Free Wolf Ch. 05


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We couldn't quite get the advantage, Susan was stronger than she looked, and the match went on for minutes. I'd lost my modesty pretty quick around the wolves, I didn't even really notice how everyone was naked anymore. But as I was going to grab Susan's arm I accidentally palmed her breast and froze. I was just opening my mouth to apologize and she took advantage of the moment. She leaned forward and pushed me back hard. As I started to tip back Kyle reached up to grab my waist. My arms were whirling, trying to get my balance back. Our center of gravity shifted and out of panic I grabbed Kyle's wrists. We both fell back into the water.

As we came up Susan was pumping her fists in the air and the whole pack was clapping. Brady was laughing uncontrollably. He must have stepped on a mossy patch of the lake bottom because suddenly they both went down, then everyone was laughing. Kyle took my hand and led me back to shore, still chuckling.

"Sorry, Kyle. Her girl-parts distracted me."

"I've got some boy parts that'll distract you." He gave me his sexy grin and I leaned into him, laughing.

"We're saving that for tonight, pup." Susan and Brady were close behind us, closer than I thought.

"Gross, guys. God, keep that to yourselves." I heard Susan chuckling and I turned back to give her e wink as Brady went on, "Hey what'd he call you, Kyle?"

"Let it go, Brady."

"Kyle, I could've sworn I heard Tony call you...." Brady's voice was booming out over the water as Kyle spun around and put a hand over his mouth.

"Don't say it, Brady, or I will have to kill you." Me and Susan looked at each other and started laughing all over again. I couldn't stop and every time I looked at Susan it just started over again. I think I might have heard her try to wheeze out the word 'pup' and a whole new fit of laughter came over us. Kyle and Brady looked at each other like we were crazy, which only made us laugh harder as we leaned against one another.

They shrugged and Brady lifted Susan up in his arms. Kyle slung me over his shoulder and they carried us up onto shore. Kyle smacked my ass hard and I finally started to sober up. He set me down and I lay back on the sand, trying to catch my breath. It was getting to be late afternoon and Kyle whistled.

"Okay, everyone. Let's head back and get a snack. Is everyone here?" We did a quick head count to verify there weren't any pack members missing. Kyle took the lead and shifted. The rest of us shifted, facing Kyle. I let out a roar, making a couple of the wolves cringe, and shook the sand out of my coat. Kyle turned around and soon we were all racing back to camp.

Kyle and I got back first. We shifted back and went to get our clothes. I found the running shorts and pulled them on. I reached a hand into the pouch to settle my parts. Kyle had been watching me and he walked up to me, taking my hand in his. He brought my fingers up to his nose and sniffed at them.

"Mmm," he growled. "You smell good, Tony." He licked between my fingers. "Those shorts are indecent, baby."

"They're your shorts, pup. And stop getting me hot. What happened to waiting for tonight?" He let my hand go and leaned into the truck bed to find his clothes, chuckling. He pulled out my cargo shorts and put them on. As he leaned over, the light played over his back. I froze in shock.

At first I thought the light had been playing over the muscles in his back as he stretched, but I realized it wasn't an optic illusion. Kyle had stripes on his back, tiger stripes. They were barely discernable, only a shade darker than the rest of his skin, but once I noticed them I could pick them out easily. I put a hand on his shoulder as he looked at me with confusion. I turned him so his back was in the sun.

Sure enough, I counted eight stripes starting just above his shoulder blades. They were thinner over his spine, almost coming to points, then widened only to thin out again at his sides where they ended. I sucked in air and turned Kyle back to face me.

"You've got stripes, Kyle. Like a tiger, I mean. On your back, there are eight of them."

"Guess I got a little tiger in me, then." He smiled at me and I felt relief flood through me. I hadn't been sure what his reaction would be.

"Hey, who are you calling little?" I pushed playfully at his shoulder and he gave me his sexy grin.

"I wear your mark, you wear mine. It's all good, baby." He saw the look of confusion on my face and put a hand on my shoulder. "The bite, Tony, it scarred." He rubbed his fingers over the mark and I realized it didn't feel tender anymore as he went on, "It's been over a day. It should be disappearing by now, but it's scarred over. I have a feeling that you'll be wearing my mark for the rest of your life. It seems... right, I guess, that I should be marked too."

