Dani and the Bull Ch. 05

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Bull discovers a secret, gets a blow job, and falls asleep.
7.9k words

Part 5 of the 16 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/23/2010
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Dani felt Bull shift against her head and opened her eyes slowly. She was stiff and sore from sleeping in the same position but she was reluctant to move. It only took a moment to realize if she did, then she would disturb Bull and he needed his sleep as much as she had. Her last waking memory was Bull bringing her out here, settling her back beside him on this lumpy old couch, and stroking her hair until she felt the stress and tension of the night fade from her body, and mind.

Now it all came back, but she ignored it. This was not the time to give in to the fear and disgust she had felt toward Nick, or the fear that had overwhelmed her when she saw Sheriff Sheridan putting his infamous choke hold on Bull to keep him from killing Nick. She had watched Bull fight it and the more he fought the more the sheriff had applied it, but then it had been over and Bull was coming to her, pulling her close, kissing her. Not just kissing her, but doing it in front of her brothers, and cousins.

A spring was poking her side and she shifted just enough to remove it, unfortunately, it was also just enough to wake Bull, and she sighed. "Sorry, a spring..." She glanced up at him.

He gave her a sleepy smile and ran one huge hand up over his face. "No problem, any idea what time it is?"

She glanced toward the window; the sun was up and from what she could see it was middle to late morning. "It's not noon yet, I don't hear anyone running around outside." Next week it would be a different matter, her dad, Tom and Zach would be back at work at the repair shop in town. They always took this week off to get ready for her birthday and just unwind after the long winter down time. "Should I move?"

He shook his head. "Not yet, I like us lying like this, it would help if this wasn't so broken down, but still..." When he shifted she was laying half on top of him. "That's better..."

Yes it was, very much better, she could feel his heart beating against her hand, and her face was against his shoulder. Her left leg was lying a little between his, and she smiled as she realized she could also feel more of him than usual. Like most of the men she knew, he was suffering from an early morning erection and it felt very good. That was probably one thing she had an advantage over other girls her age, she had learned sex education in both school and at home, having parents who were both very loving and very sexually active, as well as having five older brothers, there was little about the human male body that she didn't know, or hadn't seen at one time or another in her life, either by accident or on purpose. She also knew from eavesdropping on conversations between her various female relations that the men of the Lazarus family were quite well endowed. At least that was what her mom had told her aunt Rachel and a few of her older cousins.

Personally, those that she had seen by accident or intentionally hadn't really seemed all that worth bragging about. And Sue had told her that it had nothing what so ever to do with size but if a man knew how to use it right. "Big or little, if he can't do you any good, what good is he?"

She could still remember playing the old, "You show me yours and I'll show you mine" game with her cousin Patrick. She had been seven, and he a much more mature man of seven and a half, or eight. Or so he thought until his dad and hers had caught them and they had both ran crying in pain to the house after being paddled. Her mom and aunt Louise had wiped their tears, hugged them and in voices she could still hear to this day, that if they ever got caught doing something like that again they would not only have their fathers, but their mothers and older siblings to deal with as well. To this day both she and Patrick had avoided each other completely. At least until last summer when he joined the Marines like his dad and uncle and gone to fight in some stupid war somewhere in the Middle East.

Bull was stroking her hair again and she heard his voice, "A penny for your thoughts."

"Just thinking about my cousin Patrick, he's in the middle east. This is the first time we've missed each other's birthdays. I was remembering how we got in trouble for playing you show me yours, I'll show you mine when we were younger. I don't know who was more upset, our dad's or our mom's."

"That's normal for kids, and for parents. I think in my case it was my cousin Celia. Dad and Uncle Paul were so busy trying not to laugh that our punishment was not what it could have been."

"Why were they laughing?"

"Because it was our butts we were comparing, not the front part, we wanted to see whose was smaller, I won. I never did stop calling her big butt up to the day I left home."

"That's mean..."

He chuckled. "We were kids, we both grew up in very open homes, we knew what each of us had between our legs, and we just didn't know what the other side looked like."

