Emily and Hayden

Story Info
She meets a dominant man and discovers BDSM.
3.9k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/13/2013
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Emily met Hayden six months ago.

He noticed her staring at him in a park as she walked her Jack Russell puppy. She couldn't help it. He was tall, with shoulder-length dark hair. He was dressed in dark clothes. She had never seen anyone like him in her little, conservative town; she knew he must be new. She stared at him with a mix of shock and fascination. He was sitting at the base of a maple tree with his legs stretched out. He was reading an old book, which seemed incongruous to his appearance. She felt her pulse race as she watched him.

Hayden had glanced up, immediately sensing Emily's presence. He smiled. It was a confident, knowing smile. He met her gaze intensely with bright golden-brown eyes, forcing her own gray eyes down, her head to bow- staring at her own slightly chubby figure. And it was as if drawing her closer. He spoke first, asking her name in a tone that felt commanding without impoliteness, and she answered with her small voice. He quickly drew her into conversation, pulling information out of the shy, sheltered girl so fast it left her breathless and blushing. Her age, who she was with (her mother and father had driven there). As he stood up, taking a step closer to bend down and stroke her puppy's neck, she went warm all over.

"So, um...you're new here, right?" Emily asked after a moment.


She paused, unsure of what else to say. She noticed his book again. "Hey, um, what are you reading?" She hoped that she didn't sound nosy.

"It's about music. Mostly the history of instruments, like guitars."

"Oh! Um, I play guitar. A little, I mean."

"Yeah? So do I." He looked interested.

Hayden was far more advanced than Emily was, but he seemed impressed that she was trying to learn on her own. And as they discussed their mutual interest, he suddenly offered to help her with learning guitar. She was surprised. Impulsively she agreed- it sounded innocent enough- and he gave her his address. He told her to visit around noon, on Sunday, to spend half an hour or so learning from him.

She walked back to the car with the feeling of warmth flowing through her entire body. It felt good.


When Emily arrived at Hayden's apartment that weekend, she hesitated before knocking. She wanted his help, and she wanted to see him again, in part just to figure out why someone like him would move to a place like this. Yet she was unsure of how to act. Still living at home, she spent almost all of her time with her family or her few close friends. She rarely went anywhere by herself. In this case, she had only told her parents that she was going to "drive around."

Taking a deep breath, Emily finally gave the door a firm knock. Within seconds, Hayden answered. He was wearing a black, short-sleeved, button-up shirt and black jeans, a little neater than what he had worn when she first saw him. She wondered if he had dressed that way for her. No,

Hayden moved aside. "Come in," he said in way of greeting. She stepped in. His apartment was large and felt empty. There was little personalization, but open boxes were scattered around the living room, so she assumed that he had not finished unpacking. There was no television, but there were several books scattered around But what surprised her was what was on the coffee table in front of the couch: A neat stack of books and a hand-written list of chords next to a pen. The books-there were about 10, ranged from beginner to intermediate guitar lessons. "Wow," she said, trying to work out how to phrase her surprise. "Um, I thought you were just going to, um, help me a little. Like just for fun...This looks like a lot-"

"Do you want to learn or do you just want to have fun?" There was a tone of contempt in his voice. "Because from the way it sounded, you need more than a little help." She turned to him, expecting to see a smile to indicate that he was joking with her.

He wasn't smiling. "How many songs do you know?" He sat on the couch, and gestured for her to come over. "Sit down."

"I don't know any, I'm sorry." She sat on the other side of the couch, and wondered why she apologized. "I guess I do need a lot of help. I really wanted lessons when I first started but I couldn't afford them."

"Well, now you can have them." Hayden finally smiled. Emily smiled back, and began to relax.


Hayden conducted the lessons in a surprisingly formal way. But there was something in his attitude that was somehow more intimate than Emily expected. and there was something else about him that she couldn't identify. She found him patient in his teaching, but firm in his instruction. When she would arrive, he would greet her almost coldly, no matter how friendly she was. He would inform her of the chords, and in later weeks, songs, that he would teach her. When he told her to practice something in front of him or at home during the week, she would do so; there would be no excuses. If she did not practice the new chord to his satisfaction that week, he would not allow her to continue the next lesson until she perfected that one chord in front of him, as her cheeks burned. She sometimes suspected that he enjoyed her embarrassment.

