Cut of the Cards Pt. 01


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"But the dress feels slightly tighter than it did before; it's not puckering is it?"

Lisa stood back for a second time and carefully examined the way the dress hung. "No, looks fine Laura; I think changing to the third setting made all the difference." She smiled and gently squeezed the older woman's shoulders, "I think maybe it's now time to go and meet the people" She took hold of Laura's hand, squeezed it gently, then said quietly in her ear, "follow me"

They walked slowly out of the room, slowly across the landing, and then slowly down the stairs; the teenager and the thirty seven year old woman. They crossed the empty hallway and stopped by the closed lounge door.

Lisa turned and looked into Laura's eyes; she held her gaze for a while, then, in a whisper asked, "Laura, are you ready?"

For a moment there was no response, as if Laura were in some kind of self induced trance, and then, slowly, very slowly, she nodded her head, and, in that same moment, Lisa's hand started to slowly turn the door knob, to ease the door open.

Ahead of them as they entered the room, were groups of young, exuberant, teenagers. The room reverberated with sound; raised voices competing on unequal terms with the relentless beat of the music. They stood side by side, the teenager and the older woman. Lisa held tightly onto Laura's hand, and she squeezed it hard when, as if a switch had been thrown, the sound of voices suddenly abated and the groups nearer to them seemed to dissolve and reassemble elsewhere.

It never ceases to surprise how quickly a message can get conveyed; the furtive glance, the hushed whisper, where each glance and whisper is instantly doubled and then quadrupled. In no time everyone knows the source of that glance that whisper. One pair of eyes follows another, hunts down the prey, makes some judgment.

Laura lowered her head and looked around at the jeans and the trainers, then down at her own bare feet and bare legs. She sensed that she blushed, but that the blush had in some way extended beyond her face, had passed through her body and found its way into the deepest part of her cunt. Hardly had that sensation lifted then a cold shiver went through her, a shiver derived from a fear of the unknown and with it the possible effect of rejection, loss of ego and pride

Lisa squeezed her hand, a trigger that had its effect; they were moving, still hand in hand, towards the centre of the room. The loud music that had filled the room suddenly stopped and was replaced, moments later by music that was quieter, smoother, more sensuous, somehow of a different time. The lights were dimmed and the bean bags moved

They moved easily together, had some sort of similar inbuilt rhythm; instinct I guess. They danced around the room; sometimes together, sometimes apart. Sometimes the music was fast sometimes it was slow. As they reached the door by the kitchen, Lisa slipped inside for a moment. She picked up two drinks she had poured out earlier; an orange juice for her and another brandy for Laura. They stopped dancing for a while, just kept their butts moving slowly to the sound of the music

This time the brandy was a double shot; Lisa said she deserved it, Laura said she needed it, either way it went down in one long swallow. They talked for a while about nothing too much, and then started to dance again. Now they were close; breast against breast; thigh against thigh, cheek against cheek, the mood and the alcohol were setting the tone.

"Can you see the clock on the wall Laura?"

"You mean the one on the far wall?"

Lisa nodded, "yes that one. What time does it show?"

"Just before eleven - - - five minutes to"

"That late huh, time really is moving on. I guess we need to be thinking about it getting it done"

Lisa must have seen the puzzled look on Laura's face and read her thoughts; what does she mean getting it done, because then Lisa said, "Getting you stripped off of course, you hadn't forgotten had you?"

In all Laura's concern about the dress and its bareness, the ultimate indignity of being naked with the teenagers had been right at the back of her mind, suddenly it had arrived right at the front.

They talked as they moved together in close and perfect unison, at times their bodies seemingly almost one

"Do you want me to strip you?" whispered Lisa

"How do you mean"

"Well you can hardly manage it yourself, but if you would like someone else to undress you then I'm sure any of the lads would be very willing but ----."

"Would you do it please Lisa?"

"Of course I will" purred a smiling Lisa

They danced close together, Laura's hands on Lisa's shoulder and arm; Lisa's hands now both just under Laura's dress, gently caressing her butt.

