Hunting the Hunter Ch. 07


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Her hair suddenly turned dark red...the same color as Ina's. He gaped. "See? Tell me, are you a mystic?"

"N-no, not really." Her hair turned back and she looked thoughtful.

"Hm. Inanna is, as I've said. In her case I suspect she could potentially be a very powerful one, but she rejects that aspect of herself. No, reject is too strong a word...neglects perhaps. My point is, she can see that about me as well. It irritates her. She finds me difficult to be around sometimes, for that and other reasons...but to be honest she pisses me off half the time as well. I love her to death, don't get me wrong, but we clash on some very fundamental points...we see the world in two very different ways."

"Then why are you so close?"

"At some point in your life, if you haven't already, you will look death in the eye, and feel its inevitability revealing itself to you, crushing you. And if, at that moment there are arms that hold you, and a voice that brings you some small comfort, that tells you that you will not have to face it alone...well those arms and that voice will forever be dear to you. We've been this to each other...more than once. I've held that woman's hand as we walked into hell, expecting not to come out. So as much as we fight, and lord do we ever, it does not change the fundamental reality of our deep and unassailable affection for one another."

"That I can understand. Ina said something similar."

"And you must understand as well..Dunmer are odd when it comes to showing their affection. Real affection I mean. They will never and I mean never, throw around the word 'love.' Unless they're young and barely more than children, or just screwing with you...or talking about things they do in the sack. There isn't technically a word for it that matches it in their language. Well there is one word that is often translated into common imperial as love, but it's actually a courtier's term for 'want to make my companion', a gender free term for 'mistress'. But outside the courts you either like someone, sincerely, or you don't. You can lust after people to, but the word for that does not necessarily denote any lasting affection."

This he was curious about. "How do they express their affection then?"

"This is my favorite part of their culture," she smiled, "the subtly of it. They don't. They don't have to. People assume they're cold or aloof, simply because they're perfectly reasonable. At least in my opinion. The fact of the matter is, if you're close enough to the person for them to truly care for you, then you'll know them, and you'll know what their actions signify.

"For example. I have many 'friends'," she made a quoting gesture with her fingers to emphasized the sarcasm that was clear in her voice, "many associates, supporters, companions, lovers, what have you, among those of the house Telvanni, to which I am allied, albeit as an outsider and junior member. Among those there are a very, very small minority to whom I would ascribe the term equivalent to 'like.' To the Dunmer it means to truly 'honor' and 'respect', and to take pleasure in their company. Of those, there is only one with whom I have sex for my own enjoyment, and for no other purpose than he amuses me. I know his returned desire for me is sincere since he gains nothing from our dalliance but similar entertainment and pleasure, and I know he enjoys my company because although he complains that I distract him, he has never once failed to invite me to join him as he works and when I leave, it is always of my own volition. Because I know him, and I know that he's a power-hungry shut-in whose home is riddled with traps and whose dining ware is enchanted with poison-detecting spells, and who would rather spend any given evening tinkering with ancient artifacts than going to a party or, god forbid, talk to people... because I know all this and much more, I know what a remarkable compliment it is that he offers to let me stay with him whenever I like, for however long I like.

"The first time he stopped me when I left his bed to go to my own room, and then actually fell asleep next to me as if it were the most natural thing in the world...well that was more significant to me than any actual declaration of love I've ever heard. You see where I'm going with this?"

"I think I understand you, yes."

"Well like I told you...I know Ina, and she likes you. I'm willing to bet she trusts you as well, as you've said you trust her. My point is, that this is no small thing, and so I very rudely asked you if you loved her because I was curious to know if you returned her feelings."

"So you're essentially saying you think she loves me."

She shrugged. "Basically, yes. So what is it? And don't worry I won't say anything. I mean if she knew we were having this conversation she'd probably introduce her fist to my mouth, repeatedly. Perhaps I should say reintroduce...since her fist and myself are already acquainted."

He chuckled dryly.

"Don't laugh, it's true." She muttered though pursed lips.

