Esmerelda Ch. 02

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A continuation of the vampire and succubus.
3.4k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 05/03/2007
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Darkness. It was pitch black. Esmerelda could not see her own hand in front of her face. She was exhausted from her tears. Most of the energy she had gained from the vampire had been burned up with her emotions. She was curled up in a small heap on the cold floor, shivering with apprehension and a healthy dose of fear.

Slowly the hairs on the back of her neck stood up and the psychic snap in the air let her know that she was being watched. She raised her head and looked up into a pair of glittering emerald eyes. Eyes that burned with anger and a promise of revenge.

Without conscious thought she automatically pressed herself back as if trying to go through the very wall to escape, curling up even tighter.

"I need to feed." He stated simply.

She whimpered slightly and then said softly, "Will you take this off then?"

"The collar stays for now." He responded, almost absentmindedly.

"Then how will you feed?"

"There are other points on your body from which I can feed you know." He said smiling evilly.

Esmerelda frowned at him in confusion, before glancing at her arm and tentatively extending her wrist.

"Not there either, pet," he grinned.

"There is no other pulse point." She whispered to herself softly.

"Do you know how much pain you put me in last night, pet? Restricting my release like that, it wasn't nice, not fair play."

Esmerelda lowered her gaze back to the floor. "I didn't know it would hurt."

He continued as if he had not heard. "I intend to exact my revenge, my pet, I intend to hurt you too."

Esmerelda gulped, "Your going to feed from…" She shuddered and tried to get even further away from him.

"Now, now, pet." He mocked. "It will only hurt for a minute, your blood is potent, I shan't need too much."

She shook her head, nearly choking herself on the collar trying to move further away as he stalked closer.

Suddenly he grabbed her legs, spread her open and sunk his fangs into her pussy.

Esmerelda screamed as pain coursed through her entire body only to refocus as a knifepoint of pain at her clit, which he'd torn.

She screamed, cursed, frantically trying to escape, but in struggling she only succeeded in hurting herself further as his fangs slid deeper and deeper into her most tender flesh.

He withheld the hormone in his fangs that would ease her pain with pleasure, listening intently as her screams of pain dampened into whimpers as her strength was sapped.

Once her whimpers had begun to reduce he finally pulled out his fangs and licked the wound closed. Dropping her unceremoniously on the floor.

He watched as, too weak to scramble, she slowly crawled back to the wall, wrapping her arms around herself and shivering.

She raised her eyes to his as he said her name, before dropping her gaze back down to the floor.

The pain and humiliation in those eyes was clear to see.

He contemplated her for a while before ordering her to stand, watching as it took two attempts; maybe he had taken slightly too much blood.

"You need energy." He stated simply.

She looked up at him again, wondering if she was strong enough to kill him. Wondering if she was clever enough to trick him into giving her more power than she actually needed.

"Don't try it pet." He said softly, "I know what to expect now, I can give you as much or as little power as I wish." He ran his hand down the curve of her breast and watched the arousal war with the fear and humiliation in her eyes.

As he pressed his other hand over her clit and exerted a firm constant pressure the arousal won out and she let out a tiny moan.

Slowly he began to rotate his thumb in tiny circles, building up a deliciously slow friction. Her body moved in time with his, grinding herself into his palm. Her instinct had taken over, her eyes closed and she let out another, louder moan.

The blood was rushing down her body into her most sensitive areas as the bud he rubbed gradually grew. One long finger dipped casually into her and came out glistening with her juices.

He began slowly pushing his finger in and out of her entrance, keeping up the movement on her clit. Quite suddenly he drove his finger decisively into her and she gasped with sensation, but he withdrew his hand from her completely. Her moan this time was one of frustrated desire.

He stared at her for a minute before slowly placing his finger back in and feeling round. His finger came back into contact with her hymen and he pulled out, frowning, it was not possible, he himself had sampled her insides last night, how could she be a virgin all over again?

"What breed of succubus are you?" he asked quietly.

