Lady in Red Pt. 02 Ch. 14

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Inaugurals, premiers, and fame.
16.5k words

Part 46 of the 65 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/11/2013
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Gwen watched Steve dive into the icy waters without any apparent hesitation. Then, as her dress pooled at her feet, she kicked off her heels and headed for the river. Ashley was calling to her, but Gwen's attention was on the scene in the river.

A man in a suit had climbed out of the helicopter and was trying to swim to shore. Although it was only about a hundred yards, Gwen could tell the man would never make it. He was using only his left arm, and quite awkwardly. Gwen was surprised when she saw Steve swim out around the man and continue toward the rapidly sinking helicopter.

It occurred to Gwen that Steve had somehow determined that there were more people in the aircraft and he was intent on rescuing them. Then she felt the sudden shock as she dove into the frigid waters. Chilled to the bone, she quickly surfaced and swam strongly toward the man that had exited the chopper. By now he was having a very difficult time. He flailed weakly as his head dropped below the surface and then reappeared. This happened several times before Gwen approached him. Then, as she drew near, he went under and did not return to the surface.

Gwen dove and quickly found him. She grabbed his jacket by the collar and pulled him to the surface. By this time, her limbs felt numb and her teeth were chattering, even as she exerted herself tremendously. Taking a deep breath, Gwen began pulling the man back toward shore. As she swam, she saw Steve dive at the point where the helicopter had just submerged.

She knew she had to get back to shore, and soon, or she'd never make it back. Knowing she was unable to help Steve, she prayed that he would manage without her. It became increasingly difficult for Gwen to make her arms respond. They felt like lead weights. Gwen became concerned about getting back to shore as the seconds passed. She was moving slower and with much greater effort.

"Let me take him, Miss," came a strong male voice from behind her just before an arm reached out and grabbed the collar of the man she had been pulling.

Gwen released the man and turned in the water. She saw a policeman standing in chest deep water as he worked his way toward shore, towing the man that she had helped. Gwen tried to stand, but her feet were numb! She knew they were on the bottom, but had difficulty feeling anything. Walking was almost impossible.

Suddenly, strong hands grabbed on one of her arms and guided her back to shore. She hadn't seen the second man until she felt his hands on her arm. She had a chance to quickly study him as he led her from the water. He was very poorly dressed and looked extremely unkempt. His wore a beard and his coat was ragged and torn in several places. Regardless, Gwen was extremely grateful that he was there and helping her.

Once she reached waist deep water, the man released her arm, but remained close, making sure that she was going to be able to escape the frigid waters. For the first time, Gwen noticed dozens, and perhaps hundreds of people standing along the shoreline. Many had their phones in their hands and were videoing her approach to land. When the water was below her knees, several men splashed out to help her climb the river bank. An older man on shore removed his overcoat and wrapped it around her once she was standing on dry land. Then she turned to see if she could locate Steve.

The cold water had jolted Steve when he dove into the river. He forced his body to ignore the shock and began swimming strongly toward the crashed helicopter. Unlike Gwen, he had a very good idea who was inside the stricken craft. He had seen Amber Stahl and Bill Hardy doing interviews outside the Capitol Building after Congress had been adjourned. He also noticed the chopper sitting in a cordoned off grassy area a hundred yards away at the time that Gwen had spoken to her family and promised to join them after meeting her new staff.

As he swam, he saw Bill Hardy plunge into the water before the machine sank from sight. Steve quickly made the decision to circle Hardy and try to find Amber. His reasoning was that Hardy was on the surface and would be easily seen by others that would surely be rushing to render aid. Amber had not exited the chopper and that concerned Steve greatly. The aircraft disappeared from sight just a few yards in front of Steve, so he took a breath and dove down. He quickly reached the chopper as it slowly descended.

One glance told Steve that the pilot was dead. His head was bent at an unnatural angle and blood streamed from his severed throat. Inside he found Amber still held in place in a back seat by her lap belt. Her forehead had some blood seeping from it and she was unresponsive. He quickly unbuckled her and headed upward.

He broke the surface and drew a deep breath as he looked to determine the nearest land. It was immediately apparent that he had to go back toward the parked limo. He held Amber with one arm and began swimming strongly toward the shore. As he swam, he thought about Hell Week and how much he had hated it. Then he almost smiled as he realized how well it was serving him at that very moment.

