Flo: Miles Cums to the Mall

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Has Flo got some competition?
10.5k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 11/26/2011
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Miles was actually pretty excited. Even though he didn't really want to go shopping, he knew he was going to enjoy himself. His Dad, Terry, was going all out to get him a business suit, and it might be an opportunity to at least get some nice shoes. Even better, though, his Step-Mom, Flo, had promised him a surprise! He had been fucking his gorgeous, petite Step-Mom for some time now, filling and covering her with his virile, young cum at every opportunity. He had a feeling that the surprise would be sexy, at least.

The three were driven to the mall in Terry's company limo, and Terry immediately ushered his son into the tailor's shop. The floor was busy with be-suited men and women. Suits, jackets and pants of all styles and colours hung from every inch of wall space. There were even a few that caught Miles' eye.

"This is what I brought you here for, Miles. We'll make a man of you yet!" Terry puffed up proudly. "They know me here, so we should be taken good care of."

"'Ello there sir, come to 'ave some alterations done, 'ave we?" A brash, high pitched English voice pierced the air, making Terry jump. A small round lady with a measuring tape and some pins in her blouse was stood behind them. She smiled innocently.

"How dare you!" Terry bellowed. "Show a little respect." he peered at her badge pinned to her large bosom. "Lindsey, do you know who I am?"

Miles winced at his father's abuse of the woman.

"'Arry seemed to think you was worthwhile. 'E says there's no slots available with your usual tailor, but I can 'elp you if it suits yer."

She smiled pleasantly. She reminded Miles of a warm, round bakers wife, or a plump little mother in a cartoon movie. Nobody could be angry with this woman, not for long anyway.

Terry tried his best, though.

"Mr. Anthony had better try to free up some time with Antoine, or I shall take my business elsewhere!"

The woman, Lindsey, retained the matronly smile, but a challenge shone darkly in her eyes.

"'Arry likes you, which is why 'e sent 'is very own wife to look after you, sir." She paused momentarily, watching as a shocked Terry took this in. "If you want to take your business elsewhere, well that's your business, but I can assure you that our work is of the very best quality, and I know that because I check over every single item myself. Toni is on 'oliday right now, which you would 'ave known if you'd phoned ahead, but since you didn't, I'm the one who trained 'im, and if you please, I can show you why 'es as good as 'e is."

She didn't look at all flustered, and hadn't raised her voice at all, but Terry looked like a scolded schoolboy. He looked, for a moment, like he had something to say, but then his shoulders sagged, and he realised that he had lost this argument.

"My son," he mumbled, before straightening himself. "My son is looking for a business suit," he said more clearly. "One which will get him respect!"

"It's the man who earns respect, sir, not the clothes on 'is back," the little round lady replied, "but we'll see what we can do. Do you need anything for yourself, sir? Since you're a valued customer, we'll do your alterations for free."

"This suit is a perfect fit, Antoine fitted it only a month ago."

"I shall 'ave to speak to 'im about that, so I will. Now come on, we'll get you put right." She ushered him toward the measuring booth, calling back, "you 'ave a look round, son. See if there's any take your fancy."

"Thanks," he called back. He couldn't help but laugh at the way his Dad, company CEO, had been chewed out and now manhandled by this matronly figure.

Poor Dad, he thought, he's not having any luck today.

Suits, suits and more suits. Miles didn't know where to start with suits. He tried to look for the kind of thing his Dad would like him to wear, but the stuffy, grey business suits just didn't excite him. He wanted something with flair!

There were a few more stylish ones, narrow collars, silk sown in, red and blue and black. He knew that these were not the ones that his father wanted him to choose, but they were the ones that he liked. He went over to look at a bright red suit with a mandarin collar, the type Bruce Lee wore in Enter the Dragon.

"Red suits portray power, and they get attention," said the motherly Lindsey, suddenly right at his back. "This one's a bit loud, but there's one 'ere that's a lovely scarlet. I'll put it aside for you to try, and the black pinstripe, it'll look good on a tall fella like you."

"What about this one?" Miles picked up the sleeve of a navy blue suit with a shawl collar.

"Blue's not for you, son. You want to take command, don't you?" She smiled. "No, a power suit. You'll make it work."

She looked him up and down, and nodded to herself.

"I'll be done with your Dad in a few minutes. Fi! Come 'ere, will you?" She called over to a young woman, about 22. She was dressed in a blue pinstriped suit, with a tight pencil skirt and black 4 inch heels.

