Just Friends


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Amberly raised a manicured eyebrow. "Oh?"

"We should all get totally obliterated and play Truth or Dare. Then I can get you naked, possibly Jen naked, and maybe Paul and I can witness some girl-on-girl action. It would warm my little heart to fly home to the 'Tah with memories of such beautiful things." Chris finished his statement and glanced around the room, chuckling at the expressions on both the girls' faces. "What, no good?"

Her expression softened and Amberly shrugged. "You know, I thought it sounded fun, myself. Truth or Dare, that is. When Jen was explaining the story to me, I was thinking that I haven't done that in years. It's so immature, it's fun!" Chris hung on her every word, nodding. "It'd be like being stupid high school kids again."

Paul shifted in place, drawing a muscular leg up underneath himself. "I'm up for anything that doesn't involve me and Chris, naked on a four-poster bed. Or at least, me and Chris naked, together and alone, on a four poster bed."

Jen and Chris erupted into laughter, Amberly shaking her head in amusement. "You have such a way with words, Paul," she sighed. "Such a touching manner about you."

Paul shrugged. "What can I say? I'm loveable."

Jen laughed and patted him on the thigh. "Yes, you are."

"They're pretty gross," Chris grinned at Amberly, shaking his head in mock revulsion. "Why don't they just fuck and get it over with?"

"I ask myself that all the time," Amberly smirked back. "The sexual tension between the two of them is thick enough to cut with a chainsaw. Forget a knife- you'd need heavy artillery to break that shit apart."

Chris and Amberly laughed at this, gaining glares from Paul and Jen. "Ha ha," Paul quipped. "Real funny."

A blush had crept across Jen's cheek, but she tried to fight it, arguing softly. "You're no better! Amberly loses at least twenty IQ points every time you enter the same room, Chris. Then she regresses to roughly age fifteen whenever you tell a joke. And that time that you ran around naked? Forget it! She was practically ready to be put back in diapers."

Amberly groaned. "Not true!"

"It's alright," Chris assuaged, gesturing at Amberly with his right hand. "I'm irresistible and it's perfectly normal to be drawn to my sexy body. It is quite attractive and all the ladies are begging for a piece of it."

Paul rolled his eyes and coughed. "Bullshit."

Chris shook his head and pointed at his band mate. "You're just jealous because you're not me!"

Paul's eyes lit with mirth as he laughed, his soft chuckles turning into coughs as he gasped for breath. "Dude, you're gonna kill me," he growled as he stood and searched his shirt pocket. "That's not cool."

"No," Jen objected, reaching her hand into his pocket, extracting a package of cigarettes and taking them quickly from his grasp. "These are going to kill you. I thought you said you stopped?"

Paul shrugged, staring at the shorter girl intently. "I did. Then I went back. You try being surrounded by screaming kids all day long, 360 days a year and see if you don't crack and develop some sort of bad habit. Chris picks his nose, I smoke cigarettes. I think Benji cornholes Joel, I dunno. I don't want to know." He snatched the package of cigarettes back from Jen and began to walk towards the front door. "Oh, and I was joking about that cornholing thing. It's definitely Billy that Benji fucks."

Chris rolled his eyes as the other man stepped onto the front porch and shut the door softly behind him. "That's one image I do not need in my head!"

"Speaking of," Amberly began and climbed off the floor and onto the sofa beside Jen. "What happened with William and Linzi? I called and was like, Linz, get your ass to our house for the weekend- we're having everyone. She was pretty distant and avoidant, said she didn't think Billy would make the trip. As if we live in like China or something."

"Four hours isn't around the block, kiddo," Chris corrected, shrugging his shoulders and sipping from his third beer. "I'm not sure, though. Billy called Paul's house and he seemed distant, too. Said he wasn't coming over for Monday Night Football, he had some 'issues' to take care of at home. He left it at that and Paul didn't ask."

"Let me guess," Jen grinned, laughing at the ridiculousness of her friends' relationship. "They broke up...again?"

"Oh, like that would be something new," Amberly groaned as she crossed her legs underneath her. "They break up once a week, at least. And when he's home, I think it's probably once and hour."

Jen nodded. "They are pretty strange, but you know what the oddest part of the whole thing is?"

Chris raised an eyebrow expectantly. "What's that?"

"They're the most beautiful couple I know," Jen finished with a loud sigh. "They truly love each other and if it weren't for all the stress he's under, I'm sure they'd be married and have at least ten puppies by now."

