Inkwell Ch. 07


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"Shesin" Estephan said chokingly. "Help them." Pointing .

She gave him a questioning glance but stepped forward. She grabbed the other succubus and pulled the two women from the burning body. The three of the hit the floor as the little of Charlie that remained crumbled to ash. Estephan put his head to the cool surface of the floor holding his abdomen. Lyrusi and Ducici rushed to him.

"How... we were..." One of the women said looking at the back of her hand like it shouldn't be there.

"Announce your selves or leave this realm now?" Estephan grumbled trying to sound a little more authoritative.

"I am Tisiphone..." She said.

"You're a FURY?" Nikita yelped before the woman could finish.

"Yes, you are Nike are you not?" She asked.

"And your companion?" Estephan asked.

"I am Monvice, Guardian." She said.

"Do either of you know who sent them?" He asked pointing at the trolls.

"No Guardian." They replied.

"Help me up." He said reaching for Nikita. "Find out their story while I go talk to dumb and dumber."

"Alright." She replied as he got his feet under him and walked out the door.

He still felt hollow, chills ran down him. He pushed the feelings away as best he could. For good or bad a man just died in his hands. Already dead or not he had felt it. Ducici stood over the trolls grinning. He focused on that. He stepped between to two green hulks and grabbed an ear on each one.

"Who sent you?" He asked and twisted.

Their eyes went wide feeling the pain hit. "Mesiness. She love." One blurted.

"Win goodiss. Like im stay..." The other added.

"You make a mess of my place?" He asked jerking their ears again.

"No have time, weed geddus." The first said.

"Smell." Said the second. He wasn't sure what that meant.

He let go of their ears and walked to the stockroom. Galenee stood in the room surveying the disorder.

"You think they did it?" He asked her.

"No. It's not broken enough." She said flatly.

"So someone else did this?" He asked.

"A demon someone else. There is still a hint of brimstone lingering in the air." She said. "What about that other asshole in your office?"

"Dead. He swallowed a succubus and a Fury. It killed him, be he didn't smell like a demon till after they came back out. Now he's a pile of ash." Estephan said muscling back the gag reflex. "Can we get this place cleaned up and ready by Monday?"

"If we are aloud use of our powers we could have it done in twenty minutes." She said.

"I'll think on that a minute. I don't want to skirt rules without more proof." He said.

"Why are you caring about the rules now?" She asked.

"Because someone is testing me, pushing me, trying to make me cross the line. Until I have proof that we can point at and wave in front of an accuser, I am going to play it safe. Don't want to risk all of you just because I lost my temper." He said.

"Lord Inkwell! Explain your violation!" A enraged female voice yelled in the lobby.

He turned and a tall winged woman brandishing a red sword stood in the center of the lobby. She had black feathers on her wings and in place of hair. Her eyebrows were wings as well. With what her had learned recently this would have to be the one and only Nemeses. He could feel the power in her as well as a lack of control.

"Sheath your sword. I have committed no violation. If your wish is to have your sister returned to you, she is yours. Take her and return to the higher realm with my blessing. If you are here to enforce some form of justice without proof, I will dismiss you and will return your sister after I have answers to why beings of the higher realm are assaulting mortals without cause or provocation." He said feeling winded.

"You can't keep her!" She said angrily.

"Then take her and return to the higher realm." He said waving a hand in a dismissive fashion.

"Why did you take her in the first place? If all you are going to do is send her back." She asked walking towards the office.

"I didn't take her. You guys seem to be more on the ball than she is." He muttered down at the trolls.

"Nike? You serve this mortal?" She asked seeing Nikita standing at the office door.

"Why did you have Mesaduce and I marked by imps?" Nikita asked in return sliding her sword from its sheath.

"I did no such thing cousin. Why would I?" She asked.

"Nemeses, answer me this, how many beings of the higher realm can make others believe they are you?" Estephan asked. "Why would Styx warn us that you had done it? If you require proof we have one of the imps. On top of that these two seem to think you sent them. This is the one? Winged goddess that sent you here?"

Both trolls shook their heads. "She not have naked." The second of the two said.

"Well isn't that interesting." He said. "Those bond to me... I lift the restraints of the mortal realm from you all for one hour. In that time please set right the parlor and search for clues or signs of the nature of the vandals. If you are not responsible Nemeses, you are free to go as is your sister. She has suffered enough in the mortal realm. Return her to the higher realm. Could you escort the succubus that is with her as well?" He asked.

