I Just Didn't Want To Hear It


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"Babes, there is no way in hell you'll be comfortable riding to St. Augustine. Within ten minutes you're going to be freezing your ass off and we'll be heading back home; trust me. Why don't we put it off for a couple of months and then go?" I guess she wasn't too happy that I kind of ruined her birthday surprise; I hate these kind of surprises as much as I hated birthdays.

After that we rode together occasionally at best. I took her out for breakfast; we went on a Sunday afternoon ride but most of the time we took one or the other car. That's when I did something that changed my life; I switched or changed bikes.

I'd upgraded from my Road King to the Ultra thinking that would make Sandy want to ride with me. When I finally got it through my thick skull it was never going to happen I figured it was time to make a change, but this time for me.

The local bike fest was going to take place in a month so I took off the Friday so I'd have more than enough time to look at all custom bikes that would be on display. What did I want or what was I looking for? I didn't have a clue. I just knew it had to be something special but at a price that wouldn't break the bank. I checked with the organizers on who would be showing and went to each one of their websites to see what they'd be bringing with them. I wanted to deal with someone local so that cut down the number of exhibitors I'd be looking at.

Custom bikes had come a long way along with the V Twin engine. Everything was now rubber mounted which helped with the vibration but didn't eliminate it completely. The old style stringer front ends were a thing of the past, unless it was built just for show. They were replaced with the telescoping forks that still allowed a good degree of rake but took up about seventy five percent of the road vibration. Most of the wheels were magnesium and the rear tires were all big and fat and didn't have a lot of rear fender covering them. The best of the lot had embroidered seats and some were even gel filled which made it easier on your ass. Only the show bikes or those crazy idiots who never rode any distance were outfitted the above shoulder bars or what they at one time called California handle bars; but for me I just wanted a nice pair of pull backs. I narrowed my search down to three shops, one in Groveland, one in Orlando and the final one Ocala.

I guess I should have told my bride what I was planning on doing but it was safer to just spring it on her, that way she wouldn't have time to go totally nuts on me. I walked the displays Friday, told them I was interested in a bike and let them sell me on what they had. One shop didn't have anything I liked but both of the others had at least one I'd be interested. Overall the prices were reasonable at best but both agreed to a trade plus cash if we could come to terms.

By Sunday I'd narrowed it down to a peal white and silver one from Orlando and a lime green one from Groveland. Both had the wow factor and everything else I was looking for. That's when I told Sandy.

"No, no, no. We have no extra money for any more of your toys. You've got a perfectly good bike, be satisfied with what you got.

"I am satisfied with what I got, but I'm looking for that little bit extra, besides I'm trading in my Ultra so it'll only be an extra seven to eight grand."

"We argued all Sunday morning and in the end, I just walked up the street and did what I was going to do anyway. I picked the pearl white and silver one and after signing my life away I rode it home.

Sandy didn't say a word to me Sunday, Monday and Tuesday; all she did was call me a selfish asshole. We still slept in the same bed but there was no kissing and the only flesh I saw was her back when she rolled over to go to sleep.

The bike was everything I'd dreamed it would be. My heart rate rose as soon as I turned on the ignition. I could literally feel the blood pumping through my veins while my endorphins went wild even before I took off. It wasn't a crotch rockets that could do a wheelie at ninety miles per hour going down the turnpike, more so the badest looking cruisers on the road.

As always, I did most of my riding to and from work. It was about a fifty mile round trip and lately I was adding a couple of mile to my commute by taking the long route around the lake.

"Aren't you a little old to be riding a bike like that," a few people at work asked me when they saw my new ride.

"I maybe fifty, but I'm not dead yet," would be my standard reply.

After dinner on Thursday I found Sandy outside looking it over. I walked up behind her and asked what she thought of it.

"It's pretty, but I don't understand what the big deal is. You've got no fairing, no radio and I can't even see any turn signals. And if you think I'm going to ride on that little pad on the fender your going to be sadly mistaken."

"It's not setup for a passenger, so don't worry, I won't be asking you to ride with me anymore."