Putting it that way, Dani could see the humor. "Will you go home Bull, ever?"

"Eventually, I'm a part of the land down there Dani, it's in my blood, and I can't change that, but I will tell you this, when I go, you will be going with me. I found you now; I am not letting you go."

"I hope not..."

He looked at her with a fire in his eyes that seared her all the way to her soul; he reached down, and like a doll brought her up on top of him. She still didn't understand how he could pick her up and all; no one in her family had done that since she had hit two hundred pounds even her junior year in school. Bull acted like she weighed little more Andi or Pigpen might. Still, she found no reason to complain, she especially liked it when he picked her up like he had last night, and she had wrapped her legs around him. That had sent what felt like electric charging through her, her body had reacted and it was repeating that sensation now. She moved her body just a little and found what she had been looking for, as they connected, she sighed. His erection was laying directly as if it were attached to both of them.

She heard his chuckle and knew he liked it too. "I wondered if you had felt that..."

"How could I miss, it feels like you have a tree branch in there. Are all the men in your family so big and beautiful...?"

"We're like any family, we come in all shapes and sizes...my brother Jorge was my height when he was sixteen, I don't think he'd be as broad as me, he's more like our mother, and Andre', he hadn't come into his manhood yet, but we share the same hair and eyes. Jorge is darker than us, his skin tone is more like coffee with cream, and his hair is black as night like his eyes. Andre on the other hand is more golden, I remember people who didn't know us were shocked to find out we were brothers. My oldest sister Bella is the one who is most like our granny Maylene. She's almost as black as the darkest night everywhere, and I remember when I was little I loved how her hair felt like the softest wool I had ever touched. It never mattered to any of us how we all looked so different, we were and are family, and that is that..."

Dani touched his face. "And someday you need to go home Bull, and show your family what a fine man you turned into." Moving up his body, she found his mouth and claimed it as her own, she felt his arms go around her and hold her tight against him, when he drew back a bit, he smiled and before she realized it, he had flipped them over, now she was on the bottom and his body was pressing her down, but she didn't care, her arms were around his neck, while one of his was behind her head, and the other was making a slow, torturous search of her body. "Bull..."

"I could make love to you so easy Dani, I could strip us both right here and now just plow my way into the very center of you, that limb you feel in my pants, that's what you do to me, how you make me feel when I look at you or touch you. It's hard for me to look at you and not want to throw you down on the nearest bed, patch of grass or the nearest flat spot I can find and just take what I want...what I need from you so desperately."

"But you won't...I know that and so do you. Maybe, if I was any other woman, but not me."

He smiled down at her, "You're right, any other woman, but not you. You I want to take my time with, like an artist who paints his masterpiece, I want the first time we make love to be perfect." He began to kiss her and whisper words that Dani knew to be French, some of them she could translate, but others she had no idea what they meant, but they sounded nice, and she wasn't going to spoil the moment by asking.

Her dad did that sometimes, it had startled her the first time she heard the words, but it had made sense as she got older, he was descended from French nobles after all, and there was probably some of that same blood in Bull's past as well. She on the other hand had never been able to wrap her tongue around any language but English, and from the feel of her tongue right now, it was working to learn how to wrap around Bull's as well. It was a battle to see who could suck the others the hardest and draw the opponent's into the mouth of the winner. God he could kiss, and his hand on her stomach under her shirt was making her feel like the tips of his fingers were on fire. She could feel her hips arching up to grind against him and his answering her.

She began to want more and wondered how a simply make out session could turn her on so fast. She had never had this happen to her before. They weren't even touching bare skin to bare skin and she felt ready to explode. Reaching down be, she moved his hand from her breast, down to where the heat was the strongest and knew the minute he felt it. His hand pressed against her hard and he began to move it in such a way that it was no surprise when her world exploded. If he could do that to her while she still wore her jeans, what would it be like if she was naked?

Bull looked down at her and chuckled. "Even better love, even better..."

She didn't get a chance to ask how he had known what she was thinking, the shed door opened and both her dad and Mike came in talking. Her dad took in the sight of the position they were in and she smiled. "Relax dad, it's hard to have sex when you're still wearing the same clothes as the night before."