"Excuse me?" Galenee asked. "Your letting her walk out of here with..." His stare shut her up.

"Take her to her sister, Ducici Yerni follow me please." He said as he walked out of parlor on to the side walk. They rushed to catch up.

"Where are we going?" Yerni asked.

He pointed at the florist shop at the end of the strip mall. His thoughts were racing. Things were starting to take on a wider more dangerous scope. Clotho had shown up without being called or with her sisters. Still too many questions about the reason behind it all. Fading, being bled dry, either way someone was looking to capitalize on the misfortune of everyone else. Time to ask.

"Janet, we got it under control." He said as he stepped into the shop.

"O' good. What were those things?" Janet asked.

"Trolls." Yerni said.

"Their real?" Janet asked.

Estephan giggled. She knew about the mythic realm and this was a surprise to her. Janet really was just a sweet young woman with a passion for flowers. He looked at her warmly.

"May I talk with Crystalia?" He asked.

"Sure, he's been waiting for you. Right in there." Janet said pointing at the door beside the flower case.

He walked carefully in to the back. Crystalia had grown much since it had been in his office. He walked over and scooted a bar stool out from under a table and sat in front of the grand plant.

"Lord Inkwell, did you want me to let them go?" It asked.

"Not just yet. I will give one of your vines two tugs then three then release them. If you would please." He said. "I have questions about the higher realm. Of all the beings I know, you are the one I feel would be least likely to want to lie to me."

"Thank you? What is vexing you guardian?" it asked.

"Am I a titan?" He asked.

"Not yet. Is this what bothers you?" It asked. "Rushing it will only waste time."

"No not like that. I decide? Is that right?" He asked.

"As I understand it yes." Crystalia said.

"How do you decide on your mantel? Is there a list to choose from?" He asked.

"You decide thru your actions and nature. It's not something you can just say and poof there you go."

"So why would someone by trying to push a confrontation between the higher realm and myself. Trolls attacked my neighbor and wrecked his car, others turned my parlor upside down just to get me what... mad? A Gorgon and Nike were marked by imps to spy on my actions. Is there some fear of a new titan in the higher realm?" He rambled.

"You are perceptive Lord Inkwell. The higher realm would have much to fear in a new titan. You would have all of the power here in the mortal realm and in the higher realm. You are already named as the guardian of mortal affairs. Only by getting you to break your covenant can they get a different guardian named." It said.

"So they would leave me alone if I weren't guardian?"

"It would be probable. A titan with no access to the higher realm is not really a threat. Like Mozart or Shakespeare. Many titans never emerged they just were. And their potential shown thru in some other way. Genius is one of the marks as is psychosis is some cases." It said.

"So someone in the higher realm wants me to be a titan? If I had been left alone I would have gone about a normal life." He mused out loud.

"You still could. Denounce your power." It said.

"Just like that? I don't want it take it back?" He asked.

"There is a little more to it but in the nut shell, yes." It said.

"I can't do that." He said with conviction.

"Good." It said relieved.

"You almost sighed in relief? Why?"

"All that you have done would have to be undone. I would have to return to the higher realm. I wish to stay here with Janet." Crystalia said.

"You could have lied." He said.

"You told me you hoped I wouldn't." It said.

"Thank you." He said and stood to leave.

"Is there anything else Lord?" Crystalia asked.

"Here's one, who stands to lose the most power when I become a titan?"

"The Fates." Crystalia said.

"Could a Fate keep the Muses from returning to the higher realm?"

"Yes." It answered.

He sat there stunned. Clotho? Atropos! Things started to come back in to focus for him. The Fates were infighting. It stood to reason that one Fate couldn't see the plans of another. One or all of them were battling over something. Was the higher realm in that much peril?

"Is the realm fading Crystalia?" He asked.

"Yes, in 400 or so years it will be gone." It said.

"Guess when you have been around for thousands of years 400 doesn't feel like much time."

"I would agree with that." Crystalia said. "With permission I would like to claim this place as my domain. It would give me a little more freedom and allow me more options should something like this happen again."

"I will consider it. I would like to have a better understanding of what's going on before allowing anyone to claim dominion in the mortal realm. Is there a span of time in which you are limited to doing such a thing?"

