Dani and the Bull Ch. 06

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The end to a long night, confrontation, acceptance.
5.1k words

Part 6 of the 16 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/23/2010
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Granny Maylene's lesson on demons: She told this to Bull when his was first awakening and she sensed the inherent evil in it. "Demons are in us all boy, we are born with them, we will die with them, and the events and paths we follow in life determine the vision of life our demons show us. I see your demon causing pain and hurt, not to all, but to women, hurting and abusing them in ways not tolerable to this family. I don't know how this happened, the events are cloudy, but I also see a woman, a woman with amber colored eyes and hair like spun amber silk. She is your equal boy, you redemption. You need to go out and find her; she can control your demon and love you in the process. It will be a long lonely road, but one you must walk and walk alone, no one here can do it for you."

Bull reacted as anyone might, already in conflict with his father over a future career, he packed a bag that night and left the bayou, never knowing if he would return, or when.

Chapter 6

Dani woke to the feel of Bull running his mouth over her bare skin and she opened her eyes with a smile. The sun was up, almost directly overhead, but she didn't care what her dad or brothers might say to this one. What was on her mind was how Bull's hands were caressing her skin, and his mouth...oh what his mouth was doing to her skin as he worked at her breasts and his tongue flicking her nipples to tease and stimulate them.

"Hmm, what a way to wake up, am I late for class teach?"

Bull chuckled, "Right on time...how you feel this morning sweetheart?"

She watched as he moved up to claim her mouth and just before he kissed her, she answered. "Never better in my life, never fucking better."

The kisses were enough to wake both her mind and her body up, she let Bull take the lead this time and it wasn't long before he was moving in and out of her at a slow, almost painful pace. No matter how hard she tried to make him speed up he only looked down at her and shook his head, and smiled that wonderful smile. Was he trying to torture her for what had happened last night? If so, she was more than punished, she wanted to scream, to claw, to beg from him what she wanted. No, not wanted, this went beyond want, she needed it, now that she had tasted the forbidden fruit, she needed it the way a junkie needed his drugs, or an alcoholic needed his booze.

And like a junkie, she was going into withdrawal, how he done this to her so fast, they had fallen asleep after they had finished last night, but this morning she was ready for it again. Finally she could stand no more. "Oh my fucking gods, fuck me Bull, shove that tree limb in and out of me and make me come, make me explode around him before I go insane."

He answered with only his damn smile, and two words. "Make me..."

Something in her exploded, and Dani felt like she was standing off to the side as she watched her body fight him, her hands pushing at his chest, trying to make him get off her, knowing he would never give her what she wanted unless she fought for it. Fine she would fight, she would take over and she would drain him before she was done. Her fingernails raked at his chest, his shoulders as her hips worked back away from him. Her legs began to kick, to push at him, even her voice was more like that of an animal then a human. Her father had fought her to fight, he had never taught her what to do against an immoveable object, and Bull was just that.

One hand went up and her fingernails raked his cheek, digging in so deep she drew blood, and all went still. Bull drew back in pain and she waited for him to retaliate, she would deserve it, she knew that. Instead, he crushed his mouth to hers and began to pump in and out as if she had stuck a cattle prod up his ass. His growl was intense, "Fine you want it that bad bitch, I will give it to you, stop kicking me and wrap your legs around me, because there is no way you will be able to keep up..."

It was truth, but she didn't care, the pain he gave her was exquisite, and when she sank her nails in his back, it was from pleasure; over and over her body convulsed with one delicious comes after another. "Fuck me Bull, please never stop, give me pain, give me pleasure, and give me all you have to give and never fucking stop...!"

"I won't, I never will, my god Dani, you make me crazy, you make me want to stay inside you and never stop." He crushed her mouth with his again and this time they both tasted blood as his teeth raked her lips and like a vampire, Bull sucked at it with greed. Dani felt herself building up for what felt like a total explosion in her body and when it came, she felt Bull begin to shoot over and over. Lying together in each other's arms after it was over, she hated it when Bull pushed a section of hair off her face, and sighed. "I think we should go face the music Dani, for all I know, I don't have a place to stay anymore after this..."