The water was frigid, but he ignored it. He concentrated on the girl he held in his right arm as he pushed hard for shore. He would glance back after every ten strokes to locate his landing spot and to determine when he was close. He knew when the water was shallow enough to walk and swung Amber into both arms as he felt bottom. He then trudged slowly toward shore. As the water became waist deep, several bystanders approached and offered to take Amber from him. Steve simply shook his head and kept walking.

Steve took in the scene as he stepped out of the water. Gwen was standing just to the side with Ashley. She was soaking wet, but wrapped in a warm trench coat and appeared to be doing well. Bill Hardy was sitting on someone's coat with another coat draped over his shoulders. He was complaining bitterly about how much his arm ached and how long the ambulance was taking to arrive.

A couple of bystanders removed their coats and placed them on the frozen ground. Steve gently placed Amber on the clothing and felt her throat for a pulse. Feeling relief that she had a strong one, he bent down close to her mouth to determine if she was breathing properly. She had spittle and mucous around her nose and mouth, but her breathing was regular. Then the sirens became very loud as ambulances drove along the grassy shoulder of the jammed highway and stopped just yards away.

Soon, two paramedics were at Amber's side, so Steve stepped back to allow them room. They quickly placed her on a backboard and then on the gurney and strapped an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. Then they moved her toward the ambulance, loaded her, and took off along the grassy shoulder to a point where the ambulance could access the highway.

Steve turned to see another crew treating Bill Hardy. He was uncooperative and still complaining about the pain and the lack of haste demonstrated by the paramedics. Steve didn't even try to conceal his contempt for Hardy as he made his way over to Gwen and Ashley.

Both women were shivering as they watched Steve approach. Suddenly, Ashley turned and raced back to the limo, grabbed Steve's clothes from the trunk and his shoes from the ground and hurried back. She knelt in front of Steve and held his pants open for him to step into.

Steve was a little embarrassed by Ashley's actions. Dozens of cameras were recording his every move. Not knowing what else to do, Steve quickly stepped into his trousers and took the waistband from Ashley's hands as she pulled them up.

"Thanks, Ashley. I appreciate it, but everyone's watching. Just hand me my shirt and I'll slip it on," insisted Steve as gently as he could.

Once Ashley handed Steve his clothes, she went back to the car and returned with Gwen's dress and coat. Steve met her as she approached Gwen.

"Gwen, if you want to put your dress back on, I'll stand in front of you, Ashley, please stand behind her," instructed Steve before speaking to the older man that had obviously loaned his overcoat to Gwen. "Sir, would you mind standing next to Gwen so we don't have a dozen cameras recording her putting her dress back on?"

"Certainly!" replied the man as he stepped close to Gwen, and then spoke to a woman a few feet to his left. "Nancy, come over here please, and stand on the other side of Miss Anderson. We're trying to allow her some privacy while she gets her dress back on."

The lady nodded and moved close to Gwen who quickly pulled the overcoat off and held her arms up so Steve could slip her dress over her head. Although he only caught a brief glimpse, Steve could tell that her sexy red bra had become transparent and her nipples were very stiff. Then he helped her smooth the dress out and held her coat as she slid into it.

"Thank you, Sir, for the use of your overcoat," managed Gwen through chattering teeth. "It helped warm me and protect me from all of those cameras. You're a gentleman. Could I invite you to our little celebration this evening? I was just sworn into Congress and we're having some friends and guests over to our hotel..."

"Yes, I'll be there," promised the man. "I know who you are, and what hotel you're in. I was planning on stopping in, but you're invitation seals it. I'll see you then. This was one of the most remarkable things I've ever witnessed. I commend you both for your courage and compassion. You'd better get inside your limo, get back to the hotel and warmed up, Ms. Anderson."

Becky had just managed to get a cup of coffee to warm up a little while everyone waited for Gwen, Ashley, and Steve to arrive at the hotel. She sat down next to Kate and Paula at a round table in the big ballroom they had reserved for the party when her cell rang.

"Hey, Ashley! Are you guys going to get here pretty soon?"questioned Becky as she smiled at Kate and Paula while they listened to her end of the conversation. "What? My God! Are they okay? It's freezing out there! Stay on the line while I tell Paula what's happened."

