English Rose Ch. 03


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"No, but..." Douglas stammered and felt himself flush.

"He didn't invite us," the Duke said.

Mae frowned, "Of course we were invited, I received the invitation myself." Mae was a petite woman with gray hair and green eyes. She'd been married and widowed before she was twenty and never remarried. Once upon a time she'd told Douglas that there was only one man for her and he'd already passed through her life.

"The invitation came from his betrothed, am I correct?" Charles asked, addressing his son.

Douglas faced his father; it never ceased to amaze him how much of himself he saw in his father's face. The Duke was tall, as broad across the shoulders as Douglas despite his age and his hair still just as black with only hints of gray. The older man had aged well, the only outward sign of his illness the cane that even now he leaned heavily on.

Douglas indicated a set of chairs, "Would you care to sit?"

The Duke gave a slight nod and walked carefully over to the chair. "Thank you."

Douglas stood addressing his father, "If Sabrina sent an invitation it was without my knowledge but not against my wishes. I assumed that you would be unable to travel the distance necessary in such a short time."

"Douglas," Mae said quietly and without reproach, "we moved back to London as soon as we heard the news of your engagement. We both wanted to be here." Mae rested her hand on her brother's shoulder. She understood how hard it was for Charles to open up to his son.

"I see," Douglas said though in truth he didn't.

Charles cleared his throat, "I hope you'll forgive my forwardness but I would like to offer my services today and stand up with you."

Surprised, Douglas blurted, "Why?"

"Douglas!" Mae scolded.

"It's okay Mae, the boy has a right to ask." Charles considered his son. Douglas wasn't the only one that saw the similarities; it had always amazed him that Douglas could look so much like him and his mother at the same time. The thought of Douglas' mother brought with it a pang of regret. There was much he had to say but today was not the time to uncover old hurts. "I would like to stand up with my son before God and all those that are gathered and celebrate his marriage."

Douglas nodded. "I should send a note to Sabrina letting her know of the change."

"No need, I already spoke with your betrothed and made my request to her as well." Charles used his cane to help himself out of the chair.

"You spoke with Sabrina?" Douglas asked.

"I did." Charles said, no apology evident in his voice. "I had a gift for the young lady and wanted to thank her personally for the invitation."

Mae beamed up at Douglas. "She is a charming young lady."

"Yes, she is," Douglas said. He was feeling slightly discomforted by the turn of events. Unfortunately, the priest chose that moment to announce the start of the ceremony leaving Douglas little time to settle his head. "Well, shall we go?"

Mae watched as father and son slipped into the church from a side door before finding a seat. This moment had been years in the making - she was just glad that Charles had lived long enough to see it.

Sabrina stood just outside the chapel doors waiting for her cue to enter. Around her throat she wore the emerald and diamond necklace that had been a gift from Douglas' father as well as the matching earrings. She could only hope that he would forgive her for having issued the invitation. It was after their conversation that she had learned the Duke and his sister were in London; as soon as she had she'd sent a note along with a personal invitation to the wedding.

A moment later and Sabrina put all thoughts of Douglas' father aside as the doors to the chapel opened and the wedding march started to play. Taking a deep breath, Sabrina took her first step towards her future.

The ceremony went off without a hitch and the reception that followed was a resounding crush. Sabrina was well aware of the fact that both her mother and father had called in a number of favors to see both events were a success. There had been one moment of startled silence as Douglas stepped forward with his father but just then the music swelled announcing the arrival of the bride and the moment passed.

The reception was held at the Duke of St. Ives' townhouse. Sabrina and Douglas rode back together while the rest of the family and guests followed. The line of carriages went on for miles, some guests waiting upwards of an hour to disembark.

Sabrina and Douglas met the guests as they entered accepting well-wishes and congratulations. Finally, after an hour, Douglas led Sabrina from the receiving line and out onto the dance floor. Sabrina laughed as he led her into the first turns of the dance. "Douglas, we really should meet the rest of our guests."

"At this rate we'll be there all night. Besides, it's not like they don't know who we are or where to find us." Douglas stared down into Sabrina's upturned face. "I want to dance with my wife."

Sabrina's smile blazed. "I like the sound of that."

