Lord Daygar - Kingslayer Ch. 07

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The ‘Bitch Queen’ is stripped of her Kingdom!
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Part 7 of the 15 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 06/06/2012
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Queen Boudina's men spewed from the gates of the Fortress City like ants from a disturbed nest as Daygar's army advanced towards them. At least four thousand baying, sword waving heathens swept towards them fearlessly as five of the Giant Lord's trusted Knights led battalions of better equipped and trained soldiers strategically at the front and flanks. Lord Chesil spearheaded the attack to divide the swarm and secure the entrance to the City as Daygar came from his flank; two more Lords were closing in from the rear of the City from the legions stationed on the border with Mercuria.

Lord Chesil was rapidly achieving his aim, sitting astride a huge chestnut horse; his bulky frame not unlike Daygar's his sword scything a path for his men. The Giant Lord was within several hundred yards of the entrance when another wave of Boudina's army flooded from it led by the 'Bitch Queen' herself. Daygar had never witnessed anything of its kind, the woman astride her massive charger, sat tall in the saddle with auburn hair streaking behind her at full gallop into the approaching pack towards Chesil. There was no hint of armour or helmet or any protection other than a long black corseted gown, her skirts slit to the waist either side displaying long strong legs gripping the flanks of her mount. Black mid calf boots dug into the horses belly propelling her into the baying crowd, her curious sword, little more than eighteen inches in length and about three wide waved high above her head.

Daygar made toward her but his progress was slow as if riding through treacle, his sword slicing a path through the mad rabble of her army but he was three hundred yards away as Boudina met Lord Chesil. He watched expectantly, waiting for his knight to take her with his long sword when Chesil's arm, along with the glinting shaft of steel fell from him like a log, lopped off by one of Boudina's surrounding foot soldiers. Daygar was helpless as the 'Bitch Queen' hove alongside his disarmed knight, her men encompassing him as the statuesque woman swung her short weapon, reflecting the afternoon sun as it arced towards the stunned Lord.

Chesil's head flipped awkwardly to one side when another sweep of her sword sent it spinning from his shoulders, his headless torso somersaulting backwards from his mount. Daygar's men were unmoved and still advancing steadily, far outnumbering the defending army as Boudina turned and headed back to her City, leaving her hoards to continue the onslaught. The Giant Lord suddenly realised that Boudina had mistaken Chesil for him and, thinking she had beheaded the Leader returned to her Citadel expecting the attack to flounder.

It was little more than half an hour before Boudina realised her mistake and by then Daygar's forces had successfully divided her men pinning them against the giant walls unable to retreat back into the Fortress. Lord Chesil's battalion had been spurned on by the loss of their commander and had taken the entrance, finding little resistance within the City. Lord Bowdan had tutored the Knights on tackling a defeated foe, backing them up against the walls, three or four thousand men with nowhere to go. Restricted and outnumbered they gradually lowered their weapons, accepting the conquering force; there would be no mass bloodshed of these fighting men, valuable resources for Daygar's expanding army. Within days they would be reincarnated into his legions creating the largest army within the ten nations, an unstoppable force in the quest for the Northern Kingdoms.

Inside the great walls men surrendered whilst the women, having sheltered the young and infirm from what they knew would be inevitable, relinquished themselves to the invaders. The men had done their duty in fighting for the City and the women knew their duty would be to throw a dampening veil over the boiling cauldron of testosterone. Plucked from the huddles of resigned femininity the women were being plundered of their delicate treasures, dresses and other female attire stripped and strewn about as the hoards of grasping men pleasured their desperate cocks!

There was little surprise at the scene playing out in the centre of the City, it was the way of things, the men had done their war and now it was the turn of the women, but instead of sword and blood it was guile and intrigue as they sought to diffuse the animal ferocity of their invaders. Calm would descend as soon as the lustful desires of the men were sated and a new normality would take over. New bonds would form and the Kingdom would be strengthened and hopefully the tyranny of the 'Bitch Queen' would vanish forever.