"Ashley says a helicopter just crashed into the river near the road where their limo was. Steve's already swimming out to it, and Gwen's running down to the water in her underwear! Oh, my! Ashley said that Gwen's in the water and swimming out to help some guy that's drowning!"

"Turn on the TV!" insisted Kate to the room in general. "Gwen and Steve are in another water rescue. It must be on a few stations!"

Almost before she finished her sentence, a large screen TV blinked on and everyone turned toward it. The man with the remote went through four channels before he found a station with a reporter on the scene. The view on the screen was obviously from overhead and it was riveting.

A swimmer had just dived and pulled a man back to the surface and started pulling him back to shore. Kate couldn't contain her excitement. "That's Gwen! She's saving that guy's life. Where's Steve? Where's the helicopter that crashed?"

Suddenly two bodies bobbed to the surface not too far from where Gwen labored to drag the man back to shore. "There's Steve! He must have pulled someone from the chopper. Look at him swim. He acts like the cold water doesn't even bother him."

Then the scene switched to a camera obviously held on the shore. It showed Gwen handing the near drowning victim off to a policeman and being guided back to shore by a ragged looking man.

"My God! Gwen may as well be naked!" observed Paula. "And she's freezing to death! I hope she gets a coat on right away."

As Paula spoke, an elderly gentleman removed his overcoat and draped it over Gwen's shoulders. Gwen looked back and gave the man an appreciative smile as she pulled the coat tightly to her body and returned her gaze to where Steve was bringing Amber ashore.

Everyone watched in awed silence as Steve placed Amber on the coats that had been placed on the ground. Then the paramedics arrived on scene and took over treatment. A short time later they saw Ashley drop to her knees to hold Steve's pants out for him to step in.

"Sis sure is helpful, isn't she?" remarked Becky with a grin as Steve stepped into the trousers and pulled them up. "Those boxers of Steve's were a little revealing when they were wet. The viewers are getting their money's worth today."

Once again everyone went silent as Steve held Gwen's dress up and slid it over her head while Ashley and an unknown couple stood nearby, so she couldn't be seen by the TV viewers.

Steve took Gwen's arm and steered her back toward the limo. As they were getting in, a reporter began asking them questions. Steve simply shook his head and then climbed into the car behind Gwen.

Everyone in the ballroom suddenly began talking. Gwen had invited the good citizens of her district to the celebration. To that end, Lady in Red Productions had provided a sign-up sheet for people that were willing to ride a bus to the affair in Washington. By the time the deadline for signing up had arrived, Lady in Red Productions had to hire thirteen buses. One bus carried seniors from Sparta High so that they could be part of the celebration.

The thirteen buses had emptied their riders into the hotel a few minutes before the TV had come to life with the report from the river. The hometown contingent had watched in stunned silence until it became obvious that Gwen and Steve were going to be okay. The citizens of the Spartan Nation were very vocal in their support of their home town heroes. Their pride was very evident as they cheered and clapped their approval as the TV announcers recapped the incredible series of events that had just transpired. The din had barely died down when Gwen, Ashley, and Steve stepped into the lobby of the hotel.

They had hoped to move quickly to their rooms to change their clothes, but that was not to be. The moment they entered the hotel, they were mobbed by admirers and well wishers. Gwen and Steve were overwhelmed by the number of people that rushed forward to congratulate and praise them. They shook hands and acknowledged as many people as they could as they inched toward the elevators.

"Okay, folks. We're all extremely pleased to see that Gwen and Steve survived their ordeal, but they need to get to their room to get warmed up and changed," bellowed Ted as he, Will, Billy, Jared, Jason, and Charlie gently began moving people back so that the couple could reach the elevators. "Please give them some time to recover and prepare for the big celebration. We'll start in half an hour or so and look forward to seeing all of you there."

As the men made some room for the group, Paula, Lisa, and Kate closed in on Gwen and Steve and quickly led them to the elevators.

"What were you two thinking?" demanded Paula as they rode up to their floor in the elevator. "You could have drowned in that damn river! Thank God you're alright."

