Encomium/Gangster Fairy Tale 02


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William hoped that his plan had worked.

The following week, William had just returned from seeing Big Mo and was just settling down to watch a movie when someone hooted madly at his gate. He looked out to see Karen's SUV. He wondered if she had heard through someone that he had met with Big Mo. Then he remembered that they had an appointment, for a bite.

He threw on a jacket and went out.

Karen was in an excellent mood. They hadn't seen each other since the night he had spent at her place, the previous week. Both had thought of calling but decided it was probably better not to.

As she chatted away happily, driving into town, he suddenly remembered Big Mo saying, everybody could be bought or killed. And her ex husband saying he went and bought a gun. He felt shivers. Hell, he didn't want anything to happen to her. She was good peoples. And he felt something for her. Suddenly, he felt murderous rage, towards Mo and Bryce. He would kill them both if he had to. Even if it meant jail, but he would see to it that they would not harm Karen Not even one single hair on her head.

Karen took him to some bar, an Irish place. He was the only black face in there.

He was used to people looking at him and Karen like they were lovers. Most white guys and white people above forty generally looked with open disapproval. That always pissed them off. They didn't know him. Or her. They assumed the worst, she was a race traitor, fucking with a Nigger. A Nigger, not worthy of getting his hands on her white flesh.

He smiled, sipping on his beer, and remembering that most white guys in jail had been used as hos and cocksuckers for black inmates. He had never done that, fucked a white man's mouth or ass. The Muslims had protected him from being active or passive in gay jail romances. He was not into that gay shit, anyway. But it was cool shit, to see white guys coming from a world where they were something special, and realizing that in jail their skin, their social status, their system which benefited them and disadvantaged blacks, couldn't help them. Some of them used to break down mentally. And they used to be owned and passed around by the nasty jail birds, tossing salads and getting f-d and f-d up.

He smiled at Karen, "You always talking that mom staff, I think the people here have no such illusion."

"Who gives a fuck what they think. Let them eat their hearts out. Anyway, I feel flattered."

Karen was now all casual with him. She talked to him like a friend, and would swear.

Karen was dressed and done up nicely, in a short, sexy, summer dress. She was very happy and excited. She ordered a bottle of wine, tasty imported, French, sparkling wine.

"What's the cause for celebration?"

"This," she showed him a photo of a black couple, holding a young, newly born baby and smiling proudly.

"Who is that?"

"He is one of the first guys I worked with, ex con. He was a terrible jail bird. He did some things that might have gotten him fried, had they been able to prove them. But he went straight. I mean, you see those huge arms? But he had never picked up a book. He had to start in the third grade. But he was determined. And now, he is living on a little farm near Atlanta, and that is his second born."

"What's he doing?"

"Oh, he is a pastor. For like five years now."

"No shit!"


"Karen, did you never have any serious situations, with brothers though, like trying to stick you up or something?"

"The couple of times my stuff got stolen, the school kids always managed to get it back quickly. They liked me. I mean, hell, some kids there are under privileged, come from broken homes and criminal environments, but that is not just an inner city problem. I also had the same problems growing up..."

"What?" William interrupted her, fixing his dark eyes on her as his lips cracked into a challenging smile. "Like, you felt bad coz your mom wouldn't buy you the Barbie you wanted for Christmas?"

"Not all white people are rich. I grew up in Oregon. We didn't have shit. I had a drinking, violent dad, who had bashed my mom, me and my two siblings."

"A violent dad ain't the biggest problem over there, having one at all is. And you could study. You cant even begin to compare. You cant feel the pain."

He fixed his eyes on her. She knew what he was asking her silently. What is your story?

She fixed her eyes on him and he saw a flash.

"There is something about me that not many people know. Can I trust you?" she looked into his eyes.

"What do you think, ma?"

She didn't say anything for a while. They drank in silence. Then she ordered a second bottle. Karen was getting all tipsy now.

She took a deep breath and then she told him she had run away from home, dropping out of high school, like him, she added. Then she had graduated from being a young whore hustling the streets of Portland to a stripper. She stripped in bars every night and continued regularly turning tricks. She took drugs and eventually started selling to other strippers and whores and supplying her tricks too. Then she had taken over and run a strip club, where whoring went on behind closed doors. And she was pimping, dealing large amounts of drugs under the table, and taking loads too. Not only that, but she had even bribed or blackmailed cops and politicians.