They danced the rest of the dance in silence, both of them enjoying their first few moments as husband and wife. It was only as Douglas led her from the dance floor that Sabrina spoke, "Are you angry?"

Douglas caught sight of his father; the Duke was sitting off to one side, a number of lords and ladies fluttering around him. "That you invited them? No, but why didn't you tell me?"

Sabrina bit her lip, "I was afraid that they wouldn't come. I thought that if they refused the invitation then you need never know that I sent the note in the first place."

Douglas nodded. "Is that the gift?" he asked, indicating the necklace and matching earrings.

Sabrina reached up and touched the large pendant. "Yes, it's beautiful. He wouldn't allow me to refuse."

Douglas chuckled. "My father has never been one to take no for an answer. Besides, he told me that he had it made for you."

"He did?" Sabrina was surprised.

Douglas nodded, "He thought the emeralds a perfect match to your eyes."

"I had no idea," Sabrina said.

"How long have you known him?" If Douglas found it odd to ask after his wife's relationship with his own father he gave no indication.

Sabrina considered. "I don't know exactly; I was very young when we first met, still in pigtails I suppose."

"You've know him longer then I have," Douglas said and wondered at the lack of resentment. Perhaps it was seeing his father today; if ever there was a time in his life that Douglas was grateful for his father it was today. The Duke's appearance had gone further with the ton then legitimizing him ever could. His appearance was a personal acceptance of Douglas - the rest were just legalities.

"Oh Douglas, I'm sorry." Sabrina wondered at the wisdom in having invited the Duke.

"Don't be," Douglas said. "It is what it is."

Not long after, the Duke of Spiegel approached the newlyweds and bade them farewell. Offering his son his hand, he said, "It was a pleasure and an honor to be by your side today. Thank you."

Douglas shook his father's hand. "Thank you for coming. Will you be staying in London?"

"No," Charles shook his head. "Mae and I will return to Arlington Park. Perhaps you and your new bride would care to join us for part of the summer?"

It was an unexpected invitation; one that Douglas wasn't prepared for. "I...we..."

"We'd love to," Sabrina said, stepping in and giving the Duke a quick hug. "I'm so glad you were able to attend, both of you," she said, turning to hug Mae.

Douglas and Sabrina watched as the Duke and his sister stepped up into their carriage. Not long after, it was time for them to leave as well. While the reception would continue, Douglas and Sabrina had plans to spend their wedding night at his townhouse.

They rode home in silence; Douglas longed to reach out and touch her but kept his hands to himself. Tonight would be one of many firsts; their first night as man and wife, the first night in their home, the first night in their bed. He didn't want to start it off with a quick tumble in a carriage.

Sabrina seemed to understand and was content to wait. She was excited about once again stepping into Douglas' townhouse, this time as its newest occupant. She was also nervous about their wedding night. Her fears were obviously not those of an untried maiden. She and Douglas had shared a number of intimate moments in the days leading up to their wedding. However, this would be the first time the two of them came together as man and wife and the night held all the promise of the rest of their lives.

The carriage came to a smooth stop; Douglas stepped down before turning to offer Sabrina his hand. "Welcome home, wife."

Sabrina smiled. Stepping down, she looked up and caught sight of her new home. She'd visited more then once over the course of the past two weeks but this was her first homecoming. Earlier in the day she'd watched as several of her trunks were packed up and moved out of her father's townhouse to be delivered to her new home. Even her maid had been sent over to help her get settled. Tilly was actually in her father's employ but Sabrina planned to offer her the choice of permanently following her or staying with the St. Ives household.

In honor of their wedding, Douglas had given most of the staff the night off. Only an essential few remained to assist them through this first night. The rest of the staff would return tomorrow when Sabrina would officially be introduced. Until then, the house and the night was theirs.

Sabrina had just stepped down from the carriage when Douglas scooped her off her feet. "Douglas!"

"I do believe it's tradition," he said and carried her over the threshold.

Sabrina laughed as Douglas continued through the foyer and up the stairs. She had never been above stairs and was eager to see the rest of the house. Douglas didn't stop as they reached the top of the stairs, turning to look behind her, Sabrina asked, "What's down there?"

"Those are the guest quarters," Douglas said heading towards the master suites.

