I'd Make You My Wings In Montana


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An eighteen year old girl jumped out and into the mud. Girl might have been the wrong word. It was more like an elephant on two legs with two braided hair tails on either side stepped out. She wore a big ruffled dress and a red jacket over it. Her face was strained to shield the rain from her eyes. She hoppled with grams to the cabin door. The big bosoms of both women heaved.

Before disappearing into the dark of the cabin, Jack got a good look at t he girl. Her face was blocky and unrefined like a country girl. Her dress was big without a nifty cut or print. Her belly was large. She probably didn't know a single band that he liked.

The three sat around the table, while gramps and the rancher stayed outside. The girl's hair was wet and crinkly. She knocked over a bowl with cookies, when she put her elbows on the table.

"Jack, get Amanda a towel," said grams sternly.

Jack growled for being made to do something. He fetched a blanket and tossed it to Amanda. Amanda rubbed her hair with it.

"Jack, Amanda's farm house burned down in the lightning storm. She will stay with us until her father can rebuild the farm," explained grams.

"That'll take months to build a house," exclaimed Jack.

"Now, where is your hospitality young man," chided grams.

"I can be useful," said Amanda with a stern face.

"What do you know? In this backward school, they probably didn't even teach you about Newton," bullied Jack.

Amanda's face lit up victoriously. "Of course, I know Newton. He is the adorable white bull dog with one black ear that lives with rancher Jeremy. I even taught him a trick!"

"See," underlined grams with big meaningful eyes.

The rain settled down a little before sundown. There wasn't much left to do that day. In the morning at the breakfast table, Jack got a good look at Amanda. She was hefty. Her thighs, her belly, her boobs, and her face. Everything was bloated by a happy diet of high fructose corn syrup.

Amanda was diligently taking a nickel sized scoop of butter from the communal block in the middle of the table. She spread it over a nickel sized area on her bread. Then, she'd repeat to take the next nickel sized scoop of butter. Jack watched her antique intently.

He burst out, "don't you realize that the dimension of your bread is three by four nickel sizes. So, you need to take twelve times as much butter. Or, you will be buttering until the cows come home."

Amanda and grams looked shocked. Gramps added without missing a beat, "Amanda sure is a bit dumb." Grams took Amanda's bread and finished buttering the bread. Gramps let his head fall back in exasperation. Grams took away the butter in revenge, "If you men know better, you'll have to make your own butter." Amanda happily bit into her buttered bread.

"Put at least some honey on the butter. Who eats a plainly buttered bread?" exclaimed Jack.

Grams pushed her fist against the side of Jack's head. From then on the women stuck together. And, gramps felt a never mentioned bond with Jack. After breakfast Jack disappeared roaming into the hills. Everything smelled of fresh earth after the rain. He found a rocky spot to stay out of the mud. There he wanked. When his memory brought up an image of Amanda, he mumbled 'ugly brood' and focused on the swim team girl again.

When Jack returned from the hillside for lunch, he came through the back. A sudden sound caused him to duck. He had almost run up to the outdoor shower and surprised whoever was there. Curiosity got the better of him. He carefully stepped on tip toes across the dead pine needles on the floor. His fingers braced around the rough bark of the tree to pull himself behind it for cover. He leaned to the side of the trunk.

Amanda was there. She turned the knob of the shower endlessly. Obviously, she had forgotten which way to turn it to shut off the water. Her breasts were large and round. The areolas were stretched wide. Her belly was a big round ball. The amble groin hair covered a triangle that had no fat. It was odd to see her pubic zone bee tucked under her belly. Her thighs were large, yet had youthful skin.

Eventually, the whole water knob came off. She covered herself with a towel and walked with the knob in hand back, while the water kept running.

Jack made a big half circle to arrive at the house from the other direction. Everyone was already sitting around the lunch table. Amanda was dressed in a carrot shaped jeans to fit her ample body inside. Her top was dressed in a brown cowboy shirt with ribbons. A pot with rabbit stew was in the middle of the table. The bones of the rabbit stuck out. Grams had been out with the rifle hunting.

He sat down next to Amanda silently. Her fresh smell was vivid. Her hair smelled freshly washed. She smelled like baby lotion. She must have lathered herself up with baby lotion. It smelled sexy on her. The smell of Amanda wafted through Jack's mind through the whole silent dinner.

