Jim Goes to College


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While I was talking with the first girl, the other girl at the desk was placing my forms into the numbered manila folder. She placed letters on the tab of the folder that matched the first letter of my first name and the first four letters of my last, just like they do in a real doctor's office.

"He's orange," the second girl said to the first girl as she was looking at my paperwork.

"Oh, right, he is," she said. Upon hearing this news, she produced two hand-operated counters, like the kind you might see in a movie theatre or amusement park to count people. She clicked the first one and then showed the number to the second girl. Both girls now looked at each other and began to grin and look up at me. The second girl now placed a bright green rectangular label prominently on the front of my folder. Both girls now initialed the label. She clicked the second counter and likewise showed it to the second girl.

"So, what's the green label all about," I asked.

"That just means you were randomly selected to participate in the growth and development study today," said the first girl. "But you were not selected for the HSDP study."

"But I didn't want to sign up for anything like that," I responded.

"But you are marked as orange," said the second girl. "Orange is supposed to mean that you volunteered to participate." Both girls now shuffled through my paperwork and found the disclosure and release document for the two studies.

"See, you signed it right here," she said as she showed me the form I had signed. "By signing here you agreed that if you were randomly chosen, you would voluntarily participate in the study."

"But, I really don't want to do any kind of study," I protested, "I guess I didn't realize what I was signing. Nobody told me that some of the forms were optional!"

"I'm sorry," she said, "but the rules are that once you're randomly chosen, you have to participate. This is a study that they've been doing for a few years now, and we can't just let you change your mind. That might change the randomness of the study and the final results."

I just looked at the two girls in shock. I thought I was here for a simple sports exam, and now I was being forced into some kind of study.

"So what's involved in this study, anyway?" I asked.

"Well, we don't have first-hand knowledge of what's involved since it's only for male students," said the second girl, "but we've been told that it's just a few additional tests and measurements immediately following your physical." Both of the girls were now looking at me and smiling, as if they were the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary. I sensed that they knew more about the study than they were telling me, but I obviously wasn't going to get the full story from them.

"Well, alright, I guess I don't really have a choice," I replied.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Jim," the first girl said. That was the first time today that anyone called me by my name. She now smiled as she handed me the manila folder of paperwork, complete with the bright green label on the cover.

"Just take this with you into the locker room to begin your exam," she said. "The door is right over there."

{*Part Three: In the Locker Room*}

I took the manila folder from her and walked toward the locker room door. I pulled open the door and walked in. I took just a few steps and then made a ninety degree turn to the right. I was now in a short hallway with another door at the other end. Obviously they setup the entrance to the locker room this way to avoid any accidental exposure when the doors were held open. I pushed open the second door and was now in the men's locker room.

"Hi, can I see your paperwork please," said a young man who was standing just inside the inner door. He was dressed in a pair of white shorts and a dark blue polo shirt, so I knew he had some official capacity. He looked like he was two or three years older than me. I handed him my folder which he briefly opened to verify that all of the paperwork was in order. He then used a hand-held scanner to first scan the barcode on the cover of the manila folder, and then the barcode on my wrist band.

"What size are you Jim?" he asked, reading my name from the cover of the folder.

"Size? What size are you talking about?" I responded.

"Waist size. What size underwear do you wear?" he asked.

"I wear a 32, but why do you need to know that?" I replied. He ignored my question and simply continued.

"That means you're a medium," he said. He now turned his back to me and retrieved something from a basket that was on a table behind him. The basket had a big "M" written on it with a black magic marker.

"Here you go, you'll need this," he said as he handed me the item that he just retrieved from the basket. He also handed me a single sheet of paper with written instructions. "And here are your instructions. Just find any empty locker and you can get started."

I took a quick look at what I was just handed and immediately realized that it was a jockstrap. It was neatly folded into a bundle with the label facing out so you could determine the size. In this case, the size was medium.

