Count Down To Moonlight Ch. 06

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Bloodshed and tears.
5.3k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 07/17/2010
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*Many readers commented that they were confused because of a line in the last chapter, so I just want to clear this confusion up. At the end Drake said to Zach 'if you change Keelay' and some readers think that I meant it wrote it meaning if Zach changed Keelay. This wasn't what I meant. The 'you' wasn'taimed at a specific character, it was meant as a general you, that if ANYONE changed Keelay. I would like to appoligise for the confusion and hope you enjoy this next chapter.*

Chapter six

Keelay stood in the doorway of the cabin staring at the surrounding forest, lost in thought. It was late, almost midnight, but she couldn't sleep. Her and Jake had talked for over and hour and a half about everything from college and ancient history to food, but mostly about Duncan. Jake had enjoyed sharing his childhood memories of his cousin, everything from embarrassing toilet training experiences like peeing all over the family cat to awkward teenage experiences with girls. She had learnt that Duncan hadn't always been the hunk he was today. As a pre-pubescent teen he had been stick thin and needed braces. She had thought it cute. It seemed that Duncan hadn't always been as confident around the ladies as he was now; instead he had usually gotten tongue-tied and flustered. Keelay found that hard to imagine as he was so sure and confident when he was with her.

The night air was brisk and she was thankful that she had changed out of her tiny skirt and top into a pair of Duncan's gym clothes, even though they were so big the trousers hung low on her hips and the legs needed to be tucked into the thick socks she wore. The top too was far too big and hung loose around her neck. Thankfully it was baggy and covered her backside, as the trousers slipped down as she walked, threatening to pool at her ankles if she wasn't careful. Sighing, Keelay looked up at the sky. She loved seeing the stars so clearly. When she had first come out she had been shocked at how bright and clear they had looked. She would never have been able to see them as well if she had been at home.

Back home Keelay lived in a privately rented house with her two friends Annie and Jill, both of whom had been with her at the party. She had called both there mobiles as soon as she could to tell them she was ok but was forced to leave a voicemail as neither were available. She was slightly relieved as she didn't want to have to explain why she had left the city with a guy she had just met. She was sill trying to figure out the answer to that herself. The only answer she could come up with was that Duncan made her feel safe, a rare thing in today's world. She had looked at him and felt comfortable and protected. But that still didn't explain the ache she felt at his absence. The longer he was away from her, the more she worried about him, which was stupid because he was with his family. What could possibly happen to him?

A cold gust of air blew in her face causing her to shiver and wrap her arms more securely around her slender waist. She thanked her lucky stars once more that Duncan had a whole load of spare clothes left in the cabin. With one last look at the glowing quarter moon as it hung low in the night sky, she turned and entered the house, closing the door behind her. She had always loved the moon which to her had always looked beautiful, mysterious and even unreal at times. Tonight it seemed especially fantastic, almost like something out of a fairytale. As a child she had often whispered to the moon, telling it her stories and dreams. It seemed natural, as if the moon itself was alive and listening to her, keeping her secrets and watching her dreams fail.

Although Keelay was a happy, positive person, she hadn't always been so. As an only child to parents too busy to notice her, Keelay had been passed from nanny to nanny before finally being shipped off to boarding school. Her father, a busy pediatrician, was always working and she never saw much of him, while her mother was a doctor's trophy wife and preferred to spend her days at the spa or having lunch with her friends rather than with her daughter. As a result Keelay had learned at a young age to rely on herself. She didn't believe in love at first sight or destiny and that made her strange feelings towards Duncan even harder to understand.

Inside the cabin, Keelay curled up on the warm couch opposite Jake who was, much to her amusement, reading Pride and Prejudice. When she had first learned that it was his favorite book she had been surprised to say the least. It had always seemed to be a girly book to her. Not something the guys in her English Literacy class would read without being assigned to. But Jake had informed her that what he liked the most was how Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett had come together, despite the odds and forces against them. Their love had been just too strong to contain. This started a lengthy discussion about Austen and her various characters.