Jack nodded. "I'd be yelling if you weren't...of course now, a skirt...well never mind. You two get up now, Helen has coffee and breakfast waiting, and Bull, you take you things on in the house, I've just decided you can move into Jericho's old room, at least there, I can keep a better eye on both of you...especially my hot panted daughter here. Later I do want to ask you one question..."

Bull grinned. "Say no more Jack, I'll be glad to tell you how..."

Mike didn't help matters by chiming in. "Count me in; Kate hasn't looked as well satisfied as Dani does right now in a long time..." He was teasing her, but as Dani walked by him, he laughed. "Damn sis, you turn the prettiest shade of red I have ever seen in my life."

Stopping at the door, she looked back at her older brother. "Keep it up Mike, remember dad taught me from the beginning how to make a man of no use to anyone and I would hate to see Kate have to be deprived of you for a week or two..."

Mike frowned as their dad and Bull laughed. "You wouldn't, I'm your brother..."

"Try me and find out..."

She went out then, and headed for the back door, as she did, she was surprised to see her brother Dave coming out with a big pan of water and the dog food bag under his arm. "Dave?"

"Mom told me they hadn't been fed since yesterday, cute little things, I'm going to give them a bath and get them all sparkling clean before the vet gets here this afternoon, and Bull, once you eat and all, if you'll show me that spot you mentioned yesterday, I was thinking we might go ahead and bury their momma..."

Bull nodded. "I'll be back to help you in a few."

Dani looked at her brother, he was clear eyed and for once his body didn't reek of pot, booze, and his own personal scent. "Me too, see you in a few..."

Over breakfast, Dani listened to the talk between Kate and her mom, then went up to change out of the jeans and tee shirt she had been wearing since yesterday, she considered a shower, but knew that washing the puppies would make her wet, and filthy. Bull threw his stuff into Jericho's old room next door and she smiled as she considered that he was actually closer now then he had been before. She liked that idea, it made her feel good to think that all she had to do was turn a doorknob and...

A shiver closed over her, and she realized that she felt a need for Bull again, a need that had been growing since their time at the lake. Going to her door, she opened it and found him poised to knock. He had changed into a worn shirt with the sleeves ripped off and a pair of old jeans. The shirt empathized his chest and arms and the pants his long, muscular legs even better than the others he wore. He had tied his hair back and his eyes glittered as he looked at her. The top was old and showed off more of her than she normally liked but it was clear that Bull appreciated the scenery. The shorts were the same, not something she normally wore, but cool and able to be thrown away.

"Damn honey, you dress like that, and you honestly expect me to keep my mind on puppy washing and digging a grave for their momma. I am only human sweetheart."

Feeling mischievous, Dani walked up to him and pressed her body against his. "Really, I thought you were made of wood..."

"That's not wood; it's pure titanium steel right now..." He put his hands on her hips and pulled her tight against him, Bending his head, he kissed her ear, and nipped at the lobe, "You got yours earlier, but I plan on getting mine later...so be warned. I think we might be taking a drive up to that special spot of ours..."

That sounded good to her. With that to look forward to, they went down stairs and out to the old shed. Mike, Tom and Kate were there as well, with buckets, scrub brushes and towels to work on the pups. Tom and Kate helped her get started, while Bull, Mike and Dave went to take care of their momma, and by the time they returned not only were two of the pups clean but Tom had taken the cage and sprayed it with hot water, then took a brush and scrubbed it with the hot soapy water. The air was full of the stench from both the puppies and the cage, but it was worth it to see the matted fur of the pups come clean of dirt, grease, feces and other unidentifiable matter flow away. When Bull and the others came back, they pitched in and by the time the vet arrived all of them were dirtier then the pups had been.

Each of the pups tolerated being examined by the vet and when he was finished, he looked at her dad. "They're all malnourished, have worms, and need their shots. I'm putting them on a special diet that will help them gain weight, where did you find them?"