"Then we'll go to Louisiana, and live in sin...grandma and aunt Jessie would take us in."

He looked at her in surprise, "Would you really do that for me Dani, would you really leave your family behind and run off with me?"

"Why do you look so surprised? Bull, the first things I got taught about were love and loyalty. Yes family is important, but when you fall in love with some and they have your heart, then family becomes second to the person you love, my folks haven't seen Jericho in over five years, they miss him, every time he calls I can hear how much mom and dad want him and Marie to come home. They have grandchildren they have never seen except in pictures..."

"Dani, I'm asking do you love me that much."

That made her frown, "No, I am just lying here naked in your arms because I like how much you fuck me so well...jeez, men are so dense. I'm not Sue; I don't open my legs all the time. And believe me, the only reason I even let you touch me in the first fucking place was because I fell in love with you the night I saw you under my window. I was glad as hell Sue hadn't been able to satisfy you, and for once in my life, I was willing, no I wanted her left over."

Bull stroked her face. "I was never Sue's leftover Dani, I was simply a bite she thought she wanted, but I turned out to be too big for her to eat. I've been yours since I got here, and I've just been waiting until I could have you..."

His kiss was gentle and she touched the scratches on his face. "I'm sorry if it hurt Bull..."

"Don't be. Tell the truth I hope it scars, that way I will always have a mark telling the world who I belong to..."

They dressed slowly, and for a minute, Dani just stood beside her truck, letting the sun shine down on her. She wasn't sure what had happened to her or how she had changed so much in such a short time. Her life it seemed had undergone so many changes that she just wanted it all to stop for a moment so she could take a deep breath. Was this what being in love felt like? She was in love with him, how could she be otherwise? He was everything her heart told her she had ever looked for in a man, and she hadn't lied to him, if something happened once they went back to her house, she would run off with him to New Orleans, and her grandmother's house. As it was the time was getting close for Bull to go home anyway...

A feeling of the world spinning around her made her grip the side of the truck and Bull looked at her in concern. "Are you okay baby?"

She nodded, but not sure if she was or not. Where had that thought come from, and why had it hit her like a bolt out of the sky? Was she getting like Bull, seeing visions and foreseeing the future? All she knew for sure was that for the briefest instance she had known that it was true, Bull would have to home, not because he wanted to, but because he would have no choice and she would be right by his side. A storm was coming, one they would have to face together, and it would take all their love and the love of their families to weather it.

"Bull, you need to drive; I'm not feeling so good..." She felt that sick feeling again, and the spinning of her mind was making her disoriented. As he came to help her in, she looked at him, and clung to him for what seemed like a single heartbeat. "Bull, are vision contagious?" The question came out before she could even think of why she was asking.

"Why, are you having one?" He sounded genuinely concerned.

"I'm not sure; this voodoo stuff is all new to me." She smiled despite how she felt inside. "Maybe it's just the feeling of that love making we've shared that is making me feel a little dizzy and like the world is out of control..."

"From what I hear, that is how love makes you feel Dani, since I never been in love until now, I have no way to know for sure." His voice turned soft and tender as he bent to give her a kiss on her forehead. "This is love you know, it's not lust, it's not visions or voodoo or anything but love. It's what I've felt for you since you first invaded my dreams and it's what will bond us together for the rest of our lives."

As if Mother Nature was telling them that it was time to go home, a dark cloud passed between them and the sun and a chilled wind came flowing down over them. Taking one last look at the spot she had called hers since she had found it, Dani looked at Bull. "We won't be coming back here for a long time will we Bull?"

He nodded. "No, we won't." He sounded as sure as she felt and they parted long enough to get in the truck and begin the drive back to town and their fate.

The thunderstorm was in full force by the time they reached the house she had grown up in. It didn't keep what seemed like her entire family from waiting for them on the porch, and the stance of her dad and brothers would have terrified her if she hadn't been with Bull, instead, she felt strong enough to face them head on.

When Bull would have edged her forward, she shook her head and stood in the rain at the bottom of the porch steps. Her gaze met her father's and her voice barely quivered with the emotions she felt. "Don't make me choose daddy, I love you all, but I belong with him and you can never change that."