"This is Fi, she'll 'elp you pick out shoes." She turned to the cute, grinning Fi. "You don't mind, do you duck?" Now that she was closer, Miles could get a better look. She wasn't thin, but thinner than Lindsey, maybe a size 16, with big tits and a cheeky grin.

"Not at all, aunt Linz. What suit's he picked?"

"The scarlet Valentino, and the black pinstriped Dolce," She hollered back.

"Nice choices. Black shoes for the back suit, Brown for the red." She smiled, looking him up and down. She was taller than the English lady too, but not close to his size. "What size?"

"Fourteen," he laughed, "you probably don't have any."

"We should do. But let's just measure to make sure. You'd be surprised how many people are wearing the wrong size shoes."

She led him along the length of the store, hips swaying provocatively. Despite her figure, she was a sexy girl, and, as the passed the measuring booths, Miles found himself watching the hypnotic swing of her luscious, round ass.

"Here we are," she said, breaking the spell. She turned and sat on a low bench, putting her face at his crotch level. He imagined himself unzipping right there and stuffing his cock into her mouth.

She reached under the bench and pulled out a foot measuring guide.

"Hmm, this one only goes to twelve. Hang on, I'm sure there's one." With that she climbed off the seat and started to look under it. Her full, round ass, with the blue pencil skirt covering it, was thrust in the air. Miles though about copping a feel, but knew that would only lead to trouble.

She sat back on her haunch, hefting a big wooden block with a couple of sliders on it and told him to sit on the bench. The bench was low, like a child's seat. He felt a bit foolish with his knees up so high, but she didn't take any notice.

"Take off your, umm," she looked at the shoe size guide, "right shoe, and we'll see what we've got."

Now that she was on her knees looking at him, he noticed her ears. The stuck right out through her dark hair. They weren't big, but all the same, he could imagine using them as handles while her fucked her throat. He hoped she was a little slut.

She took his foot and placed it on the measure, moving the sliders until they touched his toes and the side of his foot.

"See," she beamed, "according to this, you're a 15! You're shoes are too small."

"Really? They feel ok to me."

"I bet it feels good to het them off, though."

"Well, yeah, but-"

"There you go, then. I think they're probably too narrow, too. You're an E, which is pretty wide. Wait here, I'll bring you a few pairs."

He watched her swaying hips as she walked off.

"Lindsey showed me what you picked out." His father's voice startled him. He looked back and saw the red faced man strolling towards him. "I'd have preferred you got something a bit more businesslike, but she assured me that they would look more reserved once you put them on." He didn't look convinced.

"Which one did you prefer?" Miles asked, amiably.

"Neither." Terry answered, tersely. He sat down next to his son. He sighed heavily. "Have to admit, though, she does good work." It had obviously been hard to say. Not much for praise, eh Dad.

"I like the red one." Miles said, still trying to be civil.

"You'll look like an overcooked lobster! And pinstripes are for estate agents. But if you'll wear them, it's a start." Miles laughed. His dad looked shocked, angry that he wasn't being taken seriously, but after a few seconds, a smile came to his lips. He grasped his son's shoulder and, for a moment, they felt like family again.

"I'm going to find Flo. The suit's are on my account, and they'll take them out to the car. Give me a call when you're done."

At that moment, Fi was coming back with a collection of shoes.

"Brown!" Terry snapped. "The color of shit! You have no taste!" He stormed off, muttering.

"What was that about?" Fi asked.

"My Dad. He thinks I should dress like him."

"No thanks! Grey suits? You don't want to blend into the background!"

"He says its about respect."

"Aunt Linz says its a man who earns respect. Not his clothes."

"Strange sentiment for a tailor."

"She's a down to earth type. Good at her job, strong in her opinions. Here, try these." She handed him a pair of brown winkle pickers, pointed so sharply at the toe that he thought he'd cut himself. He winced.

"Don't really like these. My feet look big enough!" She giggled.

"Just try them! I like big feet." She smiled and he, spellbound, tried them. "There, not too shabby. Go have a look in the mirror."

Flo was on her element. She loved it when Terry let her loose in this mall. There was Prada, Channel, Dolce and Tiffany's, to name but a few. Right now she was looking at lingerie in La Perla, thinking of how Miles would react to the beautiful red French ensemble she was holding at that moment.

She was thinking of her plan too. It was kinky and naughty, and if they got caught, they'd be in big trouble, but oooh, it was all she could do to keep her hands away from her hot, wet slot.

"You gonna show me how to take those off, honey?" She winced, Terry.

