Eliza Parties Hardcore


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They entered the club and started to look for a table. The stage was situated in the center of the room, a long catwalk that looked much too narrow to Eliza's eyes. Glad I'm not gonna be up there. Brigitta's friends had found a space for them to the right of the stage in one of the u-shaped booths that lined the wall. On the opposite side, running parallel to the stage, was the bar and at the rear of the room was a raised area with 9 or 10 standalone tables that were already starting to fill up. As Eliza scanned the room her eyes fell upon one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. Long dark, maybe black, hair, it was difficult to tell in the dim lighting inside the club, and with a naturally tan complexion and dark eyes the girl looked to be about Eliza's height, maybe an inch taller. She was slender, with delicate arms, and the most incredible legs Eliza had ever seen on a woman that wasn't in a fashion magazine. As her gaze travelled up the dark-haired girl's body, eventually arriving back at her face, Eliza became aware that she was also being checked out, a nearly identical look of appraisal on the taller girl's countenance. The mutual assessment finally ended, the two women smiled at each other, smiles that were just short of being leers. Mmm. Maybe Brigitta was right. Maybe this will be fun. It sure was off to a good start.

Eliza continued to smile at the young woman until one of Brigitta's friends said something to her that caused her to look away. By the time she looked back the girl was gone. Damn! That chick was wicked hot!

The crowd had finished filing in by then, apparently they limited the number of women to something a little north of 100, guaranteeing everyone a seat at one of the tables or along the bar. As the last of the women found a place to sit the lights dimmed further and music began pouring from the speakers, followed a couple of minutes later by a man's voice. Unfortunately for Eliza, he was speaking Czech.

"Haló dámy! Jste připraveni být zlobivý holčičky?"

"Brigitta, what's he saying? I got the Hello part, but what's the rest?"

"He asked if we're all ready to have fun tonight."

For some reason Brigitta's friends found that funny and they started to giggle as Eliza gave her companion a confused look. Like anyone that didn't speak the same language as everyone surrounding her, Eliza could not help but feel that there was more going on than she understood. She would find out soon enough that she was right.



After a brief, and mostly unintelligible to Eliza, opening monologue, the MC gave way to the night's first stripper, to the wild enthusiasm of the women in the audience. And this included Eliza. The brown-haired girl didn't have to speak Czech in order to understand this hunk of goodness. This language was universal. Even if he was dressed as a Luchador, complete with mask and cape.

Eliza didn't need a transcript of the MC's opening remarks but she did get enough from Brigitta to understand that there were six performers for the evening. Three strippers onstage plus the MC, and two servers that worked the crowd, plying the women with free champagne. Or, if champagne was not someone's beverage of choice, there was the bar on the opposite side of the stage from where Eliza and her friend's were sitting, where all manner of mixed drinks were available, also for free. Eliza doubted that she'd find any Absolut on the shelves there, but then, quality was not the point of the alcohol, was it?

From the moment the first stripper took the stage Eliza could see the two men moving through the tables, one to either side of the stage, offering refills from the open bottles they were carrying to anyone who asked. They were kind of hard to miss, first, because they were the only men in the crowd, and second, because they were wearing white dress pants but no shirts. They had shirt collars, complete with bow tie, and cuffs, complete with links to hold them in place, but the actual shirts were missing.

And judging by all the hands grasping at the bare skin as they passed, the ladies loved it.

Studlies. Okay. Perhaps Brigitta was right. This was really looking like a bit of harmless fun. Eliza cheered along with all the other women as the Luchador's cape came off to reveal the well-muscled chest that had been hidden underneath. Harmless.

At this point Eliza stopped paying any attention to the waiter cum strippers roaming the tables and started to focus on the beefcake on the stage. With the cape gone the muscular figure was left wearing brightly colored orange and black tights, boots and, of course, his mask. The tights, as would be expected, were skin conforming and Eliza wondered how he was going to get them off without everything grinding to a halt and completely ruining the atmosphere. When he beckoned to a couple of the women sitting in chairs lining the stage to pull at his waistband the brown-eyed girl had her answer. He had to help them, the women had the leverage but didn't really know how to pull, but between the three of them they got the tear-away tights off and he tossed them to one of the bartenders on the other side of the room. Now the male stripper was left with the boots and the mask and a nicely filled thong. Eliza was impressed. The whistles and cheers from the crowd told her she wasn't the only one.