Bull voiced his own feelings in the manner as well. "I love her Jack, and I know you all do too, but we both know in the end she's right, we belong together, and you and the boys can come down here and kick my ass all the way back to the Bayou's but you better know, if you do, she'll be right along side of me. I won't let you or anyone else keep us apart."

To both their surprise, Jack relaxed. "Well then, I suggest both of you get your asses out of the rain and inside where it's dry. As for you Bull, you better plan on getting up early tomorrow, since like I told you, you can work at the shop with me and the boys. I ain't supporting no damn unemployed son in law." He looked at them both point blank, "plus that way I know you won't be lying up in her bed all day making me a grandchild I'm sure neither of you are ready for."

Dani looked at her father and then at her mom. Both she and Kate were smiling and their eyes were dancing with amusement. "Well, come on Dani, and you too Bull, you both need hot showers and dry clothes and we will discuss where the hell you been for the last twelve plus hours. I won't ask what you been doing because I can tell from all those love bites and scratches. Bull, your cheek looks like it could use some cleaning up."

He reached up and touched her claw marks, "Yes ma'am, a little wildcat showed me her claws in more ways than one."

Dani came out of the bathroom toweling her hair and found both her mom and Kate waiting for her in the bedroom she had used since leaving her crib. "Am I going to get a lecture mom?"

Helen smiled. "Hell no, this is just some girl time, Bull is down with Jack and the guys talking about what needs to be done at the shop and it's boring. Kate and I have more interesting things to talk about, like if he treated you right and make you feel all the things you should have felt. You know the facts of life, I am not about to let you fall in love with a man though who can't satisfy his woman."

"Oh I don't think you have to worry about that Helen, look at the sparkle in her eyes just thinking about it. Though I do have my doubts about some of those bruises, likes it rough does he?" Kate took on a fake Irish tone.

A small giggle escaped Dani, and she nodded. "How do you think he got those scratches? Well, what the hell was I suppose to do, he was going so slow, and I was going crazy and then he just looked at me and said, Make me, so I did." Her body began to warm as she remembered. "I never thought I could meet a man who makes me so hot and so out of control as Bull does. The more we're together the more I want him and...and I can't begin to describe all the ways he makes me feel."

"Yeah, you're in love all right, what is it Helen about the men in this family, from the day a woman meets them she knows right then and there it's him she wants and no other one. Though in this case it's the female who knew what she wanted."

Dani looked at her mom, waiting for her answer. "I don't know, but to be honest, I was surprised how it turned out. I guess I understand how your dad felt Dani, when Bull first got here, you didn't seem to be all that interested, and then him and Sue..."

"We talked mom, that day at the lake, and afterwards, when we got stuck. I can't explain why the sudden shift really, unless it has to do with this..." Going to her desk, she reached in the drawer and pulled out the drawing Bull had showed her, he had given it to her during the day of her birthday and told her about the others that he had. Now she handed it to her mom. "This is what told me that something special was going on..."

She watched and waited for both Kate and her mother's reaction to the sketch. It was Kate that spoke first. "That's you, he's got great talent, did he do it at the lake?"

"No, he did it while he was in prison down in Georgia...look at the date where he signed it."

Kate and her mother both gasped. Her mother looked pale. "Dani, this was done four years ago, and what do you mean he was in prison, for what?"

Before she could answer, there was a knock on the door and when it opened, it was Bull with Rose Jr. "The shed is flooded. Dave thought you might want her up here with you..." He looked at her mom and Kate. "You might as well tell them Dani; I got a feeling that if there is any more trouble with Nick, it's all going to come out anyway. Sheriff Sheridan knows, he just doesn't know what for."

Walking up to him, Dani rested her head against his chest. He smelled fresh and clean and his body was hard and warm beside her. "Bull, I told you, it doesn't matter to me, and I still doubt that you're what you say and think you are."

He stroked her face, "You don't know how much I hope you're right and that your faith in me never wavers Dani...I been alone a long time, and if I didn't have you..."

