Haunted by the Past Ch. 01

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Charles & Diana arrive home from their honeymoon in Vegas.
6.8k words

Part 1 of the 16 part series

Updated 10/07/2022
Created 03/20/2009
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Author's Note: These characters were first introduced in the "Loving Wives" category in a series entitled "Charles and Diana" which told the story of their weekend honeymoon in Vegas when they ran off and married the night they met. This is their continuing saga...

Diana gazed out the window of the plane as it glided through the sky toward Los Angeles into a bright, setting sun. She smiled softly. What a sight! We must have a bright future ahead of us, Charles...my sexy man...my loving husband! They were on their way back to L.A. on Sunday evening, April 15, 1956 from their weekend honeymoon in Las Vegas. They just met Friday night in an Irish-style pub in downtown L.A. It had been lust at first sight! But love had followed right on its heels as they'd realized how perfect they were for each other. After all, we've been searching for each other for seventeen years...

Soul mates... How could we have possibly known at thirteen years old that we were soul mates? Diana smiled and then frowned sadly. She thought about all the pain and heartache they'd had to endure before they could truly recognize what they meant to each other.

Then she smiled widely. I actually tried to slap you for kissing me after you told me I belonged to you and was going to be your wife! Then he'd played out that scene from "The Quiet Man" with her. I knew at that moment that you were the man I'd been waiting for... The man she had promised the big man—John Wayne—that she'd find to love because she wasn't meant to be with him. I even loved and obsessed over you before I discovered you were the boy I'd seen at the carnival that night in Virginia all those years ago...and dreamt of afterward...

What's going on in that beautiful head of yours? "Penny for your thoughts, pretty lady," Charles Richards asked next to his sexy new wife's right ear. He'd been watching the myriad of expressions on her face as she gazed out the window of the plane.

Diana turned to look at him with a soft smile. "I still can't believe we've found each other after all this time! I just keep thinking of all the pain we went through in our lives that might have been prevented if we'd been able to find each other seventeen years ago! But, I guess you're right...if we hadn't experienced all that pain, we wouldn't realize how lucky we are now."

Charles smiled softly at the slight sadness on her face. He raised her right hand with his and brought it up to his lips. He twisted it around to place a soft kiss on her palm and tickled her with his mustache. When he looked at her again, her love and desire for him were shining in her sparkling gray blue eyes...eyes almost the exact same color as his.

The eyes that haunted my dreams for years as a teenager... Eyes that had deepened with love and desire for him when he'd made love to his dream girl. Dreams that had caused him to wake up in a sweat with painful erections that he'd had to relieve before he could go back to sleep.

How I'd hated doing that, but I had no choice! He was cursed with too healthy a libido for a young man raised in the Catholic Church who believed that pre-marital sex was wrong. And yet, she managed to entice me into foregoing that tenet... He believed sex was to be shared only between a man and his wife! Passion, desire and lust were God's gifts to humans to make sex between true soul mates the most pleasurable experience of the flesh. But I just couldn't resist her, Lord! Besides...we were on our way to Vegas to get married...

He still talked to God at times but he was no longer a practicing Catholic because of what he went through with his first wife...

She had cheated on him for five years and he'd confronted her lover the night he found out. He'd beaten the man and forced a confession from him that had revealed the depth of his ex-wife's betrayal. Then he'd almost brutally taken revenge on her until he stopped himself and kicked her out of the house. He'd cried harder that night than he ever had in his life. He'd been afraid that he'd never have a chance at finding true love. I made a terrible choice based on a "dream girl" that I'd begun to believe didn't even exist...

Until I found you. Charles shook his head to get rid of the unpleasant memories. He looked at his soul mate...his one true love...sitting next to him on the plane. Diana smiled softly at him. You know what I've been thinking. They already knew each other so well—it was like they could crawl inside each other's heads at times. Charles had more skill and practice at it than she did because of his job with the FBI, but he was still amazed at how well she knew him.

"We have a lot of decisions to make before we get back to L.A., you know," Charles began. "Like where are we going to live?"