After the initial ferocity the women knew they would be repatriated with surviving husbands and fathers under a common leadership and the widows would find knew protectors, but for now they were snatched as trophies. The City square was festooned with countless bare breasted conquests stripped of their modesty, kneeling before or spread beneath men or bent over convenient trestles and bales, requiting eager cocks. The pretty ones attracting the most attention servicing the urgent needs of several men before being scooped up by the most powerful.

On the steps to the shuttered Citadel Daygar's men were battering down the huge doors whilst a huddle of high-born Ladies having failed to gain access before the Queen's men had barricaded it were discovered and pillaged. Fine cloaks and silk were stripped from them, joining the masses of common women in calming the savagery and lust, separated from them only by delicate hair fashions and fragranced bodies. A serf of no importance with a captured sword from a fallen soldier his only possession had been the first to discover the women and had taken Lady Angelica, a close aide of the Queen. Canting aloft her skirts he weaved between her silk stockinged legs and lace garters, finding her entrance and plunging himself deep into her, slaking his balls at the sight of such unimaginable finery and the scent of her yielding body. Her dress alone more valuable than the accumulated assets of his entire village Lady Angelica accepted her fate at the filthy hands of the common servant, her shapely legs thrust apart as he pumped his hot liquid into her. Another arrived to take his place but spent his load before reaching her exposed sex, overcome by the sight of such noble beauty and the feel of exquisite lace and silk!

The women would survive the assault on their treasures, their submission aiding the calming of the invaders and preventing further carnage and bloodshed. Calm would follow spent cocks, revenge would be replaced by respect and order would quickly be restored and then the young and infirm would emerge into the new order.

Daygar's men had breached the doors and disabled the token force within the Queen's inner Fortress, the High-born elite knowing their fate and accepting it like the women in the City. For them it was a more civilised situation with the Lords and Commanders selecting their prize in an orderly fashion. In some instances the Ladies themselves decided on which Lord or Captain they would prefer to take them and offered their treasures without resistance knowing their safety and future depended upon it. Several aristocratic ladies were stripped and plundered where they were found, others taken to bedchambers to requite their new masters in private.

Daygar had arrived at the stronghold of the Queen with a small knot of men, confronted at the huge doors by six females of the Queen's Guard, dressed in delicate robes and armed with swords and spears; they were ceremonial in times of peace and entirely useless in war!

The Giant Lord indicated six of his men to stay and released the others to continue the search and capture of the rest of the Queen's Citadel. 'Take their weapons,' Daygar said simply and the men stepped forward disarming the women easily, swords and spears clattering to the flag-stoned floor within seconds before stepping back. The Queens's Guard stood helpless, shaking with fear for their safety. 'Are you prepared to die, or surrender yourselves to my men?' Daygar said evenly.

There really was no option and they knew it, to refuse would have been futile. 'We surrender, My Lord,' blurted Zara, obviously the most senior of the women in a wavering voice.

'Then you know what you must do.' Daygar swept between the women and through the huge doors into Queen Boudina's inner sanctum. Behind him his men accepted the women, now on their knees satisfying their captor's cocks as a prelude to the fucking they knew was inevitable!

Edbert, a Yeoman in Daygar's Slaverian army had been the first to react, extracting Zara, the senior of the Queen's Guard, forcing her to her knees, there was no struggle as she had already yielded to him but was unsure of his intentions. His cock nudged her lips and the woman responded taking him in and sucking it voraciously; the virgins had played these games with the Queen using ornately carved ivory phalluses before fingering and licking their mistress. This was her first time with a real cock and she adapted quickly to her new master.

Malwi, a lowly ranked minion under the command of Edbert and still a virgin himself just attaining his eighteenth year reacted next, helping himself to a pretty young maiden named Katia of the same age, his trembling fingers tearing away her flimsy dress as if it were paper. Katia yielded quietly, kneeling before him and satisfying him as Zara had demonstrated. Malwi guided her to a table, backing her onto it as he spread her legs to accept him, her virginity disappearing along with his as he entered her eagerly, his virgin cream surging between them within a minute!

The others coupled without ceremony; cocks sucked and perfumed bodies ravished by excited men desperate for relief by women desperate for protection!


