Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch. 04


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Dr. Summitt said, "I will call the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the University. He owes me quite a few favors. I will collect one of them, today."

Dycke said, "Thank you, very much doctor." He watched Doctor Summitt leave the room and returned to Payne's side. He kissed her not realizing she had fallen asleep, during his conversation with the doctor. He sat down in a chair by the windows, put his head back, stretched out his legs, and joined Payne in slumber in a matter of seconds.

Fiona, every watchful, closed the door to the room and moved her chair in front of the door blocking the entrance. Her left hand was in her handbag, caressing her favorite, short range, weapon.

Alletta Temple saw Fiona sitting by Payne's door with her head down and she said to Piker, "I have her this time. She is sleeping."

Piker replied, "It is probably a good bet that Dycke has been here since the middle of the night and she is probably exhausted. So leave her alone, Alletta."

Alletta said, "Not on your life! She is one up on me. I am going to get even, right now."

Piker said, "Where do you want me to spread your ashes after I cremate you."

Alletta grumbled, "Oh ye of little faith." She left Piker's side, moved slowly and silently along the corridor wall towards Payne's room.

Fiona turned slightly away from Alletta making her an even more tempting target.

Alletta was now within one foot of pouncing on Fiona, when something happened. She could not remember: who, what, where, when, why or how it happened, but when she woke up, Alletta was on a gurney, naked, hands and feet bound to the side rails, she could not move her head. However, she could see a huge knife protruding from her stomach and dried blood around the deadly wound.

Two men walked into the room, one in greens, and the other in a cheap suit with his police badge in his breast pocket. The doctor said that it was pretty cut and dry as far as he was concerned, but if the police wanted a full autopsy, he would do it. The knife severed the abdominal aorta and she bled out before they could get her up to surgery. The detective told the doctor that this woman tried to outsmart a trained British agent, who was on a protective detail for her daughter's fiancé. When the agent thought she was under attack she went with her training and killed the apparent attacker. She did not realize who it was until all the shouting was over. It lasted all of four seconds, I am told. Poor bitch, what was she thinking?

The doctor asked the detective, "Do you want a full autopsy or not?"

The detective yelled back "Yeah, cut her up, she won't know the difference."

While this discussion was going on and she heard they were going to do an autopsy on her, she panicked. She tried to move her arms and legs but her muscles were slack. She tried moving her facial muscles but they did not move, either. She tried everything she could think of to make a gesture to let this man know she was alive. No matter what she did, nothing happened.

The doctor moved the gurney over to the cold stainless steel autopsy tables and moved Alletta Temple's body onto it. He moved the microphone overhead and started dictating his notes into it. He was, about to remove the knife from her abdomen, when a message was announced over the loudspeaker, "Dr. Biccer, it is quitting time. Dr. Ripper will complete the autopsy on Temple."

Alletta could do to refute that assumption, and she was furious about it. None of her muscles would respond. Her mind was working, why was that? Maybe she was dead and this is what death was like. You could see, smell, and hear but you could not feel or move. This did not make any sense.

The doctor turned on an electric saw. She held several inches over Alletta's eyes, for a few seconds, before she turned it off. The doctor tested an electric razor the same way and turned it off. She placed both items upon Alletta's breasts. Doctor Ripper mover around the table and picked up a large hedge clipper, which she would use to cut through the rib cage, and laid it over Alletta's vagina.

Dr. Ripper said aloud, "I am alone tonight; I think I'll play with this one.

Alletta was mortified to think that this coroner would defile a dead body. "Especially, my dead body, she thought." "Was Doctor Ripper a Necrofeliac," Alletta's mind screamed!

Dr. Ripper walked into Alletta's view for the first time. She had on her greens, her facemask, eyeglasses, hair cap, face shield, and gloves. She moved a large tray alongside the autopsy table and placed the implements that were on Alletta onto the table.

Dr. Ripper said, "This knife has to go and just like that an eight inch long knife appeared out of Alletta's stomach. Alletta could not believe that Fiona carried such a weapon in her handbag. She thought to herself, "I didn't think she carried a gun, either." The knife was put into an evidence bag and marked, as evidence.