"You aren't meant to see this until tonight." She smiled, giving him her bedroom eyes. "Where's Miles?"

"Still getting fitted for his suit. My tailor isn't here, but he's in good hands. Shame he's got no taste."

"Go easy on him, he's doing this for you."

"Yeah, well, if he comes out looking like a lobster who's stepped in dog shit, it's not my fault, OK?" Flo laughed a low, sexy, Lauren Bacall-esqe laugh.

"That bad?"

"Worse, but if he'll wear it..."

"How about I pay for these and you take me for coffee?"

"Sure." He smiled and rubbed his crotch.

"Right, son, I'm ready for you. Come in 'ere, we'll take your measurements"

"Sure, umm, I'm kinda new to this, so..."

"You'll be right as rain, son. Just face in 'ere and let me do me thing, I'll 'ave you sorted out in no time." The little woman held the tape in her hands, and she seemed to have even more pins in her blouse. She wore the same pencil skirt as Fi, but it seemed to be much more tapered, showing her round hips, narrow ankles.

"Fi treat you right?" She asked, standing on a small ladder as she measured his chest, shoulders and arms.

"She was nice enough. Still not sure I like the pointed toes, though."

"Winkle pickers, eh? You don't 'ave to take 'em, you know." She measured his waist.

"She, uh, convinced me that they'd go best with the red suit."

"She's probably right, you know. The colour's about right." Miles jumped as she started to measure his inside leg. "It's ok son, you've got nothing I'm not used to handling."

"Umm, do you, umm, do you have to?" He said, standing stiffly.

"'Fraid so, son. You want the suit's to fit, yeah? It'll be over in a jiffy." She bright her hand up, rubbing along his cock the whole way. Her hand lifted one of his low hanging nuts for a moment as she proceeded up to the top of his leg. It was over in seconds, but for Miles it felt like an age.

"You're a big boy now, 'intchya?" She said, as she rolled away her tape. She continued under her breath, "not like your dad at all!" He laughed, uneasily. "Right, son. You come back in," she checked her watch, "an hour, we'll try them on you and see if you need any fine adjustments. OK?"

"Sure, umm, see you then."

As he was leaving, Fi was standing outside talking to a guy. Her boyfriend, he guessed. He said a quick thanks to her in passing.

"How long you have to wait?" She said, conversationally.

"An hour, but my Dad and his wife are around someplace, so I'll go find them."

"Sure, no problem. This is Pete, by the way. My boyfriend."

"Miles," He said offering him his hand, "your girlfriend was giving me footwear advice."

"Yeah, she's good at that." Pete said, shaking Miles' hand.

"We were just headed to Abercrombie and Fitch. You going that way?"

"Maybe, let me call my Dad."

It turned out that the coffee shop was just past Abercrombie and Fitch. Miles was glad of the company, and they seemed to be friendly enough. Pete was a college lecturer, and although Fi helped out at the tailor's shop, it wasn't a full time job. They weren't engaged, but they had been together for 2 years.

As they walked past a bathroom, Miles realised that he needed to piss.

"Hey guys, I'm just gonna pop in here." He smiled, offering his hand to Pete. "It was good to meet you."

"No, don't worry," Pete waved away his hand, "we'll wait. I can't afford much in this mall, anyway."

"You don't have to," Miles answered, "but thanks."

"You know what," Fi interjected, "I think I need to go too. Do you mind, Pete?"

"You don't have to ask my permission!" he laughed. She blushed, smacking him playfully on the arm.

"Won't be long," she smiled, walking off to the bathrooms.

"Yeah, me neither." Miles boomed, running a little to catch up to Fi's swaying hips.

"I saw my aunt Linz measuring you," she said quietly when he'd caught up. "She hardly ever loses her composure, you know."

"She seemed pretty composed to me," he answered, as they turned down the corridor.

"You couldn't see her face," she said as they walked around the corner, out of Pete's sight, "when she felt this." She pushed him against the wall, unexpectedly strong for her size, and grabbed his cock.

She turned, grinning, and pulled him into the men's room. Her eyes glinted as she led him to a urinal, unzipped him and pulled out the huge tool.

A man in a suit came out of one of the stalls. Fi glared at him. He backed away, tripping over a waste basket, and fled sheepishly.

Her hand grabbed Miles' ass and she pointed his cock at the urinal.

"Piss!" She commanded. "Let me feel the power of this hosepipe!"

Miles was pretty shocked. This little girl was tough! Her poor boyfriend was waiting for them while she demanded control of this stranger's cock. He was sure he had to piss, bit the shock had left him wondering.