Jake was once again lost in his book and Keelay found her eyes wandering to the window which, due to the coal black night had turned into a mirror. She looked at her face and couldn't help groan at how crappy she looked. No make-up, tangled hair and pale, ghostly skin. Great, if Duncan did come back she'd scare him off again!

She couldn't help but wonder, for what seemed to be the hundredth time, where Duncan was, what he was doing and who he was with.


Duncan ran straight through the dense forest, his muscles burning and his mind working overtime. It was taking all his control not to change and he was slowly losing the fight. His claws had pushed there way through the flesh at his fingertips and now dug deep into his palms as he squeezed his hands into fists. His teeth had elongated and filled his mouth, giving him a snarling, wild look. The hair on his body grew longer, thicker as it sprouted. His body mass had almost doubled in size, causing his t-shirt and jeans to strain at the seams. He needed to get to Keelay. He needed to get away from Keelay. His mind, spilt into two distinct personalities, was in turmoil. He needed Keelay to tame the beast inside him, but the beast would hurt Keelay when he got his claws into her. Could he risk Keelay that way? Should he? He didn't think he had a choice. She would never be safe with him as long as the creature inside him was untamed but to tame it, he could destroy her.

The various creatures in the woods fled and hid as he passed. It seemed to take forever to reach the small cabin but in actual fact it only took an hour or so. The closer he got, the more excited the wolf became. It hungered for its mate. But the man inside him also wanted to see Keelay, wanted to hear her voice, smell the sweet scent of her skin and feel her breath on his cheek when he hugged her. He missed her.

The thick forest thinned as the cabin got closer. Duncan slowed his pace as the soft glow of the cabin lights came into view and growled in anticipation.

He moved stealthily forward, half crouching as he prowled around the small house. He could see in the empty kitchen two plates and glasses. Duncan strained to hear inside trying to pick up some movement so he could pin-point where Keelay was. Moving to the left he circled quietly. He could hear the sound of the fire crackling, of two hearts pounding, of four lungs inflating with air.

They were in the sitting room. He could see them now, Keelay curled up on the couch and Jake lounging on the large chair. He couldn't see Jake completely but Keelay was watching him intently. Why? What was Jake doing that captivated her so? He growled low in his throat and took a step towards the door, his foot landing on a branch as he moved, breaking it in two. The noise was quiet, barely audible. But Jake heard it.


Jake was pretending to read his book. He had been pretending for the last twenty minutes. Instead he watched Keelay. She seemed to be staring at him, except she hadn't blinked for several minutes. She was so lost in thought that she was daydreaming now. Her moss green eyes fixated on his book. He wondered briefly what she was thinking of before a sound outside set him on guard. It was a small sound, barely audible, but it sent his heart racing. What could have made it? None of his family was near enough that he would have heard their movement as they passed through the forest. None of the animals could move around quietly enough that he would not hear them before the sound was made. He dreaded to think of the only person who could come close enough to the cabin, quietly enough that he wouldn't hear him. Duncan. But Duncan should be safely tucked away at the other end of the vast wood. He was being guarded by his three large, powerful brothers who had been able to contain him last year when things had gone so terribly wrong.

Jake laid down his book and stood. The sudden movement awoke Keelay from her trance and she stumbled to her feet.

"What's wrong?" she whispered.

"I'm not sure. Stay here ok." he answered as he left the room.

He walked into the dark kitchen and over to the large patio doors that led to the garden. Looking out he could see nothing and as he reached for the key to unlock the glass doors, he was pulled back to the sitting room by an ear piercing scream.

"KEELAY!!!" he shouted as he ran back to her.


Keelay watched as Jake left the room and although the fire was burning hot, the look on his face gave her chills. He looked scared, worried and confused. She curled her feet beneath her and listened intently as Jake walked around the spacious kitchen.

The silence was deafening and just as she rose to follow, a movement caught her eye. Instinctively she looked towards the source and her breath left her in a rush. Looming by the large window was a shadow. The firelight that bathed the room did not cast its glow far enough to illuminate the dark shape, but Keelay guessed by its size that it was a person. Once she realized this, she thought it must be Duncan. She breathed his name in relief and ran to the window.