For a while they danced in silence, then Lisa whispered, "I'm going to start," and she slipped quietly and effortlessly around to behind Laura. She wrapped her arms around the older woman, nuzzling her neck with her lips, just holding her quietly, sensing her deep breathing, the slight trembling of her body. "Don't be nervous, soon it will be over," she whispered, "and then you will feel a great release of tension and a wonderful sense of freedom, I know because I once stripped at a party."

Laura felt one of the arms previously wrapped around her being removed, then moments later sensed her shoulder straps falling away, then fingers manipulating the tiny hooks at the back of her dress. As each hook was undone, she felt the front of the dress fall, then fall further with the release of each further hook, until eventually it was only held up by the one arm still wrapped low around her waist. Her breasts were now fully exposed and she could already feel her nipples hardening. She closed her eyes, she didn't need to see to know that all talk had virtually dried up, and where it continued, was hushed and muted. She also knew beyond a single shadow of doubt, that every eye was focused on her, and on her body.

Then she heard Lisa tell her to raise her arms, and as she did so, felt the dress being lifted up and over her head. Then it had gone and both arms were wrapped tightly around her once more. Lisa hands trailed over her bare stomach and the denim of her jeans rubbed gently against the bare skin of her butt. She thrilled at the warmth of Lisa's tongue on the nape of her neck as their bodies swayed gently from side to side.

They barely moved from the spot in the middle of the room, did little more than shuffle around in a tight circle. There was no great lateral movement of their bodies either; the movement there was nothing much greater than mere evidence of movement.

Laura felt she was moving into another zone, another place, another world, where everything was filled and controlled by the senses. She felt Lisa unwrap her arms from around her then shivered as she felt the teenager's hands slip down the side of her hips, sensed her fingers playing with the sides of her G String, then felt her mouth by her ear.

"How do you feel, very nervous or just a little nervous?"She whispered

Without being able to see Lisa, she could still see the teenager in her mind's eye, could see the small, enigmatic smile playing around her lips

"Very, very nervous" whispered Laura

"Goodness, that is nervous, and I notice you're breathing is heavy too."

Then, at that exact moment, and just for a split second in time, Lisa froze; she felt the G String moving down each side of her hip, slowly, very slowly, almost to the point of no return, only for it to then stop and return just as slowly to its original position. She heard the quietest of laughter tinkling in her ear, felt the gentlest of kisses on her neck, then another, long and more intense kiss, higher on her neck, one which would, as intended, mark her for the next four days.

"Do you feel horny?

"Just nervous" she lied

"Really, that's not what your tits are saying"

Immediately Laura felt a finger on each nipple; no more than the lightest of touches, nothing more than a graze. Then they were gone, returned to the G String from where they had come. But because they had been laid there long enough, and with such sureness of touch, and with the awareness only another woman would know, it was inevitable that Laura's nipples would be rock hard and that she would let out a moan, which would cause small titters of mirth.

"That will teach you not to be a fibber next time" said the voice right by her ear. "I will freely admit I'm horny - - - do you know why?"


"Because," she whispered, "you are a beautiful woman, with the most gorgeous breasts, that I can't stop touching. And because you're the only female I know that's got a six pack that I can see and feel, with the best butt I've seen and felt , but - - -" she giggled, "what makes me really horny, is the control I have over you, the ability to be able to decide when I want to strip off your G String, when I want to feel you , where I want to feel you, how long I want to feel you, kiss you and mark you, talk to you, then finally strip you and display you. Display you in front of my friends in your full nudity, your brazen nakedness. But that will only happen when I judge you are ready and willing to be taken on another journey - - - and until then I will tease you and toy you, relentlessly, without pity or sympathy, compassion or mercy."

Then Laura felt another kiss being delivered on the other side of her neck, even more intense and even longer than the previous occasion. Now her neck had been marked on both sides, symbols of lust that would be difficult to disguise.

It was no real surprise that, fueled by the alcohol in her body and the hands that caressed her skin, the words that Lisa's whispered in her ears and the badges of honor displayed on her neck, that Laura had almost reached that point where Lisa longed her to be.

