Hunting the Hunter Ch. 04


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He continued to meet her fiery gaze as he shook his head.

"If you do, then in that brief moment between surprise and fear, you might see something very familiar." Her mouth lost its hard line and curved slightly. "When Azura cursed us with our black skin and red eyes, she did not turn us 'into' 'dark' elves, she was merely exposing one of our many secrets as punishment for harming one of her favoured heroes, for not fearing her wrath. We were dark and strong long before we were ever Dunmer. As Chimer, our golden beauty was only one more illusion, one more thread in our web, a toy and tool we had taken away for being naughty children.

"What I'm saying, Feric, is don't trust what you see, what you hear, there is no way to know how much of it is real. When we wish it we can do laughing what others do in terror or tears, and we can seem cold to what would fill others with joy. Take it for what it is, nothing. I may be young, but I'm old enough to understand this at least."

He felt his throat close. "Are you suggesting," he asked, a little hoarsely, "that I shouldn't have trusted you?"

"I'm saying, trust what you know."

"And how am I to know, if everything has been a lie? Do I just hope to eventually understand the nature of the beast?" He felt his anger rise once more in his chest.

She chuckled, but without humour, "There is no way to be sure of that either, even we surprise ourselves occasionally, and not everything is a lie Serjo, that would make it easy." She smirked, but briefly. Her voice remained cool. "If you need to know the truth, then know it with that one thing that has kept you alive this long, despite the challenges, despite the hunters, and it will keep you alive after this night. Trust in that Feric, whatever it is."

He remembered something young Lucas had said about her when she first arrived. He hadn't trusted her, and said she wouldn't do anything for free, that she must have some other motivation. Feric couldn't help but wonder now, as he met her steady gaze, what that motivation was.

She stood and looked down at him her face cool and sober again. "I will take your words under advisement Sera, take care you do the same."


Inanna watched him as he slept, surprised but pleased that he hadn't changed back to his lion form as he normally did. It would make her plan easier this way. She fingered the length of rope as she padded slowly and quietly over to him, careful not to wake him. She knelt at his head and dropped the rope beside her, running her fingers lightly through his hair, murmuring the words of a light spell. He continued to breathe evenly and deeply. She sat there for a while, considering, and reconsidering her actions. She knew it was probably just the fertility that was making her crazy, that made it impossible for her to keep him out of her mind for more than a few minutes and which drew her to him like an especially foolish moth to an especially bright flame, but she couldn't be bothered to care. Something in her wanted this, and wanted it badly...who was she to question the purgatives of nature, picky hormones or not. She could have done a hell of a lot worse.

She knew what she wanted, and she was loathed to be turned away, but his recent response to her made her hesitate, made her sit and watch, made her cautious. He had told her he trusted her...and yet...

Then again, she thought with another smile, what better way to help him get over it. To reassure him of...her affections. She had been a little harsh...and maybe, yes, a little she did sort of owe him one. She'd had time during her watch to contemplate his words. She'd been a little unfair to him. He had been witness to her playing so many roles with so many people, what was he to think? And she'd never really played a role with him...though she was apt to tease and play, it was for no other purpose than their mutual pleasure. She had never given him some clear design of who she...for him she just was. And that was why his words had stung more than they should, and why she'd been so petulant in response. Maybe she did need to grow up a little, but he needed to trust his instincts. She didn't know how she knew what they were, but she did know. Beyond a shadow of a doubt. She knew they were the same as hers, identical. She couldn't explain it...and she didn't seek to.

Besides, he still owed her one...with interest. Her smile turned into a mischievous grin. "To hell with it." She whispered, and picked up the rope.

Feric shivered as a cool breeze ran over his chest. He turned to escape the sensation and felt his hand catch on something. His blinked his eyes opening slowly and groggily only to find another completely different sensation, something soft and wet and hot wrapped around something a lot lower than his chest. He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut again, bucking his hips up toward the source of the heat and felt it tighten and grip exquisitely around his cock sending a shock of pleasure up the shaft and skittering swiftly through the rest of him.