"I love you so much, Kyle." I pulled him close and hugged him tight. I put my hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes as I yelled, as loud as I could, "I LOVE THIS MAN!" Kyle pulled me back to him and kissed me softly.

Most of the pack was trickling in, still, but several had been back and shifted to human. I heard them laughing and clapping, and a couple howls from the wolves. John and Sarah walked over to us, dressed but barefoot, holding hands and smiling.

"Ah, newlyweds. What's got you two so happy?" At John's question I turned Kyle around so they could see his back. It took a few minutes for them to notice, and Sarah caught it first. She stepped forward to trace the markings with a finger.

"It's beautiful, guys. I wouldn't even notice if I wasn't looking for it, but now it's all I see. You see it, John?" He took his wife's hand and smiled at her.

"Yeah, can't un-see them now. I wonder if it'll show up in your fur?"

Kyle shrugged and turned back around to say, "We'll see, later."

"Wait," I'd just realized something. "What happened this morning? I was passed out, I can't believe I only just thought of this, but what did everyone say when they realized that I'd... I... well, when you smelled different?"

Kyle blushed a little, looking down at his feet, and John answered my question, "Well, we all said congratulations. Of course. What else can you say? No need to be embarrassed, bro. Everyone is happy to see you finally found your mate. And that you're both good together." Sarah nodded and gave each of us a hug.

"Let's take down the tent, and maybe we'll have enough time for a little nap before we have to start cleaning up." I nodded gratefully at Kyle's suggestion, feeling a yawn coming on.

The plan was to have everything packed before we started the night's hunt. We'd head out earlier, too. Then we could come back and head home before it got too late since most of the pack had to work at the store the next day.

Kyle and I made quick work of the tent and all our stuff. We took the less-come-stained sleeping bag and laid it out in the shade. Kyle lay down on his back and I settled in next to him, with my hand on his chest. I was asleep in seconds, lulled by his heartbeat.

Kyle nudged me awake, giving me a kiss before pushing me off him. I sat up, wide awake, to see that everyone else was up and packing. Kyle and I rolled up our sleeping bag and stowed it in his truck. Sarah was directing people so we went over to see how we could help. It didn't take long with everyone pitching in and we soon had the clearing cleaned up.

The sun was barely starting to set when Kyle came to find me, where I was talking with my new best-friends. Sarah and Susan were talking about some of the other pack members back in Colorado, telling funny stories. Apparently, there was another gay werewolf who was in love with Kyle. A guy named Kenny, who had joined the pack after a night with Kyle. They were telling me how the guy followed Kyle around like a fourteen-year-old girl. We were laughing and I caught them staring over my shoulder so I turned around to find Kyle smiling at me.

"Tony, how do you feel about joining us tonight? I want to head out in a couple minutes."

"Hell yeah. Let's do it, I've been itching for this. I don't think there will be any problem, but...."

"What is it, baby?"

"I don't know, maybe we should ask Kenny if it's okay first?" Susan and Sarah burst out laughing along with me. I heard Kyle growl just before he grabbed me in a bear-hug, lifting me off my feet.

"Maybe you're getting along with the pack a little too well, baby." I struggled in his arms for a minute and he put me down, smacking me on the ass. I went to say something but Kyle held up his hand to stop me, "Don't do it, Tony. If I hear the 'p' word I will have to kick your ass in front of the entire pack."

"Oh yeah?" Before he could respond I reached down and ripped off my shorts. The next instant I was letting my beast loose. My transformation made them all step back in surprise. I pounced on Kyle and gently tackled him to the ground.

[Go ahead, kick my ass.] He started laughing and reached up to run his fingers along my jaw. The scratching had me purring and nuzzling into his hands.

"Aww, you're just a big pussy cat. Let me up and we can go hunting." I licked his face, keeping it gentle so I wouldn't take any skin off, and let him up. Everyone was watching us, amused expressions all around.

"Alright, I guess Tony's ready for the hunt. How about everyone else?" Kyle looked around the group and got a bunch of yells. "Let's go then." Kyle picked up my shorts and ran to the truck where he threw them in the back before taking his own off to be placed with mine. He dropped to his hands and knees, changing into his wolf form as he went. I went to him and rubbed my face along his, continuing forward to rub my entire body against his and looped around to stand next to him.