"Good, now I won't feel bad for turning you down again and again. I didn't like riding on your last bike and I'd sure as hell wouldn't sit my ass on this one." At least we know where we both stood.

Sandy was still pissed about the money I'd spent. I'd used my own 401K funds but as she put it, that was both of our retirement monies. Kissing came first and our sex life restarted shortly there after. It wasn't more than a month later that I went on my first weekend ride.

"There's a ride to raise money for Hospices this Saturday," I told Sandy. It starts at eight o'clock and I should be home sometime after ten. She didn't get her ass out of bed on the weekends before nine o'clock so I didn't see a problem. I got home shortly after ten and she had coffee waiting for me. We ate breakfast together and planned the rest of the weekend out. God, I was starting to hate yard work.

About every other week I went on a ride of some sort. I got to know a lot of the bikers and made more than a few friends. They weren't a hard ass group even though some of them looked like Hell's Angels right out of California and I was surprise at how many women were riding. It used to be the only way you saw a woman on a bike was behind her boyfriend or husband. Now more and more had their own bikes and I'm not talking just entry-level bikes either.

"Nice looking bike, who did it?" a girl in full leathers asked me before an early morning ride about a month later.

"CJ's in Orlando," I said sipping on a cup of coffee.

"They take your first born? Because by the way it looks, it must have been expensive."

"You're right, it wasn't cheap, but it was worth every penny," I said as I showed her the bike in detail.

"My name is Cindy, that's my bike over there," she said pointing to a silver gray Victory. "I didn't have the money for something like this and Jap bikes are way too tall for me. The dealer changed a few things and got it almost four inches lower. Now at least I can stand flat footed at a stop sign," she said with a smile. "My worst fear is being somewhere and having it fall over, there's no way I could ever pick it up."

"Cindy, most guys can't pickup their bike by themselves. Even resting on the crash bars, they're still too heavy for one person."

We talked, shot the shit about bikes and then mounted up for our ride. After we were all done with the poker run and got back to the dealer, I told her I'd see her at the next ride if she was there.

She waved, I waved and we both headed out in opposite directions. Like always Sandy was waiting breakfast on me.

"You have fun this morning?" she asked.

"A blast. The weather was nice and there must have been over forty of us this morning." Those were the only words that were usually spoken about my rides.

I saw Cindy almost every other weekend. I made it a point to be next to her on most rides and after the last one she invited me out for breakfast. A quick call to Sandy, to tell her I'd be late, and we headed out to the local Denny's.

We ate and talked for the better part of two hours telling each other our lives story. Cindy said she divorced her husband last year because after twenty years they'd grown so apart that neither one knew the other any longer. He loved his work more than her, and she loved her freedom more than him. It wasn't ugly; it was just a breakup no more no less.

I told her I was happily married but that Sandy and I didn't have the same interests like her and her husband.

"I'd like nothing better than to pick a point on the map, get on my bike and just ride until I hit it. I get such a high from riding and even though I've tried to explain it to Sandy she doesn't get it and never will.

"I know exactly what you mean. The people at my work would be shocked if they knew I spent most weekends on a motorcycle. Just once, I'd like to put on my leathers and drive into work, especially on a bike like yours. To see the look on those prissy women and the macho guys who've never been even close to a bike would be priceless."

"How about this, you wear slacks one day next week and I pick you up for lunch. I'll come up to your office, hand you your leather jacket and we take off with as much fanfare as possible. You'd have them talking about you that's for sure." We both laughed at the idea of it.

"You know Steve, why don't we do it? I mean Tuesday you come over at about five to twelve and we'll do it. At least it'll give them something interesting to talk about for a couple of days. Then, maybe I'll bring my bike in the following week and say it was a gift from my new boyfriend; but I'll make sure to dress the part."

"Then it's a date."

We exchanged phone number and made all the arrangements.

"Steve, I'll call you Tuesday morning to confirm it. You'd better not stand me up," she said looking at me. "I'm getting excited all ready about it."

We talked for about ten minutes more before I told her I had to leave.

"I've got honey do's to finish up this afternoon," I said with a frown. "I'd rather be riding up the coastal road looking for a B & B to spend the night."