He never asked Emily if she felt like practicing, he would not request her to study the books he gave her. He simply told her, and she found herself enjoying the weekly orders more than what they taught her. She loved the way he touched her shoulder lightly at the end of each lesson, forcing her to look directly at him, before telling her what to practice that week. The way he would watch her, with his authoritative gaze as she agreed and complied gave her shivers. She always complied.

As the weeks went by, Hayden began sit closer to her as she played, correcting her hand positions and posture. Her closed her eyes whenever he grasped her waist to straighten slightly her hunched body- a result of her shy nature, almost an attempt to hide herself with her own body. But he did not allow it- he told Emily that playing that way would hurt her after awhile.

He corrected her kindly and without fuss when she made mistakes, but she hated disappointing him, and frequently apologized to him. When she did well, though, the most satisfying feeling, more than from the accomplishment itself, was from his words: "Good job."


After a couple months, they began to talk more to each other, having long conversations, particularly about their pasts and their families. They found things in common that surprised them both. They both had controlling parents and few friends. Emily confided in Hayden that she knew very little about life, and that being away from her family, while giving her a sense of freedom, usually scared her as well. He, on the other hand, seemed to have no sense of fear. He had run away at 16 and now, at 21, he had finally found a steady job. It was at a small thrift store in town. He hated it, he told her, but it felt good to settle down- at least for now.

He also told her that he had grown up just a few miles away from town.

"I wish I had met you a long time ago," Emily told him during one conversation.

Hayden raised his eyebrows. "And why is that?"

She blushed slightly and shrugged.

He leaned back on the couch, stretching out his long legs. "If I had met you when I was a kid, I would have fucked up your life, trust me."

"Well...but isn't that better than being bored all the time?"

He had almost smiled then. "Maybe. Yeah, maybe."

"Hey, what's that?" She pointed to a new-looking book an a stand at his his of the couch.

He picked it up and handed it to her. "Oh, yeah. It's about BDSM. Do you know what that is?"

"No." She opened it up to read the contents.

"Bondage, discipline, domination, submission, sadism, masochism."

"Oh." She skimmed through a few pages."So it's about sex."

"It's not always sexual. But a lot of it is. You can borrow it if you want."

"Sure. Thanks. I kind of have heard of some of this." She felt surprisingly relaxed.

"What do you think of that kind of thing?"

"It's...kind of...interesting."

He gave her a peculiar look. "That's what I thought," he commented quietly.

"I find a lot of things interesting though," she added quickly.

Emily took the book home after the lesson. After climbing into bed that night, she curled up in her fluffy blankets and started skimming through it. The information was, to her, explicit, frightening, sweet, romantic. It made her stomach feel tight with guilt but excited her. And as she read it, her mind kept turning to Hayden. Why was he reading this book? Was he into all this? Was he a Dom? A sadist, maybe? Or was he just interested in everything? From the hundreds of books in his apartment, he seemed to be.

It made Emily think of him in a different way. As she read about dominant men tying up their subs, spanking them, running feathers and knives over them, she pictured Hayden doing those things.

And she pictured him doing them to her.


The next week, when Emily arrived at Hayden's apartment, she had the book in her backpack.

"Here's your book. Thanks for letting me borrow it." She took it out and handed it to him.

He took it. "Did you like it?"

"Uh, yeah. It was great. Are, um...you..."

"Am I what?" He was hiding a smile and she realized that she knew what she was trying to ask. He was making her finish the sentence. Why? She wondered. But she had a feeling she knew.

"Do you...like...this kind of thing?"

"What kind of thing?"


"Yes. I like it very much."

"Ok." She went over to the couch and sat down. "I was just wondering."

"Do you want to know anything else?" He sat next to her.

"Well, are you...a Dom?"


"Are you a sadist?"

"Yes, Emily. I am."

"You like hurting girls?"

"Only very special girls."

"Have you ever had someone who was...special?"

"No. I thought I did a couple times." He paused thoughtfully, then looked into her eyes. "I'd like to find a nice little masochist to play with one day. Someone sweet, and shy..." He glanced up and down her body. "....Maybe a little chubby."