"And they didn't do you, the guys you were messing with?"

"Oh, a couple of times, somebody shot holes into my whore house but I wasn't hit. I had a little pistol and pepper spray at hand. But I wasn't involved with violence directly, but yunno, maybe someone was causing me trouble, or trying to compete. Like opening up shop in my area, or hustling on streets close by. Or they wouldn't wanna pay up. I had people who handled those problems for me. I know the power that you guys feel when you are rolling. I felt it too. People were scared of me, eager to please me, though I was just a criminal minded whore. My family disowned me. Decent folk avoided me. But I didn't give a fuck back then. I was the queen of sleaze. Taking drugs, selling, pimping, whoring. Thinking only about getting the money, no matter how. Breaking the law and enjoying it." She said it matter of fact, not with pride or regret. He could feel she was telling the truth. He began to like her and trust her.

"Man! Karen! WTF! Ha ha ha! That's gangster shit! Ha ha ha!" He patted her shoulder. "How the hell did you get out? Jail?"

"Me? Are you kidding. I would have taken so many people with me, they could not arrest me. But I was gonna end up getting whacked, sure as hell, if I didn't OD first. When I think back, I wonder how I even survived that long, for those were bad guys. Then I met my savior. My guarding angel. There was this customer I had. He wasn't the usual trick. He was a history professor, old guy..."

"Shit! And you had to fuck an old, wrinkled man!!!"

"No. He didn't want sex. He wanted to talk. Some of them do. The lonely ones. He used to just drop by, book me, talk to me for hours and then pay and tip generously. He was my best customer and he never slept with me. What I liked was that he took me seriously, not like some cheap whore. He took me as an intelligent woman and encouraged me to talk back. I started reading books so I could converse and argue points with him. He was impressed, and I felt proud, that I could read books and understand and hold my own against a professor."

"One day, he said he wanted me to get out, go back to finish high school and study. I said I didn't have the money. I mean, I was making loads of money and spending it pretty fast on fancy bullshit. Yunno how it goes. He said he would pay for it. He went and opened an account, an educational fund for me. I quit whoring, pimping and doing and selling drugs. That was the best thing that ever happened to me."

"And the stripping?"

"You are very attentive," she laughed. "No I continued that, it paid better than waiting tables. But I didn't turn tricks or do drugs."

"Damn! I wish I had been in Portland back then." He laughed dirtily.

"What would I have done with you? You were still in diapers. Ha ha ha!" she took a deep swig of beer. "The point is everybody deserves a chance. And all it takes is one person who believes in you and is prepared to walk a mile besides you. I will walk besides you William. If you will let me. Stay away from Big Mo."

"You know?" she nodded. "How come you didn't say anything?"

"You will tell me when you are ready. I have been like a mom, but I think its time to let you walk."

"Thanks," he said with a deeply emotional voice.

Karen knew that the guys couldn't just get out of it, just like that. And hell, sticking a young man in with hardened criminals and expecting him to come out and become a responsible member of society was kind of far fetched, really. She knew of gangs on the outside that had been formed in jail. However, if someone was determined enough, they could get out, and start all over again.

Karen realized suddenly, that she had never wanted a guy to succeed and go straight as much as she did William.

She reached out and stroked his cheek.

"William. Why is Big Mo seeing you?" William jumped as if slapped.


"I told you I have eyes and ears in your Hood."

"Big Mo is not a convicted felon or a proven criminal."

"Don't bullshit me!" she snapped coldly and surprised him by pinching his cheek hard. He gasped and for a second, his eyes went red with anger. Then he exhaled.

"Listen, he just wants to kick it. He is like a big brother for me. I told him I am not rolling ever again. I only meet him like once a week, for thirty minutes."

"Is that so?"

"You have people watching me all over. Did you ever hear I was rolling again?"

"What do you mean he is like a big brother for you? Tell me.."

William told her about Mo sending him back to school and offering to pay his tuition. He left everything else out, like the fact that Big Mo said if he would not meet him, he would do something to Karen, something nasty, and that he had the power to do so.