After dinner Amanda and grams went to do women's chores. Jack disappeared into the hillside. However, at night, when everyone was in bed, the silence of the night was palpable. It wasn't so much the actual silence. Grand ma breathed heavily. Amanda lightly snored. A little critter outside was making intermittent noises ruffling the leaves. It was the backdrop of sound that was completely turned off.

Jack had a raging boner again. He lifted the down comforter in a tent to avoid any friction of his hand pummeling his penis. His heart made big beats. His lungs tried to suck oxygen. He had to slow down his breathing to avoid making sounds. He cautiously listened for any of his sounds or sounds indicating that his room mates were rousing in the sleep. Images of Amanda naked at the shower shot through his head. He was so horny that he suddenly found the dumb elephant sexy. Her light snoring made a sweet connection to his masturbating. He remembered her baby lotion smell at lunch. His dick grew a bit bigger and harder.

The spurts of cum made him embarrassed. Amanda was an unsightly, backward brood again. He fell asleep easily with the happy self love hormones coursing through his blood and brain.

The next morning, the sunlight rose his shaggy head and the discomfort of a sticky belly with dried cum. The body hair was caked together into strands by his cum glue. He imagined that his fingers probably still smelled. The underside of his sheets had a collage of circles. The cum had slowly spread out before it dried leaving a memory of each wanking session. These are the signs of a typical teenage youth.

Jack looked around the room to find the right time to sneak out and clean up. Amanda was on her hands and knees under the blankets. Her body was a big ball that deeply depressed the worn country mattress. She wore a long lavender gown as sleep wear with a white lace hem at the bottom. The light fabric clearly showed the bulbous shape of her body - a round rump. Her feet were swollen up with fat to hide the arches, sinews, and bones.

The gown had half rotated on her body at night. The head opening had slipped to reveal one of her hanging breast. At least that's what Jack assumed, because he only saw her hindsight. She had to raise the bottom hem of her gown to get her feet wide enough on the floor for a stance that she could push up standing. If Jack would have been in front of her, he may have been able to steal a peak up her thighs. Though, Jack had to be happy with the little giggling dance move that Amanda made to distract from her disheveled head hair. He watched her butt muscles squeeze and relax as she walked out to relieve herself.

Grand pa was up in three seconds. He always jolted from opening his eyes to standing in three seconds. In his white long Johns and long arm shirt, he paced around the room: "What are we going to do today?" He wrung his hands with a tensely thinking face.

Grand ma slowly sat up in her bed:

"Jack," she called with faked sweetness in her voice. That was never a good sign.


"Jackie boy, be a sweet boy. Take our house guest up to the lake that you told me about. She is all alone without her family. Show her a good time."

"Argh, how am I going to get her up there?"

"She has legs. Now be a gentleman and watch the next words you speak."

Everyone went about their morning business in quiet solitude. Those were the few moments, when nobody talked to anyone. And, Jack got lost in his own thoughts. He day dreamed about escaping the remote ranch. He imagined himself hiding little pockets of food half day hike away. That way, he could come back the same day and do more preparations. Yet, when the day of the great escape came, he'd know that he had provisions along his long hike. He pondered what to do about the wolves from Canada that may roam. He pondered his nights in the wilderness. There were at least three long days of walking involved.

For breakfast, everyone crowded into each other's space again. Grand pa was silent, yet his face inspected everyone in detail, and that face told everyone what he thought of them. Grand ma sat close to Jack. The side of her big body touched Jack.

"Jack, why don't you butter Amanda's bread, as you are the foremost bread butter expert of Montana."

"It's not like..."

Grandma side hugged Jack and pushed his face into the side of her large breast. The breast was a like a full face air bag. She rocked Jack a bit.

"You are such a golden boy."

Amanda handed Jack her piece of hunky, blond country bread with a coquette hand movement. Then, she leaned forward and gave him a smack on the cheek. The smack was extra wet to mock Jack. Jack wiped the slobber of his cheek in disgust and started wiping butter.

Near the end of breakfast, Jack had drifted in his own thoughts again. He was wondering, if he could build a land sail boat – one of those cars with a big sail. That way, he could sail into freedom. With Amanda's large body, there was plenty of fabric in the house to build a large sail. A sharp thumb poked him in the side. Jack jumped up being tickled. His pressed together lips exploded a tense giggle out of them.