We waited and watched as the rest of the pack changed. Soon, they were all wolves. They were just as excited as the night before, darting around yipping at one another. Kyle howled and they all paused to join him. I let out a roar, the bass in contrast to their high pitched howling. Kyle set out and we all followed.

We began by heading back toward the lake then veered north, following a game trail. I stayed a pace behind Kyle, flanking his right side. John matched me at Kyle's left and Brady came behind to form a diamond. The other wolves spread out behind us. We went farther this time and I was beginning to fatigue. My tiger is very fast over shorter distances and I have a lot of endurance but this steady, slower pace was making me tired.

{Kyle, I'm going to stop a minute. I need to find a litter box. I'll catch up.]

[Okay, just be careful.] I could sense him laughing in my mind. [That's what happens when you eat a deer whole. You can follow our scent?] He slowed further and glanced at me over his shoulder.

[I'll be fine. Don't worry about me, I'm used to hunting on my own.]

I pulled out of our formation to veer off to the left. The others slowed to watch me but Kyle yipped and they took off after him. I paused to catch my breath and followed the smell of cool water to a small creek. I drank my fill and searched out a nice sandy area to do my business.

I heard one of the wolves howl and I knew they were on to something. I raced to catch up with them, letting go with all my power. I made quick work of the few miles they had gone ahead using my sense of smell and hearing. At last I caught up to them huddled in the trees and bushes around a clearing.

The moon shone down illuminating a heard of elk. I crouched down on the other side of the open space to watch the wolves at work. They snuck up as close as possible then launched themselves into the heard. The frightened animals leapt to run, tearing off just north of my position. Working in concert the wolves brought down one of the females. I saw Kyle deliver the bite to her neck that killed her. The big male elk bellowed in anger and I leapt up to get some of my own.

I raced behind the fleeing elk, selecting an older female for my dinner. I leapt onto her, digging my claws in, and ripped out her throat. We hadn't gone very far and I dragged her body back to the clearing to share my prize. Some of the wolves had selected parts from the other kill and some were still fighting over the rest. Kyle was waiting for me and howled when he saw what I had brought.

I dragged my elk close to the other and sat back. A couple of the wolves came forward to scavenge what they could and I let them. When I felt there was only enough left for Kyle and myself I roared and reclaimed the body. Kyle came over to me then, jumping onto me, and biting at my neck and haunches. I rolled us and pinned him beneath me to lick at his coat. I let him up and pulled my carcass away from the others.

We sat to feasting while sharing plum morsels with one another. Again Kyle ate much less than I did. Soon I'd eaten my fill, not wanting to gorge myself, and shared the remainder with the pack. Kyle lay against me as I cleaned and groomed my coat, then his. After everyone had eaten and rested Kyle rose and led us back to the clearing. Although we went back faster the pace was killing me.

[I gotta run, pup. I'll meet you at the vehicles.] Before he could reply I took off running. I got back early enough to get dressed and make sure everything was packed up, ready to go, before they returned. As the wolves trickled in they began changing back and getting dressed. Kyle got back first and helped me police the campsite one last time.

It didn't take long and everyone was ready to go. We climbed into our vehicles and took off, back towards town. They all had plans to work the next day and went directly back to their hotel. They wouldn't be going to the store until the afternoon so Kyle and I headed back to my place for some sleep.

The first hour passed quickly as Kyle and I discussed the weekend and the last hunt. We agreed that it had gone really well and I fit in with the pack. I knew it was going to happen and I was kind of dreading it, of course our talk turned to sex.

"You know, Tony, I never thought I would like being on the bottom. You opened my eyes, for sure. Not that I want to do it all the time, but it was amazing." He glanced from the road to give me a smile.

I wanted to tell Kyle all the things I'd been thinking about, worrying about and feeling but it was like my tongue had grown thick. I couldn't understand why I was having this knee-jerk reaction to something that should have come so easily. I'd never been completely open about my sexuality or sex with anyone and maybe that was my problem. But if I couldn't talk to Kyle, my true mate, about it I was worried that our relationship would suffer, and I felt that maybe Kyle was having the same difficulty. Luckily he was more willing to share and continued before the pause in the conversation became awkward.