Amberly and Chris laughed at this, nodding their heads in agreement. "What'd I miss?" Paul inquired, stepping back into the apartment and wiping his sneakers on the doormat. "Why's everyone laughing?"

"You, dude," Chris called sarcastically. "You're just too cute!"

Paul blushed. "Isn't it the truth?"

"Billy," Amberly corrected. "And Linzi. We were saying that they're break ups have hit a whole new level of ridiculous."

"Fuck," Paul chuckled as he reclaimed his seat beside Jen. "Isn't that the goddamned truth. Those two are something else. Did you hear the latest?"

Jen shrugged. "Chris says they're off again at the moment."

Paul nodded and cleared his throat, coughing slightly. "Not only are they off again, apparently, Billy thinks that Linzi's seeing this guy from college behind his back. He's all distraught and says that he can't handle the thought of her with someone else. Of course, that won't get him off his scrawny ass to go and apologize to the girl and get her back."

Amberly snorted and placed her beer onto the coffee table. "As if Linzi would date anyone else? That girl lives and breathes William Martin. She'd die before she'd date someone else."

Jen nodded. "I can't see her having interest in anyone else. She loves Billy. When they have a fight, she secludes herself in the house for days and won't even speak to me. I've known the girl how long? Linzi has heard every secret I've ever possessed, anything traumatic that has ever happened in my life. When she's upset with Billy, I can't even get her to talk."

Paul shook his head slowly, scratching the underside of his stubbled chin. "I agree there's no way she's found anyone else. Of course, trying to convince my paranoid little friend of that is not always so easy."

"Too much weed," Chris laughed, taking his first sip of a fourth Corona. "Makes him paranoid and delusional."

Amberly sighed and shook her head objectionably. "That's not a particularly nice thing to say about your band mate!"

"What?" Chris shrugged. "It's true. That kid smokes more lawn in a day than I've smoked in my entire life!"

Paul erupted into laughter at this, gaining a death glare from Chris. "You're dreaming, Christopher," he laughed. "Totally dreaming."

"Either way," Amberly shrugged, ignoring the sparring men. "We all love Linzi to pieces and wish that Billy would extract his head from his ass and propose to the girl."

"Yes, we all love Linzi," Chris nodded with a deviant grin. Paul met his eyes and smirked. Their band mates girlfriend had long since been a piece of eye candy for the entire band. With her long, tan legs, chunky blonde hair, and the face of an angel, Linzi was a woman that inspired fantasies in every eye she met. Her lips a perfect pink, her skin worthy of a Clearasil commercial, the boys had been floored when she'd fallen so deeply in love with the awkward, wiry Billy while still in high school. She was a teenage princess, he was a dread-locked outcast. In their instance, opposites had definitely attracted; and over five years later, they were still going strong. Sometimes.

"Okay, you two are horrible!" Amberly hissed, flailing her arms and rolling her eyes wildly. "That's your best friend's girlfriend you're talking about."

"I said nothing!" Paul grinned and raised his hand defensively. "I said nothing wrong!"

Amberly nodded. "It was what you didn't say that was the problem."

Jen took a sip of her beer and shrugged. "I mean, if what we're saying is that we all want to fuck Linzi, fuck. Put me down on the list, cause that girl could turn me into a proud lesbian."

"I give up!" Amberly groaned, raising her hands to the sky and standing up. "The three of you are perverts!" She turned and walked from the room, clearly taking a quick bathroom break at the opportune moment.

"That's not a bad thing to be," Chris laughed. "At least, I don't think so."

"You like Linzi?" Paul questioned, awestruck as he eyed his female friend curiously. "As in, you'd lick her tight little pussy and love every minute of it?"

Jen's eyes beamed. "How do you know it's tight and little?"

"I love you," Paul laughed, pulling Jen into a tight embrace. "God, marry me now!"

"She can't," Chris grinned, taking the seat to Jen's left. "She's spoken for, beotch."

"By whom?" Jen cocked an eyebrow and smirked. "Are you saying you're Mr. Jennifer, Christopher? Because last I remembered, there was no ceremony and no ring."

"I got cheap?" Chris questioned, shrugging playfully and pulling Jen into his own arms. "Have I ever told you how much I adore you?"

Jen gazed up into his eyes and chuckled. "You're smashed already!"

"Am not!" Chris grinned. "I just really adore you. Is there something wrong with that?"

"Back off," Paul taunted, pulling Jen into his lap. "She's mine, beotch."

Amberly returned to her original position on the floor and cleared her throat. "Chris, truth or dare?"