Doctor Ripper said, "Okay, works done, let's have some fun. Let me see what I can get away with here. Okay! Open Casket. Cremation. Oh Goody! She went down to the end of the table and pulled the left leg of the 'corpse' off it. She did the same with the right leg.

Alletta knew that her private areas were no longer private to anyone who came along. She knew she should be in pain in this position but she was not. This was another check mark for the 'dead' side of the ledger.

The doctor picked up the electric razor and headed down to Alletta's muff. Doctor Ripper said, "Lady, if you kept this a little cleaner, your husband's tongue might have visited more often. I am sorry, I forgot, no more action for you! However, just in case your husband or any of your lady friends visit you to give you a Royal sendoff into the afterlife, I am going to make them very happy and by shaving you clean as whistle. I hope they love it. I know I will!"

With that said, Alletta heard the electric razor start and a few moments later it stopped. The doctor pulled the overhead light into position to check her work and at the same time, it afforded Alletta a view of her pussy devoid of every hair. It looked...different! She could not remember the last time she had actually taken time to inspect her vagina. It was probably after Payne was born, but she was not sure.

Doctor Ripper said, "Now, how do I get to her asshole?

If Alletta's could have opened her eyes wider, they would have but she had no control over them.

Doctor Ripper put Alletta's legs on the table and walked around it. She gave Alletta an injection in her left arm and moved over to the table with the electric saw. She turned it on and started to move towards Alletta's chest area, when the saw turned off. The doctor looked at it put it down and said, "I need a new saw to cut open your head. I will be right back. "

Alletta nearly fainted.

Alletta heard the door close behind her. She was still in the confused state: Am I Dead or I alive. When her nose itched and she scratched it, she was stunned into the realization that she was moving. Now she had to get out of this place before that person came back and figured a way to get to her ass.

She tried to sit up. That did not work. She tried to roll over. That did not work either. She tried to take stock of what she could do and that was easy: she could raise her head and move her arms. She started to cry because she knew that her time was running short and that between her injury and this doctor who was working with a few too many screws loose she could be 'really dead' at any moment.

"Are you ever going to try and sneak up on me again, Alletta? Fiona (Dr. Ripper) said.

"What, Where are you? I need help. There is a mad doctor running around here trying to kill me." Alletta cried.

"Alletta, you have to answer my question first. After that, I may help you, depending on your answer." Fiona asked.

"What was your question?" Alletta asked

Fiona said, "Are you ever going to try to sneak up on me again?"

Then it hit Alletta "You did this to me?"

"No Alletta. You did this to you." Fiona said. "Your husband warned you not to try it a second time, did he not?"


"Alletta, did you listen to him."



"You were sleeping, Fiona. I had you right where I wanted you." Alletta said

"Where are you now Alletta?" Fiona asked

"I do not know." she said.

"Was I asleep Alletta?"

"Apparently not, Fiona."

"What am I going to do with you, Alletta? I have had to put my boss in the hand of two local police officers because I had to teach you a lesson. I know my job. I do it with all six of my senses. Awake or asleep my primary's life is my only concern. Once that gets through your head, that this is not a game for me the better off we will all be". "You can start moving your legs now."

Alletta started flexing her feet and she could feel the blood flowing in her legs again. She asked Fiona where she was and why she could not see her.

Fiona walked around the table and into the light where Alletta could see her.

Alletta screamed.

Fiona stood there, in her Doctor Ripper clothing and started to disrobe. As soon as, she removed the glasses, the blond wig, the face shield, and mask, Alletta let out a sigh of relief. When Fiona removed the top of her greens and took out the pillow that made her look fat, they both laughed.

Fiona sat at the edge of the stainless steel table as Alletta was still recovering and said, "You made two attempts on me, and I only got one prize. Does that seem fair to you?"

Alletta said "No. What would you like this time? You cannot have my popsicle."

Fiona said, "I'm a little out of practice on one of my talents because my previous employer did not have many female guests around him. Would you mind giving me a moment or two of your time?"

Alletta said "Of course not." Seconds later, she remembered the conversation that she had with Fiona and Piker about "A willing female, in a skirt and less than 60 seconds" but it did not matter. She had finished coming and was beginning to breathe easier. She said to Fiona "I could barely move my arms or legs. I could not turn my body in either direction. How is it that at the touch of your hands on the center of my body, I exploded in less than a moment?"