"I never could have imagined how it felt so freeing... so good to submit like that. You know? It was like we truly connected and I felt more a part of you than ever before, Tony." He put one hand on my knee and squeezed. It had taken courage to admit that and I found myself taking strength from him.

"Kyle, I... I think it's really hard for me to talk about this kind of stuff. I mean, you know that. But I want to. I want us to be open and honest about every part of our lives. I really believe that we can only make things better if we talk, I mean, like this."

"I think so too, baby. It's not easy for me either. But we can talk about whatever, right? You can tell me anything and I would never judge you. I hope you know that." He glanced over at me again and I nodded.

"Okay, Kyle. I'm going to be completely honest and tell you everything that's been on my mind these last couple of days, since we met. And I want you to do the same thing."

He ran his hand up and down my thigh, petting me and giving reassurance before he spoke, "You want to go first, baby?" I did, I wanted to get everything off my chest before I could back out.

"Yeah, I do. I, well first I want to say how much I've loved every moment we've been together. You make me, I don't know, Kyle. I fucking love you so much. If I can't tell you then who can I tell? From that very first night you took me and made me yours. No guy had ever done that, had ever been able to DO that. It was... it was the best sex I'd ever had. And yeah I felt guilty about it later, but I know now that was me and all these fucked up issues I have. I can't deny that I didn't love submitting to you." I took his hand as he glanced from the road to me and back.

"When you fuck me it's like, I don't know, like all I want to do is be yours to do whatever you want. And I loved fucking you. I loved the way I could see the reactions on your face when you were loving my cock. I thought you were just doing it to make me happy, but I could tell that you really got off on it. Maybe not the same way I do, but you liked it a lot."

"Oh, baby, I liked it." I gripped his hand and pushed it against the ridge of my erection, all the talk was making me horny.

"Thanks, Kyle. Thanks for admitting it, it makes me feel... better about this. When I woke you up this morning, and I knew I had to be inside you? I could have just done it, right? But I wanted you to want it. I wanted to turn you on, and part of me wanted to make those promises. I want to fulfill them for you." He growled softly and pressed his hand harder into my crotch.

"Wait, Kyle. I've been thinking about this a lot. I want you to know that I'm good with being myself now. I can be your slutty little bottom-boy when you want that. I want it too. But I can also fuck you into the ground when I need that. We can be both, can't we?" He was nodding his head now. "And who cares if I'm on the bottom seventy percent of the time? Or eighty. I don't want to keep a score card.

"And the honest truth, Kyle? The thing I can't hide from myself or you is that I want it. I want to be your bitch. I get off on it. I feel this deep need to... please you. To satisfy you so completely that you'll never want to leave me. Not to mention how much I love having that big fucking cock of yours inside me." He chuckled as he untangled his fingers from mine.

He caressed my face and cupped my cheek. When he spoke it came out gravelly, thick with emotion. "Tony, I love you so much. You have so much guts, I know it takes a lot to admit that, and I love you for it. I wish I was half as brave as you. I have to be honest too. This desire to have you fuck me, it's so new to me. I always thought it was unmanly, wanting something like that. But I'm starting to see that it's about love. About us being complete for each other. I love getting fucked by you. I'd scream it to the world."

"Tell me what you want, Kyle. I want to hear you say it. And you don't have to say you want me to fuck you. I know that's not what you want right now."

"I want what you said. I want what you promised me this morning. I want you to be my bitch tonight. I want to see you begging for my cock. I want you to take whatever I can give you and most of all I want you to fucking love it."

"Fuck, Kyle. I want that. I can't wait to get back home, I want to open up those damn shorts of mine and haul your cock out. I want to suck it and get it nice and wet, make you hard, and climb onto you. Want to feel you deep inside me." I reached over and caressed the bulge of his erection. He moaned and pushed my hand harder against him.

"Not long, baby. Fuck you smell good. We can wait a little longer."

"I guess, if we have to." I pulled my hand away and straightened up, enjoying the anticipation. Another thought occurred to me, "Kyle, I've been thinking. Speaking of smell, when I mated to you, last night? You smelled different. I think I can sense when you want me like that. I mean, when you want me to fuck you."

"No shit. I've thought the same thing. It's like some kind of signal, or something. I can smell you now and I know you want me to take control. It's like when I'm with the pack and we all know that I'm the Alpha. It isn't something we have to discuss, it just is."