"It won't, now let me and mom and Kate talk, if that feeling I had earlier is right we're going to need all the support we can get. Go get used to the new family in your life love..."

Bull went, knowing that what she was about to tell her mom and sister in law could change all their feelings about him in a heartbeat. Downstairs he watched as Jack and Mike talked about a car Mike had found down in California, and Tom was on the phone talking to Sue. Zach and Dave were playing cards and he decided to go out and get some air. The main storm had passed now, but it was still raining and he looked up at the sky turning to night. When he had first started dreaming about Dani, he had never really expected to meet her; to him the dreams had been just fantasy. Now, that he knew for real that she existed, that she was a flesh and blood woman, he had no idea what to do next.

He lit a cigarette and thought what Jack has said about giving him a job and not letting him lay around in her bed making a baby; it was too late to worry about it. The baby had been there since the first time he had filled her with his seed. He knew better, knew he should have used some sort of protection, he was no high school punk out on his first date, getting his first piece of ass. But how could a man think about things like that when all he felt was a velvet tunnel surrounding him and a warm and willing woman holding him close and begging him for more. He couldn't think when they were joined; his entire being was wrapped up in the raw emotions and sensations of their bodies together. What sane man could withdraw from such heaven long enough to pull on latex then go back as nothing had happened.

He knew Dani hadn't thought about it, she was still feeling the first flush of being with a man, of knowing what her body could feel and was capable of.

"You know Bull, you got to keep you mind off Dani sometimes. Otherwise you're going to be walking around with a boner all the time." Mike chuckled as he walked up beside him. "Not that I don't understand, man finds a woman he loves, then that is all he has his mind on. Me and Kate, we been together for seven years now, people say that's when a man's mind starts to wander in other directions. Not me, I look at another woman, all I see is Kate, her smile, her laugh, her body under mine, moaning and groaning. Dad's been the same way since he met mom, only once in his life has he slipped and that was when they had a big blow up back when it meant them going to New Orleans for my grandpa's funeral. Dad didn't want to go back, said he would mourn the old man in his own way. And when we left to come home, he told mom that if would be over his dead body before he ever stepped foot in that house again. He never has either."

Bull nodded. "Dani told me about that, about your grandma and Aunt Jessie. She was thinking about going down this summer to visit them."

"That doesn't surprise me, Dani loves those two old ladies, when she was little she was always saying she wanted to be a grand lady like grandma Claire or a teacher like Aunt Jessie. She tell you the family scandal?"

"About your grandma and aunt being lesbians, and about your grandpa, yeah she told me."

"Well, what she didn't tell you, because she wouldn't know, is that dad and our uncle Jake are the product of all three of them. Grandma Claire supplied the eggs, Grandpa Charles supplied the sperm, and Aunt Jessie carried the two boys to term. The doctor told Grandma Claire that it would kill her if she ever got pregnant, and grandpa needed an heir, so they did it the only way they knew of to do it. We used to tease dad that he and Uncle Jake were the product of a virgin birth."

"Well, I might have been but it sure as hell doesn't mean I'm the Christ child, and though I will admit your uncle is a prime candidate for the anti-Christ, I can't see either of us being holy. So Bull, which bedroom are you two going to occupy? Dani's room is bigger, but I'm thinking that bed in Jericho's would give you both more room."

Bull looked at Jack. "I thought you didn't want us..."

The older man smiled. "Helen brought up the point that it was a little foolish to go and say you can't sleep together because that would be like telling me and Helen or Mike and Kate that we have to have separate bedrooms. I admit I'm not too happy you two getting so involved in sex and each other so fast, but there again, I never been a hypocrite, and for me to be like some fathers, well that would make me the biggest one of all. I slept with Helen the first night I met her and I know that it was the greatest experience either of us had ever known. But let me tell you, I find out you treat her wrong, or you mess around on her, well we'll be talking again, and you won't like the conversation."

No, he wouldn't, and Bull looked Jack in the eye as he responded. "Jack, you ever find out I been cheating on her, or treating her like a damn punching bag, and you got my permission to beat me to an inch of my life, I won't even fight back."