Just For Old Times


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I sat down with our drinks – a malt whisky for me – brandy for Julie. Julie reached out with her free hand and took a long drink, coughing a little as the spirit hit the back of her throat, and both she and Joe laughed as the tears sprang to her eyes.

“So,” said Joe, including me in his smile. “Our Julie – old, experienced married lady – you are one very lucky man, James. I think she’s even lovelier than she was when she worked here – perhaps even sexier, though that would be difficult!”

“Oh, I’ve no complaints on that score,” I blurted out, realising, as soon as I said it, that my intended compliment had come out sounding like something coarse – a fact underlined by Joe’s quick glance at me, followed by a long look at my wife, his eyes travelling unhurriedly down the shape of her body in the thin summer dress.

“Yes,” he breathed, in frank admiration. “I bet you don’t. Listen, Julie,” he said, as Sam’s frantic signals for assistance caught his eye. “When we’re clearing out the punters, you and James just sit tight. It’s been a while since we had a ‘lock-in’ – not like the old days, eh? But we’ll need a bit longer to do all our catching up, won’t we?”

He half-rose, then suddenly bent forward and fastened his mouth on Julie’s. It was a ‘proper’, if quick, kiss and, as he dashed away, I could see the pace of my wife’s breathing had quickened considerably. My own breathing was none too steady, either, and I took a long swallow of my Glenmorangie to try to steady myself.

Julie’s eyes had followed Joe over to the bar, and I could see her thoughts were elsewhere – in another time, I guessed. Her lips were slightly parted in another surefire sign of arousal which I recognised.

“So,” I said, conscious that I wouldn’t have her on my own for much longer. “”What happened at these ‘lock-ins’?”

“Oh,” she said, dragging her eyes back to mine. “They happened usually when there was a good crowd of holiday makers in and Joe and Sam would tip a few of them the wink and, once we’d closed, the ones left in would have a bit of a party.”

“And Jeanette and I would usually serve the drinks,” she added, hastily, “although, of course, nobody was paying, by then.”

“And what happened at these parties?” I pushed it. Julie laughed. “Well, we all sat around and discussed the economy and politics and world recession! What do you think happened? We had a party! A bit of drinking, a bit of singing, a bit of dancing ……”

“What kind of dancing?”

“All kinds – what do you think?”

“Fast – and slow?”

“Yes – of course. Look, James, the reason for the party was usually that the boys had their eye on a couple of girls, so – yes – there would be a bit of slow, smoochy stuff a little later on – for obvious reasons ……”

“And you and Jeanette – you just served drinks – and watched?”

“Well, not all the time,” said Julie. Her expression was a little defiant, now. “Sometimes we were the only girls there, maybe with just one or two other boys, or men – or maybe even just Joe and Sam, if it had been a busy night, and we just wanted to unwind. And, before you ask, James – well, yes, sometimes it got a little ‘out of hand’ where Jeanette was concerned.”

“How much ‘out of hand’?” I pressed, the roof of my mouth dry, thinking about Julie and her lax-moralled cousin, alone, in this place, with four or five men, with the doors locked.

Julie took a deep breath. She didn’t seem to be able to sit still, her bottom moving around on her seat, her fingers toying nervously with the stem of her brandy glass, her eyes constantly flickering towards the bar where Joe and Sam and the two barmaids were persuading customers that closing- time had arrived.

“Well, like we said,” she said, eventually. “She’d be dancing close with a man, and he’d be feeling her bum, or her tits ……”

“Her tits?” I said.

“Yes,” said Julie, her eyes dropping.

“In front of other men – and in front of you?”

“Yes,” she said, a bit irritably. “It’s no big deal, James – I’d seen girls have their tits felt before – Jesus, by that time, a few boys had had a feel of mine ……”

“Yes – but not in public!”

“Not unless you count the cinema – or a party.”

I wanted to pursue this – there was a side of Julie being revealed tonight that I’d never seen, before, but I was more interested in what had happened in this place, after the pub door was closed.

“What about the ‘parties’ here?” I persisted, and Julie arched an eyebrow and smiled.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she said.

“Yes,” I replied, my voice low, and thick.

“Well, I wonder why,” Julie teased. “It couldn’t be that the thought of your little wife being groped by some drunk turns you on, could it?”

“No!” I protested, automatically. “I just want to know!”

“Oh?” she smiled. “And why?”

She leaned forward and deliberately displayed her cleavage to me.

“I know I was a bit younger, then,” she breathed, “but these started developing when I was twelve. It would be surprising if nobody tried to get their hands on them when I was working here, wouldn’t it?”

