Keeper Ch. 02


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"What?" De Haven asked innocently. "Got big plans for tonight?"

"No. Just needing to head home for a couple days before Russia." He realized he actually didn't have plans. He had told Blue he would be arriving home, but nothing else was said about it. He hadn't asked her what she would be doing. Hadn't asked if she would go out to dinner with him. Hadn't asked if she would celebrate the New Year with him. He had no reason to think she would have accepted anyhow. "No plans. You?"

"Nope. Maybe I'll find the nearest bar and drown my sorrows. Who knows, maybe some babe in fuck-me heels and a tight skirt will take pity on me if I can get myself pathetic looking enough. I could get lucky." Blackie waggled his brows comically, but John saw through his friend's assumed humor. Unless he didn't know his often-time partner as well as he thought, David De Haven just wasn't the type to take strange women to bed with him for a quick fuck. Women practically fell over themselves to get to him, so it wasn't lack of opportunity. John just didn't remember ever seeing Blackie accepting the offers.

"You know you're welcome to crash at my place. Anytime." He was serious about the invitation, and Blackie knew it, but his dark haired friend shook his head.

"Aw man, I know three's a crowd."

"There's no-" John began to argue, but Blackie held up a hand.

"Maybe not yet, but from the vibe I've been getting, there's someone on the radar. Am I right, or am I right?"

John shook his head and sighed, picking up his briefcase, anxious to be on his way. "Offer still stands if you change your mind." He didn't confirm nor deny Blackie's comment. He didn't need to.

The two men left the INDIGO building together, then parted ways, John to try to catch the quickest flight out of Philly, and Blackie to his own destination.


Blue looked out of the little loft window for the umpteenth time, knowing that it wouldn't make any difference how many times it had been. She couldn't see John's driveway from this view anyway. There was no way of knowing if his black pick-up was in the drive or not.

Turning, she met Abe's expectant gaze.

"What?" She asked, testily. She didn't have to explain herself to a dog, for Pete's sake. "He'll be here when he gets here. Nothing I can do about it. He's your owner."

Seating herself on the stool in front of her easel, she picked up a brush and absentmindedly swirled at the color in one of the little paint wells on her tray. She hadn't been planning to start any new paintings yet, not until she felt more settled. But since she had at last made up her mind to make the move and stay for good, and she was suddenly feeling that creative itch, she had gotten some of her watercolor supplies out of the cupboard and had gone at it. The flower painting wasn't going to be anything museum-worthy, but that was all right. The creativity filled her time, satisfied her mind, and made the day go faster.

It wasn't as if John had given her a specific time he would be home, she chided herself. It wasn't even as if he'd said he would be by, or call, when he arrived. Though she did figure he would at least want to come get Abe and probably keep him at his place while he was home.

She glanced over at Abe, who had settled down for a snooze. He wasn't antsy at all, apparently.

Since she had made up her mind that she was moving back to stay, she figured she would be seeing a lot more of the dog. That was fine with her, as she had already been fond of him, but had grown even more so in the past week. She knew Abe wasn't her dog, but deep down she did feel that way. The moment she had decided to stay she had voiced it out loud to Abe, and the silly dog had plopped his head onto her thigh and drooled. Blue took that as a sign of approval.

Who else would approve? She knew already that Lee would be happy. Good lord, the man had practically bugged her to death with arguments for staying. She knew that Orley thought it would be a good move. He had said as much, in his own brief and ornery way. So, what about John? He had given her that little bit of advice, about listening to her heart, but would he, did he, care one way or another what her decision was?

And why was she wanting him to be the first one, besides Abe, that she told? If he ever got home...

The cell phone she had tossed onto the corner of the bed jingled gaily. Abe's ears perked, though he didn't bother to open his eyes. Blue, on the other hand, nearly dumped her paints in her rush to answer it. Flipping the slim case open, she was disappointed to see an unrecognizable number displayed in the little window. But maybe it was John anyway, calling from a different number than the one he had given her?

Jeez, get a grip, would you?


Silence met Blue's greeting. There was only a very faint crackle to be heard through the apparatus.

"Hello?" Blue repeated, more insistent. Maybe they just hadn't heard her the first time.


