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He shoved both articles in his gym bag and vowed to throw them away as soon as possible.

It felt like a huge weight was lifted.


"You okay, baby? You seemed a little off tonight. Not getting cold feet are you?" Low asked, as they were getting ready to go to bed.

Jensen glanced over at his fiancée sitting on the bed.

"No, of course not." He said, and he meant it. He loved her and wanted to spend the rest of his days with her. Seeing her sat there he knew that he wanted no other woman to share his bed.

He told himself that he'd had a normal male reaction to Georgia's porn tape, that was all. Nothing to feel too guilty about! He'd never do anything that would hurt Low.

He went to kiss the woman who would soon be his wife.


A week later


Jensen sat on the nearly empty bus, on his way to work. He was listening to his MP3 player and gazing out the window so he wasn't immediately aware that anyone had sat down next to him.

He looked round.


He gulped and pulled his earphones out.

"You." He growled. "What do think you're playing at, sending me that tape?"

"What's the matter? You didn't enjoy it?" She purred.

Jensen's eyes narrowed.

"How did you know where I live? How did you break in?"

"Stupid questions. Here's a better one. Does it excite you that I want you so much? That I want your cock so bad?"

Jensen glanced around. He didn't want his fellow passengers to hear her words.

"Listen. I'm taken and nothing you can say or do is going to get me to cheat on Low." He snarled quietly.

Georgia smiled sweetly.

"What did you do with my dirty panties?"

"They are in the trash."

"Shit. They were my only pair." She giggled, deep and gravely.

Jensen took in her words and looked down at Georgia's lap. If her words were true then she could not be wearing anything under her short skirt.

She took his hand and held it on her milky white thigh. When Jensen didn't pull away she slipped their hands higher.

Jensen's eyes flashed to her face, his mouth open. It was if something about her rendered him powerless.

After some long, painful seconds his fingers encountered the unmistakeable sensation of her bare pussy, her wet folds.

"Ah." He groaned.

"Feel how much I want you?" Georgia asked, breathing into his ear.

Jensen pulled his hand away as if burned, or rather scolded by her wetness.

"Shit." He cried. He couldn't believe what this bitch was capable of.

At his exclamation a guy a few rows ahead turned round to stare at them. Jensen wondered what he could see on his face.

The old man turned back to face the front and Jensen grabbed hold of Georgia's wrist and pulled her closer to him.

"You're hurting me!" Georgia yelled.

"What kind of bitch comes on to a man who's about married?!" He hissed, ignoring her pain. "You have no right to do that. I am happy with Low. I don't know what your problem is and I don't care. Stay away from me, you hear? Stay away from my home! I am not interested in what you have to offer."

The nosy dude tilted his head to listen.

"Really?" Georgia inquired snidely as she pulled herself together, stood up and held on to a stanchion. She leaned over him so Jensen got a good view of her great cleavage. "Your hard cock betrays you, babe."

Jensen saw that his cock was producing a visible bulge. It killed him that this twisted slut had not only aroused him but that she had seen the effect she had on him.

She flung something at him before she exited the bus at the next stop.

It was her address on a little card.

He held it in his hands, turning it over and over.

He tore it up, eventually.


Some weeks later


Mama Rien's detective had come through and snuck them on to a crime scene.

Low looked around the shabby apartment. The body was gone, of course. Only the blood stains on the couch indicated the brutal murder had ever taken place.

The forensic team had been thorough but had found very little physical evidence.

Still, Mama and Low weren't here to find physical evidence.

The night the crime had occurred echoes of it had reverberated across the ether and riled up the spirits. This murder had mattered. It meant more than the usual, tragic deaths of most victims.

Though no occult paraphernalia was present, both witches could feel the taint of black craft in the air.

They looked at each other. This was the fourth body found like this.

Low reached out with her invisible senses, grimacing as soiled and unpleasant vibes assaulted her.

The spell hadn't been cast here, the perp must have brought it with them, but it lingered along with the smell of decay.

Low frowned. Something raised the hairs on the back of her head. Something lay under the blanket of the strongest vibes...something like a memory....

"Nothing to say why...what their intention was..."Mama said quietly but Low's concentration was broken anyway.

"Lots of things a death can be used for, if you are prepared to use one." Low said grimly.


Low said goodbye to Mama and got in a waiting taxi. She knew that she had recognised something at the crime scene, she just didn't know what.

Low cleared her mind and prepared to meditate on the journey home. Maybe if she stopped trying so hard it could come back to her.