I nodded, my cock standing again as I looked down at the creamy swell of her tits. My mouth was dry, again.

“Do you think I was always able to fight them off, in those days, James? Or do you think that, some nights, I might have quite liked to feel someone’s hand fondling my breasts, teasing my nipples?”

“Well, did you?” I muttered, hoarsely.

Julie leaned forward a little more. I could almost see her nipples, now. I jumped as her hand grabbed my cock under the table. She laughed quietly.

“It does turn you on, then,” she breathed. “You want me to say ‘yes’.”

It was a question. She was looking for a reply, but I just stared at her. Of course, she was right, but I couldn’t bring myself to say so. Julie sat back, her expression enigmatic.

“Well,” she said, eventually. “There were a few nights when I did a bit more partying than serving – and – well, events took their course, as they do. I had one or two slow dances with chaps, and one or two of them may have let their hands drop to squeeze my bum – but – I wasn’t Jeanette, James. I wasn’t cheap – I always knew what I was doing.”

“So – was that all?” I asked. “Just one or two guys – touching your bum?”

“Most of the time.”

“But – not all of the time?”

“James – it was a long time ago – I can’t remember everything that happened.”

“But, you’d remember if somebody did more than – fondle your bottom, wouldn’t you?”

She shrugged.

“Well – would you? You’d remember if somebody got a feel of your tits, surely?”

“Oh, maybe one or two of them might have slid a hand up – there – while he was dancing with me, but I wouldn’t have let it stay there very long ……”

“How long?” I snapped. I was like a dog with a bone. I couldn’t leave it alone. Julie giggled suddenly – “’If you don’t take your hand off there in the next fifteen minutes, I’ll scream!’”

I glared at her, and she made a face at me.

“Oh, all right,” she said. “Sometimes, if he was nice, I’d let him leave it there for a while – if it was quiet, and no-one was looking. Girls do enjoy it, you know!”

The bar was emptying, now. I hadn’t much time left before the twins joined us. From just serving drinks, Julie had now admitted to dancing, close dancing, having her bum fondled – and now, having her tits felt. How much more was there?

“How about – further down?” I pressed. “And how about Joe – and Sam? Were they – did they ……?”

“James,” she said. “I keep telling you – I wasn’t Jeanette. I was young, and most of the guys respected that. If they wanted a bit of ‘the other’, there were plenty of other girls – and, if all else failed, there was always Jeanette. I honestly can’t recall a night here when Jeanette didn’t come home and tell me about some guy shagging her – and quite often it would be more than one. She was quite capable of letting a man strip her completely naked while he was dancing with her, and then shagging him while all the others watched, and waited for their turn. I know – I’ve seen her do it! And I wasn’t like that!”

“Are you sure?” I asked, in desperation.

“Yes!” said Julie, vehemently. “I was a virgin when I arrived here, James – and I was still a virgin when I left ……”

She looked up – the pub was empty of customers, and Joe was shutting the heavy door. Sam was coming out from behind the bar, carrying a tray of drinks. Julie grinned wickedly at me, and whispered – “ …… just!”

Julie stood up. “I’m going to the loo,” she whispered, and set off. I sat back, my head whirling, my heart racing. I didn’t know what to think. Worst of all, I couldn’t figure out my own reactions. Part of me was what you might expect – jealousy, envy, outrage at the thought of my sweet wife being subjected to all that sexual pressure and, from time to time, having to submit to it, even if only to a limited extent. But the other part – my darker, secret side – found it intensely exciting. And the worst of it was – I knew that I shouldn’t. This was no way for a loving husband to react – and there was no doubt that I loved my wife – so why should the image of her reacting to another man’s sexual advances stimulate me so much?

“Over here, James!”

Sam’s call broke my train of thought. I looked up. He was setting the glasses on a long, heavy table over by the bar. The table, which looked centuries old, was part of an alcove by the bar. Behind it, a long leather-covered bench was set into the wall and in front sat three wooden chairs.

Sam motioned me into one of the chairs and I sat down, picking up the glass of whisky Sam slid over to me. Sam settled on to the bench and Joe, arriving just then, slid in at the other end. He picked up his pint glass, as did Sam, and they toasted me, together.

“Well, here’s to you, James,” said Sam, and Joe added – “And thanks for bringing Julie back to see us.”

I nodded, and smiled, and took another swallow of my Glenmorangie, just as Julie returned. I stood up and pulled out a chair for her, but she glided past me as Joe also stood, to let her onto the bench, between him and his brother.