"Jack, you had a wonderful proposition this morning," sweet sugar pie cooed grams.

"Oh, uh, Amanda, do you want to go for a hike? There is a little pond with way cold water up the mountainside. It's really steep and long. And, there are sometimes dangerous wild animals. There is a view up there, but all you see is grass. You must already know all about it from living here all your life."

"That would be so lovely! I thought you didn't like me. I am so excited! Let's go!"

"You two young ones can take off. For today, I'll clean the breakfast table."

Jack led Amanda behind the ranch house. There was a flat section to reach the foot of the hill. Jack gingerly stepped his feet to avoid plants and roots. He wore big black World War II boots with the laces removed, so that the tongue hung out loosely. He wore tight black punk shorts. He weaved his way through the knee deep grass past the bushes under the wide branched trees.

Amanda wore a long white dress with country style floral prints. Her bare feet were in flip flops. She followed Jack in a straight line. The bottom of her dress dragged the grass down. She waddled with wide steps and left a wide path of bent grass behind her. If she'd walk up to the lake every day for a week, her trampling would have broken in and solidified a nice trail.

They arrived at the foot of the hill. Jack knew a comfortable pass up among the white and black granite rocks and boulders. Amanda followed him up silently. Her face grew a shine from sweet. Her black hair stuck to her sweaty temples in a frazzled way. Her armpits grew dark spots. Jack looked back every once in a while to wait up on her and enjoy the devastation that the hillside wreaked on her.

"Jack, let's sit up for a moment. There are some nice rocks in the shade."

"We can always just go back."

"No, I am good. Let's get to know each other. What are you going to do with your life, now that you finished high school?"

"I am going to be a punk rock star back in Chicago. I won't make a lot of money. But, I will have my art. We will throw crazy jam sessions. We will have wild after parties. I will wear leather and make up day and night. I have no illusions of making it big. Yet, we will be known in the underground as the 'Dead Groundhogs.' Ain't nobody push the envelope as much as we do."

"I'm not sure, what punk rock is. Though, it sounds like you will be a singer. I can sing really nice, too. We should sing something. There is this funny song about a farmer..."

"You don't get it. Nobody blames you, because out here in the country there is no access to anything. What are you going to do with your life?"

"Well, I am a family woman. I like family. I like kids running around. I'll be a farm hand, until a sweet man sweeps me off my feet and promises me his life. Than, we will live on a farm. And, I'll pop out six kids. That would be a fine number. I'll spend all day playing with the kids and the goats. And, I'll be so happy."

"Jesus, you still live in 18th century patriarchic oppression. Women don't have to live anymore as birthing machines. Women are equal. You can have dreams. You can change the world. You can do anything you want!"

"Don't think of me as backward! I have eyes and can see. My sister works in an office in a city. She works with those computers. She comes home tired every day. Every night that I stay with her, she is crying herself in the sleep, complaining about her boss and evil co-workers. Even though, they pay her a lot, all the bills and taxes take the money away. She has pretty clothes. But, the men don't like her, because the city girls are so much prettier. So, she is saving up for boob surgery in hopes to find a man. The Wells Fargo company told her that she could do anything she wanted. She believed them. That's what she got."

"That's Babylon. It's trying to get you down. That's what our music is about. Down in the belly of the city in basements, we pound the drums and scream blood to fight against that oppression with our music."

"Oh, Babylon, the biblical place, where they speak in tongues! I can also speak in tongues. I can say something in German: 'Kuess mich, Dummkopf'"

"Argh, that was the Tower of Babel. Are you good at anything?"

"I am really good at making faces!"

Amanda rolled here eyes to the back to show only the white of her eye. She reached with one hand from behind her head to lift up her nostrils to look like piggie nose. She stuck her tongue out and cork screwed it to the side. Then, she started grunting like a pig. Jack freaked out for a moment, because Amanda looked like a possessed woman from the Exorcist movie.

They walked on. The rising sun and the steady climb gave even Jack's forehead sweet pearls. The occasional shade by trees among the rocks became precious. Amanda had collected the bottom of her dress up into her hands to make easier steps. Jack could see her knees. Even though, the calves were fat, the skin was beautiful and youthful. Her body was punished by her eating habit, yet the youth had kept her skin glowing beautiful.