It was Duncan and Keelay's heart pounded and her legs grew weak at the sight of him. As she neared him the first thing she noticed was his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes were so pale they glowed eerily in the night. Frowning she stood before him and her green eyes grew large in fright. He looked like Duncan but at the same time, he didn't. He was bigger than before and it looked like he hadn't shaved in days. His fingers were curled tightly into fists and his muscles were bunched, giving him an aggressive stance.

"Duncan?" she questioned. His reply was a slow show of teeth in a fierce grin. His canines had grown longer and formed fangs in his mouth.

The sight of him standing aggressively by the window, with these changes deforming his beautiful face and body was too much for Keelay's nerves and instinctively she screamed. Her voice left her lungs in a loud, high pitch scream and the Duncan creature rushed from her sight. A few seconds later Jake ran into the room and found her rooted to the spot by the window and rushed to her side.


Duncan peered in the sitting room window as Jake entered the hall. Keelay sat staring after him and Duncan's heart pounded at the sight of her in HIS oversized clothes. At the exact moment that Duncan moved closer Keelay stood and his movement caught her eye. She turned and her heart beat sped up in fright. Duncan, as both man and wolf, cringed at her reaction but were surprised as Keelay rushed to the window, whispering his name. Maybe she wouldn't be as freaked as he thought she would.

She stood in front of him, her beautiful eyes appraising him as his devoured her. She looked so much smaller in his large clothes, more fragile. He longed slid his hand under the baggy clothes, to feel her warm skin beneath. He just wanted to touch her and see if she was as real and as perfect as his mind was telling him. But of course she was. She was his mate. The most perfect creature in the world.

Her dark curls tumbled around her pixie face. Her lush lips parted in breath. She stole his heart just looking at him. He smiled a toothy smile at her wide eyed reaction and she screamed.

Keelay's scream shattered his peace. His heart thudded as his mate, the one woman in all the world that he could be completely happy with screamed in terror at the sight of him. His wolf, usually so sure and confident, whined and retreated back into his cage, willingly. Duncan's control came back in a rush and he ducked out of sight as Jake came running back into the room.

His breath came in pants and he ached inside. He was a monster. His mate couldn't even stand the sight of him. He had to leave and get away from her. He couldn't stand to see the look of revulsion on her face. Howling in pain he turned back towards the wood, but some small part of his brain made him turn as he passed the window. He didn't know why, it did him no good to look, but he did anyway and he froze.

Keelay, his hot little Keelay, was in Jake's arms. She clung to him like a drowning man would cling to a liferaft. It looked as if Jake was her only hope. His wolf reared its head and Duncan growled in pain and anger. How could she, she was meant for him. How could he, he was his cousin. He knew what Keelay was, what she represented. And yet he had his arms around her waist, her head tucked under his chin. He was trying to steal her from him.

NO! She is ours, take her from him. Kill him for daring to touch our Keelay. whispered the voice of the beast. And for once, Duncan listened. Bellowing in rage he threw himself through the window at his enemy.


Jake arrived in the sitting room to see Keelay standing by the large window. Her face was pale and her body shook. Immediately he went to her side and as he lay a hand on her shoulder, she turned to him and wept. He held her as she cried, soothing her. He could only think of one thing that would cause such a reaction. Duncan. She had seen him. Seen him and feared the sight of him.

"Hey, its ok. Sshhh. Don't worry, he won't hurt you." But his words fell on deaf ears. He didn't know where to start the explanation, as it was up to Duncan to tell her the truth of what he was. But she may never see him again if Jake didn't try to ease her fear. "I know he looked scary Keelay, but he's not...not really."

Jake heard a howl of pain from Duncan and his heart went out to his cousin. It could not be easy for him to see her fear and be the cause of it. Keelay clung closer to him as she too heard the animalistic sound. Her little nails bit into his shoulder as pressed closer to him.

Jake sighed and wondered how he was going to fix this mess. Jake knew Duncan must have seen Keelay huddled in his arms. Duncan's logical mind would easily understand Keelay's need for comfort but the wolf would not. A new bellow filled the night air. "Oh fuck!" was Jake's last thought as his half changed werewolf cousin smashed through the window, intent on fighting for his mate.