"Hey, horse cock" Fi said impatiently, "I said piss!" Miles big pork sausage lurched, and a powerful, yellow stream blasted out into the urinal.

"That's it Miles of dick. Piss for little Fiona. We'll see you get a reward for this!" She looked up at him, licking her lips.

"Your boyfriend is right outside, you know," Miles said, gathering his wits.

"What Pete doesn't know won't hurt him."

Miles piss torrent continued, but the impatient Fi decided it was time to move. She pulled him around and into a stall, yellow piss flying everywhere before he could stop it. She pointed his cock into the toilet and closed the stall door.

"You just keep pissing, don't you?"

"Like a racehorse, eh?"

"I hope that's not the only thing that thing produces in torrents!" She said, yanking down his pants with her free hand. "Shit, look at those nuts!" She cradled one in her hand, since she couldn't fit both.

Miles was just about done pissing, so he squeezed a last couple of blasts out, making his nut jump from her hand. She cooed, shaking his big cock roughly. She hadn't let go of it since they'd left Pete's sight. She still held it, now moving to the toilet, she sat and took it in both hands. She moved both hands along the shaft, watching a few yellow drops fall from the end as her hands moved from base to tip. She caught some in her hand and used then to lubricate his thick, veiny cock as she slowly worked it to its full size.

"It keeps on growing. You're a lucky guy!"

"I've heard that."

"Time for that reward I promised!"

She leaned forward, her hands moving back as she pulled back the foreskin to reveal the purplish glans. It was only exposed to the air for a second, however, before she wrapped her hot lips around it. Miles groaned at the feeling.

Miles stood in rapture as the little cheater continued to jerk his pulsing prick, continued to suck his swollen, purple glans.

Her tongue started to explore his cock head, at its touch, he gasped. He moaned as it reached every part of his mushroom cap. He shuddered as it began to push its way into the slit his piss had come from moments before.

The bathroom door opened. Someone walked in and started pissing in one of the urinals.

"Hey, buddy," said Pete's voice, "you in here?"

"Yeah, I'm in here," Miles replied. Fi didn't stop for a second. She kept on sucking, licking and jerking that massive meatstick with her boyfriend right outside.

"What do you think of her, man?" Pete asked, "I think she's really sexy, and she's not full of herself, you know?"

"Yeah man, she's full of something else." Miles said, forgetting himself.

Pete finished his piss and came closer to the stall. "What did you say?"

"I said I think she's something else. She knows how to take hold of the situation, you know? Why are you guys not engaged?"

"I wouldn't know where to start. I'm too nervous she'd say no."

"Don't let her. Start with the ring. Have a look in Tiffany's while you're here."

At the mention of Tiffany's, Fi pushed her head forward, jamming as much cock down her throat as she could. In her excitement, she gagged and audibly choked.

"You all right, man?"

"Yeah, fine. Guess I just have too much sausage. Anyway, take her to Tiffany's, you'll see what kind of ring she likes, and if she wants to get married, you'll know by the look on her face."

Fi was really going at it now, listening to her boyfriend talk to the guy who's dick she was sucking about expensive jewellery, for her, it must have been a real turn on! Her head was bobbing fast, more than half of his cock was jammed into her mouth. He decided to have some fun with it.

"You might have to buy her something, though." She sucked hard, trying to swallow him whole again. Pete sucked his teeth, covering the sound.

"I doubt I could afford anything from there."

"Sucks, man. Maybe a pair of earrings or a pearl necklace. Nothing too expensive."

Again, she jammed as much cock in her mouth as she could, gagging and choking.

"Are you laughing in there?" Pete asked, defensively.

"No, man," Miles laughed, grabbing the back of Fi's head. "Listen, if you're broke, let me help you out. My Dad's always saying I've got more money than sense." He laughed. "I'll buy her something and leave it there and you can take the credit."

Fi started to shudder and shake with orgasm. Miles hadn't even realised that she was fingering herself!

"I couldn't take it, Miles. I've only just met you!"

Miles thought that she would probably try to deep throat his whole cock again, and he didn't want Pete to hear it. He used her momentary loss of control, and the hand behind her head, to ram her head down the rest of his huge, veiny, tree trunk thick cock. Her eyes bulged and her throat along with them, but she didn't gag.

"No way, man! She deserves it!" He let her come up for air, before stuffing his ramrod back down her throat. "She's done me a service. You give her it and she'll be all gooey. I can picture it now, she'll be speechless, have a lump in her throat."