Fiona said' "There is a very easy explanation. There are separate neurological pathways controlling the sexual organs. You know how we joke about men walking around with perpetual hard-ons. That is why. It is different wiring. I think you can sit up now."

"Fiona, you need to get laid!" Alletta said.

"I know it, but my last "Him" is over in The Netherlands and in my business they are few and far between."

"Not anymore sweetheart. I will make it my business to find you a very eligible 'Him' in Charleston. 'He' will be a real southern to gentleman and he will sweep you off your feet" Alletta said grinning.

"The only way a "He" will get in my pants, is if he can sweep me off my feet, while we are on Jujitsu mats," Fiona said.

Alletta said, "So, you're going to play hard to get, eh, Fiona?"

"I have to know what is getting into me, don't I Alletta?" Fiona replied.

With Fiona's help, Alletta moved into a sitting position and then slid her feet off the table and sat sideways. As her brain started to regain its' focus she said, "Payne! How is my baby?"

"If Payne wasn't fine, I would have saved this lesson for another day. She received excellent reviews from all three of her surgeons. Dycke even reamed one a new asshole for not treating her properly. This from a boy who ran from fights all of his life. You put your life at great peril, if you get on his bad side, when it concerns Payne Temple."

Alletta asked, "Where are my clothes?"

Fiona said, "In Payne's room."

"You stripped me in her room, didn't you?" Alletta asked.

"Would you have preferred that I had done it in the corridor?" Fiona asked.

"No, I guess not. How do I get them back? Can you call them? Alletta pleaded.

"No." Fiona said. "You ride in, the way you rode out. Only this time you will be awake and you will hear all the cheers, laughs, and applause."

"Fiona, do I want to know how I got onto the gurney?" Alletta asked.

"I don't think so Alletta. If your future son-in-law cannot look you in the face for a while, you are just going to live with it for a while. You have to remember, he just saw his first one a few weeks ago, and that was your daughter's." Fiona said, smiling.

Alletta wanted to crawl into a hole but as bright red as she was blushing, she would have been seen anyway. Alletta got on the gurney and covered herself with a blanket. She dreaded the trip upstairs because she knew what was in store for her. Piker would never let her live this down. He would hold this grievous error in judgment over her for a millennium. The worst part of it was she could not blame him. He had warned her. She would reward him with her newly 'deforested' vaginal area, to assuage her guilt.

Fiona rolled Alletta to the main bank of elevators, up to the eighth floor, past the nurse's station and that is where the applause started. Alletta wanted to crawl under the covers but decided to take her lumps and put this embarrassment behind her. She waved at everyone. Those who had seen her debacle were now seeing her brought back to the scene of her defeat.

Hearing the applause in the hallway Piker Temple instantly knew what was happening. The two police officers were told to let the gurney and Fiona into the room. Once there, Alletta asked Payne "How are you feeling, sweetheart?"

Payne said, "Mom, I have had quite a day. I have had wonderful news from my doctors. My fiancé has grown a pair of brass balls, while I fell asleep and my mother made it to the top of America's Funniest Hospital Video's."

Alletta said, "Oh shit!"

Fiona raised her hand and said to Payne, "Her, too?"

Payne said "It is a wonderful thought but I still live with her and she could get even with me, if you did that to her."

Alletta asked, "Do you two have your own language or can anyone understand what you just said."

Fiona replied, "Alletta, if Dycke says "Oh shit" I am to smack him on the back of his head as his father does. You just said it and I asked your daughter if the same instruction applied to you. Unfortunately, she declined."

Piker said to Fiona, "Go-ahead maybe it might knock some sense into her."

"No." Fiona said. "Alletta and I have had a little talk and we will have no more incidents like the one we had this afternoon, ever again."

Payne cried out, "No! This one was so good. It was too short. Seeing my mom up in the air, upside down and backwards before she hit the ground was priceless. Come on let's watch it again."