"I believe you...that's why it's funny." he grinned. "You know I almost jumped on her when you two got into it in the street. I thought I'd have get between you because of the things that were coming out of her mouth, I was ninety percent sure she was going to set you on fire in about two more seconds. I mean, she's got a mouth, but generally she's perfectly in control of it and just likes to come off as being a little rough around the edges...but the things you two were saying were just plain cruel."

She laughed as well. "Seems like maybe you have gotten to know her pretty well yourself. But you still haven't answered my question."

"Well, I've already told you that I trust her. I like her. And it's been suggested to me by my brother in law that a person would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to notice that I want her. And I have to believe him because my sister and second had already weighed in on the subject long before he had. So, that's that then, isn't it? Your trinity? What more is there to say?"

She grinned. "Equivocator."

"If you say so." He relented enough to smile back.

Owyn suddenly appeared in the doorway, in a state of extreme agitation. Feric could feel his own metaphorical hackles rise at the waves of anxiety coming off the young lion. A brief moment of intense staring later he let out a gasp and his jaw twitched to work, but he found he couldn't quite force the words out.

"Challenged?" Feric managed after a shocked moment.

He received an affirmative. And a moment after that he was racing toward the entrance, taking the stairs three at a time and skidding to a halt as he beheld his most recent nightmare.

To the right of the broken, winged statue, was Mirisa, her fangs bared and hackles raised. In the air was the faintest scent of blood...Ina's blood. A low growl filled his throat when he caught then scent. He caught sight of her a second later, circling the statue, staring Mirisa down. Her face was twisted with anger and frustration, and there was a rather daunting looking ball of flame readied in the palm of her hand.

"What's going on?" The question was redundant, since it was obvious...but he'd be damned if he knew what else to say.

"You'll have to ask her." Inanna snarled, her eyes never leaving Mirisa's. "She jumped me out of no where. Now she's messing with me like I'm some kind of over-grown mouse."

Mirisa snarled and circled to the other side of the statue as Ina tried to put it between them.

"Damn it Mirirsa, stop it!" She shouted, "What are you playing at? I swear if you get any closer I'll light you up like a torch."

Mirisa continued to circle, but wisely kept her distance.

"Mirisa stop this." Feric commanded, though it was more a plea since he knew there was little he could do at this point. He also knew this wasn't a death match...but Inanna didn't...and that meant it could get very ugly, very fast.

Mirisa only snarled again, effectively telling him to mind his own business, as expected, and continued to circle. Inanna let out a frustrated near growl of her own. "You of all people know exactly what I'm capable of...don't do this...I'm begging you. Don't make me hurt you."

Her voice sounded desperate, but it wasn't an empty boast. Yet they continued to circle, both watching the other cautiously. Mirisa, it seemed, also knew the truth of Inanna's words because she was looking a lot more unsure of herself than she normally did, and was clearly growing more concerned as the seconds dragged on. Perhaps she'd come to realize that Inanna really didn't have any idea of what was going on.

In truth, that fact was probably apparent to all watching by now. He noticed that there was an audience gathered. Cyrus, Lucas, and the cubs were still inside. Of those present only Aina looked surprised.

He cursed under his breath. If she had to know, then this wasn't the way he'd wanted her to find out. Then he wondered how the others had managed to figure it out on their own. After all, there was really only one reason for Mirisa to go at Inanna like that without provocation, and that was in order to honorably resign her position. And there was only one reason she should be inclined to do so.

In any pride he'd known was generally tradition that the Head's mate would take a position either as second or co-leader, depending on ability or personal preference, the rare exception being when they were essentially incapable of it due to some great weakness or disability which made them a less than pragmatic choice.

In this case, Inanna had already proven herself a capable fighter, and useful to the group in numerous ways. The only problem was that she wasn't aware that she'd been made a member...had been for some time now. He had thought no one knew but him. It appeared he had been sorely mistaken.

And he was going to have to do something before this all when even farther south than it had already.

"Inanna...don't. She's just testing you." He called, somewhat uncertain himself about what to say or do. He wasn't supposed to get involved...but then this was an extenuating circumstance if ever there was one, wasn't it?