My heart lurched as I sat down again, looking across at my lovely young wife, flanked by her two old friends. I could see she had ‘freshened up’ and she looked utterly delectable, her eyes shining, her cheeks flushed. I couldn’t remember ever desiring her more, and made a vow to leave this place as soon as we possibly could, to get her on her own, in our little cottage ……

“I thought we’d be sitting here,” Julie said, with evident pleasure. “This is where we always sat, before, once the pub was shut, and we could relax and have a drink ourselves. If Jeanette was here, it’d be just like old times – well, apart from you, Jim. You weren’t here, were you?”

A little giggle escaped her at her last remark, and I noticed the twins smiling quietly as they regarded her.

“Maybe just as well,” Joe commented, drily, and Julie laughed.

“Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “James seems to be quite interested in that part of my life.”

Her eyes teased me across the table, and I felt anger and embarrassment rising, then she leaned forward and stretched her hand out to touch mine.

“Hey,” she breathed, her eyes gazing into mine. “Thanks for letting me stay to see these guys again. We’ll just have a quick drink and a chat, then we’ll be off, back to the cottage – just the two of us – and I can thank you, properly.”

She put her hand up to my face and kissed me quickly, on the lips, then sat back.

Sam said – “Now, there’s something worth going home for, James. You’re a very lucky guy.”

Julie turned and kissed him, briefly, too – “You always did say the nicest things, Sam,” she said, then – “And so did you!” and she turned her head the other way and offered her mouth to Joe.

Lifting his right hand to her left shoulder, Joe kissed her, but, when she tried to draw her head back, his mouth followed hers, his grip on her shoulder tightening. Julie resisted for only a split second, then she relaxed and her mouth opened as she returned his kiss, her head coming to rest on the back of the leather-covered bench, Joe’s face looming above hers as their open mouths mashed together.

Sam was watching them, his expression unchanged, then he half-turned and his left hand drifted onto Julie’s thigh, just above her knee, just below where her short dress ended.

I sat, tensely, my heart thudding. I should say something – stop this – but, until Julie protested, how could I? Or was that just an excuse? It was only a kiss, after all – not much more than she and Sam had exchanged, earlier on ……

Julie placed her hand on Joe’s shoulder and pushed, gently, and their mouths separated. His hand remained on her shoulder, however, and he was still looking down into her face. Apparently unconcerned, and unflustered, Julie looked back up at him, smiling. Her breathing was a little heavy, though, and I fancied her eyes had that slightly unfocussed look I had come to recognise as a sure sign of arousal in her.

“Whoa,” she whispered, breathily. “Steady, Joe – remember I’m an old married woman, now.”

“I hadn’t forgotten,” he replied. “A lot of things have changed now, haven’t they?”

Then Julie’s eyes widened as Joe’s hand slid down from her shoulder and deliberately cupped her left breast. She stared down at it, momentarily lost for words.

“For a start,” Joe said, “these have got a bit bigger – they feel a bit heavier than they used to.”

I saw his knuckles whiten as he squeezed it, gently, then Julie grabbed his hand and pulled it away, struggling back up to a sitting position.

“No, Joe,” she breathed. “No – you can’t – you mustn’t. Not – not in front of James ……”

Joe grinned at her, then at me. I couldn’t reply – I was still reeling from the surge of desire I had experienced at the sight of Joe’s hand feeling Julie’s breast, and I couldn’t stop my eyes dropping to where Sam’s hand was slowly caressing her tanned thigh.

“So,” murmured Joe. “It’d be OK if James wasn’t here, would it?”

“No!” Julie protested – but her eyes dropped to where Sam was stroking her thigh, and she sighed a little. “No ……” she said, a second time, but her tone lacked the vehemence of her first denial, and I saw her shiver slightly as his fingers slid under the hem of her dress ……

“I don’t see him complaining,” remarked Joe. His hand was now running up and down Julie’s bare arm, just brushing it lightly with his fingertips. I knew I should say something, but Julie was calling the shots and I held my tongue, my heart thumping like a trip-hammer.

Julie didn’t even look at me. Her eyes were cast downwards, watching the two slowly caressing hands, and, as we both watched, Joe slid his hand away from her arm, onto her stomach, then onto the underside of her right breast.

“Oh, Joe,” she murmured. “You mustn’t – you can’t …… feel me up …… in front of my husband ……”

As she spoke, Sam, too, raised his hand to fondle her other breast, and her eyelids fluttered, and her head sank back onto the back of the bench.