"5 years." It answered.

"So taking time to think it over would not inhibit you?"

"No, and I am surprised you asked about my constraints."

"I guess it's part of what I am. Good thing right?" Estephan asked.

"Noble, Lord Inkwell." It said.

"Thank you. I have some cleaning up to finish. Talk again in a few days." He said and stood.

"I look forward to it Lord Inkwell."

Stepping back out to the front of the shop he saw the three of them chatting over a bunch of flowers. He shook his head. Flowers and women in the same place always made for good conversation. Yerni was wiggling her bottom, must have something to do with sex. Ducici looked forlorn at the flowers. Janet put her hand on her arm and sighed.

"We don't kill the planet to harvest its blooms." Janet said.

"It still saddens me, they will be beautiful but their beauty is now meaningless." Ducici said.

"But they still look delicious." Yerni said.

"How is it meaningless?" Janet asked.

"These blooms will never bare seed. A beautiful barren existence." Ducici said.

"Maybe you could help me find living plants for my shop. Not just potted Poinsettias for Christmas." Janet said warmly.

"I can try. Lord did he help?" Ducici asked.

"Yes very much so. You three getting along then?" He asked.

"Yes she was bragging about how sensual Crystalia is." Yerni said.

"All planets are sensual. Look at Ducici." He said.

They laughed. "Lord did he ask about the domain thing? He said it would insure the shop and your shop." Janet said.

"I'm sure it would. I have to think it over, if I let him and not others... I will probably give permission. Just not today." He said. "You two ready to get back to the party?"

"You betcha." Yerni said.

"See you on Monday Janet." Ducici said.

Janet waved with a smile as they left. The three of them walked back down to the parlor. Stepping thru the door Nemeses stood on the middle of the room staring down Nikita. This couldn't be good. Ducici and Yerni got out of sight before he even realized they were moving.

"What do you mean you can't" Nikita asked.

"I sent them back and am unable to follow. I do not understand." Nemeses said. "You try returning."

"I have no reason to return. You have no reason for being here, so leave." Nikita stated angrily.

"Nikita calm down, Nemeses at what location did you first set foot in the mortal realm?" Estephan asked. "You may have to return to that point to reach the higher realm."

"I have done that and ended back up here." Nemeses said.

"So she is ready then. Well then you need to stash the wing span and keep a low profile till you can return. I imagine the Muses felt similarly when it happened to them." Estephan said.

"You have some idea of what's going on?" Nemeses asked.

"Not something I am willing to discuss with you here. Those that can return to the apartment. The others ride with me in the SUV. Ducici how does the parlor look? Safe to open to mortals on Monday morning?" He asked.

"The place is clean and organized. You and Shesin should have no worries." Ducici said.

"Shesin and I? Why would it matter if...?" He stopped.

"I thank you Lord." Shesin said with a bow.

He remembered, they had exchanged knowledge. She knew as much about tattooing as he did. He would have to test her but it was likely she would share his skill as well. She could help with little things and help. That would be so nice. His hand would be so thankful for the break. He rub his wrist and nodded. Nemeses looked at him then at Shesin suspiciously.

"Shall we go then?" He said.

Ducici stepped to this side. A few of the other shifted out of sight. Anthony stepped towards him.

"We have the same passengers on the way back or does that matter?" Tony asked.

"I'm riding with you." Ducici said snuggling into his arms.

"And the rest are riding with me. So let's go." Estephan said.

"What about them?" Yerni said pointing at the trolls.

"You two are still here?" He asked.

"You told them not to go anywhere." Galenee said.

"Damn... who wants them?" He asked.

"Wants them?" Nikita asked.

"Or one of them. As an assistant?" He asked the women.

"You can't just bind them here. They don't belong here." Nemeses said.

"And yet someone sent them here claiming to be you. Fine." Estephan said walking over to the trolls. "You to want to go back? Or do you want to stay here and serve the guardian as body guards?"

"Stay?" One of the troll mumbled.

"You no can do dat." The other said.

"Yes I can." Estephan said.

"It is forbidden. You are not allowed to summon trolls!" Nemeses snipped.

"I didn't summon them. But since their here no reason to overlook the opportunity." Estephan said.

"You're going to sex up the trolls?!?" Yerni yelped.