She called up some spirits, feeling them circle her though they were unseen.


The cab was pulling into her street when it hit her like a bolt of lightning.

"Sorry, sorry. Can we just keep going?"

The driver looked at her then shrugged. "Where to?"

"Just drive around."

He tutted and watched the strange girl in the back of his car. She had pulled out a battered A-Z and begun to mutter to herself as she leafed through the book.

He just hoped she had enough cash to pay the meter.


The meter read $25 by the time the girl stated a new destination.

Ahmed took a sharp left and headed back in the direction towards where he'd picked her up in the first place.

Low was excited. She was sure that her intuition was correct and once she got where she was going she'd be proved right.

She pulled her cell from her tatty bag. First she called Mama but got no reply. Then she called Jensen, with the same result.

Oh well, she could handle this herself. Probably.


Low watched the cab pull away. The jerk hadn't agreed to wait for her.

The neighbourhood she stood in was quiet and dark. It had clearly seen better days.

Most of the lawns were unmown and littered with mattresses, fridges and other assorted junk.

She walked down the street, sending a sense out to each house and hoping for a returning ping.


She'd hit a house protected by wards. Dark ones studded with curses. Very little had been done to camouflage them.

Low shook her head. Amateurish!

She crept up the drive though the house was dark.

Putting her hand against the door jam Low inspected the spells guarding the door.

The occupant had skimped and taken shortcuts. The spells overlapped like tiles on a roof except that there were several big holes in the overall coverage.

Low smiled. She'd be able to get in without even having to disturb the security. She could get in; nose around and no one would be able to tell.

Low projected a tiny part of herself into the house, getting an idea of the interior as well as checking it was empty of people and booby traps.


The door creaked open and Low, with a quick look behind her, snuck in.


The first thing that struck her was that there were lights on.

They hadn't been visible from the street?!

Masked? That took a lot more power and competency than Low expected from the inhabitant, based on the wards.

She took a step inwards, though all her instincts were telling her to get out. Surprises meant danger.



Someone was walking in the kitchen. Low paused. She'd gotten as far as the living room. The house was supposed to be empty.

Double blind wards!? They'd appeared weak but only because they'd been designed to. Her whole surveillance had been what they'd wanted her to see.

Low cursed under her breath. Double blinds were very rare. Only crafters who wielded old and powerful magicks could even create them!

Out of the corner of her eye, Low saw movement.

She turned, trying to call power to her fingertips, but she was not fast enough.


A force of energy slammed into her, lifting her off her feet.

"Uugh" She cried as she hit a wall, her shoulder screaming as it was rammed into a shelf, knocking a bonsai tree to the floor with a crash.

The force field held her against the old wallpaper. No magic would come, either.

Low looked at the source of the blast.

An ugly looking black bird looked back.

Anyone could see that it wasn't exactly alive. Its chest was open, gaping even and one wing hung unnaturally at its side.

It reeked, not just of death, but also of craft as black as its feathers.

The bird seemed content to just watch her struggle uselessly.

"Its always fucking walls." Low breathed under her breath. She looked around her as she waited for someone to enter the room. The bonsai had surely alerted them.

She had a great view of the dust on top of the TV and the dead fish that floated in a tank to her left. Well, homicidal witches couldn't be expected to look after pets and be good housekeepers...

"Low. What a unexpected pleasure!" A voice called out.


Low looked round at Alice Deeds, an old adversary from her days in Sixville. Low almost didn't recognise her, but her aura helped our heroine place her.

She'd changed. She'd lost all the fat that had made her chubby and unattractive. Now she looked like a porn star, especially as the silk slip she wore left very little to the imagination.

The most startling transformation was in the eyes.

On their first encounter Low had seen a silly witch with serious issues and poor self-esteem, now she really could believe Alice was a cold-blooded killer.

"Alice. Is this what you really want? You've killed people, Alice. What had they done to you?" Low spoke...maybe some part of the woman could be reasoned with.

The woman wandered over to the bird on the perch and began to stroke it.

"You bound me and sent me away. I had nothing! Nothing! No magic, no Westoby......ha ha ha ha but there are ways around every obstacle if you are willing to pay the price."

Low could see in Alice's aura how much it had cost her.

"Dead Bird here promised me power, so much power. And revenge against you, of course. But if you take something from Death you must give something back. It's only polite....what's one life here or there? It was nothing personal."


Just then a man walked in to the room.

"Low!" Jensen cried from the doorway.