They finally got around to discussing the practicalities of real life. Diana's apartment was smaller and closer to her job, but Charles had a larger apartment in a nicer neighborhood. He argued that they should live at his apartment for the time being; she agreed. The subject of their finances came up when he mentioned that the money they'd won in Vegas would surely help toward the down payment on a mortgage.

Both of them were pretty well off financially. Diana had a modest income from her movie studio job, which was nicely supplemented by her occasional studio recorded singing jobs and her weekend gigs at the nightclub once or twice a month. Her total combined income was just slightly higher than Charles' salary with the FBI. And they both had several thousand dollars in savings...and no debts. They smiled at each other. They had the same philosophy about money and spending. Never spend more than you have coming in and always keep at least several months worth of your income in savings—just in case!

They'd been prepared to spend more money in Vegas than either one of them had on anything else in a long time. But instead, they were going home with way more money than they'd spent all weekend! Diana had saved them the expense of a hotel room when she agreed to sing in The Riviera Resort's nightclub as a favor to the concierge, who'd turned out to be a fan of her L.A. nightclub act. Charles had won a few thousand dollars at Roulette making a bet based strictly on a gut feeling, and Diana had won another thousand from a game of Texas Hold 'Em!

Their life together sure seemed to be starting out with a bang—despite the fact that they'd met and married on Friday the 13th! Charles frowned suddenly. Everything seems to be pointing toward a bright future, but... I have this feeling in my gut... something is looming ahead... something dark. Something bad is going to happen... Oh, please...go away!

But the feeling was enhanced when he glanced out the window of the plane and saw the sky darkening as the sun slipped further downward beyond the horizon. He had no idea what it was and he tried to push the feeling away—but he couldn't shake it. And all my gut feelings lately have proven true...

I chose the transfer to L.A. because my gut said that L.A. would be better than New York. He had no idea why until he'd spotted Diana in that pub Friday night. My gut told me right away that she was the true soul mate I've longed to possess... He'd studied her for a couple hours and learned enough about her personality to confirm that his gut was correct. It had proven true when he discovered that she was his dream girl from all those years ago. Add to that the gut-shot bet I made at the Roulette table... His gut twisted from that nagging, dark feeling...

Something's troubling you, sexy man... "What's wrong?" Diana asked him.

Charles shook his head slightly. What do I tell her? I can't tell her about this! It might scare her! "You remember I called Gordon before we left The Riviera to let him know we were returning so he could meet us with my car? Well, he told me that the Assistant Director has requested that I contact him as soon as we return. I'm almost afraid of why he wants to see me!"

Diana asked nervously, "Do you think they found out about Gordon flying us to Vegas Friday night? Oh, God! You don't think he would have told them about us joining the 'Mile High' club, do you? How much trouble could this cause for you?"

Charles frowned harder. "I don't know. If that is why I've been summoned, I could be in some pretty serious trouble. The Assistant Director is a real stickler for following policy and the rules. I just hope he'll give me a little leeway since I'm still pretty new there."

When their flight landed at the L.A. airport, Gordon Brown was waiting for them at the gate. "I called the Assistant Director and informed him that you were on your way back. The Director instructed me to drive you straight to the FBI office! Sounds like you might be in big trouble!"

Maybe this is the bad feeling I kept having on the plane—but I hadn't expected it quite this soon!

They collected their one suitcase at the baggage claim area and headed out to the car. They made the drive in nervous silence. When they arrived at the FBI building, Diana was made to wait outside the Assistant Director's office while Charles went in to face his boss.

She was afraid for Charles. Tell him...I kidnapped you at gunpoint!

Charles was standing in front of the Assistant Director. What is this? You're scowling at me like you're mad as hell...but then you look like you're about to bust out laughing! Charles frowned in confusion. What the hell is going on? Am I in trouble or not?!

Oh, boy...have I got a surprise for you, son! The Assistant Director cleared his throat and said sternly, "Agent Richards, do you have any idea how much trouble you would be in if I decide to write you up for such a blatant misuse of Bureau resources?"