His eyes shot open again and he jerked awake, completely this time, and swore as his arms remained where they were tugging painfully back in the sockets. He repeated the curse, and was stopped from struggling only by the heart stopping view between his thighs.

He watched, agape, as her full red lips slid with painfully deliberate ease up his length until they finally released him with a gentle pop and curved into a seductive grin. Her ruby eyes glittered, beautifully framed by her liberated locks of dark hair. She raised herself up from between his legs, her naked obsidian body snaking along his, glowing softly in the moonlight. He caught a hiss between his teeth as she hovered over him, dragging her pert breasts and smooth flat stomach over his engorged cock. Apparently she`d started without him. He clenched his jaw and resisted as best he could as that silky skin kept gliding across his, hot as a fire brand, and just as hard to ignore. The worst came when that smiling face appeared over his, and she arched her back, rubbing the slick flesh of her sex up along his shaft, teasing the head by rotating her hips, and forcing a moan from his throat.

"Ina..." He growled in warning, contemplating trying to buck her off, but deciding instantly that the little minx would probably take that as an invitation. "What in the sixteen hells do you think you're doing?" He managed in a rasping voice.

She leaned in, giving him a pouty look. "I should think it's pretty obvious." She chuckled, a low wicked sound, akin to a stage villain about to toss a blond-haired blue-eyed maiden off a cliff. "Though thinking of pressing charges, I believe the legal term is...raptus violentiae?"

She twisted her hips again and flicked her tongue along the valley of his lips. He let out another involuntary sound of pleasure but managed to hold himself still, even if it meant every inch of him was a taunt with the effort of it. "Inanna, stop this."

She shifted her hips again, this time pressing harder against his cock, engulfing the pulsing head ever so briefly in her tight flesh. His breathing became rapid as he strained to fight the electric sensations beginning to pulse through him as her body gripped him, his own body betraying him by twitching and flexing enthusiastically against her. His flesh knew hers, remembered the feel of her body, and recognized it as somehow his.

"You're mouth says no..." she whispered huskily against his ear, the diamond hard nubs that graced her perfect breasts leaving burning trails as they skimmed across his chest. He tried the ropes again, finding them surprisingly loose. It made him pause and he looked deeper into her eyes as she rose up over him again, straddling his middle with her tight muscular thighs and rubbing her glistening pussy against his stomach. He could catch the sweet and musky scent of it already. The scent mixed with the enticing sight and threatened to overcome his senses completely. That red haze that always seemed to follow the sight of that sweet, glistening pussy crept slowly into his mind.

"I can break out of these bonds easily. All I have to do is shift...if that." It wasn't so much a threat as an observation, but he knew it sounded like both. She was welcome to take it that way.

She shifted her hips, pressing them back until his erection was tucked soundly against her taut little ass. Damn but she all heat and silk this girl...he wasn't sure how long he was going to hold out at this rate. Another thought overcame to him as the fog slid deeper into his mind...should he even bother holding out? He couldn't go through with it, yet how could he not? He had to...

She rubbed herself up and down his length again, her soft lips tracing the line of his jaw, his neck, down his chest...

"Then do it." She murmured huskily before taking one nipple lightly between her teeth and sending a shard of sensation through his back and right to his groin. He arched under her reflexively, nestling his manhood deeper into the smooth globes. She gasped slightly, her finger curling up on his chest as she gripped him to keep from being bucked off, scoring him lightly with her nails and earning another hissing growl of a moan from him.

She was worried for a moment that he might actually hold out on her again, but the look in his eye as he glared up at her was filled with more lust than irritation, so she decided to persevere. If she was anything, it was persistent. Of course it was hard not to be motivated when the prize was as sweet as this one. She rocked against him, and took a moment to begin mapping out his sculptured body with the tip of her tongue, and occasionally her fingers when the sheer size of him seemed too much for her mouth alone. She took in the clean male taste of him with unending pleasure, humming her approval as she eagerly devoured every inch of the broad chest that lay before her. He seemed to be content enough to let her, that is if his low sexy moans where any indication of his mood. But he was by no means her prostrate victim, not by a long shot. She could feel the tension running through him as he strained against her mouth and hands, every fibre and tendon alive with the same dangerous potential as his dark expression. And they both promised so many delightful things.