"But, I think there must be some mistake," I said, "I don't think I really need this, do I?" The jockstrap was still neatly folded but I held it out to him as I was talking. "I'm just going to play golf, so maybe I'm in the wrong place. Is there a different place I'm supposed to go for golf physicals?"

"No, you're in the right place," he replied. "Everyone here follows the same procedures, regardless of what sport they're playing. And everyone receives the same exact physical. So just find a locker and follow those instructions I gave you." As he was talking to me, another student entered the gym behind me. The young attendant gave me a look that I interpreted as "quit asking so many questions, move along and get out of the way".

I walked past the young man into the first row of lockers. I didn't want to use any of those since they were in a direct line of sight when you first walk into the locker room. I figured that one of the other rows would provide more privacy. The second row of lockers looked much better. There were a couple of guys already there in various stages of undress. As I walked down the row of lockers, looking for an empty one, I was also looking for any sign of the physical exams. I didn't see any activity at all, so I assumed that the actual exams were done in some training room that I hadn't yet seen or worse yet, in the gym.

"Hey, how's it going?" I said as I passed another young guy. He was solemnly sitting in front of an open locker. He was bare-chested and was reading the page of instructions. I recognized him as the guy that was immediately in front of me at the last check-in table. He seemed to be about my age, so I guessed that he was also a first year student just like me.

"Oh, I'm not really sure right now" he said in reply.

I found an empty locker a few feet past the guy and I sat down. I figured that I should try to be polite, so I extended my hand to him.

"I'm Jim," I said to him.

"I'm Mike," he replied as he shook my hand.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Mike," I replied. "Are you new here too?"

"Yeah, this is my first year, and also my first time going out for any sport," he said.

"Me too," I said. "Can you believe I have to get a physical just to play golf?"

"Yeah, well, I'm going out for tennis and I've got to get one too," he said. "Can you believe these instructions?"

"Well, actually I haven't read them yet," I said.

"Oh, well, you better go ahead and read them right away so you can get over the shock" he responded. I began to silently read the instructions. The single sheet of paper listed just five steps.

Step one: Locate any available locker. All of your personal belongings should be secured in the locker using the lock and key that was provided to you.

Step two: Disrobe completely, removing all clothing. Note: This includes your underwear and socks. Place all personal clothing, jewelry and other personal items in the locker. Prescription eye glasses should be worn but any rings and watches must be removed. Do not remove your wrist band.

Step three: Wear only the athletic supporter that was provided to you. Please see the locker room attendant if you require a different size.

Step four: Secure your locker using the lock that was provided to you. For your convenience, the key should be worn around your neck.

Step five: Proceed to the gym with your paperwork and the key to your lock.

"You've got to be shitting me," I said to Mike. "They expect us to walk into the gym wearing just this jockstrap! That's just crazy."

"I know," he replied. "I've been sitting here for the last couple of minutes trying to decide if I want to go through with this. I mean, I don't really have to play tennis, do I?"

"No, you don't have to," I said, "but my guidance counselor did say that they expect everyone to participate in some kind of sport. If I don't play golf, I'm not sure what I'll do."

"Yeah, they gave me the same story," he replied, "telling me that it's especially important for freshmen to participate in some activity. They made it sound like it's pretty much a requirement. I didn't know that when I enrolled. If I knew this school had these kinds of rules, I might have just gone to state."

As we were talking, another young guy walked down our row of lockers and stopped at a locker that was between Mike and I. He removed the key from around his neck and started to open his locker. He was already undressed, so we assumed that he had completed his exam and was returning to get dressed. However, we both immediately noticed that he was wearing a pair of loose-fitting, light blue boxer shorts - not a jockstrap.

"So, how did you manage to get away with wearing your boxers?" asked Mike.

"Well I didn't," he replied. "I only got as far as the first table as you enter the gym. I tried to check-in and they sent me back. They said that I didn't follow the instructions and couldn't get my physical until I did."

"You're kidding," I said, "did you ask them why we all have to wear just a jock?"