"And listen Karen I messed up with a lot of people way back. If people knew I wasn't in the gang anymore, I would be dead meat. Mo is keeping me alive, or people's fear of him."

"I know such stories. Why Don't you move elsewhere. To another part of the city where no one knows you."

"I wanna finish college and then move away from here, somewhere far, far away. Maybe out of this country."

"Oh..." Karen sighed. They exchanged a look, as they both realized she felt something for him. He reached out and stroked her cheek tenderly. She purred and rubbed it into his big, gentle palm. Then she took his big hand in both of hers and squeezed it, affectionately.

But her eyes became serious and hard.

"William, this is not about rules, law enforcement officials, court, jail or any of that. This about the most precious thing you have, your life. Your future. You know if you slip up badly, I will have to toss you back in, much as I am fond of you."

He could tell she meant it. He saw affection and solid resolve in her eyes.

It reminded him of his mom's eyes when she said, "I love you my son, but if you sell poison on the street, you are out on your own. This is not a threat but a promise."

"I wont roll again." He said honestly. He had no intention of gang banging or dealing. But how could he escape Mo unless he left town. And would Mo not keep on raising the pressure, and giving him more money?

Suddenly, William found himself hoping that Big Mo would get popped, before the time came. Hopefully. Maybe he would have to do it.

"You have my full loyalty, Karen. Believe me, ma!"

Karen was surprised when she saw concern for her in his eyes. Concern and affection.

She reached out and stroked the back of his hand. They both looked down at her dainty, manicured white hand on his big, black one. A shiver went through both of them. They smiled at each other and then rapidly averted their eyes. She stroked the back of his hand, brushing his hard knuckles lightly. Then she went up his arm, stroking his soft, silky skin.

"I love the texture of your skin. Its like silk." She rasped.

"Your touch is making me shiver all over," he rasped.

William felt his cock stirring in his pants as he gazed at her from the corners of his eyes. And she felt her nipples stiffen and her pussy start to sizzle.

They looked into each other's eyes and both sighed. Their dreamy, aroused eyes remained locked as their faces melted into smiles, filled with joy and lust.

No words passed, but it was the first time, in the six months they had known each other, that both openly acknowledged the sexual tension that was always simmering between them. And it had started bubbling and boiling away due to their steamy conversations with the other girls. And their night together.

"Eh, ah..." she purred, stroking her hair out of her face.

"Um..." he responded, stroking his shaved head.

"Eh. What's your story? William. I told you mine. How did you become a gangster?"

William had told her and the girls, some things from his past, but never the full story. She didn't put pressure on William to talk. He sipped half his beer and smoked a cigarette in silence. Then he turned to her, fixed his dark, intelligent eyes on her and said,

"All right, you were honest with me. So I will be honest with you."

"Hi hi hi. Talk to me..."

He could tell she was getting excited, all eager to hear about his life of crime. Oh well, it was a story he had never actually sat down and told anyone.

He told her most of what had transpired in his life, before parole.

Chapter 11

The place was almost deserted as he finished his narration.

"Oh, I see, that was very stupid. And senseless. Oh well," Karen sighed. She had heard such stories so many times. "But I liked the way you told it. Have you seen anything of Nathalie or Manuela?"

"No. But Nathalie is a lawyer now. Married to a good brother, and she has two kids. Manuela also has a family in Atlanta now. She managed to turn her back on gangsters I went to apologize to Yello's mom the other day. I never felt so bad in my life. But she was cool. She held me to her bosom and i cried like a baby, for ages. Then she said, "Make sure you learned your lesson.""

"Ooohhhh!" Karen purred, and stroked his hand.

"When you are on drugs and high off your ego and power, you don't reflect. We thought we could do anything, to anyone. And get away."

"Listen, I thought I might ask you if you would be interested in coming to our anti gang project and maybe saying something to the kids. Would you?"

"Like what?"

"Yunno, get out of gangs."


"You tell me, William. Why should kids get out gangs?"

"Coz the white man will lock them up or they will end up dead."

"That the only reasons?"

"Uh huh!"

"You joking, right?"