She liked that look, those intense green fires burning into her own, it made her insides quiver with a rare and electric fear. This was no broken gelding bucking beneath her. She briefly recalled the way he'd pounded her into her kitchen table and experienced another delicious shudder. Definitely not, he was working just fine.

She wet her drying lips and arched her back again, longing to feel him pressed against her now aching center and quivered as he let out a low growl and raised his hips to meet her. She twisted deliciously, teasing them both with the almost spread of her sultry folds around that rock hard staff.

He growl again, tensing against the ropes.

"Dangerous to play with fire." He snarled out in a voice which made her flesh jump with more of that thrilling menace. She smiled back and slid a hand down over her belly, letting it linger over the pearl of her clit, her lids fluttering closed as she made a show of grinding her fingers against it, causing her hips jerk, pulling the thickly swollen head a little deeper into her heat.

She gave in. She had to, unable to resist the screaming need inside her as it rapidly became all consuming. She rotated her bottom once more, pressing back and down against his pulsing cock until she could finally feel it stretching her entrance with its more than impressive girth. Size might not be everything, but it sure as hell was something. By all that was holy, was it ever. She panted softly as she let the wide head linger, holding that tight ring of muscle open and aching.

"I Am fire," she managed to husk out as she returned his hot gaze with one of her own, her fingers twining in the short soft hairs of his chest. "Would you like to play with me?" She grinned before letting out a soft groan as she twisted her hips one more time, still torturing them both in the most wonderful ways.

"Are you giving me a choice?" His gravel voice was dripping sarcasm, but his body sent another message as his hips shifted up, driving another inch or three into her with a decisive shove and pulling an involuntary whimper from her throat.

Her laugh, already husky and broken, hitched as he drove his hips up to meet her yet again. "If I wasn' you a'd know it...Serjo." She panted out as she slowly began to answer his thrusts with her own, impaling herself with short eager strokes until he was buried deeply, and so perfectly inside of her, filling her completely. She groaned as he shifted, grinding into her, his lips curving into a sinister smile which matched hers with unnerving accuracy.

She started to slide herself off his length but he drove up hard in a jarring thrust. She gasped and felt the air pushed from her lungs as he slammed into her depths, catching her and sending her falling forward onto his chest. She let out a surprised and breathless cry, gripping him with her legs to keep herself astride his still tensed thighs.

He drove up into her before she could fully right herself. Then he did it again, and again, mercilessly forcing himself up to the hilt each time.

She fought to regain control of herself with a growling moan of frustration and desire, thrusting back, matching his fierceness with her own until she was giving back as good as she was getting. And lord but it was good. Each driving push was like being bucked off a wild stag, and just as unforgiving...near painful...but breathtakingly so.

She could feel the corded muscles of his body bunching and rolling under his skin, feel the silky hair which trailed the length of his chest and stomach against her breasts each time she fell forward. She wanted him, she wanted all of him...and she never wanted it to stop. She let out an abandoned groan as she drove her hips back to meet his primal rhythm, all the while fighting for air with ragged gasps.

She took hold of herself enough to register his reaction and it brought a fierce smile to her lips. His own head was back, his jaw tight with strain, his face contorted with pleasure as he too was conquered by the intense heat of their coupling.

"See...that wasn't so hard was it?" She managed with a thick purr, letting her eyes fall shut as she fell back into the delicious throb of pleasure which was already building higher towards its pinnacle with every rocking bounce of her body against his.

"You have no idea." He growled back, his voice low and raw, vibrating like a dessert drum through her body.

She grinned again and slowly opened her eyes, ready to ask him to show her just how hard it was, when a rough tug on her thighs made her start. She looked down at him, golden and shining in the moonlight, and realised, rather quickly, that the ropes were no longer where they should be. His hands were on her legs, and he gave her that wicked cat grin as they grasped her ass tightly and she found herself very suddenly on her back, her lungs empty, and the rest of her very, very full.