"Hell-oo." She raised a brow along with her voice, annoyance quickly rising. Imagining that she could hear faint, soft breathing, she held her own breath.

A tiny prickle ran up the back of her neck. She shrugged off the vague feeling of unease, muttering "Wrong number, jackass." before snapping the phone shut. Scowling at some people's rudeness, she tossed the cell phone back to the bed, startled into a gasp when it jangled the brief text message notification melody the moment it left her fingertips.

Staring at the phone as if it were a snake with two heads for a moment, she looked to Abe, who was now watching her curiously instead of attempting a nap.

"I'm really not this weird all the time. I swear." Blue murmured to the dog as she picked up the phone and flipped it open once again to check her text messages.

She read the words on the screen, blinked as if her eyes needed to focus, then read a second time.

"Home is where the heart is. You have a home, do you have a heart?"


Abe stood at the top of the stairwell, listened for a moment, then barked.

Blue set her brush down and stood to turn the knob on her CD player, quieting the music she had turned up since reading the odd text message earlier. She had turned the phone to silent and had ignored it after several long, tense moments staring at the text, trying to think of who would send a message like that. She had an idea... just an inkling, really, with absolutely no proof... but didn't want to think any more about it and so had turned the cell phone over onto the comforter and had buried herself in her painting.

She glanced at the clock, surprised to see that had been several hours ago. Except for a short walk with Abe, she had been lost in the music and her art, just as she had wanted.

Abe barked again and looked to Blue expectantly. The moment she stepped towards him he headed down the stairs, obviously expecting her to follow. Halfway down the narrow stairwell she heard the knocking at her front door and quickened her descending.

Lee stood in the glow of the front porch light, his brows raised in question. "I was beginning to think you weren't home."

Blue stepped aside and motioned Lee inside. "I was up in the loft. Abe heard you knock, though." She closed the door against the blast of cold air and turned to find him closer behind her than she thought.

"Well?" he asked.

"Well what?" She hazarded, taking a step backward.

Lee stuck his hands in his coat pockets and raised his brows again. "Well... what did you decide? Are you staying?" He waited, looking completely hopeful. Blue couldn't keep him in the dark any longer, it just wouldn't be nice.

"Yes." A smile slipped onto her lips as she watched her friend's expression light up. "I'm moving home."


Abe barked at Lee's shout, but the warning growl didn't come until Lee had picked Blue up off her feet in a joyous twirl.

"Stop that!" Blue chided both Lee and Abe at the same time, pushing at the arms holding her even while she laughed. "Abe, no." She was saved from figuring out a way to get the suddenly protective dog from backing down, as he had sat back on his haunches and quit growling the moment Lee had let her loose.

Lee hadn't given Abe a second look, though he had wisely stepped away from Blue. Grinning ear to ear, he looked like he was about to bust, Blue thought with a shake of her head. She knew Lee would be one to approve of her choice.

"We're going out!" Lee proclaimed cheerily, even as he warily rubbed a hand over Abe's head. Abe had calmed down and let himself be petted. "We need to celebrate. And it's New Year's Eve, we have to go out." he reminded, needlessly. The man was positively bursting with pent up energy.

Blue looked down at her worn flannel shirt and black leggings, her eyes stopping ruefully at the thick and fluffy neon green socks on her feet. "I'm not dressed to go..." she began to protest, until she realized that she did want to go out. She wanted to go out and have fun, not mope around the house by herself, waiting for... something. Besides, Lee was looking as if there was no way he was going to take no for an answer.

"All right." she gave in readily. "Let me go change, okay?" She skipped toward the stairway, looking forward now to this outing with Lee. "Hey, are you on call tonight?" She called over her shoulder. She remembered he had mentioned how there were often more fires on holidays. As a Fire Marshall, he kept his phone at his hip at all times, and was often called away even on normal days. "I'll take my car in case you have to leave." She paused on the first stair and looked back at him.

Lee looked as if he wanted to argue about taking separate transportation, but he knew that was the best way. He nodded, then called up the stairwell after her as she rushed up. "How does Cuddy's Shed sound? I know it's a dive, but it's halfway between here and Chaplin. Easy for both of us."