She blushed for what felt like the hundredth time in front of him. He moved closer to her, inches from her. Hayden leaned forward and whispered in her ear "Do you want to play with me, Emily?"

She didn't answer right away. He began stroking her dark hair, as he explained. "I like you." His breath was heavy on her neck. "A lot. I've never wanted a girl like I want you, Emily. I've fucked so many girls but I didn't give a shit about them. I've never laid awake at night thinking about any of them... I can't stop thinking about you. The way your body would feel under me. The way your little neck would feel in my hands. I want you. All to myself. Would you like that?"

She tried to speak.

"What is it?" He pulled away a little to see her better.

She looked up at him. "I...I don't know..."

"You're nervous. That's OK. I bet no one's ever talked to you like this before."

She shook her head, and her eyes went down once again.

"If you're willing," Hayden told her gently, "I promise you'll enjoy it. I know who you are and I want to bring it all out. Do you understand that? I know what you need and want, I can feel it. I want to give it all to you. I don't want a slave, Emily. I like you just the way you are, and I won't try to tell you what to do all the time. I want you to be your own person. But when I fuck you... you'll be my whore. And you'll do whatever I say."

Then, he bent down, and, lifting her chin up gently, gave her what he intuitively knew would be her first kiss. Without knowing how, she kissed him back; he responded by forcing her mouth open, sliding his tongue into it, brushing against her tongue and teeth. Pulling back a little, he bit her bottom lip. She gasped and pulled away. He stood back up and smiled as she felt her bleeding lip with a finger.

After a long pause, she murmured "I want it."

"What do you want? To be my little whore?"


"Say it."

She hesitated, never having used that word before.

"Say it right now."

"I want to be... your little whore." Her whole face was red.

There was that smile again, wider than usual. "Good girl. Thank you." He gave her one more, quick kiss, licking her blood off his own lips as he pulled away. "Lesson's over. Go home. I'll see you next week. Then we can play." There was tension and excitement in his voice, and in hers as they said goodbye.


That next Sunday, Emily was lying on his bed. The days leading up to then had been agonizing, had felt like weeks. But, barely 19, and a virgin, she didn't want to admit to herself how scared she was to finally be here.. Her heart pounded in her ears as she waited for Hayden to return with the item he had promised. Curled in the fetal position, she pulled his blankets against her face, taking in his familiar scent. It calmed her.

He had welcomed her casually when she arrived earlier. Confusing her more, he gave her the next lesson and had her practice, like any other Sunday. But she went along, until the end of the lesson, when he put his arm around her waist and led her into his bedroom.

"Get on my bed and stay there. I'll be back soon."

"W-where are you going?"

"I'm going to get something for us. Stay in here. Alright?"

She sat on the bed with an impatient sigh. "Oh, alright."

She heard him laugh as he closed the door behind him.

Emily waited nearly an hour, and finally closed her eyes, her head on Hayden's pillow, trying to imagine him with her.

Suddenly, she heard the doorknob's loud rattle. Her eyes popped open. The door opened slowly, and Hayden calmly stepped in without greeting her. He didn't even look at her. He was holding a small bag, which he set on a chair in the corner. Then, he came over to her, and, standing a few feet from her at the side of the bed, he said "Sit up."

She obeyed him. Her heart was beating wildly.

"If you need me to stop-really need it- you will say 'red'. Not 'no' or anything else. If you use this safe-word, everything stops, immediately. I won't be angry or disappointed with you. But I will not do anything to you again until next week, so that you understand how serious asking me to stop is. Understand?"

She took a deep breath. "Yes. I do."

"Take off your clothes."

She felt weak, but her hands somehow made it to the front of her pale yellow blouse. She slowly began to unbutton it.

"Look up at me while you undress, slut." She felt her chest tighten at the word "slut". She quickly looked up, forced herself to stare into his eyes. There was an expression of pleasure at her humiliation. Reaching the third button, her white bra was now slightly exposed. She stopped. She'd never showed so much skin before. She already felt naked. Her eyes automatically went down. He lunged forward and grabbed her shirt, ripping it open. She pulled away, covering herself. He had briefly scared her, but now she felt the dampness between her legs, which she had first felt when she'd arrived, become more noticeable. He gave a short, sharp laugh.