"Look, just tell me what you want me to say, and I will say it."

"It doesn't work like that. It has to come from the heart or they will not feel it." She suddenly looked at him sharply. "What's the matter?"

He sipped his beer in silence for a while, then he said,

"In jail, I done a lot of reading, political stuff, to understand the world of a black man in the Hood. The government fucked us over. The White Man. Is that what you want me to tell the kids, that the government is the biggest criminal institution in the country. Don't commit a stupid, senseless crime, and never commit a crime where you can easily get caught?"

"Is that all you have learned?"

"From you, I learned that its good to have someone who believes in you. Thanks ma. I will never let you down."

"I agree with some of what you are saying. But now, think about this. If you had a son or young brother, would you want him to ride? Roll with a crew and deal?"


"Do you wanna ride and roll again?"

"Nope. Drugs and gangs destroy us as a people. We Don't have too many chances, but drugs and gangs fuck up even what little we have."

"Tell them about that. And the pain, the fear and the death trap behind all that glamorized, hip hop gangster rap shit," she said. "Just try and keep it simple. And none controversial."

"All right. Lets go. I need to be at college early tomorrow."

Chapter 12

He stood up, indicated for Karen to remain seated and walked around the table to her. He took her hand and helped her out of her chair, gazing at her. Something about his look seemed to make her blush and smile. They were both a little drunk, after almost two bottles of sprakling wine. Her big, blue-brown eyes were twinkling, and her face was all radiant. She had combed her blond hair back, and her pretty, wide, oval face was lightly and neatly made up. Her full, pouting lips were a glossy, ruby red.

It was a hot, summer evening and Karen was dressed in a short, thin, sleeveless, halter dress. It was cream colored, with blue, red and purple flowers printed all over. She looked so alluring and feminine it it. The deep front showed off the top of her proud, medium sized, nice, firm mounds, that were cupped in a lace push up. The thin soft, silky dress clung sexily to her fine, feminine figure, outlining her curvy, feminine figure. She was so finely shaped, with her round cleavage, kind of tapering waist, and her wide, curvy hips. The short hem was riding about halfway down her strong, but juicy thighs. She had a sexy stripper's legs, he thought, remembering the story of her life, she had told him. He wondered if she still had the moves. He got horny, as he wished he could have been there, to see her on stage. But he felt sad, remembering that she had had to run away from home, and turn tricks as a young woman.

He wished he had been there to protect her from her abusive dad and the man that used her till she became hard and cold and walked a path of crime and sleaze, till she met her savior. As she tottered on her high heels, from the wine, no doubt, he gladly reached out for her. He slid a powerful, helping, protective arm around her back and settled his big hand on her soft, curvy, powerful hip.

"Thanks, daddy!" she purred and for a second, she stroked his belly through his thin shirt.

She leaned into him and he pulled her closer as they made for the door.

Karen looked at their reflection in a wall mirror and felt tingly all over. Of course, she was used to the young ex cons she worked with generally having muscular, strong, virile bodies. And they had been several of these former gangsters that had sex appeal. But never had she allowed herself to get as close to them as she was with William.

The thing was, the young man had just been growing on her slowly. She knew she was too old for him, and it would do for her to have anything kinky going on with a parole, when she was his PO. But for a second, her drunk mind allowed her fantasy to reign free.

She stopped, as if to raise and fix her shoe, whilst gazing at their reflection. He had left his jacket in her car, and the handsome, dark skinned, athletic, young black man was looking hot, in a short sleeved shirt, tucked into a pair of longs, around his slim waist. She liked big, strong, handsome, broad shouldered black man, from an aesthetic point of view. William was hardly taller than her really, but she just liked his physique. His handsome, dark face, his deep, dark eyes and his body... She suddenly found herself thinking he would fit perfectly, on top of her, in his arms and inside her, probably. Mmmm. And she knew his powerful arms could toss her around, flip her and twist her this and that way, if he wanted to. And his powerful thighs and hips...

Her skin got all prickly and her nipples hardened so much. She could see them poking out through her thin dress, despite her push up. She suddenly realized he was looking right back into her eyes in the mirror, and she was just standing there on one foot, leaning into him, as she held up her other foot but did not do anything.