"A hinuae," she said softly.

"They do not become born again virgins." He said quietly, "Do not lie to me."

He watched as she flushed slightly and dropped her eyes to the floor before she mumbled an answer so soft only his vampiric hearing enabled him to catch it.

"I'm a halfling,"

"And your other half is?"

Her voice dropped even lower, "A witch"

Well that explained a lot, mainly, why her blood was so potent for him to drink. A succubus has some forms of magic running through their veins, which makes their blood richer, but a witch was basically full of magic. Her genetic composition had allowed a combination of the powers, which made her blood magic content extremely high.

"And the reason you healed?" he prompted, referring back to her healed hymen.

"I have not killed." She said simply. "You were my initiation, and I failed it the minute I let you free. It is the first true killing of a being which marks a succubus as a fully fledged adult, because I did not kill you, I will remain a virgin until I do."

"A halfling, you are a rarity aren't you?" he asked rhetorically, "Why did your father let you come to me?"

"He is not my father," she said quietly, "He sired me, then once I was born he killed my mother, because I was a half-breed he wanted very little to do with me. I cleaned up after everyone, and kept my head down."

"Were there others born at the same time?" he asked.

"He sired seven full blooded hinuae at the same time as me, they all grew up faster because of the DNA boost he gave them all. I was left to fend for myself most of the time, he wanted little to do with me, a half breed is a disgrace and were it not for my latent abilities I have no doubt he would probably have killed me before now."

"Latent abilities?"

She nodded, "I can manipulate the four elements, water, fire, air and earth, which allowed me to dispose of their meals and open portals for them to travel through."

"And?" He prompted as she hesitated.

"I can sometimes wish for things and have them happen, but it doesn't always work."

He raised his eyebrows, that was interesting. "Well then pet, it seems you have traded one form of slavery for another."

She blinked up at him, "From my viewpoint I am better off." She said hesitantly.

"Are you now?" he asked softly, "Are you really?"

She nodded, whispering, "You have not beaten me and left me bleeding, nor starved me to the point of near death, you have not loaned me out to friends for their amusement, nor have you made me feel totally and completely worthless. Even being a chew toy and food source is better than what I had before."

He watched as she tentatively came forward on her knees before him, she wrapped her arms around one of his legs and clung there like a child, "You look after me more than he did."

Something in him twisted as she lay there at his feet, looking up him with such an innocent honesty in her gaze. He realised with a start that it had been a beat of his heart.

He took hold of her shoulders and brought her gaze up level with his, searching her eyes for any and all hints of emotion. Slowly he slipped a finger back down to her bud and stimulated her back to her moaning state.

"Please," she whispered.

That one word was all he needed, as she submitted to him he felt that twist in his chest again. Her beautiful eyes filled with tears as he let her orgasm take hold, and he watched as the power swirled within her, waiting until the silvery glow of a well fed succubus would appear in those crystalline depths.

Her breath returned slowly, and her focus shifted to his eyes, "Thank you." She said quietly.

Knowing of the swelling confusing emotions that can arise with feeding he let her envelope herself within the circle of his arms. She rested her head on his chest and shivered slightly as she attempted to push the emotion back down within herself.

It made him feel oddly protective towards her, having her in his arms like that. He moved his hands so that they trailed through her gorgeous long hair, letting the silky strands slip through his fingers.

She sighed softly and stirred in his arms, and then snuggled closer. He was so warm and being in his arms felt so safe.

She lost track of time as she stood there encircled by the warmth of his arms, eventually though he pulled back and she leaned back against the wall for support. She opened her mouth to ask him something and then changed her mind, which produced a frown on his face.

"What were you going to ask?" he demanded.

She shook her head violently and dropped back down onto the floor curling up, covering her face from the expected blows. Blows that never came.

Tentatively she raised her head and saw that he had backed off a little and sat on the bed.

"I'm not going to hit you, pet." He said quietly.

He watched as she relaxed marginally but the fear that had reappeared in her eyes lingered, as if she wasn't sure.