Roughly and without warning, he pushed her onto her back. With her legs hanging over the bed, she squirmed and kicked out helplessly while he pinned her hands above her head. He ran his other hand over her bra. The weight of his body on hers- giving her such a powerless, intimate feeling- this what she wanted. What she had wanted for weeks. She felt a lump in her throat as he began to unhook her bra. She stared up at the cracked ceiling.

He took off her bra, exposing her small breasts and hard, pinkish-brown nipples. He lowered his head and kissed them all over lightly. "That feels good," she murmured. Her tense body filled with pleasure.

After a few minutes, he stopped, and got off of her. No, she thought. Don't stop now. Please. She watched, in an almost trance-like state, as he took off her jeans. He chuckled at her white Hello Kitty panties, with that wet spot right in the middle of the crotch. "Such an innocent little girl, but so dirty. Your cunt is wet from being my toy." He pulled them off.

"No, no." He opened her legs, which were involuntarily starting to close. "Keep them open, like a good girl, so I can see your pretty cunt." This was it. She was exposed to a man for the first time, completely vulnerable to him. He ran his fingers up the inside of her thighs. He stopped an inch from her crotch and began to massage her.


"Shhh". He moved his fingers to her pussy, stroking her clitoris and labia, and just skirting the outside of her vagina. She gripped the blankets on either side of her, her hips raising with an increasing level of enjoyment. She tossed her head back and forth listlessly, moaning.

Suddenly he stopped. What had she done to make him end this? She wondered frantically. Then, sitting up slightly, she realized that he was undressing. First his shirt. Then he removed his jeans and boxers. "Wow," she breathed. His penis looked big to her, and thick.

He stood right over her, his cock inches from her dripping pussy. He moved forward, brushing it against her hole. "Oh!" Her eyes widened.

Hayden stepped back and went over to the chair where he had set the bag. He reached in it and pulled out something long and narrow. It was dark, and made of wood. "This is a paddle," he informed her. "Turn over so I can spank you."

Emily obeyed him, turning over and exposing her bottom to him.

"Good girl." He set the paddle on the nightstand, and began feeling her ass gently, rubbing and squeezing it. Emily's eyes closed in response to this new stimulation. "I like that," She murmured.

"Then you'll love this." He gave her a few light, stinging swats with his hand. Emily winced each time. Then she heard him pick up the paddle and touch it against her bottom. It was cold. He hit her with it five times, slow and hard, as she wriggled in pain. Afterward, he rubbed her bottom again, easing the pain.

He grabbed her and turned her body over. She was smiling up at him. "Did you like that, slut?" He asked her.


"Then thank me for spanking you." He pinched her nipple.

She yelped, then said "Thank you, Hayden."

"Now," he told her, his voice low and rough, "I am going to fuck you." He leaned over her again, and picked her up. For a few seconds, he held her in his arms, with surprising tenderness. Then he laid her longways on his bed, her head in the middle of his pillow. He climbed on top of her shaking body, holding her down firmly even though she was not struggling. She felt him open her legs wide with his knees. The feeling of powerlessness under him as he prepared to penetrate her was now over-whelming.

"I'm kinda scared" She whispered.

"I know. It's OK." He stroked and kissed her sweat-drenched forehead. "Everything will be OK." He kissed her lips softly. "I'm going to hurt you. But you like being hurt, don't you, you little whore?"

She nodded slowly. Everything that he said sounded beautiful to her.They both knew he had complete control over her. She was his right now.

"Remember the safe-word."

He pushed his cock into her, gently. She shut her eyes tightly, whimpering in pain. He's inside me, he's finally inside me, She thought over and over. "It's so big...Oh God it hurts..."

"Shut up and take it. Emily" But he paused, waiting for the right moment to go all the way in. He bit her neck hard, drawing few drops of blood, and she yelped and squirmed. But the biting distracted her from her nervousness so that eventually, she quieted down, her whimpering being replaced little moans and sighs as he began to move very slowly inside her again. Then he shoved it in her, all the way, and she screamed in pain, but she was screaming "YES!"

At the same time her cunt tensed up, making his penis hurt her even more. He pulled out and rammed it in her again, going at her like a wild animal. He grabbed her throat, not quite choking her, but making her gasp a little for air. "Do you like it, bitch? You like it when I fuck you hard?"