Their movements didn't change much, they just kept moving round to the slow rhythm of the music, revolving in a small circle in the middle of the room. Lisa was still behind, but right up close, her fingers just resting on the sides of the G String. If she was in a hurry it certainly didn't show. They swayed gently to each side as before, their bodies perfectly in tune.

It often seems to be the case that things happen when they are least expected, and so it was for Laura. For seven or eight minutes they had just danced, slowly, nothing really happening, or at least nothing that hadn't happened before, and there was no more talking, no more kisses, no more markings. Everything seemed to have settled down to a sort of steady routine. Occasionally the G String would move a fraction, but nothing more than it had before. That was until suddenly, out of the blue, it happened. Lisa's hands, flat inside the sides of the G String, worked the G String gently over Laura's round butt, then slowly to the point of no return. Even then Laura was relaxed; after all she had been taken to this point before. But this time was different, she heard a small gasp from around her and felt the thin material slipping down her thighs, and then, as if as a reflex action, she herself completed the task; shook her legs, felt the silky material around her feet and flicked it to one side.

Now she was naked.

Maybe Lisa was right, Laura thought, about the sense of freedom you get when naked. She had this feeling, the feeling that she had moved to another zone, become personally unaware, totally unselfconscious. She had this feeling of peaceful, quiet serenity, as if anything were possible, as if she were floating on a cloud

"You said you wanted to display me a few moments ago - - - what did you mean?"

Lisa stuck her hands in her pockets, turned slightly away shyly, as if she wanted to avoid direct eye contact

"I just had this image in my head of you lap dancing, writhing around on a stage, people stuffing notes into your thong."

Laura smiled, "how strange, my husband had a similar image. I obviously affect people in very erotic ways."

She stood totally relaxed, apparently oblivious to her nakedness, one leg bent slightly at the knee, hands cocked lightly on her hips

"Standing here I already feel like a lap dancer Lisa, I'm so incredibly hot and horny, I'm just waiting for someone to encourage me onto the stage, to become the centre of their attention."

Lisa smiled, moved forward and kissed Laura gently on each cheek, grazed her nipples with her trailing finger, ran her hand longingly round her butt. "Would you perform for me then - - - pose for me?" she whispered in Laura's ear

Laura nodded

For a moment nothing, then Laura straightened up tall, brought her arms up and over her head and touched the floor with her fingers. Her legs were perfectly straight, perfectly parallel to her back

Lisa studied her for a moment.

"Obviously that was a loosener" she said rather dismissively, "Now do your pose, not with your feet flat on the floor, but with you right up on the balls of your feet"

She moved over beside Laura and trailed her fingers along the back of her thighs. "That's better, now keep your legs straight and still- - - good, now hold that position for two minutes - - - can you imagine two minutes in your head?"

Laura nodded. Lisa noticed that her eyes seemed glazed and fixed in direction, as if subconsciously all her energy and emotions were being totally focused on providing the perfect performance.

When the two minutes had passed Laura slowly unwound from her position. She straightened up and went into a sort of wind down procedure, shaking out the muscles in her arms and legs and neck. Then finally she took three or four very deep breaths. The wind down was over and she stood in a position of repose; legs slightly apart, arms loose by her side, head tilted very slightly back. Her face was a picture of tranquility.

For several seconds, she stood perfectly still; then, suddenly from nowhere, a smile crossed her face and she turned towards Lisa and whispered, "Shall I perform for you again?"

"Of course" said Lisa, "but it is important that each performance should set out to surpass the last. Do you have that within you Laura?

"I hope so - - how many poses will you require of me?

"I think six would be a good round number; thirty seconds to get into position, two minutes to hold the pose and a further thirty seconds to wind down; three minutes for each performance, around twenty minutes in all". She smiled, "I'm sure you can hold everyone's attention for much longer than that. What do you think; can you complete six poses for me?"

Lisa could see a flicker of concern on Laura's face; had she asked too much

"I'm just worried Lisa, that as the tasks become more difficult, my muscles might give out, and absolutely the very last thing I want to do is disappoint you"

"Laura, I deliberately made your tasks challenging, because unless they are there is no real performance. As for disappointing me, you will disappoint me more if you don't at least try."