"I give you permission to ask anything." He said softly. "I may not grant what you ask, nor answer if it is a question. But I give you permission to ask."

She hesitated again and saw him try and reign in his anger at her stubbornness. Taking a deep breath she braced herself in case he decided to hit her anyway and whispered out, "Please, may I have some food?"

He appeared momentarily baffled by her question. "Pet you just ate." He reminded her.

He watched as she blushed and then she mumbled, "I need human food for my witch half."

He stared at her for a few moments; almost struck dumb he had not made the connection himself. Then he frowned as it occurred to him that he was unable to fulfil her request.

"And how do you propose I procure this food for you?" he asked. "I cannot go out to get it, for I cannot go into the sun. I have no servants to get it for you either. And if I let you go to get it then I risk you running away."

Esmerelda sighed. She wanted to tell him he could trust her to go and come back, but she knew it would be a lie. She needed the food, but then she could not deny that she would escape if she could.

"I suppose my word to return will not be enough." She stated.

"No." he said with a small smile. "I'm afraid not."

"What if…"Esmerelda bit her lip. "What if I make a Blood Promise that I will return?"

He waved his hand dismissively. "You would be able to break it. As you are not a vampire it would not be binding."

"He lied to me." She hissed to herself. He surmised that she must have believed that to be an honest method of holding her. It was probably one her father had tried, and one she had been too afraid to try and break.

"You could make a Sex Promise." He suggested.

She shook her head, "I am only part succubus and as such until I become an adult I can't make a Sex Promise."

"You are an adult."

"In human eyes. I have not killed, remember? I am not a succubus adult yet."

"Looks like you're stuck then. I can't get food, you can't get food, and therefore you can't eat. Can you survive without it?"

She shook her head slowly. "Not for very long."

"And you can't wish food into existence?"

Esmerelda shook her head again. "It never works with food."

"Well, it remains a problem then. I am going out. I have a few people I need to meet. You can do what you like within this room, I will return shortly."

She nodded and watched him disappear. She sat still for a while; savouring the fact that she had no direct orders for a change. Then realising she could not sit and do nothing all day she rose, and finding nothing else to do, cleaned the room out of sheer boredom, before unearthing what looked like a good book. She crawled over to the bed and pulled a pillow down from it.

Curling up on the pillow she started to read. Soon though she felt the need to sleep. She had had very little sleep recently, and somehow, on this pillow she felt safe. The bed was too big and kept reminding her why she was being kept alive.

She dragged the coverlet off it and curled up to sleep. Hours later the vampire returned to see her in exactly the same position. Curled into a foetal position, clutching his book, fast asleep.

He sat down and regarded her while she slept. She looked so peaceful like that. An innocent. No one would suspect that she was capable of, and had tried to, murder him.

He left her sleeping until she awoke naturally, which, given that she had not slept properly for some months, was a long time. By the time she awoke, a full two days had passed and the night was a good halfway gone.

She woke to find herself on the bed and frowned, not remembering how she got up there. It was not until she felt a hand on her thigh that she realised that the vampire must have moved her.

"Good evening." He said quietly.

Esmerelda blinked at him stupidly. Just after waking was not one of her best times. She thought he must want to feed and tilted her neck accordingly with only a slight flinch before remembering that she had the stupid collar around her neck.

She offered him her wrist, but he didn't take it. Fearing what he had done last time she tensed and locked her legs together by wrapping them around each other.

"Relax pet, I'll not do that to you again. It was cruel, and I forgot how much it hurts to be bitten. Even the inner beast knows that we went too far when I tried to pay you back for your little tease act."

Esmerelda started to ask why he had suddenly remembered the pain of biting when she noticed fang marks all up his arm, and a few on his chest. Not wanting to ask where they had come from in case it had been from a female of his kind, she simply re-offered her wrist for him to drink.

Again, he ignored it. Finally she said. "You'll need to drink to heal."

He shrugged. "I'll be fine for now."