The performer moved about on the stage for a time, stopping in front of as many of the women as possible to shake his package, letting them paw and grope at him while fending off the hands that were trying to remove the one thing they most wanted to see come off. And it wasn't his mask.

Pulling away from the sea of hands after a few minutes the stripper picked his cape back up off the stage and wrapped it around his waist, protecting himself for the time being from the increasingly rowdy women arranged around the platform. Eliza had a pretty good idea what was going to happen next so she wasn't too surprised when he reached under the cape with one hand and started to wiggle his thong down his thickly muscled legs. Stepping out of the undergarment he picked it up and began to offer it to some of the women nearest him. Not as a souvenir as it would turn out but simply for the chance to kiss it. A chance it seemed most of the women were willing to jostle for. But some of the women were not satisfied with that and they began to call out for more. Again Eliza had no need to understand what was being said because the performer began to play to the crowd, bending forward and putting his hand behind his ear, as if he could not hear them. This only encouraged the women and they started to yell louder, calling for him to remove the cape, their meaning made all the more obvious when the man on the stage began to motion towards his covered crotch and the not at all small erection waiting there. Again, impressed.

"Tato? Chcete to?"

"YES!!" "ANO!!"

Even the girls with Eliza were screaming now and they all started to laugh as they got caught up in the excitement. Demonstrating that he was no novice at this, the stripper did not immediately give the audience what they wanted, instead singling out one very pretty girl standing at the far end of the stage on the opposite side from Eliza and unwrapping the cape just enough for her to get her hand in so she could fondle his cock. Okay, so maybe they took things a bit further here than in the States. No surprise there. It was still only mostly harmless fun. They were all adults after all. Even so, when the cape opened just a bit further and the girl's head disappeared under it to join her hand, Eliza could not help but be a bit shocked.

Whoa. I don't think anything like this ever happens at Chippendales.

And if it does, why don't more guys want to work there?

However, Eliza had to admit, having never been to a strip club before, she didn't really know what went on there. Besides, the girl was completely cut off from view by the cape, who really knew what she was doing under there? They could both be playing just for the audience and no one would ever really know. Right? Right. And even if the girl was getting busy, she was still covered by the cape. Relax Duckshoot. We're all here to have a little fun.

Eliza's growing acceptance to what may or may not have been going on under the cape was sidetracked for the moment when she spotted one of the servers by a table just beyond where the stripper and his frisky partner were. It wasn't the server himself that kept her looking, but the woman he was talking to. The dark-haired beauty from earlier. At last.

No longer concerned with the onstage blowjob Eliza stared at the woman she was pretty sure was going to star in at least some of her fantasies in the coming nights. Even in profile, or maybe especially in profile, it was easy to see just how beautiful this girl was. Beautiful hair. Beautiful eyes. Beautiful nose. Beautiful cheekbones. Beautiful lips. Beautiful neck. Hell, Eliza was even willing to bet the girl had beautiful hands. She moved her eyes away from her new infatuation to see if she could prove herself right.

"Holy Shit!"

Eliza's tablemates wrongly assumed she was reacting to the happenings on the stage but really the brown-eyed hottie was responding to what Miss Beautiful was doing instead. Eliza had seen the waiter standing there talking to her crush and had assumed, understandably, that that was all they were doing, her attention being focused almost exclusively on the dark-haired girl's face. But once she moved away from her flame's face, and down to her hands, Eliza realized the pair were doing a little bit more than talking. It didn't happen instantly, if only because of the dim lighting in the club everywhere but directly over the stage, but Eliza could see that something was going on, that the dark-haired girl was doing something with her, yes, they were indeed beautiful also, hands. Something that Eliza could not immediately resolve. Something that looked... like...

"Holy Shit!!"