Daygar strode into the huge vaulted room and paced towards the elevated throne, lit by a huge stained glass window above giving a rich sheen to the long auburn hair of Queen Boudina sitting alone. No one else occupied the stone enclave as he arrived at the foot of four steps leading to the ornately carved solid oak seat.

'Stay where you are Daygar,' the 'Bitch Queen' demanded. 'If you think you can take me then you are very stupid. Come any closer and I'll take your cock and balls, fat man!' she said defiantly.

'Big talk,' Daygar said simply, taking another step towards her.

'I've taken the 'man-jewels' from better men than you, fat bastard! If you treasure your manhood, fuck off and take your clowns with you.'

There was no sign of a weapon and Daygar was confused by her rhetoric and confident smile, he looked about the room, it was empty apart from a table and bench, no place for a bodyguard to hide. He unstrapped his sword and let it drop by his side bringing an even brighter smile to the 'Bitch Queen' her face lit by the huge coloured window. 'She is surprisingly attractive,' Daygar mused to himself, 'and mine for the taking.' His cock grew at the conclusion. He approached the first step of the dais.

'Last warning, Daygar,' she hissed stiffening in her huge seat. 'No man gets the better of me.'

'When was the last time you were properly fucked?' Daygar ventured.

'You mean by a so called man. Four years ago on my coming of age, my father granted me to one of his Lords, an old fool who drooled over my body like an idiot before taking my virginity. He never saw the blade, I cut him short whilst he was still inside me and watched as he died whimpering like a baby over my breasts. Men are such pathetic creatures. Even Kings are useless, my father went to his grave minus his cock and balls, punishment for underestimating the power of a woman!'

Daygar felt no surprise in her admission. Accounts of her dealings with men were legendary and stories of how she killed her father for the throne were never dismissed as untrue. 'Those women are your lovers?' he asked pointing towards the doors.

Boudina nodded then with unaccustomed concern, 'are they to be harmed?'

Daygar shook his head, 'just fucked. Are, or should I say, were they virgins?'

Boudina scowled like an angry cat. 'You bastard; I will enjoy taking your cock Daygar.'

Daygar smiled. 'I will enjoy giving it to you my Queen.' With that he sprinted up the steps arriving at her still seated form in two leaps. Was it her legs that distracted him? Her gown fell open from the waist down revealing taut slender legs and his eyes mentally raped her, then a flash of light glinted on the short blade as it slid expertly from beneath her skirts finding the lower edge of his body armour. Boudina's face lit up with delight as she lunged towards him plunging the steel into him just below the rib-cage, then dismay took over as Daygar had managed to sway sideways taking the blade in his side. He knew she had pierced him and felt blood trickle from the wound but it was nothing and he didn't flinch and within a second had grasped her hand wrenching the stubby sword from her grip.

Boudina knew instantly her plan had failed and recoiled into the massive oak throne in some kind of futile protection as Daygar gained control of her precious sword. The Giant Lord swooped quickly, his free hand clutching her by the throat plucking her from her throne and lifting her clear of the floor. Boudina was not finished and thrashed at him with both hands, flailing wildly as he choked off her air, her lips tingeing blue as her life began to ebb away. She watched helplessly as he lifted the sword above her head, bringing it down behind her towards her spine. She had witnessed death by this method, the sword slithering down the inside of the spine, bringing paralysis and a slow death.

The cold steel blade ran the length of her spine and she waited for the numbness to come, her air gone and fighting for her last breath, her arms now spent and dangling by her side. 'How could she feel the blade on her back?' she thought absently. The gown slid from her silently, peeling away from her breasts before falling to the floor, leaving her suspended naked from Daygar's grip around her neck. He had slit the lacing on her corseted top before carving away the waistband allowing the dress to drop, then releasing her throat he grabbed a wad of her long auburn hair and swung her around to face him.

The Queen's fulsome breasts bounced animatedly as he handled her into position, her gasping breath adding to the heaving as she tried to regain her senses.

'Will you yield to me?' he barked.