Jen sat up and away from Paul, sliding off his lap and back onto the sofa. "What are you doing?" She eyed her friend, trying to transmit a nonverbal message to abandon ship on her obvious plan for the moment. Truth or Dare wasn't somewhere Jen wanted to go right now.

"I'm playing Truth or Dare," Amberly smirked devilishly. "And I asked Christopher if he wanted a truth or a dare?"

"Truth," Chris nodded seriously. "I need to ease myself into nudity and theatrical stunts."

Paul laughed, Jen rolled her eyes.

"If at the end of tonight you could have wild, passionate monkey sex with either me or Jennifer- but only one of us-, who would you choose and why?" Amberly's question was meant playfully, but Jen knew very well that if Chris were to answer incorrectly, it might bring tears to her friend's jade eyes.

Chris stretched his legs out, placing them onto the coffee table. He pondered the question, a slight belch escaping from his lips as he grinned and began to answer. "I'd choose you, my dear, because you're the one that's offering me her sweating, naked body and it's only seven o'clock!"

Amberly giggled at this, Jen breathed a sigh of relief. Had Chris answered anything else, her friend would have surely gone to hysterics. One thing was blatantly clear to the girls but still a mystery to the men: Amberly adored Christopher Wilson with a wild, undeterred abandon. If he proposed marriage on the spot, Amberly would likely produce a wedding gown from somewhere in her astronomically large walk-in closet and drag the male to Vegas tonight.

"Truth or dare, Paul," Chris offered, giving his friend the best poker face he could muster.

Paul shook his head and sighed. "If we're going this route, that's fine. Umm, truth."

Chris sucked his lower lip into his mouth and made a bizarre face. "Okay, truth. What was the best fling you had on the road, this past tour, with a girl under the legal drinking age?"

Amberly looked startled and turned to Jennifer, whose eyes burned with contempt for the question. She'd known Paul since they were in third grade, she'd transferred into his class three months into the school year. She was a year younger, but clearly above the intellectual level of your standard second grader. It was quite abnormal for a student to be bumped up, but Jennifer's parents had insisted on the move. So young at the time, Jennifer had never understood much beyond the loss of her friends and the difficult situation of having to acquire new pals. She'd taken to the doughy, brunette boy whose desk sat behind her own, passing notes underneath her seat whenever the opportunity afforded it. They were both outcasts in their own right: Jennifer a wiry, tomboy whose superior intellect and ridiculously large pink glasses were an immediate turn-off to her fellow students; Paul an overweight, too tall and terribly silent boy who showed more interest in scribbling in his notebook than in playing baseball with the other boys at recess. An unlikely duo, the pair had aligned themselves with each other, and come to depend on one another for support throughout their emotionally trying school years. Jennifer knew nearly everything about Paul, save for the small sliver of gossip that remained on the road and between the male and his other male counterparts. Road talk and underage conquests were two things that Jennifer was neither privy to, nor cared to hear narratives about.

Paul nodded and bit his lip, turning to Jennifer and searching her eyes. "I don't want to say something that will make you think I'm a bad person," he sighed. "Or like....I know that...."

Jen nodded and placed her hand onto Paul's thigh. "It's okay, I know you're not the person you play on the road. It's different, right? What happens on the road, stays on the road."

Paul smiled. "Right."

"Not to be an asshole," Chris interjected. "But Truth or Dare isn't about telling a truth only if it's not going to disillusion the other participants. If you've got dirty laundry, it's going to be aired. So I think we all need to be adults, set our feelings aside, and realize that I'm shitfaced, you all need to get shitfaced, and this is just for kicks."

Amberly stared at Chris and rolled her eyes. Paul simply sighed. "So I met this girl in Atlanta? Umm, Atlanta sounds right for some reason. She said she was nineteen, and for whatever reason- alcohol, pot, X, whatever- that was good enough for me that night. So I took her back to the hotel, I called Chris' cell phone and asked him to make himself scarce so that we'd have some privacy. We watched a Pay-Per-View flick, I don't even remember what, and just basically laid on the bed together, cuddling. I mean, not to be crass, but I am a guy and cuddling isn't exactly exciting to me. I admit, I wanted more, but I wasn't going to push her. So we laid there a while, and then out of nowhere, she stands up, steps away from the bed, and strips down to nothing but a thong. I'm sitting there, watching her, totally speechless, my cigarette just clutched between my fingers as I gape in awe."

Chris objected when Paul finally paused in his narrative. "Nineteen is boring."