Laughter erupted from the women surrounding Eliza, even those whose English was not perfect were apparently familiar enough with the expletive, as they took it for granted that she was shocked by the display on stage. Well, they were half right.

But the duo onstage was by now the furthest thing from Eliza's mind. It was the handjob the dark-haired girl was giving the waiter that had caused her to cry out so everyone around her could hear. And this handjob wasn't being covered up by anything. Oh Shit!

Eliza wasn't much of a fan of pornography, for one thing she simply didn't have the time. And for another, who wanted to watch porn when you could actually be fucking instead? But it's also not like she had anything against it, and she had, upon occasion, seen some. She did however draw the line at watching while being fucked. As far as Eliza was concerned, if a guy had to look at porn while in bed with her then something was seriously wrong with him. And she was soon showing him the door. But there was something very different about watching two performers go at it on the big screen TV as a prelude to sex, and watching two very pretty people actually doing, if not it at least something only a few degrees away from, it, just a few feet away. Even if the lighting was poor.

Although, if Eliza had stopped to consider it, she probably would have realized that it wasn't just the fact that two people were doing something sexual right out in the open. After all, there was still the pair up on stage and Eliza wasn't paying them one second of attention anymore. No, it wasn't only the 'what' that captivated her, it was also the 'who'. Almost any other woman in the room and Eliza would hardly have given the pair a... fourth glance.

So yes, Eliza was shocked, but not in a disgusted way. After all, she was no shrinking violet herself. Just ask any of her lovers, male or female. She was just more discreet about things. Usually. Yeah, she'd had sex in the backseat of a car -- her and millions of other teenagers. No, not all together. Wiseguy. And yeah, she'd had sex at the beach in between the dunes. And in a field, under a tree. And... Okay, Eliza had taken some risks before, but she'd never had sex in the middle of a club where everybody could see. Though now that she was thinking about it, there was something very, very exciting about the idea. All those hot bodies, and all those people watching her with all those hot bodies... No Duckshoot, stop right there! That would never fly back home! For one thing, people actually know who you are back home! For another, it almost certainly had to be illegal in the States. If it was fun and if it felt good then odds were, it was illegal to do it in public. And finally, her brothers would kill her! So stop thinking about that and enjoy the show!

Eliza continued to watch the pair from across the room, her eyes glued to the dark-haired girl's hand as it slowly worked the waiter's shaft. Shit, that's a big cock. Are all Czech men hung? She didn't have much to go on, but so far they were batting a thousand.

As Eliza watched the handjob slowly came to an end, but the show was most definitely not over. The waiter lifted the bottle of champagne he was still carrying and offered to refill the dark-haired girl's drink, but in a most unique way. Holding the cup so that it was underneath his dick, the waiter poured the champagne over his shaft and let it spill into the receptacle, getting appreciative laughs from all the women at the table. After she had taken a sip from her cup, the dark-haired girl apparently decided that she would rather sample the champagne that was still dripping from the waiter's cock and bending forward in her chair she proceeded to take his pole into her mouth. Fuck!! That's wicked hot! Again Eliza found herself wondering what it would be like to do something like that in front of a crowd of people.

By chance Eliza had ended up sitting to the outside of the u-shaped bench she and her friends shared and this gave her plenty of room to lean forward herself, attempting to minimize the distance separating her from the action across the room, no matter how small the amount. In fact, she was so focused, that she did not even realize that she was now being addressed.


No reaction.

"Šampaňské?" A little louder.

Still Eliza did not respond, until, that is, she felt something strike her twice on the back of her head.

"What the...?"

The yelp brought out another explosion of giggles from her tablemates as Eliza turned to confront whoever was hitting her from behind, only to recoil in surprised laughter when she found the other server standing on the bench immediately next to hers, holding his member in his hand as he prepared to smack her once more.

"Šampaňské?" He asked again.

"No, thank you. I'm not drinking champagne." Eliza was still laughing as she smoothed the hair at the back of her head, but she was already starting to recover from the surprise.