"And upstairs?" she asked seeing that the stairs continued.

"The nursery."

"Oh," Sabrina said, feeling a slight thrill at the thought.

"The servants' quarters are on the lower level along with the kitchen; I promise a tour of the entire house tomorrow. For now," Douglas said, setting Sabrina on her feet, "these will be your rooms."

Sabrina stepped forward as Douglas opened the door. "Oh, Douglas." Turning, she tried to take it all in. The bedroom was large with a sitting room to her left and a dressing room complete with its own bathtub to her right.

A large, four-poster bed that was wide enough to sleep six dominated the room. On either side of the bed were matching tables, each holding its own candelabra. The sitting room centered around a invitingly deep chaise lounge and a writing table. Sabrina ran her hand over the tabletop noting that there was already a full set of stationary.

"I thought you might like a private place for reading and penning notes," Douglas said. He watched, pleased by her response as she inspected the room. "You are always welcome in the library of course but I tend to do a fair amount of business in there and there may be times when either of us requires a moment of privacy."

"It's beautiful," Sabrina said. She was touched that he had remembered her love of books. Already there was a well stocked bookcase lining one wall of the sitting room. She had no doubt that he'd gone to great lengths to populate it with her favorite topics and authors.

"These rooms adjoin mine," he indicated a narrow door on the other side of the dressing room. "They've been closed up since I bought the place; I had them opened, cleaned and redone but had to guess at the colors and patterns given that there wasn't time to consult you. Feel free to change anything that doesn't please you," Douglas said.

"I wouldn't change a thing," Sabrina said and crossed the room. Standing on tiptoe, Sabrina pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "Thank you."

Douglas caught her by the waist before she could drop back down onto her heels. Pulling her more firmly against him, he covered her mouth with his and claimed her in a kiss.

Sabrina wrapped her arms around Douglas' neck pressing her breasts to his chest and met him as his tongue swept past her parted lips. She fed all her pent up desire into that kiss letting him know how much she wanted him.

Douglas feasted on Sabrina's mouth, taking and tasting all of her. His desire raged, his cock pressing hard against his breeches, but for now he was content to explore the contours of her mouth. He bit at her lower lip and then licked the sting away before gently sucking on her tongue. Her taste filled his mouth, reminding him that they still had a long way to go before the night was over.

Slowly, Douglas broke the kiss, setting Sabrina back onto her feet. "Your maid," Douglas stopped at the rough edge of his voice and cleared his throat. "Your maid arrived earlier and saw to your unpacking. I hope you don't mind but I gave her the night off with instructions to set out everything you might need for the evening."

Sabrina stared up into Douglas' blue eyes and felt herself shiver at the desire she saw mirrored there. "I don't mind," she said. "But I'll need help with my dress."

Douglas hadn't considered that possibility but one look at the back of Sabrina's wedding dress as she turned for him was enough. "Of course," he said and went to work on the long row of buttons. Barely half way through and already his fingers had grown tired. "Damn! How many buttons does this thing have?"

Sabrina stiffed at the sudden sense of déjà vu and gripped the front of her dress tight against her chest. So focused was she on clearing her head that she missed Douglas' slight hesitation. Douglas, silently cursing himself, went back to work on her buttons.

A moment later Sabrina called a halt. "I think I can handle the rest."

Douglas dropped his hands to his side. Noting that she didn't turn to face him, Douglas continued as if nothing had happened. "I'll leave you then to get ready; take your time and when you're ready simply crack the door between our rooms and I'll join you."

Sabrina nodded but didn't turn as Douglas slipped from her room. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and forced it out slowly. She had long since grown comfortable with Douglas and the passion between them was mutual. She was more anxious then scared about their wedding night but that brief glimpse into her past and thrown her, if only for a moment and she needed another one to collect herself.

Letting her wedding dress slip from her shoulders and onto the floor, Sabrina stepped out of it before carefully setting it aside. Next she untied her underskirts, slipped out of her chemise and rolled down her stockings. The last to go was her corset; while it laced up the back for easier tightening a row of clasps held the front closed, allowing her to get out of it without help.