"Wait," Paul waved the comment off. "Let me finish. So she strips down to nothing but the thong, and I'm staring at her. Thinking that this can't possibly be happening, right? Things like this don't happen to Paul Thomas. Things like this never happen to the bass player. She stares at me as I'm staring at her, and she matter-of-factly tells me to get naked too or she's going to rip my clothing off piece by piece. Of course, having my clothing torn from my body sounds pretty fucking wonderful, but I decide to spare myself the money and just, you know, remove it nicely before it's damaged by this wild lioness."

Amberly rolled her eyes, shaking her head dismissively and eyeing Jen cautiously. Her friend showed no signs of a soured mood.

"So, I stand up and remove my clothes and I'm standing there in my boxers, staring at this little tiny chick with these monstrously large breasts. Not that I'm an expert on the anatomy of teenagers, but I'm thinking that these are some pretty impressive tits for a nineteen year-old. She, of course, is focusing on the bulge in my boxers. So as I'm standing there feeding off her with my eyes, she drops to her knees and yanks my boxers off with one swift tug. So now I'm naked, she's in a thong, and her mouth is like a fuckin Hoover, sucking me off so gloriously that my eyes are rolled back into my head." Paul stopped his tale, sighed, and sipped his beer. "Anyhow," he continued after his gentle pause. "It doesn't last cause I'm desperately in need of sex and she's just too experienced for me to fight a good fight. So I shoot down her throat, she stands up, and walks into the bathroom. She proceeds to crook her finger at me, and I follow like a useless drone. She turns on the shower, pushes me inside, and begins to run soap all over my fat, naked ass. I'm just standing there, completely dumbfounded, and she starts lathering up my cock. So, of course, lil Paulie gets all hard again and there she is, bending over gripping the spout and begging me to take her up the ass."

Chris grinned. "Oh, to be you!"

Paul nodded. "Yeah, right? So I'm standing there, and I'm thinking: Do I fuck this little vixen up the ass like she's begging me to do, or do I be a gentleman and just, you know, accidentally stick it in the other hole? So I debate this for like five seconds and decide if she's asking, I'm delivering the goods. I step forward, grab her hips, and begin trying to slowly shove my dick into this ridiculously tiny little opening. Clearly the chick's a virgin, because there's no way that there's ever been a cock inside this ass. Just no way."

Amberly cleared her throat, setting her Corona bottle down onto the table loudly. "Could you get on with the story?"

"It's nice to reminisce," Paul smirked. He turned and eyed Jen curiously, placing his hand back onto her thigh. "You alright, kiddo?" Jen nodded and he took another sip of his beer. "So anyway, yeah. So she's bent over and I've got the head of my cock up her ass, and she starts moaning. I take that as the sign that she's not in too much pain, so I shove a little more in- maybe another inch or so- and she lets out this muffled scream. I pause, ask if she's alright, and she begs me to shove in more, tells me she loves the pain. I'm thinking I just might be in love, so I shove three more inches in. She screams, but then she starts purring. Her hips start wiggling and she's pushing herself back onto me. I'm standing there, this chick is shoving herself onto my cock, and I'm thanking God for loving me like he does. Anyway, so I stand there and let her do her thing, and she gets a good six inches inside her and stops. I ask her what's wrong, and she says she can't take anymore. Which, you know, that's fine by me, it's not like I'm going to argue with six inches stuck up her ass."

"How much more did she have to go?" Chris inquired, matter-of-factly. Amberly scowled at him, Jennifer simply sighed.

"Two more inches, but who's counting?" Paul winked. "When you've got your cock up some girl's asshole, you're not caring how many more inches she's got to go. You're appreciating what she's taken, and hoping she'll allow you to start moving around a little. Yeah, so, she says she can't take anymore and I tell her that's fine. She reaches back behind herself and cups my balls, and I think I might die and find out that I'm in Heaven. I growl and she giggles. She tells me she really likes my voice and how I growl. I feel all high and mighty, Paulie's the man tonight. So I start moving inside her, slow at first, but when she seems fine, I start pounding her. I pound her so hard, she starts bleeding, but she's cooing and purring and begging for more. I take her little body and I push it up against the tiles in the shower, and I start making her moan my name. Of course, there's no way I can last like this, so I eventually shoot and ruin the whole thing. I pull her off me, clean her up, put her clothes back on, and as she's searching for her purse she turns and looks at me kind of funny. I ask what's wrong, and she starts crying. I'm like, shit, what have I done?"