"Yes," he replied. "but they just said that those are the rules and that I had to follow them if I wanted to get my physical." As he was talking, the young man slid his boxers off and placed them in the open locker. He was now standing completely nude in front of us.

"I tried to press the issue," the young man continued, "but they just kept on saying that those were the rules. They wouldn't give me any other explanation. So I guess we don't really have a choice."

He now held his jockstrap out in front of him and stepped into it. As I watched, he bent over to pull the strap up, pulling the pouch up to cover the ample package between his legs. Once the jock was pulled up to his waist, he reached into the front of the pouch to adjust himself. He then untangled and straightened the rear straps that were framing his ass and finally closed and locked his locker.

"Well, good luck guys, I'm going to try again," he said as he walked toward the entrance to the gym. I starred at his bare ass as he walked away, thinking how embarrassing it must be to walk around like that. But then I remembered that I too would soon be doing exactly the same thing.

Still sitting in front of my open locker, I unfolded the jockstrap that I had been given and took a good look at it. It was a standard jock with a 3 inch waist band. It was my size, medium, and it appeared to be clean and in good condition. But it certainly wasn't new. It looked like it had probably been worn several dozen times, by several dozen young men just like me. I turned to look at Mike to see what he was doing. He was just sitting there watching me.

"I will if you will," I said to him.

"I don't want to, but I guess we really don't have any choice," he replied.

I immediately stood up and began to undress. I first removed my shoes and socks and placed them in the bottom of my open locker. Then I removed my T-shirt which I hung in the locker. I briefly stopped to look at Mike to see how he was progressing. I guess I just wanted to make sure that he was actually going through with it. I saw that he was now down to just his underwear, a pair of snug-fitting white boxer briefs. As I watched, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his briefs and pulled them down in one swift motion. He was facing his locker at the time, so I was able to see only the profile of his nude body.

I turned my attention back to my own task of undressing. I unbuckled my belt and slipped my jeans down and off of my body, hanging them in my locker. I was now down to just my new white boxers. I started out the day thinking that this was just about as far as I'd be asked to undress. I assumed that sometime during my exam, I'd have to drop my jeans and momentarily pull down my boxers. Now all of those plans had changed. I was now about to remove my last piece of clothing and the exam hadn't even started yet. But there was no time to think about that or what lay ahead of me. I quickly pulled down my boxers, stepped out of them and hung them next to my other clothes in the locker.

I was now completely nude. I picked up the jockstrap and prepared to pull it on. Before doing so, I turned to look at Mike once again. To my surprise, he was now facing me, holding his jockstrap in hand. Apparently I wasn't the only one that was trying to sneak of peak of the other guy. I turned to face him and our eyes briefly met. He seemed genuinely embarrassed that I caught him looking at me, but I just smiled in return. As I watched, he held the jockstrap out in front of himself, stepped into it and then pulled it up to his waist. It was a standard type of jock with a large waist band, just like mine. I followed suit and did the same thing with my own jockstrap. As I pulled it up, I felt the elastic material of the pouch cling to my genitals, pulling my balls up tightly against my body.

Mike now turned so that his back was to me. I could see that his hands were in the front of his jock pouch and that he was adjusting himself. While he had his back to me, I took the opportunity to do the same thing. I pulled the front of my waistband slightly away from me body with my left hand, allowing me to reach in with my right hand and adjust myself. It was the first time I wore a jock since my sophomore year in high school P.E., so for a split second, I couldn't remember if it was more comfortable pointing up or down. I finally decided on down since I figured doing that would minimize the bulge in the front of my jock. I also moved my balls around just a bit, since the bottom of the pouch seemed a bit tight and felt like it was pinching. While I was doing this, I had a clear view of Mike's bare ass. Well, to be accurate, it wasn't entirely bare. He did have the two rear straps of his jock framing his ass. But everything else was completely bare. I did notice that one of his rear straps was twisted and I wondered if he was going to fix it. Seeing that reminded me to run my fingers down and over the entire length of my own rear straps to make sure they weren't twisted. As I was doing so, I saw Mike's hands reach around and adjust the rear straps of his jock. Mike now locked his locker and hung the key around his neck. I did the same.

