Forbidden Love 07

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Belle sighed as she stared...
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Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 09/24/2009
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Belle sighed as she stared at the photocopier with something akin to hatred. She had been stuck here for the past thirty minutes trying to photocopy the documents necessary for her presentation but it was to no avail. The stupid photocopier was jammed. She glared at it once more and gave it a kick for good measure, ignoring the sharp pain that tingled round her ankle up to her shin.

This was not working. Pretending that everything was okay. It had been a week since that fateful talk with...she did not even want to think about his name. Yet she could not stop thinking about him. About the way it ended. Was this what her life was destined to be now? Taking out her anger on intangible things instead of smashing that arrogant piece of shit's head against a hard brick wall?

Belle sighed and glared at the photocopier once more. Oh well, since she could not vent on the person who needed venting she was going to vent on the poor photocopier. Which was jammed anyway. She raised her foot to kick the photocopier then remembered her slightly aching ankle. Instead she used her pen to poke it then smiled satisfactorily to herself.

'Ha!' She said then turned round to walk back to her office. Then she spied Mark staring at her in confusion before he quickly pasted a falsely concerned look on his smarmy face.

'Are you alright, Annabelle? I couldn't help but notice how angry you are...were with the photocopying machine. Don't tell me you're nervous about this silly old presentation you're about to have?'

'No Mark, I'm perfectly alright. Thanks for your needless concern.' She bit out sweetly and marched away from him.

Sly, irritating man. He could not wait to see her fall so that he could swoop in and take her job. Well it was not going to happen. Aleks might have succeeded in stealing her social and emotional life but he was NOT going to ruin her work life. No sirree.


Aleksander, on the other hand, was not hiding his true feelings from anybody. He moped about in the mansion and bit the heads off of anyone who spoke to him. The only people that were spared from his vitriol were his family, and that was not even by much.

The past few days had been spent in his room as he went over what had happened at Belle's flat. He groaned once more as he thought of how hurtfully he had acted. Belle had not deserved even one tenth of all that he had said to her. He remembered the look on her face as he had left her flat and covered his own face with his hands. Even if he was able to call off the inevitable wedding there was no way that Belle was going to take him back after all the spiteful comments he had made.

'Oh dear Lord, why am I this way?' He asked himself quietly.

He shook his head and looked out of the window. He could see people gathering ready for the fortnightly celebrations. Every fortnight, all the vampires came together to celebrate life, or rather undeadness. He really did not want to go as he did not think there was anything to celebrate but he knew that his father would chew his head off if he kept on moping in his room.

He went to his mirror and stared at himself dully. Even in his misery, he still looked stunning. He studied himself passively. On the outside he looked like he had everything that a vampire could wish for. A well known and wealthy family, good looks, friends, popularity, and now, a wedding; with another pure bred no less. And yet inside he felt like he had nothing. In fact, he knew that he had nothing. For without Belle, he was indeed nothing.

He sighed once more to himself and started to drag a comb through his hair. Then he hurled the comb so hard unto the floor that it bounced twice before landing in a bent shape.

Who or why was he preening himself for? Did it matter? Did anything on this earth matter anymore?

He snarled at his reflection in self-hatred then walked out of the room slamming the door behind him.

It was best he got this farce of a celebration out of the way as quickly as he could then come back to his room to nurse his emotional wounds.


Belle wiped the faint sheen of perspiration off her forehead as her presentation came to an end. She smiled as everyone sat at the table clapped. It had been a success. Not as successful as she normally was; oh no, this had been a struggle. One that she hoped she successfully hid. But all in all, her point had been put across to the board of partners. She smiled once more as her immediate boss, Pritchard nodded his approval at her. That was a save then. She gathered her materials and nodded as people gave her pleasing remarks and she made her way out of the meeting room. Phew, that was a relief.

She made her way quickly to her office and sank down on her chair releasing a large gust of breath. She had stammered a few times but had, luckily pulled herself back together.

Thank God she had because the way the economic climate was, she was positive that no one's job was safe at the moment regardless of how good or wonderful they had been in the past few years and this included herself.

She swiveled her chair round to stare out of the window then gave a start as someone knocked on her door. She whirled round as Pritchard popped his head in then smiled at her. She smiled back and waved for him to come in.

'Oh, hello Pritchard. Do come in.' She looked on patiently as he sat and folded his hands together underneath his chin.

Annabelle. Well, what can I say? Another job well done.' He started.