"Test like hell, the bitch drew blood."

"Mother Mara!" A voice breathed next to his shoulder. He flicked his eyes toward it and saw Desdemona gaping at the sight. He sighed.

"It's...she's not going to hurt you...I mean, she doesn't want to kill you." He replied, trying to sound as sure as he could.

"Gee, that's comforting."

Mirisa took her moment of distraction to make a lunge. Feric was grateful to see that instead of blasting her, Inanna merely dodged again. "Fetching hell Mirisa! Are we just going to dance around all day or are you going to back the fuck off and tell me what the hell is going on?"

Mirisa did stop, and shifted. She looked from Feric to Inanna. "You honestly don't know?"


"We're fighting over the position of second." Mirisa tilted her head warily, waiting for a response.

"Okay that's clear as mud."

Mirisa frowned. "You didn't tell her to expect that?" She turned to look at Feric, who found very little to say in response. There must have been a good deal written on his face however, because hers suddenly dropped and she turned back to Inanna, her voice unusually tentative. "When an alpha takes a new mate, it's usually tradition to scrap a little over the position of second, it's mostly for show. He should have warned you."

"Whoa...back that horse up." Inanna held up a hand. "What the hell do you mean 'takes a mate'? I think there may have been a miss communication somewhere along the line here." Feric caught the glance she threw in Aina's direction. "I mean sure we've...spent some time together...but it's a little early to be jumping to those conclusions, don't you think?"

"So you know nothing of this?" Mirisa asked her, disbelieving. Feric starting silently counting down the second he had left alive. Even he was no match for three pissed lionesses...even if one of those was technically an elf. A dangerous elf....

"I think I'd have noticed thanks."

Mirisa then looked to Bella, as did Feric. Bella frowned and nodded, and Mirisa's eyes went square. "You didn't tell her?" She asked turning her glare on Feric.

Bella's own eyes went wide. "What?! Are you kidding? Feric, are you insane?!"

"People! Will some one please tell me what in the sixteen hells is going on here!?" Inanna looked around the clearing at the various expressions of shock, confusion, and anger. The expression that got her attention the fastest was the one of pure, stricken pain and guilt written all over Feric's face. Her stomach dropped into her boots so fast it made her head spin.

"What didn't you tell me?" He had that same look on his face he had the night before they'd hit Wariel. "Nu-uh...none of that nonsense. You're going to spill this time or so help me I will shred you within an inch of your life. What did you do?"

Everyone else suddenly piped up and there was a chorus of voices all calling loudly at once and not one was making a lick of sense. She winced but didn't break her glare at Feric.

His jaw squared in response. She too was about to start piping like a stuck cliff racer when he held up his hand to stop the noise. "Enough." He growled.

It was weird. He spoke lowly, roughly...almost quietly...but just like that everyone fell silent. Even she suddenly lost the urge to say anything. He straightened and squared his shoulders, took one long look around, catching each eye, and finally landing on hers. Those eyes pinned her to the spot like a pair of green glass stakes.

She watched warily as he approached her. She was ninety percent sure it was just her imagination...but he suddenly looked bigger than normal...and it gave her strange flash backs. Not the fun sexy kind neither. More like, 'big lion, sharp claws and naked little Dunmer' flashbacks. She found herself suddenly wondering if she would be able to take him is she had to...could she even bring herself to do it?

He stopped about a foot in front of her and she turned her eyes up from the mass of chest to the hard jaw, and then to the intense green eyes. Maybe she was only sixty percent sure it was her imagination....

"We need to talk." He swallowed, and suddenly he seemed a tiny bit less huge, "Obviously." His lip twitched, and the hardness in his eyes faltered just enough for her to see the sadness there.

There was a long moment of silence and the 'I'm fetching bigger than you' vibe notched back up again. He cast a glare over his shoulder at the now rapt audience. They stared back. Mirisa with an especially dark expression on her face.

"Alone!" He bellowed. There was a brief hesitation, but eventually everyone scattered, leaving just the two of them in the clearing.