"Yes, sir!" If you decide...? You're letting me off the hook? Whew! Wait...why?

"What made you decide it was OK to waste taxpayers' money to fly off to Vegas and marry some little girl you just met? And compromising her by doing something brash like joining the 'Mile High' club?" The Director put his hand up. You don't need to say anything, son! "Don't even try to answer that! Just get that little girl in here and let me see for myself how she made you so completely lose your senses!!!"

Charles frowned at the Director. Usually he wouldn't let the agents under his direction get away with the least little infraction of policy or rules. Charles went to the door and opened it and motioned for Diana to come in.

When Diana got to the doorway, she stopped; then her eyes went wide. Her mouth flew open and she squealed, "Uncle Pete?!!! Is that you? Oh, my God...it's been years! I wondered what had happened with you!" She flew across the office and was enfolded in a massive bear hug by Assistant Director Peter Woods.

Woods hugged her tightly and rocked back and forth a few times as he exclaimed, "Little Suzie Maitland! I can't believe you're all grown up...and how beautiful you are! It's no wonder Agent Richards couldn't resist you!"

"Uncle Pete, I'm going by my middle name now. Please call me Diana!" When she moved to L.A., she thought that her first name sounded too girlish and that Diana fit her more sensual personality better. Charles preferred to call her Diana as well...since Suzanne had been too close to his bitch ex-wife's name! Just like she preferred his middle name, Charles, to his given name, Robert... like the bastard who'd stolen her virginity. How ironic was that?!!! They had joked that cruel fate seemed to have a twisted sense of humor!

Charles was shocked. You know my boss? How on earth could you two possibly know each other?

Diana explained. "Uncle Pete was an Army Air Corps officer assigned to the Pentagon during the war. I told you my father was in the Corps and making trips to the Pentagon every few months and I went with him sometimes. Lt. Col. Woods and I spent lots of time together. He would let me accompany him on errands while my father took care of his duties. Uncle Pete also took me on tours around Washington and we talked about the war. He tried to help allay my fears and sadness over why it was such a necessary evil. He was always so nice to me! I've really missed you, Uncle Pete!" She exclaimed as she hugged him again.

Peter Woods had recognized what a bright, sensitive and talented girl she was as a teenager. But he had gathered from the way she conducted herself that she was full of self-doubt and very insecure. He hadn't understood why...at first. Her family, and especially her father, adored her and were obviously proud of her. Her father had always bragged about her accomplishments.

He'd learned from later conversations that her insecurity stemmed from the fact that most boys only asked her out to try to take advantage of her because of her shapely body. She never had a steady boyfriend. Boys never asked her for more than three dates; once they found out she wouldn't give in, they called her a tease and moved on. He'd told her how proud he was, and that she should be, too, that she was strong enough to stand her ground.

Woods had grown very fond of her and had told her to call him "Uncle Pete." He'd always asked her to come back and visit him as often as she could. But, once the war was over and her father's duties at the Pentagon were no longer necessary, they didn't see each other any more. He'd often wondered what had become of her.

Several other employees and agents appeared at the Director's office door and started to cheer. A couple of them were holding bottles of champagne and the others held glasses.

Woods walked over to Charles and shook his hand. "Congratulations on your ability to spot a good woman. And you'd better be very good to your new bride or you'll pay hell at work!"

Diana walked over between them, looked up over her shoulder at Woods and said provocatively, "Don't worry, Uncle Pete. Charles has been very, VERY good to me so far!" She reached up and pulled his head down to her and kissed him fiercely for a few seconds. Charles just stood there, still in slight shock.

Woods mumbled, "Doesn't look like it to me! Agent Richards, don't you know how to properly kiss a beautiful woman? What's wrong with you?"

Charles looked in shock at his boss again, seeing the amusement on his face. Then he looked down at Diana, who was also amused at his confusion. And Gordon Brown's face looked smug as he leaned against the doorway. Come on...I thought I was in trouble here and now you're all teasing me for not being able to kiss my wife properly?! All right then...watch this! Get ready to cream your panties, pretty lady!

