Justifiable Homicide Ch. 02


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Nova stopped there, unwilling to continue. Wrex sat there directly across from her, his arms folded across his massive chest.

"So that bitch Audin was the start of it all. I'm not surprised. I'm happy Kai Lang cut the slimy bitch in two. Wish I could resurrect her so I could kill her again, Krogan style."

"Wrex they promised me it was population control. They swore 1 in 1000 births survived."

Wrex jumped up and got in her face, the unexpected action startled her and ducked her head.

Wrex began to scream at her even though her head was bowed, "Their liars Nova. It was sterilization. It's only 1 in 1000 births for fertile females, not the female population as a whole! We have so little fertile females. We can go a decade without seeing one birth, sometimes even longer. We're practically fucking extinct and Eve was the last of our fertile females. The last one!"

Wrex was panting when he was done with his tirade and his fists were balled up in anger. She wanted to ask about Eve but something told her in the back of her mind that it would be the wrong move given the circumstances.

He sat back down and crossed his arms again, pressing her to continue.

"Well? Go on."

Nova brought her head back up to look at him, "Wrex lets not do this! I can't remember anything else o.k.?"

Wrex uncrossed his arms and leaned close to her. She briefly wished the table that Wrex had broken beside them was between them. Something to separate them would be more settling for her.

He then pulled out a small square information drive and threw it in her lap. Nova recognized it immediately and the color drained from her face.

She could see the seriousness in Wrex's eyes, "You have one time to answer me truly Nova. One! Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Nova left the drive in her lap; she didn't want to touch it. Nova continued her story.

After she and Wrex had sex for the last time, the Reaper Wars came to a shattering end days later. The battle was bloody and although the Reapers were destroyed, the people of the galaxy sustained horrific causalities. The Krogan most of all since they were so small in number from the beginning. Wrex left to tend to his people and promised he would keep in touch.

Then two months later, she started to get horrible stomach and pelvic pains. She didn't know what was wrong so she went to the only doctor she trusted with such private information, Mordin Solus.

She hoped to catch him before he went into hiding. He only had so long to disappear before the Krogan were after him for the fake cure. The military would protect her, but she didn't think the Salarians could protect Mordin.

Mordin didn't know of her relationship with Wrex, no one knew and that's how they both preferred it. She went to see Mordin in the lab on the Normandy and told him the symptoms she was having, telling him she just didn't feel well.

Mordin had her lay on the examination table and took a scan.

Mordin looked over the scan and spoke to her calmly, "Shepard you're not sick. You're pregnant."

Nova nearly fell of the examination table, "Mordin, this is no time for jokes!"

Mordin shook his head, "Not joking. Look, two babies. Congratulations."

He then turned the monitor around to show her two small developing fetuses.

Nova was freaking out and started to scream, "How did this happen Mordin?"

Mordin looked at her questionably, "Well sexual intercourse with a male of your species. You see when a male puts his penis in a woman's vagina-"

Mordin stopped talking when Nova reached out and grabbed him by the collar roughly and shook him.

Mordin could see the panic in her face, "No you jack ass! I know how to have sex. I mean I've been having my period this whole time! There must be some mistake! This is impossible!"

"No mistake, not impossible. What's a period?"

Nova released Mordin and threw her hands up in exasperation; this was one of the many disadvantages to working with aliens. No one knew what the hell she was talking about.

"You know, my menstruation cycle."

Mordin assumed his usual pondering position with his fist tucked under his chin.

"Ahhh yes. The shedding of a human female's lining of her uterus when eggs are unfertilized. I have read cases where females continue to menstruate even during pregnancy. A rarity but still a possibility."

All of a sudden, a beeping noise went off on the monitor and Mordin turned to check it.

"Wait. Fetuses are abnormal."

Nova was worried, "You mean like unhealthy?"

Mordin shook his head, "No. Fetuses are healthy. Very healthy. Just....abnormal."

Mordin typed on the computer console, "Unusual DNA detected. Never before seen in humans."

Nova began to hyperventilate and she fell back onto the examination table. "Shepard, Shepard." She heard Mordin call her name over and over before she fainted from shock.

When she awoke, a cold cloth was on her forehead. Mordin was standing over her with a look of seriousness in his eyes. He didn't bother to ask her if she was o.k. before he began to question her.