Keelay clung to Jake, crying in confusion and fear. What was that...creature she'd seen outside? Was it Duncan? Or some other beast that her mind had twisted to look like the object of her growing obsession? A howl assaulted her ears and she burrowed closer to Jake. He was warm and real and safe and she needed that right now. He was talking to her but her mind shut him out. It tortured her with replays of the Duncan-beast until she wanted to scream. Again, another loud noise erupted outside her sanctuary and she cringed again, trying bury her head in Jakes chest. But before she knew what was going on she was thrown away from him. Her wide eyes looked on in horror as the creature with Duncan's face hurled itself at Jake, who being half its size, crumbled beneath it easily.

The fight lasted only second but Keelay felt like she was watching it in slow motion. Jake falling beneath the creature's weight. His arms covering his head in defense as "Duncan" swiped his massive claws over his chest and face. Blow after blow rained down on Jake's head and he could do nothing to defend himself under the onslaught. She watched in horror as Jake's handsome face grew steadily darker as bruises formed and blood poured out.

"Oh God, Jake." she whispered, but they both heard her, both turned to look at her. Jake shouted for her to get out but she was rooted to the spot as the great beast climbed off its prey and stalked her. The look in his eyes was one of fury and hunger, hate and lust. She shivered and shrank back he came toward her. Two arms snaked around her waist and she was hoisted over his massive shoulders. She pounded her little fist but it made no difference. The last thing she saw before she fainted was the fear on Jake's swollen, bloody face as he tried to stand. She realized that the fear was for her.


Jake struggled to get up as Duncan carried an unconscious Keelay into the forest. It took a few tries but it was too late, Duncan was gone. His face hurt like hell and he could feel the blood running down his neck. He was sure his ribs were broken and that the bones in his hand were crushed. Black invaded his vision and he was once again thankful that he had at least inherited his family's healing abilities.

As the blackness took over, Jake prayed that the beast in Duncan had sated his anger during the attack on him and that Keelay would be ok.


Duncan ran threw the woods, unsure of where to go. He still hadn't completely changed and his human mind tried to reason with the wolf. He tried to convince it that Jake was only helping Keelay. This caused the beast to growl and snarl and Duncan was afraid he may have made it more angry. He had only managed to stay in human form thanks to Keelay. The wolf, whose instinct was to care for and protect her, had understood that changing would frighten her more.

Her slight frame bumped around on his shoulders as he ran and his mind tried to think of ways to explain, to tell her what he was. The wolf had no such notion. It wanted to claim her. It was a simple goal to reach. As they ran, Duncan's fear for Jake gnawed at his gut. He had hurt him pretty badly and he could only pray that he would survive long enough for him to apologize. Not that doing so would absolve him of his sin.

Duncan carried Keelay through the woods to a small clearing on the west side. The clearing was bathed in moonlight and a small stream ran along side of it. It was far enough away from the many running grounds that the pack would not find them and Keelay would not escape. Satisfied the wolf lay Keelay down on the soft grass and headed to the stream. Stripping of his clothes he bathed. He washed away the blood and dirt that would offend their mate.

When he returned Keelay was awake and standing, glancing around for an escape route.

"You can't get away. And running will only make me chase you." he told her, his voice rough and deep.

"Where am I? What did you do to Jake?" she asked in a falsely brave voice.

"You're safe and Jake's at the cabin. He knew what he was getting into when he touched you." As he spoke he moved towards her, circling her so that she had to turn to keep him in sight.

"Wh...What are you?"

"I'm a werewolf. I'm your mate." he answered simply.

Keelay's eyes grew wide and skittered over her surroundings. "What do you want with me?"

"You're my mate."

"But what does that mean? For me?" she whispered.

"It means you belong to me and no one else. Jake knew this and he still dared to touch you." he growled. Keelay stepped back, afraid, but he followed until he had her pinned to a large oak tree.

"Don't fear me, little mate. I won't hurt you." he soothed, "but I need you."

Keelay's eyes grew wide as he pressed the length of himself against her, his erection pushing against her stomach. "No...please...." she whispered brokenly.