“Oh, Sam,” she whispered, now. “You can’t feel my tits in front of my husband – it isn’t right ……”

But both her hands were free, and she didn’t lift them, to protect herself. Both men were now openly playing with Julie’s breasts, and I could see her body reacting, moving sinuously with pleasure as her nipples were stimulated into erection. She seemed unaware that Joe was working on the buttons at the front of her dress until it was open down to her waist and, between them, they pulled it open and squeezed her tits through her lacy light-blue bra.

“Oh, God,” she moaned. “Oh …… please …… just my tits, then. It’s OK – you can feel my tits – but no more – please. Make it just like before – just my tits – you know how I enjoyed you playing with my tits – before ……”

And, now – now she had given in, and set the parameters – Julie arched her back and her hands went up behind her. I watched, transfixed, as the tautness of the skimpy material supporting her beautiful breasts slackened and, working in concert, Joe and Sam eased the twin cups upwards, over the firm quivering flesh ……

Julie’s naked tits fell into their eager, waiting hands. I had never seen her nipples so hard – or so dark. Blood-engorged, they reared up from the centre of her globes ……

“Kiss them,” she demanded, her voice low and hoarse with desire. “You know how I love having them kissed – especially both at the same time – Oh, Jesus!! Oh, God!!!”

As they bent their heads to encircle her rigid nipples with their mouths, Julie’s head writhed from side to side and her hands came up, clutching the backs of their heads, pushing them onto her naked breasts.

“Oh, God,” she moaned. “Oh, how I’ve missed that …… oooooohhhhhh ……”

Her voice trailed away unintelligibly as she was lifted to a higher plane of desire and fulfilment, and I tried to keep my hands away from my throbbing penis. I was gripping the edge of the table – determined not to climax until this game was played out to the full, and aware that the slightest pressure on my swollen glans would cause it to burst forth. My eyes must have been like slits as I watched my darling wife, shamelessly naked to the waist, writhing in ecstasy ……

And then her hands were pushing against their heads and her voice was alarmed – her protests renewed. Before I heard her words, I realised their cause.

Looking over the table, I saw the bottom of her dress had been pulled up beyond the tops of her thighs. From my vantage point, I could see her sky-blue panties, a tendril or two of black pubic hair escaping from the sides, a darker, moist patch at their centre – but even more arousing was the sight of Joe and Sam’s fingers digging down between Julie’s tightly-pressed thighs, inexorably prising them apart ……

“No, boys,” she was pleading. “No! Not down there! We agreed – just my – my tits …… please …… not …… there …… not my …… my ……”

Joe lifted his head from her breast. I could see her nipple, wet, shiny and swollen.

“Jeanette’s not here tonight, girl,” he grunted, his voice thick with passion. As he spoke, I saw Julie’s resistance weaken, then disappear, as her thighs suddenly relaxed, and parted, slightly.

“Oh, Joe,” she muttered, in tones of awed horror. “You can’t – not both of you - you …… oooooohhhhhh!!!!!!”

Her body jerked in a sudden spasm and I watched in petrified fascination as Sam’s finger pushed inside the leg of Julie’s panties – and disappeared!

“Ooooooohhhhhhh!!!!!!!” cried Julie again. “Oh, God – you’re fingering me – just like you did to Jeanette ……”

“But you’re better, Julie!” It was Sam who spoke, now. “You’re tighter, and wetter, and hairier ……” His voice was deep with desire. “We always wanted to feel your cunt – in the old days – but …… well …… we’re not complete bastards, and Jeanette was always there …… and willing ……”

I could see Julie pushing herself against him – against the invading finger. She was gasping, almost sobbing ……

“…… but …… but ……” she moaned “ …… it didn’t stop there …… you always – you – both of you – you …… you fucked Jeanette …… on the table …… she used to come home and tell me …… about how you …… both …… fucked her ……”

Her dress was now completely unbuttoned and wide open, and Joe had hold of her panties. He began to pull them down her thighs. Her dark pubic cluster became exposed, and Joe chuckled thickly.

“Oh, god,” breathed Julie. “You’re going to fuck me, aren’t you? You are, aren’t you? You’re going to spread my legs on the table, in front of my husband, and fuck me ……”

Sam and Joe had her panties down to her knees. I could see Julie’s spread vagina, clearly, over the table – then I saw her right hand swoop down and finger her clitoris.

She was still speaking, almost to herself. “You’re going to do it to me, on the table – in front of James – both of you – you’re going to fuck me - fuck my cunt, one after another ……”