Payne hit the remote control on the television. There was Alletta slowly closing in on Fiona. Alletta reached out her left hand to grab Fiona. In a lightning move, Fiona pulled Alletta up over her body with such ease and grace it defied logic. While Alletta was falling, Fiona made sure that Alletta's head never touched the ground. Payne asked her mother if she wanted to see it again because it was only her tenth time and she was still having fun watching her mother fly through the air.

Alletta Temple said to her daughter, "You still have to come home with me little one."

"Mother dear," Payne, said, "With one click of send from my cell phone, I can make your son the most envied boy on the block."

"You didn't?" Alletta said.

"She did." Piker said.

"You should have listened to your husband. None of this would be happening now, if you were not so pig headed." Fiona said.

"Is there any possibility I could get my clothes?" Alletta asked.

"They are over here where you left them, mom," Payne said.

"Piker, could you get them for me, please? Alletta pleaded.

"Alletta, I would love to, but you told us when you came back, you wanted to do everything by yourself. I know how you are about that sweetheart, so I have to decline." Pike said.

Alletta looked at Payne, but Payne cut her off saying, "Mom, I am not supposed to lower my chin below ninety degrees from the horizon, so do not ask me to go feeling around the wires and stuff on the floor for your clothes."

Alletta looked up at Fiona and closed her eyes to accept her fate. She sat up.

Payne, Piker, and Fiona all reached for their cell phones and Alletta said, "Okay have a field day!" She threw off the cover and turned toward her husband and he took the first picture of the Mrs. Temple's bald temple. It was his first but not his last look.

Payne cried out "Mom, I didn't know you shaved?"

Alletta looked at Fiona and said, "I started recently."

Payne asked, "Does it itch after a while?"

Alletta said, "I'll let you know."

As she reached her clothes, Payne said, "I have a gorgeous mother."

Alletta said, "Thank you, baby."

Piker said "When I post these on my web page, I will have clients coming to dinner every week, dear."

Alletta said, "You had better have your secretary cooking because my divorce lawyer is going to get me half of everything we have now and everything you will ever have in the future."

Piker said, "Where are you going to find a lawyer that good?

Alletta turned and pointed to the bed and said "Right there!"

Piker said, "Wait a minute! She is fifty percent mine."

Payne said, "Guys! I am eighteen now. I am my own person. I can be just like any of our congressional representatives or senators. "BRIBE ME!"

Payne's parents cracked up but Fiona had a dismayed look on her face.

She asked, "Where is Dycke?"

Piker said, "He got a phone call and said he would be right back."

Fiona ran to the door and talked to the police officers who were standing guard. They told her he was going downstairs to the administrator's office and he would be right back. She took off like a lightning bolt, with one police officer running behind her. The other police officer ran to the nurse's station and called for a security alert for Dycke Schneider. Anyone knowing his whereabouts please check in immediately.

A call came in from the administrator's office that Dycke was there and that he was safe. At least he was safe, until Fiona got there. When Fiona arrived, she asked Dycke if his business was finished. He said that it was and that he was going back to see Payne. She said, "No. We have to talk." Fiona asked the administrator if they had a gymnasium in the hospital. He said yes, and he gave them directions on how to find it.

Dycke knew something was wrong. Fiona kept pulling on his arm and looking over her shoulder like someone was following her.

When they reached the gym, he said "Fiona, what's wrong?"

She said "Take off your jacket, because I'm going to beat the shit out of you right here. If you try to run away, I'll shoot you in both legs and then I'll beat the shit out of you.

Dycke said, "What did I do?"

Fiona said, "I am going to make this lesson so painful you will never forget it. You will have your protection detail with you when you piss in the morning and when you shit at night, after today. With that she hit, him in the chest with a combination of punches he never saw coming. She told him to get up and to defend himself. Whether he did or not, this lesson was going to continue.

He tried to fend off her punches. He tried to side step her kicks. He tried to use his speed but her speed was superior in every way. Fiona kept yelling at him that he fought like a girl.

Fiona kept yelling that they were going to get to him through Payne, and if this was the best he could do, give them money, now and save yourself the grief later. Dycke kept getting up and Fiona kept knocking him down.

Fiona yelled at him "Dycke, at least you could make this fun for me."

Dycke said to her "One day, Fiona, I will."