"Ne? Byste chtěli mít pyj místo?" The way he pushed his hips forward while holding onto his unit left no doubt in Eliza's mind as to what he was offering, even if she didn't recognize the Czech word for penis.

Automatically Eliza started to shake her head and she brought both hands up so that they were between her face and the waiter's cock. His nice, thick, long, cock. Damn. Three for three. Eliza was starting to think that she might have to spend a lot more of her future down time in Prague.

For the moment however, she had a very playful waiter/stripper with a very impressive erection to contend with. Not to mention a tableful of randy girls that were now trying to convince her to have a quick lick of the penis just inches from her face. In two languages no less. But wondering what it would be like to do something sexual in front of a large group of people, and actually doing it, were miles apart from one another, and Eliza was not quite ready to make that leap. Now if they were somewhere more private, well that would be different, and the brown-eyed hottie would probably be willing to give the lucky guy a quick toss. Maybe even more than her dark-haired obsession had done, especially considering just how horny, and getting hornier with every big dick that was waved in her face, Eliza was feeling. Speaking of dark-haired obsessions... Eliza took a quick glance over to the table on the other side of the stage only to discover that both beauty and the waiter were no longer there. Damn. Now where did she go?

Fortunately, Eliza didn't have to look far for the missing woman. She was standing at the side of the stage directly opposite Eliza's table and looking straight at her, watching the wavy-haired girl intently. When their gazes crossed and locked the dark-haired girl smiled, beautifully, at Eliza and lifted one eyebrow in question.

There could be only one interpretation. Are you going to do it? Eliza's eyes went wide and she was just about to shake her head, regrettably, no, when she was distracted by something hitting her hand and she turned back to the waiter to find that he was now striking his shaft against her open palm. In a purely reflexive move Eliza caught his rod in her hand, her eyes going wide again when she realized just how big the server's dick really was. Shit, I'd need a third hand to cover that thing. Almost as soon as her hand had wrapped around it though she released it and gave it a light swat.

"Get that thing outta here!"

With a laugh and an overblown look of pain the waiter rubbed his prick where Eliza had hit him, getting another laugh from the women in the immediate area. Thinking that shared laughter was a very good way to make a connection with someone, Eliza glanced across the stage to see how the dark-haired girl was reacting, surprised to find a pout on the girl's face, every bit as overdone as the feigned hurt of the server. The smile faded from Eliza's face as she realized she had a problem. Disappoint the dark-haired girl and run the risk of pushing her away before they'd even met, or do something she couldn't even seriously consider doing if she was at home. Eliza thought about it for all of two seconds. Ah what the hell. What's the point of going on vacation if you can't cut loose and have a little fun? To the sound of the loudest cheers yet she leaned in and gave the waiter's penis a quick peck where she'd smacked him and then another on the head for good luck. Mmm. Not bad. Of course it wasn't like Eliza didn't know what to expect. She had had a cock in her mouth once or twice before.

"Satisfied now?"

"Úspěch v poslední!" The waiter crowed to the surrounding tables and Eliza could only assume he was bragging about his success, then he leaned down to her and said in heavily accented English "I'll be back!" before moving off in search of other victims.

Looking back over to her hopefully soon-to-be friend Eliza was happy to see the dark-haired girl smiling at her and clapping lightly. Ah. That's better. Now would probably be a good time to make a move.

Eliza turned towards Brigitta before getting up, ignoring the self-satisfied smile on her friend's face, "Umm. I'm going to the bar, anybody want anything?"

Thinking that maybe Eliza was actually going off to follow the server with his dick hanging out, thereby seriously impairing the chances of the brown-eyed girl coming back anytime soon with the drinks, Brigitta smiled even more broadly and just shook her head no. She watched the brunette get up and head off then turned back to her friends.

"Dámy, myslím, že je čas, aby si tuto párty. Půjdeme?"

Her question was met with enthusiastic agreement all around. Yes, it was time to get the party started. Brigitta and the girls got up to join the small crowd surrounding the still masked, but otherwise naked, stripper at the rear of the room. Neither the small group of women, nor the fortunate man, stood a chance.