They reached the lake. The lake was surrounded by hills side. The hill side was a soft grass around the lake and a thick stand of trees higher up. Amanda smiled at the idyllic side. They sat down side by side looking at the ice cold water.

Then, Amanda tickled Jack in the side. Jack jumped up and fell in convulsive laughter.

"I knew it that you were a ticklish boy. You should have seen your face this morning, when your grams tickled you!"

"What the hell did you do that for?"

"Oh, come on, don't you pretend that you don't know what good fun is. You can tickle me as well, if you can catch me!" Amanda laughed with abandon.

Angry Jack jumped to his feet and stormed to Amanda. The fingers of his hand tingled up her side like wild ants. His fingers searched around to find the funny spot. They moved to the front of her belly. Amanda got up and leaned backward to get momentum to run away. The movement landed Jack's fingers straight on her vagina crawling around. Jack froze in embarrassment and pulled his fingers back. Amanda bounced five paces away.

"I got myself a slow boy," teased Amanda with her arms at the side and wagging her butt side to side.

Jack stormed after. His eager finger launched on her side and belly again, desperate to make her giggle and laugh. She leaned back again to launch forward with momentum. Thus, her pelvis lifted. His fingers ended up again tingling her vagina. He pulled them back quicker this time in even worse deep red faced embarrassment at his inappropriate touching. Amanda only laughed big at him from a safe distance. Her mouth was so wide and open, when the taunts came out of it.

They sat down silently next to each other to take in nature. Jack's mind replayed the moments that his fingers were on her vagina. He tried to figure out how he had been so clumsy. In between his thoughts, he was stunned at how non-reactive Amanda had been to the touch.

"Have you ever played red neck rock-paper-scissor?" asked Amanda.

"What's that?"

"Well, you play rock-paper-scissor. And, the winner gets to make the loser do something or tell the truth."

"Okay, that's fair enough."

They faced each other. He looked at her face close for the first time. He noticed little reddish brown freckles on her fat bloated face. The freckles made her look kind of cute, kind of like the forgotten signs of beauty on a once hot girl that had turned fat. The shook their hands three times, before they blinked. Jack had scissors. Amanda had paper.

"Give me ten pushups!"

Amanda pulled her dress over her knees to avoid grass stains. She did girl pushups with her knees on the ground, "I'm a girl." She breathed heavily. Her large boobs easily sagged to the ground. Little grass and flower pieces collected on the front of her dress. Her face turned into a tense, focused grimace earnestly trying to do her deed. With heated red lips, she hissed in between pushes "I'll get you back real good."

Jack – paper; Amanda –scissors.

Jack laughed, "Haha, 11 jumping jacks and you have to count loud"

Amanda shook her hand. She left her flip flops neatly side by side. She raised and knotted her dress higher, so that she could get a wide enough stance. She jumped. Her arms swung. Her breasts bounced wild. The knotted hem line jumped up and down her thigh. Jack couldn't help but watch her hemline like a cat watches the mouse hole. With each jump, the knot slipped up her thighs. Her thighs were so pasty white and delicate from shunning the sun light. It kind of aroused him.

Jack – rock; Amanda – scissors.

"Have you ever had a girl friend?" asked Amanda.

"Well, there is this girl on the swim team. She has really beautiful long blond hair. Her body is so sleek. And, she likes wearing tight fitting clothes. I was going to ask her out."

"Oh, little Jack is a virgin," sung Amanda to the tune of a happy dance song.

"So, have you had a boy friend?"

"Donny from Brooke Dale did me real good, when I was fifteen. We went in the woods for him to show me his wood castle. There was no castle. He just had a woodie standing up for me!"

Jack – paper; Amanda rock.

"What is your favorite sex position?"

"Oh, you are getting really daring, you little rascal! I like being on my hands and knees. And, the guy is climbing around me like crazy trying to poke me from behind in all kinds of manners. I love feeling him getting frantic, reaching and climbing around. You?"

"Uh, I didn't realize I have to go as well! I guess, cow girl. I like looking up at her above me, seeing her boobs and face smiling down at me, while she takes my cock however she pleases."

"You are naughty!"

Jack – scissors; Amanda rock.