"Perfect!" Blue called back. Hurrying into the loft, she flung her closet door open and grabbed the first thing that looked as if it would be halfway presentable. No need for anything fancy at Cuddy's Shed. In fact 'fancy' would stick out like a sore thumb there. The 'Shed' was a dive, but it would still be fun. And that's what she wanted. Fun.

Dressing, slapping on some eyeliner and lip blush, and making sure her hair was re-braided somewhat presentably was all accomplished faster than she remembered ever doing. Grabbing her cell phone off the bed and a small purse, she rushed down back down the flights of stairs.

Lee was waiting in the living room, rising from the easy chair when she stopped breathlessly in the doorway.

"Okay, I'm ready."

He grinned, his eyes on her face. As he neared, his grin grew wider and his eyes sparkled. Lifting a hand, his thumb brushed at her cheek. "New kind of blush, Blue?" he laughed. "You've got paint... here..." His thumb rubbed at her skin.

"Oh, for Pete's sake." She raised a hand to brush at the spot, but he pushed her fingers aside.

"Hang on. Almost got it." More gentle rubbing. "There! All gone." Lee set his hands on her shoulders, turned her, and gave her a push towards the door. "What would you do without me?" he laughed.


John expelled an irritated breath as the airplane ascended off the runway that had finally been cleared of snow enough for take-off.

With Sol's meeting taking longer than expected, and then the winter storm that had delayed all flights out of Philadelphia for hours, he had begun to consider just staying in Philly. He'd find Blackie, they could both get drunk- maybe even find a date that had no aspirations beyond a one night stand- and celebrate the New Year that way. But that wasn't what he wanted. Not at all.

Then he had considered driving. With the airline delays it would have been quicker to get home that way- if the roads were clear. The asininely perky weatherman on the airport television assured him that they weren't.

Leaning his head back against the seat, he closed his eyes and made an attempt at relaxation. At least he was on his way, late or not. He had sent Blue a text earlier, a short one that explained the snow delay. She hadn't answered back. He knew because he'd checked way too many times while he was wiling away time in the terminal.

There was really no reason for her to answer. It just would have been... nice. A connection to her, even through an impersonal text. Or probably, if she had texted back, he would have just gone ahead and called her, so he could hear her voice.

"When did you become so pathetic? Damn, Johnny, has it been that long since you last got laid?" That damn little voice again.

"Shut up." John mumbled. Opening one eye he checked to see if the guy in the seat next to him had heard. The harried looking business man was already softly snoring, his mouth hanging open unattractively. Good. No need to have any witnesses to his insanity.

Settling more comfortably in his seat, John let the gentle motion of the flight soothe him into a nap.


A rebel whoop rolled across the expanse of Cuddy's Shed, signaling the end of a crowd favorite song. Blue laughed and breathlessly stepped away from Lee's grasp, only to be pulled back out onto the wooden planked dance floor. Another rowdy song was starting and, and usual, Lee wasn't going to take no for an answer.

Blue smiled up at her partner, shaking her head. "Last one!" she shouted over the music.

"For now!" Lee yelled back, grinning, and swung her around.

Blue didn't mind. She wasn't much good with specific dance steps, she thought, but she did all right if she just let loose and had fun with it. Lee was a good dance partner, both graceful and wildly enthusiastic, not even minding when she stepped on his toes... which she did, again, laughing up at him when he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off her feet in a dizzying twirl. She shrieked and slapped at his shoulders, and he set her down and spun her around once more for good measure.

"You make me dizzy!" she chided, smiling. The song ended and another began smoothly, but this time Blue managed to pull Lee off the dance floor to the table they had claimed. "Oh my lord," Blue gasped. "I've never danced so much in all my life!"

"Hey, stick with me, sweetheart. I'm a dancin' fool."

"I'm not touching that, you silly." Blue laughed. "Whew, I'm outta breath. And thirsty!"

"I'll get us another drink. You hang tight and don't go stepping on any other fool's toes without me. Be right back." Lee pulled a chair out for Blue to sit in before heading to the bar.

Putting one knee on the chair seat before sitting, Blue stretched, arched her tired back, and ran her hands over the hair that was beginning to escape from it's braid. All the dancing and twirling had caused some unruly tendrils to go free and frame her face, some strands sticking moistly to her cheek. It was cold outside- freezing, actually- but with all the bodies and all the dancing, it was plenty warm in the old bar. Fanning herself with her hand and laughing quietly as she did so, Blue felt a tingle at the back of her neck. Automatically looking up and around at the crowd that packed the place, the tingle moved to her belly when a pair of topaz eyes met hers.