We said our goodbyes and I made my way home. Sandy was all ready in the back yard planting so I changed and joined her.

"How come you're late today?"

"Stopped off for breakfast this morning for a change," I told her hoping it was end there.

"Well, I missed you this morning," she said pulling on a tree root. "I think you're right, maybe we should just pave it all over, and it would sure save a lot of time and effort."

"I'll second that. How about you and me take off later today and head towards the coast. I know there are a few quant place we've never been to for dinner and we can find a motel or bed and breakfast to spend the night; it'll be like when we first got married before the kids came along."

"And, I suppose you'll want to do this on your bike?"

"Sure, why not. I'll grab a cushion from one of the chairs on the porch and we'll make a night of it."

"If we do it in the big car I might take you up on it, otherwise I'll pass."

"But babes, it'll be like an adventure, you know, going with the flow."

"Well, how about if it rains? There's nothing I'd like better than to be on a damn motorcycle riding down the road in the rain; be still my heart," she said now laughing at me.

We stayed home Saturday night and had a pizza delivered. Sitting in the den on the floor with a glass of wine and pizza Sandy said it didn't get any better than this. I chose to differ.

We had good sex Saturday night. It would have been great but she was bone tired and a little tipsy from three glasses of wine. She didn't pass out after our first session, but she did get sleepy and we ended up cuddling before going to bed early.

Sunday morning, before she woke up, I cleaned up my bike. I hated those blind mosquitoes because they got into every crevice my hand couldn't reach. A long bristle brush finally did the trick after ten million gallons of water to soften them up. After that I got out the leaf blower and blew off all the water. Using soap with rainex in it worked great. You could blow off the water and wipe off the few remaining droplets and it looked like it had been professionally detailed. I wish someone had told me about this trick years ago.

We read the newspapers and ate breakfast on the deck. We watched a bit of the news, argued politics when I said they all lied and went back to bed for a little sexual relief. Sunday sex had become a staple and since it was light, I got to watch her when we made love.

Sandy always wanted the lights out even though I liked them on. I love to watch her while I ate her pussy. To see the little twitches and other body movements she made just before she climaxed; it turned me on. I loved it when she rode me, but we hadn't done it that way in years but this morning I talked her into doing a reverse cowgirl as I pulled her back on my stomach as I worked over her pussy the best I could. We both climaxed and just lay there in bed for the next half hour. God, I love Sunday mornings.

"We've got to get up, Karin is going to be here soon."

"Call her back and tell her we're having sex and lying around naked."

"That is one conversation I don't plan on having with our daughter this morning," Sandy said punching me.

"You don't think she knows we still do it? Just tell her it's our date night and that if she doesn't want to get embarrassed, not to come over." I lost before I could even give her my closing argument.

Monday I called Cindy and I told her I'd bring her Sandy's leather jacket so she didn't have to bring hers.

"I haven't shaved since Saturday morning so I'll have just the right amount of stubble. I'll leave on my shades, this way no one will recognize me later."

"You're really getting into this aren't you?"

"Damn right, how often does a hard ass biker get to put a hot prissy woman on the back of his bike and take her to lunch." We both laughed.

All right, I didn't look like a Hell's Angel. I didn't have any tattoos, but I did have on a headscarf and shades. I went up to the receptionist and said I was here for Cindy. Her look said it all as she whispered into the phone to Cindy that there was a man to see her in the lobby. It was no more than three minutes that she came out.

"Hey babes," she announced loud enough so everyone in earshot could hear as she gave me a big lip lock kiss. "Steve, you'd better be hungry because I'm starved." Turning to the receptionist she told Jennifer, if anyone asks, she'd be gone until about one o'clock. "Shall we go sweetheart?" With that, I handed her the jacket and we headed out the front door as more than a few people looked on. I climbed aboard my bike, sat down and started it up making sure I revved it up more than a few times. Cindy put on her sunglasses, jumped on the tiny pea pad and with her arms tightly around me we were off.

"Did you see the look on her face when I jumped into your arms? I thought she was going to choke on her gum."