Her dad answered the question, "Nick Jensen, he brought them by yesterday, told us he was going to drown them if we didn't want them. Their momma was already dead. Looked like she gave all she had left to keeping them alive this long." He looked at his family and the filthy water and rags that had been used to clean them. "They been working for three hours to get them clean enough to be seen by you."

"What happened to their mother's corpse?"

Bull spoke up, "we buried her out under that elm out behind the shed."

The vet nodded. "If these pups are from Rose, then I'm not surprised, I told that bastard a year ago she needed to be fixed, she was getting too old for anymore pups and he just looked at me and said no female was too old to be bred. The only reason I didn't kick him out of my office was because Rose had a broken leg and I hadn't set it yet. Poor old thing, I think she would like knowing her children were being raised by people who will treat them right, most of the others all ended up in a dog fight ring..."

Dani saw her dad glare at the vet, "what did you say Stew?"

"You heard me Jack, a dog fight ring, remember here a while back they arrested that guy over in the next county for dog fighting, well they had me and a couple other vets come see what we could do about investigating who some of the animals might belong to. I found at least ten that had to be Rose's pups but I couldn't prove it. Oh, and I would have electronic data chips put in them when they get a little older. Helps if they runaway or such..."

"We'll take care of that when you think they're old enough. Mean time, thanks for coming out Stew, much appreciated...just send you bill to the repair shop; I'll take care of it..."

The two men shook hands and Dani curled Rose up in her arms, she shuddered to think of the fate the soft ball of fur might have suffered if they hadn't taken them.

It was Bull and Dave that went to the lumber yard and hard ware store to buy the lumber and hardware needed to build a decent pen, Dave was already talking about a house for them and Mike and Kate were discussing which one would go home with them.

Since the pups would need to be kept somewhere until Dave and Bull got back, the rest of them took the whole batch in the house and found a box big enough to house them. Dani felt tired and she took Rose upstairs with her to wait while she showered and changed out of what was now garbage.

Coming out of the bathroom, she found the pup asleep on her bed and decided the little lady had the right idea, pulling on a clean shirt and shorts; she lay down on her bed and joined Rose in sleep.

Her dreams had been of Bull and when she began to come out of her nap she thought at first the hand moving along the length of her bare leg was simply part of her dream. Moving a little, she felt the hand move with her, and then travel to the other leg and down to her bare feet. A finger tickled the bottom of it and she kicked a bit to make it stop. A deep chuckle told her it was no dream, opening her eyes a bit she saw Bull moving up over her, and pressing her back in the soft mattress.


He used both his hand to push her hair up out of her face, and let his lips play along her cheeks. "Hey sleeping beauty. I thought the rule was you always locked your door."

"I had a watch dog to warn me of intruders..."

"Had is the operative word, we got back, and Dave collected them all for feeding and their first worm medicine. He and Mike are out in back right now, working on the pen and patching some holes in the old shed so they can't sneak out. Zach and Annie have disappeared, and it seems Tom and Sue has a date for the movies tonight..."

That didn't surprise her for some reason; she had seen the two of them looking back and forth at each other all day yesterday. "That was fast, even for a smooth talker like Tom."

"From what Dave told me, it's been coming. That man may be stoned a lot, but he sure knows what's going on around town and in this house. So that leaves me, you, him, Mike and Kate tonight, and your folks too, but the way they been acting all day, I think they'll be busy. Mike's been just kicking back since Kate's mom called and asked if they could keep the kids for another day."

"Wow, see what happens when I take a nap, I miss all the good stuff."

He nodded. "And you ready for this, you dad is putting me to work, he asked me if I'd be interested in working at the repair shop. I guess he's got a bunch of work backed up since he took this last week off. I told him hell yes. Plus it gives us a little time apart, not that I want to be away from you, but I need some sort of steady cash coming in. Your folks have been good about letting me stay and all, but I like to pay my own way. Been doing it so long, it's just force of habit."

"Well, that's okay, I mean it's not like you just want to sit around all day and drink or something." It was hard to keep her mind on the conversation all of a sudden, maybe because Bull had his hand on her hip and was rolling them over so she was on top of him. "Bull..."