He wrapped his arms around her and dipped her slightly sideways. He looked down at Diana as his eyes smoldered. He crushed his mouth to hers in a deep, passionate kiss that made her go completely limp in his arms as she moaned desperately. Charles felt his dick stirring. OK...time to end this! I can't fuck you right here in my boss' office!

He slowly ended the kiss as everyone in the office whistled and made wolf calls. He stood Diana back up and grinned wolfishly at the look of desire on her face. He turned her around toward his boss. "Now does it look like I know how to kiss a very beautiful and sexy woman?"

Woods was impressed. "It certainly looks like it now! I guess she wasn't lying about you being VERY good to her!"

Pete Woods had worried about Suzie...Diana...after the last couple times they saw each other in 1945 when she was 19 years old. They had gone to dinner one evening in Washington and were walking back to his car. They passed by an alleyway and heard the sounds of a man and woman moaning. Woods knew right away what was going on and had tried to hurriedly grasp her arm and move her along.

But she had broken his grasp and moved to the corner of a building at one end of the alley and had spotted the couple in the shadows. The man had the woman pinned up against a wall with her legs wrapped around him. He was bucking into her wildly.

Woods had tried to drag Diana away, but she had shushed him and stayed where she was, watching with fascination and excitement. The woman had moaned that she was about to cum. The man started to say dirty things to her.

"Yeah, honey...you have a hot, little pussy! I just love fucking you with my big, hard dick..."

Woods had grabbed Diana's hand to drag her out of there, feeling guilty that he had gotten a hard-on. He had been enjoying watching the couple himself! He had forgotten that Diana was a young woman who should not be witnessing something like that.

Woods had grabbed her hand to drag her away. He tried to make her move but she was braced against the side of the building. Her legs were shaking and her hips convulsing as she moaned softly. He'd suddenly realized what was happening...

She slid down onto the sidewalk, leaning against the building, breathing heavily. She'd looked up at him with a dazed expression on her face and whispered, "So that's what it feels like?!!!"

Woods asked her if she understood what had happened. He'd been flabbergasted when she told him that she knew all about sex and that she was fascinated by it. She'd never watched people fucking before nor had she been fucked yet herself. But she'd read all about how women cum, and how it could happen to some women without even being touched. But she'd never really believed it was possible—until that night.

Diana had said how sorry she was for embarrassing him and had also apologized if she'd made him feel compromised in any way. Woods had a very good marriage; he loved his wife very much. Diana knew that and had asked him very personal questions about his sex life. He had tried to refuse—it was not something he could discuss with a young woman! But she had persisted.

He'd tried to answer her questions in as general and non-explicit terms as he could. But when she asked what kinds of erotic intimacies he and his wife shared, he knew he had to get her off the subject. He wasn't about to go into details with her!

Woods was twenty years older than Diana and he'd realized that night that she was no longer a girl; she had turned into a very sexy—and sensual—young woman. He had hoped she would find the right young man to marry her as soon as possible before her body fully matured and her sexual cravings heightened. He had worried that she would end up getting compromised in some way. Her strong sensuality could get her into trouble...

Peter Woods had no idea how right he was to have worried...

Woods had realized from his last conversations with her that she would not be satisfied to marry a man who wouldn't be willing to experiment with sex. He was happy to see that Charles seemed to know exactly what kind of woman she was and that he loved her for it.

And, apparently, he could fully satisfy her—according to the wanton look of desire on her face from his kiss! Woods chuckled to himself. You better be careful, Agent Richards! Your sexy, little wife might get you into trouble some day! He thought again about the encounter they'd witnessed in the alley that night in Washington D.C.!

Unbidden, the image of Diana pinned up against a wall with her legs wrapped around Charles as he fucked her hard crept into his mind. He coughed and shook his head. Stop that, you dirty old man!

He looked around at everyone else. "Well, this is supposed to be a celebration! Let's get those bottles of champagne open and toast the new bride and groom! I'm sure they'd like to get home as quickly as possible and continue their honeymoon until they have to get back to the grindstones tomorrow!"