"Come on," said Mike, "let's get this over with."

"Yeah, I'm ready," I said in reply, "let's hurry up so we can get dressed again."

Mike turned away from me and started to walk toward the entrance to the gym. I followed a few feet behind him. As we walked, I couldn't help but look at his jock-strapped ass and think how embarrassing this situation was. My hands instinctively rubbed against my own bare ass to confirm that I was in the same embarrassing state of undress. I even turned around at one point to see if anyone was walking behind me, self-conscious of anyone seeing me like this from behind.

{*Part Four: In the Gym*}

We quickly reached the door to the gym, pushed it open and entered. We were now at one of the far ends of the gym, adjacent to several small offices that appeared to be used by coaches or trainers. Walking past the offices, we saw that there was a table immediately in front of us, blocking our entrance to the gym. This was obviously where we were supposed to check-in and begin the physical. The table was staffed with two people. Two attractive female people to be precise. For some reason, I wasn't expecting to see two young ladies sitting in front of me, especially considering the small amount of clothing that I was barely wearing. I guess I figured that there might be a female nurse or doctor doing part of the exam, but I wasn't prepared right now for these two girls, both dressed in their clean white shorts and sharp looking blue polo shirts, to see me like this. These girls both appeared to be several years older than me.

Mike was the first to reach the table to check-in. He handed the girls his paperwork, which they immediately opened and reviewed. I stood a few feet behind him and waited until he finished. Now that I was at the table, I could see into the entire gym and get a better idea of exactly how this physical was going to proceed. It was a standard size gym with a hardwood floor. It looked like there were multiple exam stations setup throughout the gym. There were dark grey mats placed on the floor around and between each station. Most of the stations had an exam table and looked like they were staffed by one or two people, some male and some female. And of course, everywhere I looked were college guys just like me. Some were waiting in line at a station while others were sitting on an exam table or standing in front of a doctor or nurse. And still others were walking between the stations. But they had one thing in common, they were all dressed in a jockstrap and nothing else, just like me.

"Alright Mike," I heard one of the girls at the table say, "just head over there to station one to get started and we'll get you out of here in no time at all." As I watched, the girl handed Mike his paperwork. He then left the table, walking to his left and toward the first station. As he walked away, both of the girls turned to look at him, apparently admiring his jock-strapped ass. They didn't even try to conceal their interest in him, and didn't seem to care if I caught them looking.

"Next," said one of the girls as she looked at me.

I took a few steps toward the table and handed them my paperwork. As the second girl opened my folder of paperwork and reviewed it, the first one just looked at me and smiled. I could see that her eyes seemed to scan up and down over my near-naked body. I thought about putting my hands in front of me in an attempt to cover up but decided against it. I figured, what the hell, she's going to see my bare ass as I walk away, so why not just let her enjoy the complete package. I just casually stood there in front of her with my arms at my sides. As I watched, the second girl used a handheld scanner to scan the barcode on my folder.

"Let me have your wrist please," she said, "I need to scan you in." I held out my hand to her and she scanned the barcode on my wrist band.

"I have to ask," I said to the girls, "do they always make the guys dress like this?"

"Oh yes, always," said the first girl, "This is my second year helping out and it's always the same."

"This is my third year assisting," chimed in the second girl, "and as far as I know, they've done it this way for years and years."

"So, what's the real reason for it?" I asked. "I mean, we could just as easily wear our underwear instead of this stupid jock."

"Well," said the second girl, "as you might expect, we get that question a lot. The official answer is that those are simply the rules and you must abide by them if you want your exam. But if you're looking for a real reason, I have heard the people that run this every year say that things go much quicker when all of the guys are dressed the same way."