He seemed to swim in and out of focus for a minute. She frowned, feeling sleepy again, although she had no right to be even remotely tired.

"I need food." She said quietly.

"Certainly." He said with a smile and his hand crept further up her thigh.

But she shook her head. "No I need human food."

"When did you last eat?"

"About 3 to 4 days ago." She said softly.

"How often should you eat?"

"Once a day." She answered.

She heard him curse softly. "Can your witch skills create a scenario where you can leave but have to return?"

"They can, but I have not the strength to perform the spell, nor am I sure I have the skill to do it properly."

"Then there is only one option left." He said with a sigh. "Either you can work up the mind to negotiate a Bond with me, or you will slowly die of starvation as I can only care for one half of you."

"A Bond?" she asked shocked. "But… that's forever. No escape, no changes, no nothing. Whatever we agree will be permanent."

He nodded slowly. "You gave me your life anyway." He reminded her.

Slowly Esmerelda nodded and then taking a deep breath, said, "Alright, I'll negotiate."

They spent the good part of the night trying to come to and agreement, and finally came to one that worked out evenly between them.

As the dawn came, Esmerelda knelt before him, and spoke the words they had agreed. "I Esmerelda, daughter of Desmonda bind myself to you Adrian, son of Jason. I vow that as long as I live I will follow your orders providing that they do not cause me undue physical or emotional pain. I accept that as a half-breed your orders will include tasks sometimes specific to only one half of myself. I accept that as part of a previous arrangement, that it is your privilege to both drink my blood and own my body. In return for this you have agreed to provide me, or allow me to procure for myself, food, shelter, clothing, and any essentials I deem necessary. I will answer only to you, and you have not the power to loan me out to anyone, for whatever reason. If I earn it you have agreed that one day I may be freed from this vow by your word, and your word alone. These words I vow and use to bind myself to you."

Slowly he took her shoulders and brought her to her feet. "Very good." He said, "Now finish the binding."

Esmerelda laid a scorching kiss upon his lips and then pulled back slowly. "My freely given kiss seals my vow," she intoned, and they felt a rush of connecting, as her words and actions bound them together.

He allowed her to leave for food upon the understanding that she would return immediately as soon as she had finished shopping. She left, dressed in one of his t-shirts and a pair of jeans to find suitable clothing and food for herself.

Once finished she felt a tug, and knew the bonding had worked. She returned to him and he looked pleased when she showed him that she had enough to survive for about a week without leaving again.

He left as soon as night fell to take care of some business and she busied herself putting away her shopping and then organising herself a massive meal to make up for the days she had gone without food.

She had just finished when felt a psychic snap in the air. She turned round with a small greeting smile, her succubus ready to feed and give, but found herself facing a vampire she did not know.

He smiled viciously at her. "Well now," he said, rubbing his hands, "I came to kill a vampire and found his human. What a spot of luck, I'll leave your used corpse as a calling card, seeing as I have missed catching him in."

Esmerelda being a halfling smelled completely human. Even though she wasn't human, it was only her human half that was at full strength. She ran for the door, desperate to escape, but she hadn't moved fast enough.

He caught her around the waist and sent both of them crashing to the floor. Then he quickly pinned her beneath him. He made short work of her clothing, and then even shorter work of his own. He made sure she couldn't get up and then took his time looking at her body.

Icy blue eyes glittered down at her, the dancing malice in them chilling her to her very soul. "Anything you want to say before I use you, then kill you, human?"

Esmerelda closed her eyes, and wished for either Adrian, or a quick death.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Someone recommended this story to me and I loved it! Can't wait for chapter 3!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Loved it! Don't leave it like that! You gotta finish it!

Sam9124Sam9124over 16 years ago
Love it!

Please you have to write more chapters! I'm dying to know what happens!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Please keep writing! I love this story! I found it at the top lists section for nonhuman! Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
really good

I really like this story it's so good and sweet in a dark way. i can't wait for the next chapter.

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