"Shepard I ran more tests. The bone structure, the organ development, these babies aren't human. Not completely. Isolating the DNA without taking samples would take days. I've never seen anything like this. Who is the babies' father?"

Nova shook her head back and forth; this was all a bad dream. She started to cry again and the tears streamed from the corners of her eyes.

She felt Mordin reach out and hold her hands sympathetically, "Shepard I realize this is a shock for you. But you have to tell me. I can help you, but only if you let me."

"Promise you won't tell."

"You have my word as a doctor and even better, a friend."

"They're Wrex's."

Mordin dropped her hands.

"Shepard this is no time for jokes."

Nova started to yell frantically, "I'm not joking! They're his. They're Wrex's babies!"

Mordin then looked around hurriedly and used his hands to signal her to lower her octave.

"Shhhhhh, don't say that so loud."

He then looked at the door for a few moments as if he expected someone to walk in.

When the coast was clear he leaned down and whispered to her, "Listen. I believe you Shepard. Do you have any idea how this happened? Did you take any medication? Did Wrex give you any pills or drinks or anything out of place?"

Nova shook her head, "No nothing at all. We've been having sex for a while and I don't know I just started to not feel well. I don't know, I don't know."

Mordin nodded solemnly, "I believe you. I don't know what to make of this. Two different species naturally having a baby is well unheard of. I mean Asaris only take the DNA from other species in terms of qualities and personality and their children look like more Asari. But this!"

Mordin walked over to the monitor, "This is a complete hybrid of two species."

Nova was still lying on the table when she looked over at Mordin, "Maybe nature is making a way for the Krogan."

Mordin walked over to her, "Listen Shepard, you must never tell anyone about this. No one can know you are pregnant with one Krogan child, let alone two. The Salarians even risked a war to stop them from producing again, have you any idea what this could mean?"

Nova nodded, she knew the hell it would unleash.

"You can't have these babies Shepard. I'm sorry, but you just can't.", Mordin said.

Nova broke out in tears again; she knew it would bring war. There were no hybrids anywhere; her children would be the first. The universe wouldn't tolerate them and humans wouldn't accept them. The Salarians would try to kill them and the Krogan would die out trying to protect them. There would be no place for her children.

"I know. I know I can't have them. Oh Gods I know."

Mordin nodded, "Then we should get started."

"Right now?"

"Yes now! We can't risk anyone finding out. Not one soul outside this room."

"Shouldn't we at least tell Wrex? This doesn't seem....right Mordin! These are his babies too!"

"No Shepard! Wrex can never know. You know he wouldn't give you a choice. He would force you to have them. And if he ever found out you aborted these babies, he'd kill both of us and you know it."

Nova didn't object; Mordin was right.

"What are you going to do?" she asked quietly.

"Remove the fetuses surgically. The lasers won't leave scars. Then take small samples for further testing and destroy the fetuses. Incinerate if need be."

Nova began to shake and she rolled over in the bed.

"I'm truly sorry Shepard. I know this is all happening very fast but we have to do this now. I'm guessing you would prefer to be asleep for the procedure."

"Yes. I want to sleep." She could hear the heartbreak in her own voice.

When the procedure was over, Mordin held up a small square information drive and told her that was the only remaining link to her babies. He promised her he would protect it with his life and if he discovered any information about the conception he would contact her. Then he went into hiding.

Nova felt empty and sad. There were no visible scars as Mordin said but the emotional ones were still there. She had truly wanted her babies, but she knew she couldn't have them. Her performance at work began to suffer and she couldn't think straight. They were trying to call her in for a psych review when she resigned from the military completely.

When Shepard was done with the story she was a mess of tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm sooo sorry. I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. I just couldn't."

Wrex uncrossed his arms and yelled, "I could have protected you! Every Krogan would have laid down their lives to protect you. How could you not tell me, Nova?"

"I was scared Wrex. Very scared. I couldn't contact you, not after the hand I had in the genophage. And it would start a war!"

Wrex got up and began to scream louder, "A war worth fighting Nova! Do you know how many times I've tried to get Krogan females pregnant? Do you know how many babies I've held in my hands that were stillborn or barely developed enough to survive on their own?"