"Mother! Don't even think about complaining about what we just did! Two people would have died if we had simply watched from the shore. You know that isn't the way Steve is, and I hope it isn't me either. I know you were worried and maybe even scared, but don't ever tell us that we shouldn't try to help others in trouble. Amber's become a great friend. She's smart and successful and headed for great things. Steve couldn't forsake her. If he had, he wouldn't be the man I've fallen in love with. He'd be common, or average, which is okay for most men, but not for Steve!" responded Gwen with considerable emotion.

"Amber? Amber Stahl? I didn't realize she was on the helicopter. She was the woman that Steve brought to shore? All I saw was that damned Bill Hardy complaining about how slow the ambulances were," added Paula contritely. "I apologize. You two know what you're doing. I was wrong to be upset. It's just that I love you two so much, and if something happened to either of you, I don't know what I'd do. I have to admit that I'm also extremely proud of you both."

By this time, the group had reached Gwen and Steve's suite. He immediately began undressing as he headed for the bathroom. Once he closed the door, he peeled his damp pants off and then dragged his soaked boxers down to his ankles and kicked them off. He turned the shower on for the water to warm up, picked up his boxers, and tossed them into the trash. Suddenly the door swung open as Steve was reaching for a towel.

Paula gasped as she came face to face with a naked Steve. Her eyes darted up and down his amazing physique as the rest of her body froze in place.

"What's wrong, Mom?" came Lisa's voice from behind Paula just before she peeked over her mother's shoulder. "Oh, my! And that's after being in ice cold water for ten minutes or so! You know there had to be some shrinkage. Can you get the towel for Gwen, or would you rather stay and wash Steve's back?"

Paula was jolted out of her momentary paralysis and grabbed a towel from the stack on the sink counter. "I'm very sorry about barging in. I didn't realize that you were in here."

Paula backed out of the room and closed the door. It was less than twenty seconds later that Steve heard all of the Anderson women break into hearty laughter. He realized that he had somehow managed to lift any tension Paula was feeling and smiled to himself as he climbed into the shower.

Steve had just begun to soap up when he felt hands on his back and he swung around to face whoever was touching him.

"What? Were you expecting Mom, or hoping it was her?" laughed Gwen. "You made quite an impression on her. Lisa said that you weren't even hard and the cold water had taken its toll, but Mom didn't seem to believe it. I think her mouth is still hanging open in shock. She has a new respect for you, and probably for me.

"How can you stand the water this cold? No wonder you didn't have any trouble in that river. You shower in water the same temperature," observed Gwen as she reached over and adjusted the faucets while Steve quickly moved so that Gwen was between him and what he knew would become almost scalding water.

After a brief shower, the couple left the bathroom wearing towels. "Sorry, Mom!" teased Kate. "Steve has a towel on and he's way warmer than he was earlier. Maybe you can get it away from him. You won't be sorry!"

"I think we've embarrassed Steve enough for one day," reasoned Paula as she blushed a bright red. "We have to find a fast way to fix Gwen's hair. That beautiful perm she had this morning was washed away in the river. Any ideas?"

"Gwen is so beautiful, I think she'll look great with her hair done up in a braided bun," suggested Lisa. "We can do that in a few minutes. What do you think, Steve?"

"Me? I think she'd be beautiful in an old burlap bag. I'm sure she'll be gorgeous when you're done fixing her hair."

"Now you see why I keep the guy around," beamed Gwen as she smiled at Steve.

"Actually, I saw that reason a few minutes ago," replied Paula as she arched her eyebrows several times.

"Mom!" cried all three daughters at the same time.

"I did see him in all his glory that morning I woke up Gwen and him by the pool. Over the years, I'd decided that my memory had somehow exaggerated reality. I realize now that my memory was pretty good," laughed Paula.

"I told you she was impressed," chuckled Lisa. "You never would've let Gwen near the guy if you had known the danger she was in, would you have?"

"I certainly wouldn't have allowed Kate to sit on his lap in the hot tub," admitted Paula as she openly gazed at Steve's torso.

"Yeah, the first time I sat on his lap, it threw me right off! It's like sitting on an Anaconda, only way better. And stiffer!" added Kate as an afterthought.

"I'll just take my clothes into the other room, lock the door, and get dressed. I'd like to remind you that we're supposed to be downstairs in ten minutes, and that I can hear everything you're saying," stated Steve as he shook his head, walked into the adjoining room, and closed the door.