men over the lawn to two high poles in the middle of a volleyball court that had been marked off on the grass with white tape. When the women started taking off the men's clothes, there were efforts to resist them, but the men were too wasted to do much.

"Josie," Kathleen said, "you'll find the hoses on either side of the house."

Josie pulled two long hoses to where the men lay. She reached into a hardware store bag she had brought from the car, took out two pistol sprayers and connected one to each hose. The sprayers had connected containers that could be filled with liquid lawn fertilizer so it would mix with the water as it was sprayed.

As she worked, Venus and Gloria got out their video cameras.

"Good job, ladies," Kathleen said. "Please follow my instructions carefully. If this grosses you out, don't look. Let's start with Mr. Granger. Get him on his hands and knees. Now pull his legs wide apart and push his knees toward his chest so his hairy ass is up in the air."

Granger was dead weight, so the women struggled. When they finally got him into position, it was not a pretty sight.

"One of you please take each butt cheek and pull it until they're as wide apart as you can get. Yes! Now hold them like that. Hand me the nail polish, Abby."

Kathleen carefully painted a thick red circle on the hair and skin around Granger's anus with the nail polish. It looked like a target with the asshole as the bullseye.

"Keep holding his ass cheeks open until the polish dries," she ordered. "The rest of you help me do the same to Mr. James."

When they had checked with a tissue to make sure that the polish on James and Granger had dried, they let go of the butt cheeks and the red circles disappeared.

"Help me with these," Kathleen said.

Following her directions, they attached a small steel manacle at the end of a light three-foot chain to each man's right ankle. At the other end of each chain was a thick metal ring with a lock.

They opened the lock, which split the ring in two, put each ring around one of the poles and then locked them again. Once the legs were done, they did the same thing to each man's right wrist. Full of alcohol and sweating in the hot sun, neither man understood what they were doing and didn't move much.

"We'll start with Mr. Granger. Josie, please go back to the house and turn on the water to the hoses."

When Josie returned, Kathleen addressed the women.

"Abby and I will show you how this game works, and then whoever wants can have a turn."

She turned to where Granger was lying on the lawn and aimed a short blast of water into his face, then a second, then a third. He sat up sputtering and tried to lift his hands to his face to protect himself. He had to move closer to the pole where his right hand was attached in order to get his hands together.

"What's going on?" he demanded as he wiped his eyes and glared at them. The women looked at him in surprise. They had never seen him with an angry face before. At work, no matter what happened, he was always smiling.

"Nothing but a little fun, Mr. Granger," Kathleen said. "You know how much we love all your little jokes and the funny things you tell us at work. The picnic was fun, too, and now we have some special fun to thank you for all you've done for us."

"I don't find this funny. If you don't release us immediately, there will be consequences."

"Yes, we know," said Kathleen, "but let's not talk about them now. We're here to celebrate how our department is always number one in keeping costs down and the bonus you Mr. James earn each year for that honor. You've trained us well. This is in appreciation. especially the extra effort you've been putting in to train our darling Viveca."

Granger started to sober up when he heard these words. He turned to look at James, who was still lying on the ground near the other pole.

"We're going to play a few games with you this afternoon," continued Kathleen. "The first one is like a carnival game, the one where you get a water gun and aim it at a tube to see who can push a ball out of the top first."

She stood up, took her pistol and paced off ten steps.

"Ladies, please get in a circle this far from Mr. Granger." When the women had circled Mr. Granger, she got down on one knee, aimed the pistol sprayer at him and began shooting. As she did, she adjusted the spray to a setting that made the water come out in a thin, powerful needle.

"Wait a --!"

Granger stopped when his mouth filled with water from Kathleen's gun. He spit it out and turned his head away. Abby picked up the second sprayer and began shooting another water needle at him.

The day was hot, and the water from the hose was warm. Kathleen aimed at his chest and slowly moved the stinging water needle lower. His right hand couldn't get far from the pole, so he moved close to it and crouched to get his hands together in front of the water.

Suddenly he screamed and reached his hands behind him. Abby had dropped down onto the grass behind him and had aimed her pistol through his spread legs to hit his balls.

As he twisted around to protect his balls from the back, Kathleen found a small opening in the front. He screamed again as she hit his cock. He began moving and twisting, trying to protect one side and then the other as the two women moved around him and shot from different angles.

The grass around the pole got slippery from the water, and sometimes he fell and left himself unprotected. Screaming from pain, he'd get back up as fast as he could to continue dodging their attack.

Finally, Kathleen said, "Take a rest Mr. Granger, while we play with Mr. James. Who's ready to try the water pistols?"

All the ladies were eager for a turn as they walked over to Mr. James who had been watching. He hadn't watched well enough, because the first thing he did was also try to say something until he choked on the water filling his mouth. He closed it and began dodging like he had seen Mr. Granger do.

The ladies took turns until each had a chance at the men. When they finished, both men were hunched over on the grass, holding their hands tightly around their cocks and balls.

"Abby and I are now going to play a different game," Kathleen announced.

She began walking around James. James looked up at her. He was kneeling on the ground and bent over, holding his cock and balls against his body with both hands so neither was visible.

Abby unscrewed the container for liquid fertilizer and filled it with liquid from a jar. She screwed the container tight and then turned to James.

"Ladies," she said. "Do you see any target?"

They looked and laughed. James was squatting and bend over to protect his package. In that position, his butt cheeks were open enough to show a little of the red nail polish circling his asshole.

"Let's see how good I am at target shooting," said Abby as she aimed. James jumped as the water needle hit his anus, but he kept his eyes on Kathleen who was moving around him and obviously looking for an opening to his balls.

The bullseye in the middle of the red circle opened under the water assault and the warm water rushed in. When he tried to move away, Kathleen got off some stinging shots at his balls, so he stayed in his squat to protect himself from her.

She kept walking around him looking for an opening, so he had to jump around a lot to get away from her whenever she got close. The warm water injection into his ass was uncomfortable as it filled him, but at least it didn't hurt.

The ladies began cheering as bubbles began coming out of James' ass.

"I filled the chemical holder with liquid detergent," Abby explained. "Mr. James is like a washing machine agitating the warm soapy water inside him. Let's go over and see if we can find Mr. Granger's target."

Soon. bubbles were coming out of Granger's ass, too.

After a while, both men were squirming. Kathleen and Abby put down their water pistols and disconnected the men's wrists and ankles from the chains attaching them to the poles. She addressed them.

"See those trees over there near the fence. Behind them is a small garden that hasn't been planted yet. You can go behind the trees and fertilize the garden. When you are done, take the shovels lying there and make sure everything is covered with plenty of earth. If we see anything in the garden or the grass around it, you'll be cleaning it off and burying it with your hands."

Both men were cold sober now. They were shifting from one foot to the other, and their faces were grimacing.

"What are you waiting for?" Kathleen said. "Do you want us to take you there and watch you?"

The men looked at her and began walking toward the trees she had pointed out. They started out walking slowly and stiffly, but after a few steps, they picked up the pace and after a few more steps they began running across the grass. They disappeared behind the trees. Their groans and moans mixed with cheers from the women.

After a while, the sounds stopped.

"It's time to come back, Mr. Granger and Mr. James," yelled Kathleen. "If we have to come get you, it's going to be hard on your balls."

The men walked slowly back. They looked exhausted.

Kathleen spoke again.

"Now that Mr. James and Mr. Granger are cleaned out, we're going to play more exciting games with them. My son works in a welding shop, and when I described what I wanted him to make yesterday, he said, 'Mom, what in the world would you use this for?'