All she could manage was an involuntary cry of pleasured pain as he drove ferociously into her. She half expected him to pound the living daylights out of her in some sort of wild and utterly twisted punishment, so she was staggered when he paused there instead and leaned into her, pinning her to the ground with his body and whispering hotly in her ear.

"Hard enough for you?"

Oh, was that a challenge? Her whole body lit up in elation. The answer was most certainly yes, but she was never one to turn down a dare. She gave him as haughty a look as she could muster and cocked a brow as he pulled back just enough to catch her expression.

His response was to wipe her smirk right off her face with a deep kiss, turning her response into a helpless whimper. It was nothing but teeth and tongue, and he bit at her lip roughly before claiming her mouth in a back twistingly raw tongue fuck.

That alone was enough to make her eyes roll, but he didn't bother stopping there. One hand left her thigh to slide up her belly, engulfing one breast in a rough hand, squeezing carelessly, and pinching hard at her nipple, tugging the pebbled flesh until she was moaning hard against his mouth. She whimpered and squirmed beneath him, grinding ecstatically, her nails coming up to dig into his backside, her own mouth tearing from his to catch his lobe in her teeth. He groaned in her ear and she smiled through another soft cry as he ground right back, pressing deep into her core. She bit her lip to keep herself from crying out again. He wasn't going to win that easy.

"I don't know," she whispered back in a panting voice, "I expected more from an alpha male." The sound he made caused the hairs on her next to stand on end, her stomach to flip flop, and her already slick center to flood with liquid flame. She might have called it a growl, but it was too ragged, too furious, and too wild to be contained by such a small word.

That sound was all the warning she got before he grasped the backs of her thighs and pulled her up and back against him, forcing her ass into the air as he rose to his knees and plunged straight back down into her. She grasped futilely at the bare ground for a hold, finding only the edge of sleeping roll she was laying on. She gripped at it for lack of anything better and held on for dear life as he slammed her violently into the ground.

"Better?" he grunted, continuing to plough into her, his movements gaining speed and rapidly becoming unrestrained and erratic. She struggled to think of some clever comeback, but she was done for. The waves of pleasure and need were too powerful to fight and she was simply overwhelmed with it as her body crested towards climax.

She groaned, a low animal sound, "God, yes, Feric...please. Going to..."

She cried out in her own tongue and her hips bucked and jerked wildly, her eyes widening and staring unseeing into the night sky above them. He gripped her that much tighter, still thrusting hard into her, forcing more and higher cries from her gasping lips.

Feric shuddered at the sound of her voice and watched with primitive satisfaction through his lust hazed vision as she writhed helplessly and erotically beneath him. Her head was thrown back and she hunched her lithe body against his with desperate need while she rode out his brutal onslaught. He clenched his jaw as the feel of her silky wetness tightening and contracting around him sent lightning through his blood and lit up every nerve in his body. Once again all he could see was her, and all her could feel was the ecstasy of her sweet, hot sex pulling at his cock in hungry spasms.

"Feric..." her moan sent another pulse through his spine and he felt his sack tighten in response as she pushed him so dangerously close to his limit. A little longer...he wanted to stay with her a little longer...Ina...his mate...his... He dug his fingers into her thighs as he plunged one last time into her depths, a raw cry ripping from his throat as his release was finally torn from him and pulled greedily inside of her by those pulsating walls. Filling her...the thought made him groan and shiver with erotic pleasure.

He gasped as the last rope of cum pulsed deep inside of her and half collapsed over her, panting hard to catch his breath and slow his racing heart.

He held himself up by his elbows, but just barely. Her legs were still bent back between them, her slick thighs pressing tightly against his ribs. She made no move to untangle herself, but clenched her legs tighter and ran her fingers between them and over his sweat slicked chest. His head fell forward into the crook of her neck and remained there a long time as he listened to the sound of her own slowing heart and breathed in her rich scent as they gradually cooled in the night air.