John couldn't tear his eyes away. He had been watching her for longer than he would ever admit, since he had come in and ordered his drink at the bar and turned his head and there she was. At least two dances worth. He had come to Cuddy's Shed on a whim, having arrived home to an empty house and at loose ends on New Years Eve. And since Blue's car hadn't been in the driveway and her house was all dark, and Orley wasn't likely to be awake for much longer, what else did he have to do? The Shed was somewhat familiar, and worlds better than brooding around his house by himself being lonely.

So he had come to Cuddy's Shed to brood instead. And found Blue. Blue, who was dancing and laughing and beautiful and oh, my god, so so sexy. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair was coming loose, and the way she danced... John's gut knotted another notch tighter as he pictured her, not on the dance floor but in his bed, blushing with arousal, his fingers buried in her hair, her body 'dancing' against his as he pushed and withdrew, pushed and withdrew...

She was coming toward him. Looking down, away from her for his own sanity, he tightened his fingers around the cold bottle of beer and willed his cock to behave itself. The way things were right now, if he turned his body away from the bar things would get mighty embarrassing mighty fast. Down, boy.

"John! You made it after all." Blue's smile lit up the dimly lit room.

Damn, but she looked pretty. She had taken off her loose, long sleeved sweater to reveal a plain white t-shirt underneath. A very flattering white t-shirt. That, paired with curve-caressing snug blue jeans, a wide brown leather belt hitched fashionably low around her rounded hips, and plain brown western boots... taken one by one, everything could be called 'plain', but together, on her? Hell, she stood out more than any dressed up, man-hunting female in there. Hands down.

Hands... down, skimming over her curvy hips. His hands. Gliding down to cup her ass, so well displayed by those perfectly fitting jeans. His greedy hands, hungry to touch... everywhere... needing to feel the weight of her breasts in his palms...

Blue touched his arm and John looked up, praying he hadn't been caught staring at the generous swell of her breasts.

"Did you get my note about Abe? That I left him off with Orley?" she was asking, sidling close to him against the bar to be heard over the people and the music.

"Taped to your door, yes ma'am. Paid Orley a visit, wished him a good New Year. Figured I had nothing else to do this evening, so I came here. Weather delayed me every step of the way earlier. I left you a message." John left it as a question.

"You did? Oh..." Blue looked startled and fished a slim cell phone out of her pocket, dipping her head to watch as she pressed a button and the phone came to life. "Oh! You did. I'm sorry, I'd turned it off earlier and forgot to turn it back on." She shrugged apologetically. Then she smiled again and John's world tilted. "Weird we ended up in the same place, huh?"

A hand reached between them and placed a mug of frothy beer on the bar top. "Here you go, sweetheart. One big, cold drink to fortify you enough for at least four more dances with a fool."

John looked up to see the guy Blue had been dancing with when he arrived. He recognized him as the same guy that had held on to Blue so determinedly at Jean's funeral service. John nodded politely at the man, though his mood dropped a little as the guy's hand came to rest on Blue's waist.

"Lee, I'd like you to meet my neighbor, John Keeper. John, this is Lee, a friend of mine."

Friend? How good of a friend?

"Pleasure." John responded, and stuck out his hand for Lee to shake.

"Ah-ha, you're the neighbor. One of 'em, anyway, and I'm presuming you aren't the old one." Lee shook John's hand firmly, then returned his to Blue's waist.

"I'm old enough." John replied, trying not to let his eye wander to the arm Lee had around Blue. "But no, that would be Orley. I'm the other one."

"John, come join us. We have a table." Blue pointed over her shoulder at the crowd on and around the dance floor.

"I don't want to intrude." He didn't want to. He really didn't. Joining them looked to be potentially depressing. Were Blue and Lee a couple? He had been wondering that while watching them dance, beginning to feel like coming here wasn't a good idea after all.

"Hell, you aren't intruding!" Lee clapped his hand on John's shoulder. "In fact, you can help us celebrate!" Lee looked down at Blue with a wide grin. "Blue here has decided to stay. For good."