"I saw two older guys in suits looking out the when we took off. You'll probably get more than one look when you go back."

"One look? Steve I hope to get at least a dozen along with more than a few questions about the new man in my life. I hope I didn't embarrass you with that kiss, I needed to make it look real."

"Having a beautiful woman kiss me, I'll take that type of embarrassment every day of the week," I said as we ordered lunch. "You think they bought it?"

"By the look on Jennifer, hook, line and sinker. I only wish my boss would have seen us. He's an arrogant bastard who treats the women around the office as his personal servants. He was in a meeting but if it's not asking too much, I'd like to introduce you when we get back. Just be your macho self. He's such a puss, he'll probably pee in his pants."

She was loving every minute of it. We went back and put on an even bigger show if that was possible. Her boss was out of his meeting and she went out of her way to introduce us.

"Steve, this is my boss Mr. Robert Thomas," she said as he held out his hand.

I thought about crushing his hand but felt that would be pushing it as I gave him a firm handshake.

"My girl has told me a lot about you," I said without going any further as I starred at him. "Babes, I've got to go; nice to have met you Bob," I said turning around now.

We walked to the lobby and this time I grabbed her and gave her a full mouth kiss with a lot of tongue.

"That should hold you until tonight." I said putting on my sunglasses and walking out under the watchful eyes of about ten people. I started up my bike and drove back to work. Act one scene, two was done.

About four o'clock my cell phone rang, it was Cindy.

"Oh my God Steve did you make an impression. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I walked back to my cubicle and it wasn't twenty minutes later that all the other women in the office were asking me about my new man. To a one, they thought you were hot. They wanted to know how we met, what we have in common and Jennifer wanted to know how you are in bed. I told them we met at a Hospice fundraiser and that you asked me out and wouldn't take no for an answer."

"At a fund raiser? A strip club would have been a better story."

"And what the hell would I be doing at a strip club?"

"Well, dancing of course. You know earning a few extra bucks on weekends, it's not like you don't have the body for it."

"Thanks for the compliment, I think," she told me. "Steve, they were on me so fast that I didn't have enough time to make up anything too outrageous. Next time I'll be better prepared. And if you're interested, I told Jennifer that you were an animal in bed and that we spent most weekends making love all night long. She told me that if it doesn't work out with us to give you her number. As I said you made an impression."

"How about your boss?"

"Believe it or not, he was actually nice to me all afternoon. I think he wanted to know what I said about him but he was afraid to ask. Calling him Bob instead of Robert was just the icing on the cake."

"Well, I'm glad that I could help and I really did enjoy lunch; we'll have to do this again." We broke it off a couple of minutes later because I had a lot to do before I headed for home.

I was in a great mood when I drove in just before five-thirty. I started the grill, grabbed a Corona and started to set the table. I was just finishing when Sandy walked in caring two bags of groceries. I grabbed one and put it on the counter.

"Looks like you've got dinner under control, what are we having?"

Steaks on the grill, baked potatoes, green beans and crescent rolls; and either another beer or I'll open a bottle of wine, your choice.

Dinner was more than pleasant until I did something stupid. She asked what I did today and I told her. I thought she'd get a kick out of it, but just the opposite happened.

"You kissed her?"

"Babes, it was just for show, it meant nothing," I said trying to get myself out of this. "We did it to shock the shit out of her straight laced office."

"Is that why you didn't shave? I was wondering about that. Where did you take her on your date anyway?"

"Sandy, it wasn't a date and we just went to Too Jays deli and grabbed a sandwich, that's all."

"Did you kiss her again when you brought her back to work?" she asked putting her fork down.

I lied. "No, she just introduced me to her boss and I went back to work. It was just a joke we played on her office, that's all," I said going back to my plate.

"How many other biker babes do you have that I don't know about?"

"Honey, I don't have any biker babes, just you."

"A likely story. So I guess that's why you started going on all those Saturday morning motorcycle runs; it's so you could meet other women."

"Sandy, I go to ride my bike with my friends, not to pick up women. I've invited you every time I go and you're more than welcome to come next Saturday with me. Then you can see for yourself what's going on."