'Never,' she gasped hoarsely. 'You will have to take me by force, bastard.'

'Your choice Your Majesty,' he said sardonically. Dragging her by the hair he sat on the thick oak arm of her throne and pulled her to him between his thighs and dragged her across his knee, her naked bottom jiggled sensuously as he bent her further over exposing her oval, plump woman-fruit. The flat blade of her short sword cut through the air in Daygar's hand, raising a wide weal across both her cheeks and Boudina let out a croaky howl. The Giant Lord flayed her backside with unrelenting strokes before pulling her from his knee and down the steps.

Daygar bent the dethroned Queen across the sturdy oak table pressing her breasts tightly against it and forcing her legs apart, his cock unfettered and seeking the puffy lips of her entrance, slicing though and into her. She groaned loudly as he passed deep into her cunt, not a dead cock like the last time a man had broached her, a rampant ten-inch swollen weapon thrusting urgently, impaling her on his cock like a common whore. The Giant Lord searched out Boudina's inner secret and fucked her rapidly, gripping her hips in a vice-like hold, grinding his balls against her entrance to maximise his depth.

He could feel the stirrings of hot cream forming at the base of his cock and withdrew, pulling her from the table by her hair and spinning her on her heels to face him, pressing her head, forcing her to her knees. Daygar was desperate to salve his cock juice and pulled Boudina's head sharply backwards, entering between luscious but reluctant lips, forcing his cock head to the back of her throat. She was still weak from near strangulation and her arms put up little resistance but he knew he risked her biting his length yet her submission was more important and fucked her mouth hard.

Boudina sensed his urgency and reluctantly resisted any retaliation, she knew more than most how easy it was to separate a head from its neck, she also knew Daygar would not hesitate to slice hers off if she refused him.

'You're a stubborn bitch, Boudina,' Daygar rasped as he used the full force of his buttocks to nail her throat. 'Yield to me and I will make you General of the Western region, refuse me and my cock will be the last heat you feel.'

She gagged as he forced her harder onto his erection, her eyes raised to look into Daygar's ugly features, her sword in his huge hand waiting to take her head. She knew the sword's edge and one sweep would separate her from her body. He continued his forceful onslaught and waited for his hot juice to erupt in her throat, how soon would he put her to the sword, and what would that achieve? She thought. Her Kingdom was lost and her crown gone, but not the head that wore it, at least not yet! As General of a large army of men she could retake her crown, eventually when Daygar overreached himself in his quest for power, at least alive she would be there to take advantage when the time came.

Daygar watched as her hand slowly rose from her side, her long fingers encircling his shaft and taking control of his cock. Boudina massaged his length slowly, tightening her lips around the flange of his 'head' and quickening the pace, he released her hair and stood, hands on hips as the Queen bobbed rapidly on the end of his manhood. He threw the sword to one side as Boudina yielded to him as only a woman can, bringing his boiling fluid to the base of his cock before sending his first flush to the back of her throat. She withdrew and tried to swallow his load when Daygar laced her face and hair with his second spurt, 'three Kingdoms mine and another Royal added to my belt,' he mused thinking of the luscious Queen Flavica in her golden castle as he jerked another wave across Queen Boudina's ample breasts.

He placed his hand back on her head and guided his cock back into her mouth to finish him off, the Jewel Queen was indeed a glittering prize to be had but a more pressing engagement lay in the island Kingdom of Octavia. His new 'Bitch General' would be useful in his next conquest but he also knew she could not be trusted, yet there was no time to waste; Queen Flavica had unwittingly provided the key to Octavia in the form of her ships, now laid up in Slaveria. His balls tightened and his buttocks clenched as a final tidal wave of cum surged to the back of his conquered Queen's throat!

Chapter 8: Octavia, the green Isle of Flaxen maidens and treachery. A King, a Queen, a Prince and a Princess lay waiting for Daygar.

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YoungVirginYoungVirginalmost 12 years ago

descriptive and very erotic. Queen Boudina down on her knees to Daygar, so sexy thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Great story

very erotic even with the bloodshed! Great to see the 'Bitch' get hers!

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