He then snatched the information drive out of her lap and stormed over to a small computer console on her wall. When he accessed the holofile, it projected into the air:

A picture of the fetuses was above the file

Race: Human/Krogan Hybrid

Sex: Male and Female

Health Status at extraction: Normal

Mother: Nova Shepard, Human

Birth Planet: Earth

Current Location: Earth, Ninth Quadrant

Father: Urdnot Wrex, Krogan

Birth Planet: Tuchanka

Current Location: Unknown


Fetuses show no signs of health issues. Fetuses are normal and healthy at this stage. Whether problems would begin as the pregnancy progressed is unknown. Fetuses are larger and faster growing than normal human fetuses at two months. The growth rate at this time is unknown. Fetuses and amniotic fluid from the womb have been thoroughly dissected and analyzed. No signs of genetic tampering or manipulation. Bloods samples from Shepard determine no fertility drugs were used.

Conclusion: Conception was natural.

Fetuses were surgically extracted, dissected then destroyed by incineration. Testing on fetuses tissue samples ongoing.

Nova had never seen the file and she read it horror and recoiled when faced with her crime. Wrex stormed over to her and grabbed her by the hair. He dragged her to the file and shook her head.

Nova clawed at his huge fingers to no avail.

"Look at it. Look! This is how I had to find out I had a son and a daughter! My boy, my girl! To think of all the babies that were stillborn in my arms and you had two babies. Two HEALTHY babies and you cut them from your womb like fucking trash."

She could swear for the first time ever, it sounded like there was tremor in his voice as if he were getting choked up with tears.

Wrex then tossed her to the floor and she crawled in a corner sobbing. Wrex removed the Holofile from the console and stuffed it in his armor.

Wreav and the unknown Krogan came from behind him and patted Wrex on the back roughly. It seemed to console the rage and sadness in him slightly. She had forgotten the two Krogan were there they had been so quiet. Putting Krogan and quiet in the same sentence was a bad oxymoron and it would be funny if she wasn't so scared out of her wits.

Wrex took some deep breaths and looked at her in the corner, "Get your things. We're leaving."

Nova shook her head and decided to lie, "No, people will realize I'm missing. I could be called on an important mission at any time. Now get out of here before I kick your ass with my biotics! I've had enough of your shit tonight Wrex!"

Wrex sounded annoyed, "I'm in no mood Nova. You haven't worked for the military in 3 years. They were even calling you up for a psych evaluation after you aborted the babies. You resigned completely, but the military wasn't convinced you were "all there". So they downgraded your biotics to a non lethal level and gave you this house free of charge and a lot of nice compensations for your service. A small excuse and no one is going to come looking. No one."

Nova was shocked and jumped to her feet.

Her fear was replaced with rage, "How did you know that? No one knows that, not even Mordin."

"Don't worry about it. Just know that I know. Now GET YOUR THINGS, NOVA."

"No, I won't! Garrus is going to call about Liara. She's been murdered; it's been all over the news so you have to know. We figured you didn't come to the funeral because of the genophage but you could have at least called. She was your friend too. And I'm not leaving until I find Liara's killers. You hear?"

Wrex replied coldly, "No need to look any further. I ordered the hit myself."

Nova shook her head, she hadn't heard right. Did Wrex just say he killed Liara! She must be imagining things.

"What did you just say?"


Suddenly Nova screamed and lost her senses. She formed a stance and began to punch Wrex's armored chest, bruising her knuckles.

"You bastard! I loved her. I loved her!"

She kept yelling it over and over again and when Wrex grabbed her wrists to restrain her, her military training kicked in. She began kicking his armored shins with her bare feet, trying to topple him unsuccessfully.

In her rage, Nova vaguely heard him say she was hurting herself and she responded by spitting in his face. She then felt Wrex pick her up by her waist and carry her to her bedroom. Wreav and the unknown Krogan didn't follow.

She fought and kicked the whole way but she was no match for his Krogan strength. The Leader of Krogan tossed her on the bed and climbed on top of her. He held her down with ease as she began to yell how much she hated him and thrash around.

Wrex continued to hold her down as she began to tire out.

"You don't hate me, Nova."

"To hell I don't."

Wrex looked down at her and smirked, "No you don't. As a matter of fact I think you missed me very much."