She smiled at this then her smile was wiped off as he continued.

'I mean, not up to your usual standards I must say, but it was nevertheless an adequate presentation.' He looked at her as he said this then closed his mouth. He opened it again then ran a quick hand over his face before removing his glasses and placing them on the table.

Belle stared at him as he did this, and her confusion and worry soared. Oh dear, what had she done wrong? Was she going to be fired for giving less than she usually did? Damn you Aleks!

'Look, Belle. I know I'm higher up than you in this office but I would like to think that we are friends. I mean, I have mentored you since you started working here and I always knew...I have always known that you are destined to be one of the youngest partners that this firm has ever employed. However, I have to inform you that there has been a decline in your efforts in this firm. This is not to say that you have deteriorated so awfully. No, so wipe that look of horror from your face. It's just that...I know the potential you have. I mean, I have seen you work and you are like a relentless soldier ant. You do not leave things done halfway or even fully. You do your best and then you add a bit more. Which is why I am worried about the level of work you have churned out these past few days. Now don't be worried about being fired or anything as such a thing cannot happen to a worker with your talent and zeal, I am just asking this as a friend and mentor. Is there anything wrong at home? Or in your personal life?' He asked gently.

Belle blinked rapidly as she tried to quell the tears that were filling her eyes. She had thought that she had hidden her sadness successfully. If there was anything she had prided herself on being able to do, it was that she had the ability to leave her personal problems at home when at work, and leave her work problems at the office when she was back home. Now things were going mental.

'I'm so sorry, Pritchard. I really am, I mean I have had a few issues with my personal life but believe me when I say they should not be affecting my work at all. I thought they didn't but clearly I'm wrong and I assure you that it will not happen again.' She said fervently.

Pritchard smiled in a fatherly manner at her, 'Oh my dear Annabelle, I am not berating you or your work. Believe me when I say you still deliver here. Compared to the other workers, and I know I should not be saying this but sod it, you are by far the best solicitor we have here. But I know your potential which is why I was able to spot the difference between how you were...let's say two weeks ago and how you are now. And I am asking this as a friend, and of course you are very well in your own right to tell me to stick my nose elsewhere, but are you sure everything is fine? I mean, you hardly use up your sick leaves or holidays so if there is anything whatsoever that is ailing you, and for which you would like some time off, you are very free to take as much time as you need. You do not need to fear the recession, your job will definitely be here waiting for you and that is a promise.'

Belle gulped back some more tears and nodded, giving a watery smile as she did so, 'I wish I could talk to you about it, but it's really personal and I appreciate your concern, help and friendship. You are definitely the best mentor any person could wish for. I don't think I need a break, I can work definitely. But if I were to change my mind later on, will the offer be open still?'

'Anytime you choose, Belle, anytime.' He smiled once more and put his glasses back on. He stood up and walked to the door, 'Remember, Belle, my office is not too far away. Whenever you need my help, and for anything no matter how minuscule, just knock on my door or pick up your phone and ring okay?'

Belle nodded once and smiled again as he returned her smile and walked out, closing the door softly. Belle's smile changed to one of suspicion as she spotted Mark's weasel-like face turning sharply as her door opened and closed. Had the little twerp been eavesdropping on her conversation?


Aleksander hid a grimace as he stood slowly with his friends, holding his crystal goblet of blood. He had just spotted Damien amongst the elders as they made their way to their high table. God, he hated that piece of vermin. And as if his thought had found its way to Damien's ears, the older vampire turned round and spotted Aleksander staring at him. He smiled but Aleksander rudely turned his head away and looked back at his friends.

Malik looked at him with friendly worry and asked, 'Are you okay, Aleks? I know I've asked you this a couple of times before but remember I am just your friend trying to make sure you are well before you bite my head yet again. Are you well, my friend?'

Aleks had indeed been ready to snarl at him to mind his business but swallowed his words. It was not Malik's fault that he was going about like a grumpy bear.

'Sorry for being such a hard arse, Mal. I'm just not very happy about these 'arranged weddings' we are about to get involved in. The weeks are drawing nigh and I guess everything is just getting to me.'

Malik nodded, 'I understand believe me. All I can hope for is that the elders do not hook us up with ugly souls or I will have words with them, elders or no elders.'

Aleks could not hide his scowl this time. Whether the 'soul' he was hooked up with was ugly or beautiful, she was not going to be Belle and that made her wrong for him from the get go.