Naked, she walked into the dressing room, noting that Douglas had closed the door to his rooms behind him. It was growing late and a bath would take time. Instead, she settled for a sponge bath, grateful to the servants that had thought enough to leave her a pitcher of warm wash water.

The dressing room was large; filled with beautiful pieces of furniture and Sabrina had no shortage of storage. Opening a set of doors she found the armoire filled with her day gowns. Another held her formal evening wear and a third housed her riding habits. There were storage boxes for her hats, drawers for her gloves and a vanity table that held her jewels and face paint.

A clothing valet stood next to the vanity table, her nightgown draped over the side. Just seeing it again caused Sabrina to blush slightly. She remembered her last fitting with Madam Lisette during which she'd quietly pulled the modiste aside and asked about ordering a number of new night rails.

Not sure how to describe what she was looking for, Madam Lisette seemed to understand that Sabrina wanted something more then simple cotton. Madam Lisette had pulled out a number of fabrics and fashion plates normally reserved for her more mature clientele.

Fingering the fabric, Sabrina wondered at the wisdom of having ordered such a mature article of clothing and could only hope that Douglas approved. Sliding it over her head, Sabrina shivered as the material fell to swirl around her legs, the sensation a total caress of her skin. Taking a deep breath, Sabrina opened the door to Douglas' rooms before quickly retreating to her own.

Douglas turned at the sound of the door opening; he half wondered if Sabrina would venture into his suite of rooms. She was curious and adventurous by nature and it wouldn't have surprised him. Looking to his bed, he had a strong desire to make love to her there, to see her in his bed and to smell her on his sheets. Next time, he thought and went to let himself into her rooms.

Douglas felt his breath catch in his throat at the sight of her. Sabrina stood at the end of her bed, one arm wrapped lightly around the bed post; her hair was still piled on top of her head leaving her neck bare, but what caused him to catch his breath was the night rail she wore.

At first it appeared simple, almost plain but only until she moved. Douglas watched in absolute fascination as she stepped forward causing the material to shift and shimmer. He would have sworn that it rippled across her body accentuating her full breasts, slender waist and flared hips.

Sabrina enjoyed a sense of feminine satisfaction watching Douglas as he stared at her. Taking hold of that feeling, Sabrina sauntered across the room letting her hips roll and sway in a rhythm that encouraged Douglas to look.

She didn't stop until they stood nearly toe to toe, the close proximity forcing her head back in order to look him in the eye. "Do you like it?" she asked, her voice soft and husky.

"Oh, yes." Douglas said. Raising his hands, he wrapped his fingers around either side of her waist, his thumbs rubbing back and forth in that space on the inside of her hip bone.

"It comes in black," Sabrina said, the one she was wearing was a dark burgundy.

Douglas felt his eyes nearly cross at the thought. "Did you happen to purchase it in black?" If not, he would be ordering it first thing in the morning.

Sabrina nodded. "Several others as well."

"Several?" Douglas asked.

Again, Sabrina nodded, her eyes going a little bit wide as Douglas' grip on her hips grew tighter. "Would you like to see them?" she asked helpfully.

"No," Douglas said and then cleared his throat. "Rather, I would but not now. I prefer you surprise me with a different one each night until we work our way through them all."

Sabrina felt heat gather and curl in the pit of her stomach at the promise of nights still to come. "Alright," she said and waited.

They stood and stared at each other, neither one of them moving. Sabrina waited for Douglas; Douglas waited for his mind to clear. Finally, unable to wait any longer, Sabrina reached up and pulled the pins from her hair.

Douglas watched as her hair tumbled down her back and settled around her waist. The movement broke the spell, snapped the leash on what little control he had. Grabbing her by the waist, Douglas pulled Sabrina to him, his mouth crashing down on hers as she reached up to meet him.

The kiss held all the heat of the past two weeks; desire ignited between them as tongue and teeth met in an unrestrained surge of passion. Reaching up, Douglas wrapped his hands in Sabrina's hair pulling her head back at the same time walking her backwards towards the bed.

Sabrina met his desire with a need of her own. Her hands moved from where they'd been gripping his forearms to his shoulders and back down his chest. She gave a small whimper at finding his robe already partially open, the smooth skin of his chest exposed to her touch. Breaking the kiss, she said, "I want to look at you."