Nova was angry, but tired from her tantrum and her voice was hoarse.

"How do figure krogan?"

"Well I saw all of those foot long dildos in your drawer when we searched the place."

Nova's eyes widened and she blushed; she hadn't expected him to say that. The situation went from one extreme to another.

He wasn't lying; she had at least six 12inch long dildos and vibrators in her room and a big tube of Forta lube. She was calming down and realized that somewhere in between attacking Wrex she had lost her towel and she was naked beneath him.

Wrex got up and she wondered what he was doing. He kept all of his armor on except for his stomach armor, which he dropped to floor so he could release his massive length. Nova bit her lip and starred at his large Krogan dick with admiration.

Wrex smiled at the look on her face, "See, nothing is like the real thing."

"I'm still angry you know", Nova whispered.

Wrex smirked wider, "I'll fuck it out of you female."

It was red and shiny and the length made her mouth water. It was 12 inches like her dildos and vibrators but Wrex's cock was thicker than she remembered. His ridges on his fat cock were larger than she remembered also and she closed her eyes.

She tried to force down her excitement and stay angry.

"You said you were sorry, I think it's time you proved it. I think you can suck me off. On your knees."

Wrex couldn't be serious; in all the times they had sex together, she never gave him a blowjob. I mean his cock was way too big to fit in her mouth.


"You heard what I said, on your knees if you want to pay up Nova."

Nova sat up and started to get to her knees. What was she doing? She was still mad about Liara wasn't she? Was she this desperate for Wrex's forgiveness. His full foot long length was in front of her. It had a large piss hole that was oozing clear precum and she wanted to taste it so bad.

It oozed so much from his four balls it dripped to the floor. Wrex took on step forward and grabbed her head; locking his massive fingers in her pale hair. When she opened her mouth to gasp, Wrex forced his head passed her full lips.

The head fit in her mouth just barely and she had to open her jaw as wide as humanly possible so she could to accommodate his broad large Krogan cockhead. She tried to close her lips to suck his cock head and her cheeks hollowed out with the effort. She heard Wrex groan as more streams of clear pre cum dripped from his cock and down her throat.

Wrex grabbed the back of her head, "Come on bitch. Suck me down."

Nova was surprised, she had never heard Wrex speak to her this way. Wrex then pulled her head forward with his mighty hands, forcing her to take at least five inches of his massive length in her mouth.

Her mouth was small and his cock was not only thick but long. Her lips could barely fit over his cockhead let alone this length. Wrex's cock was in her mouth and the cockhead just reached the back of her throat, causing her to gag.

She tried to breathe through her nose to control it, but somehow that just made it worse. Wrex groaned again and loved the feeling of her mouth rejecting his cock.

"That's it. Choke on it."

"Uhhhhhh, Uhhhhhh", was the only noise she could make in her throat as she gagged.

Wrex then shoved another five inches in her mouth which she couldn't take. Her jaw felt like it could break. Wrex's big cock slid all the way down her throat. He began to fuck her throat with his huge member and her tiny throat began to constrict and gag around him.

She tried to hit and claw his armored thighs but he didn't seem to care. She concentrated on breathing through her nose she didn't suffocate. Although Wrex was the biggest dick she ever sucked, she had given rough blowjobs before.

Wrex began to wreak havoc on her throat by face fucking her. Her eyes rolled back in her head as Wrex fucked her throat with 10 inches of Krogan cock. Nova's mouth began to salivate heavily, covering the Krogan's cock with hot spit to make her plight easier.

"Ahhh yes, Nova. Suck me hard."

He began to thrust his hips and push her head forward at the same time, forcing her to take his cock further down his throat. Wrex's cockhead reached the end of her throat as he forced her to take all 12 inches down her throat. Nova's eyes watered and tears started to fall as the massive cockhead partially blocked her airway.

She could barely breathe and started to shake as her body began to crave air. Wrex saw her and did her the kindness of sliding back but only for a moment. She coughed around his cock and tried to breathe as much as possible.

"Come Nova, show me how sorry you are."

Nova looked up at Wrex breathlessly and nodded. She did want to make it up to him, but the bastard nearly choked her to death. She reached up and began to jerk his huge length with two hands while she forced her lips to tighten around his massive cock.