Everyone looked at her. "You didn't just say that?" Nikita asked.

"I no want sexin'." The first troll said.

"You dare to..." Nemeses started.

"You have no idea. SO shut up before I put you in a jar with the imp." Estephan said. "No sex for you trolls just a picture on your arm. What is your answer?"

"I take picture, stay guard body." The second said.

"And you?" He asked.

"No sex? Ever?" It asked.

"Not from me." He said looking at the troll.

"I stay." It replied.

Estephan stepped into the other room and gathered markers. Nemeses was stalking around the room when he stepped back in. She said nothing but the fire behind her eyes clearly spoke for her. Nikita looked at him fear and confusion played over her features. The others watched, all of them seemed apprehensive about his actions.

He took the arm of one of the trolls and laid a binding glyph tattoo on its arm. He tugged on the vines and they receded. The troll stood, returned to one knee with its head bowed. Estephan braced himself. The arc of power that jumped from him to the troll knocked the creature off its feet. He marked that second troll quickly, tugged the vines, and braced again. The second troll never made it up before being blasted by a wave of power to the far wall of the lobby.

"Not what I was expecting but I guess I should have." Estephan said getting to his feet.

"What was that? What have you done?" Nemeses asked.

Estephan held up a finger and watched the first troll stand instead of looking at her. As the troll stood its shape changed and scaled to a more human size. The second rolled with a moan the stood coming out of its clothing completely. He grinned. No one looking at them would think they were anything more than a couple of well-trained body guards.

"You two are in my debt. What are your names?" Estephan asked.

"Profene, Lord Inkwell." The first said in clear but accented tones.

"Crossin, Lord Inkwell." Said the seconded regaining his feet.

"What is this? What have you done?" Nemeses asked again.

He ignored her. "If either of you tries to return to your old ways, the curse I would place upon you would be tenfold the one I have just lifted. Is this understood?" He asked.

"It is understood Lord." Crossin said.

"Lord, she didn't send us." Profene said pointing at Nemeses. "It was the Fate..."

"Atropos?" He asked.

"No, it was Lachesis." Profene said.

Even Nemeses stopped moving. The Fate Lachesis had sent them, to what? Kill him, as a gift, wreck this parlor. This made even less sense then if Atropos had sent them. At least her doing it would have made a little sense, given her feelings for him. Clotho? Was she still waiting at the apartment?

"You two can still shift into the mists?" Estephan asked.

One tried and faded. "It would appear so." Crossin said.

You two will accompany Nikita to my residence. I will give you both other names and duties then, understood?" He said nodding to Nikita. She nods in reply.

"Let's get a move on." He said and hustled everyone out and locked the door. This tilted everything he thought 45 degrees into sideways.

Yerni asked him a few questions, he didn't hear them. His thoughts were focused on other things. He drove back to the apartment listing off any number of things he wanted to ask Clotho if she was still there. Most were centered on how much she really knew, whether she could tell him or not. Second would be how he was supposed to keep the higher realms quiet if every other day he had something barging into the world.

He pulled into his parking space next to Kevin's freshly repaired car. He got out and went to the door, Ishara was waiting for him. He wasn't sure what to say or ask of the Detective. She looked afraid. He nodded to her and just stepped past her. He scanned the room and as he thought Clotho sat in one of the chairs. She sipped tea like she hadn't a care in the world.

"Do you know what is going on?" He asked.

"Yes. And I can't stop or change it." She said.

"Can you tell me?" He asked.

"Not yet."

"But you can later... because I will be a titan, not a mortal." He said.

"Correct. Are you going to enjoy your day or just mope?" She asked.

"I have a few ideas. You just going to hang around?" He asked.

"No, I am here to escort someone else back, since she forgot hers keys so to speak." She said tilting her head towards Nemeses.

"That would be most appreciated." He said.

"Thank you for the tea. Are you keeping the imp?" she asked.

"Hadn't planned on it, why? Care to take it with you as well?" He asked.

"I could. It might fit well in my butterfly collection." She said. "How much do you want for it?"

"An answer." He said. "Is that too much?"

"Ask and we shall see?" Clotho said with a wide smile.

"How did I know the trolls were cursed and that I could claim them?"

"That's two questions, but the answer is the same so I guess it is a fair price. Secrets. The higher wisdoms hidden in the nature of higher realm beings." She said.