A voice said smoothly by their side, 'Ah, my veritable pure breds, Malik and Aleksander. I see that you are having a very sore conversation, non? Quel est le problem, mes fils? What is the problem, my sons?'

Aleks looked up and stared at Damien with something verging on abject loathing. Why did he have to come over and inject his filthy voice in their conversation?

Malik smiled and replied, 'Pas de problem, monsieur. None whatsoever.'

'And you Aleksander?' Damien asked turning to Aleks with a smug look on his face as if he knew something that Aleks did not.

'None.' Aleks bit out.

'But are you sure, Aleks? Are you sure there is nothing you would like to tell the elders? To tell me?' Damien persisted.

Aleksander could not hold back his disgusted snort this time, 'No, Damien. There is absolutely nothing I would like to tell the elders, and in particular, you. And to be perfectly honest, I would prefer if you could refrain from engaging in any conversation with myself except if absolutely necessary. The only reason I speak to you is because as an elder you deserve a certain form of respect but right now I have no need or inclination to indulge in idle banter with you so please, if I could be excused.' He bowed stiffly and turned around to leave.

Damien grew red as he noticed the looks of shock and poorly hidden pleasure on the other vampires faces. It was no secret that most of them abhorred him and merely tolerated his presence as he was the highest elder and nothing could be done about it unfortunately. But that did not give this young whippersnapper the right to be so rude to him, and in public too.

He put a hand on Aleksander's shoulder and whirled him round, 'How dare you speak to me in such a manner? Comment osez-vous?'

Aleks shrugged him off so angrily that Damien fell back a step, 'Don't you dare touch me again, Damien. I warn you with the last smidgen of respect I have for you or I shall not be held accountable for my actions.'

'You dare!' Damien spluttered, 'Do you realize that as the highest elder I can dismantle you limb from limb?'

Aleks retorted just as snootily, 'And do you realize that as a pure bred I'm more likely than you to dismantle you limb from limb? Oh you may be a high and mighty elder but let's not forget that you were once human no matter how long ago that was. I'm not human, I never was. My blood is and never was tainted by humanity. So I'm more than likely to rip you apart. Your only saving grace is your mantle of 'elderness' and the fact that I would probably anger the other elders who I actually have respect for. So let's not put my theory to the test or you might not like the outcome.'

Aleks turned once more to walk away.

Damien hissed after him so vehemently that the nearest person to Damien surreptitiously wiped off the large volume of spittle that landed on his face, 'You will sorely regret humiliating me like this, young Aleksander.'

Aleksander's father, who had been watching the whole scenario with hidden pride quietly interjected, 'I hope you are not threatening my son, Damien?'

Before Damien could reply, Aleks said softly and tiredly, 'It does not matter, father. There is nothing more that he could do, that anyone could do that could hurt me more than I already am.' And with that he walked away and back to his mansion to the safe cocoon that was his room.


Belle walked out of her office and straight to Mark's table before planting her palms with a loud smack on his table which made him jump from his chair in fright. 'Were you eavesdropping on a private conversation in my office?'

Mark smiled slyly, 'Now why on earth would you say such a thing like that?'

'Oh I don't know...maybe because it's something you are definitely capable of doing.' She retorted rolling her eyes as she did so.

Mark shrugged and flicked an imaginary piece of lint of the lapel of his suit, 'Now, now, dear Annabelle. Let's not be judgmental. I did not eavesdrop on any conversation so get that out of your pretty little head. However, I would like to tell you, as a very good friend of course, that if you are thinking...and not that I'm saying you are mind you, but if you are indeed thinking of...oh I don't know, going on a break or something due to some breakdown of a sort, be rest assured that I would be there to warm your seat should you get back. If you get back of course.'

Belle stared at him with utter disgust. Why, the little worm! 'My dear Mark, there is no way on this earth that I will let you, of all people, warm my seat so get that out of your pervy little mind pronto.'

Mark gasped but Bell barged on, 'And just so you know, if I ever do take a break there won't be any need for you to be warming any seat of mine as it will be temporary and I will be back to my rightful job. Ask Pritchard if you need reassurance on that score. And finally, hover like a vulture and slobber as much as you can, but the only way you will be getting MY job is if I'm wheeled out of here in a body bag. In other words, bird brain, you'll be getting my job over my dead body, Comprend?' She spat before walking back to her office and slamming her door.

Stupid little dickhead!

God she hated Mark.

And Aleks.

Bloody hell, she could not decide who she hated more at this point!

Paris certainly beckoned.

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