She crossed her arms over her chest and set her mouth, refusing to be cowed by whatever trick he thought he was going to pull with this 'big bad alpha' thing he had going on. "Well?"

He met her eye and deflated almost instantly. "Come on." He grabbed her arm and pulled her after him, toward the woods.


"I'd rather this not be overheard."

She yanked her arm out of his hand. "Ok, fine, but there's no need to get grabby."

"Sorry." He muttered.

She sighed and gestured for him to lead the way. She followed, watching his back as they moved through the brush going...wherever it was they were going. When they reached what he apparently thought was a sufficient distance, he stopped and faced her. He didn't speak right away, but put his hands on his hips and looked at the ground for a bit.

She resumed her 'impatiently waiting for answers' pose.

"Alright..." he started, sighing deeply, "I need you not to say anything for a few minutes." He glanced up into her face and she cocked a brow at him. He foolishly seemed to take that for agreement, and continued. "I'm just going to lay it all out for you...from the please wait until I'm done before you attempt to set myself or anything else on fire."

The brow inched a little higher but otherwise she kept her piece.

"That night in the the pool with the waterfall...that first night, I bit you while we were..."

"Fucking?" She offered when he trailed off.

"Yes. Well, when my kind mate, when we bond with another, the male has to mount the female in the form of a lion, he then draws blood by biting the shoulder or neck..." he trailed off again, clearly uncomfortable. Her cheek twitched despite her best efforts to restrain her growing amusement with his painfully obvious awkwardness.

When he didn't continue right away, she sighed. "Feric, this sounds way too much like the 'talk' you probably gave Aina. You screwed me as a lion. We had sex. You bit me. So what? I'm assuming you aren't trying to give me a lesson in anatomy. In which case I wonder what you are trying to explain. What is your point?"

He glowered. "My point is that biting you like that bonded you to me. I mated you. Period."

"Feric," she huffed with a frustrated sigh, "I get that part...but what does it mean? What, are we like the were-lion version of married? And what does that entail exactly? And I'm not one of" she spread her arms and gave him an expectant look.

"It means that to me, and my pride, that you're my mate...and what that means in your case is....unclear. As you say, you're not one of us so I can't know how it will physically affect you. For myself, I'm pretty clearly bonded to you. I know when you're close...I instinctively know where you are and how to get to you...and I don't want anyone but you. The others, in part thanks to Mirisa, will consider you to be not only officially part of the group, but one of the heads."

"Why would she do that?" She interrupted, frowning. That didn't make much sense to her. Unless she was mistaken, Mirisa still didn't much like her. "I's not like I would ever challenge her position in the group...I'm an outsider, what the hell kind of right would I have?"

"That's just it. You aren't. Not anymore. And if I know her, she just wants to make sure there aren't any divisions in the group...not when things are so harried already."

"But she doesn't even like me?"

"She likes you fine."

Inanna snorted. "Got me fooled." She intoned dryly.

"She does." He was giving her his, sincere and earnest 'would I lie to you?' look. She was more than dubious. "Besides, even if she didn't, she's more concerned with keeping the group united and functional than being vindictive or petty."

"All the more reason why she should keep her position. She clearly deserves it."

He grunted, nodding in agreement. "Hell...I should give her mine."

She cocked a brow at him. "Why's that?"

"I'm the one that caused the problem to begin with." He shook his head wearily. "Inanna...I'm sorry. I never intended for this to happen...I certainly wasn't planning...well, anything. I barely know how it happened. You were...the way you looked, the way you smelled...I was just suddenly there and every instinct in me was screaming at me to do it." His eyes turned beseeching. "Please, I'm not making an excuse, but believe me when I say I would never have done something like this consciously, not without your permission. I have no idea what got into me."

She stared at him a bit, not completely sure about what she had to say to that. She didn't know what she thought about the situation, if she were to be honest. It did give new context to her own odd behavior over the month or so. What that signified remained to be seen however. "Ok." she said, after letting her head spin unproductively for a while.


"I don't know what else to say. No...wait...I do have one question. Why?"

He frowned. "Why?"