Laura nodded, closed her eyes for a moment and then reopened them, and in that instant, the tranquility had returned to her features.

She cocked her hands on her hips and gradually raised her right leg as high as she could in front of her, then she raised herself onto the balls of her feet and very slowly swung her leg to the furthest extremity she could manage to the right, whilst at the same time maintaining the leg at its highest trajectory, her toes pointed toward the ceiling. She felt Lisa's fingers feather the top of her thighs then her hand run across her abdomen, her fingers trace each set of muscles. Out of the corner of her eye she glimpsed the flashes of mobile phone photos being taken. She counted the two minutes in her head and then completed her wind down.

Aware that each new pose must be both more demanding for her, and more appealing for her audience, Laura prepared for her next performance. She balanced on the balls of her left foot, then touched the floor in front of her with the tips of her fingers. At the same time she raised her right arm and leg as high as she could; for the first time she felt Lisa trailing her fingers along her pussy lips and a cold shiver went through her body. The next performance was similar except that the tips of the fingers of both hands touched the floor in front of her. Again Lisa feathered her pussy lips with her fingers and again she shivered with excitement

Completion of each pose was accompanied by polite ripples of applause and camera flashes from mobile phones. A girl brought out a bottle of water to her. She took one long swallow, and then splashed the balance over her face, across her breasts and the top of her thighs. She was definitely warming up.

The next two poses were more intricate, her body more contorted; she was striving for the perfect pose, the perfect picture pose and it was getting very close.

Now there was just one performance left, one more pose to complete the target of six that Lisa had set. Her muscles ached from the effort and beads of perspiration stood out on her forehead, her breasts, the inside of her thighs. She knew she needed to focus one more time, channel everything she had into her final performance.

She got herself into position, both feet, both hands flat on the floor; head tilted backwards, body parallel to the floor -- the easy bit. Then she raised herself onto the balls of her feet and onto the ends of her fingers and thumb. Then finally she raised her right leg, moved it sideways 45% so that everything was still parallel to the floor, her weight carried only by the ends of eight fingers, two thumbs and the balls of her left foot. What a picture the cameras captured at that moment, what applause from her audience. And it was that applause that carried and sustained her for the next two minutes in the perfect picture pose.

She wound down slowly then gently splashed a large bottle of water all over herself; all over from the neck down. Then with rivulets of water running down her body she began to strut languidly around the room. She shook hands, kissed cheeks and answered questions about diet and workouts

It seemed that the teenage boy had materialized from nowhere, one minute not there, the next tapping her shoulder. For a moment she didn't comprehend what he was trying to say. Then it slowly sunk in, she was being asked if she would come over to his friends. They stood in a group in the corner, in a sort of huddle; five, six, maybe seven of them. Then as she approached they turned towards her and started to strip. For a moment she froze. She looked round but Lisa was nowhere. Suddenly they were all round her, naked, their teenage cocks bobbing as they moved. They forced her backwards until suddenly she lost her balance and fell against several of the bean bags. Then they were on her, their hands holding her arms and legs whilst others were starting to jerk themselves off. She was conscious of others joining them, of extra cocks of extra hands. Then one after the other they shed their loads; over her tits, her face, her hair, her thighs; everywhere and all the time as she looked up more and more cocks were being jerked off. The boys who had jerked off were totally in the zone, their hands moving their loads around her face, her tits, her thighs, as if their spunk was oil which they were massaging in. Then they started to improvise; to move their loads up her thighs and onto to her pussy.

Suddenly she heard the sound of Lisa's voice, like the crack of a whip; "Get away, get back."

Immediately they ceased, skulked for a moment and then backed away, their tails literally between their legs.

Lisa held out her hand. "Come with me."

Her eyes almost closed, her body a mix of teenage spunk and perspiration, her mind shot with a mixture of emotions, she stumbled after Lisa. A few moments later and Laura was being pushed into the shower.