"Jensen?" Low yelled. Her mind filled with relief. He'd come to rescue her. Alice wouldn't be able to stand up to both of them, whatever nefarious alliance she had made.

Wait! He'd been here before her. What was he doing here? A look of horror filled her face.

Jensen looked guilty, like he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't.

Alice watched their exchange with an amused look on her face.

Her fiancé ran across the room but the force holding Low against the wall also wouldn't let him within 10 feet of her.

"Georgia? What's going on?" He said, turning to the other woman.

"That's Alice Deeds! She's gone mad. We have to get out of here. Help me!"

Jensen looked at Alice/Georgia.

How could the woman in front of his eyes, who had been seducing him, really be the overweight Alice they'd beaten before? This woman was hot. He gazed over her body, her large breasts, the pert nipples protruding through the silk, her slim waist and long legs.

He looked at Low, at Georgia and back at Low, who couldn't believe the indecision written across his face.

Georgia walked towards him and put an overly intimate arm around him.

"Jensen got here about here about 10 minutes before you did, Low. Are you wondering what he's doing here?" She asked, her face full of malicious glee.

Low tried to glare at Georgia but her eyes were welling up.

"Why did you come here, Jensen?"

The confused man looked like a lost little boy. He could see that Low thought he had betrayed her.

"Low. I...I came here to tell her to leave me...us ....alone. You have to believe me...."

Georgia sidled round so she was behind Jensen.

"She thinks you were here to fuck me, baby...."


"She's right, isn't she? You came here tonight because you couldn't resist me. You want me."

Jensen was frozen. He couldn't find the words to deny it.

Suddenly Georgia walked over to Low.

"I've been coming on to your boyfriend for weeks. Oh, he give all the right protests. "He loves you". "He'd never cheat on you". "He doesn't want to hurt you." But he's here isn't he?"

"Jensen..." Low let out a little sob.

"Did he tell you that we've kissed?" Georgia inquired, standing next to Low now, so Low could feel her breath on her neck.

"He watched me frig myself silly on your bed."

"No..."Jensen cried. He couldn't bear to see Low's face as Georgia inflicted this news on Low.

"He put his hand up my skirt on a public bus."

Low was trembling now, tears silently running down her check. Georgia held Low's betrothal locket in her palm.

"Did you feel it, Low? When his heart stopped beating for you," She paused for effect. " and started to beat for me?"

She let it fall back around Low's neck.

"Tonight your faithful boyfriend came here to fuck me."


Georgia was stroking Jensen's cheek. He was staring at the floor, unable to meet her eyes.

"You held out so long, baby. But since our kiss I've been in the back of your mind, haven't I? No matter how hard you fought you thought of me, haven't you?

She was so close and her power seemed so undeniable, inevitable. Jensen glanced at Low, so sagged against the wall like the Son of God on the cross, her face buried in her shoulder, making whimpering noises.

She had given up on him.

"Yes...." He moaned, his body quaking.

Georgia rewarded him with a kiss on his lips. There was no response from Jensen, his face as still as a mask, at least, at first.

Slowly his lips parted to allow her tongue to enter his mouth and soon his kiss was as hard and as urgent as her own.

Georgia ran her hands over his chest, feeling the solid body beneath his shirt.

She undid the first two buttons as Jensen's mouth travelled to an earlobe and her soft neck.

Very quickly she tugged his shirt off and caressed his almost hairless torso. Her delicate fingers drifted over his nipples, beautiful against his light tan.

"Stop...." Jensen breathed, expelling the word with difficulty. "I can't do this.....not like this..."He pleaded, his eyes flashing towards Low. "Not like ....this."

Georgia used the waistband of his jeans to pull him back towards her.

"Isn't a tiny part of you turned on by the fact that we're doing this right in front of her? That she can see your lust for me?

"This is wrong...." He added but Georgia had heard the answer she'd wanted in his tone of voice.

Her hands went to his fly and he did nothing to stop her as she unfastened the buttons of his fly. Each one was undone slow and deliberate.

"Ohhhh jesus...." He groaned as her hand slipped inside his jeans and gripped onto his hard cock.

"Your mine now."

"Yes...." He confessed as he dropped to his knees. He couldn't resist her. He'd do whatever she wanted.


Low raised her weary head, driven by some morbid impulse to see.

Jensen's upper body was obscured by Georgia's back, but through her parted legs she could see his pants around his knees and his cock tenting in his boxers.

She saw his left hand move to Georgia's bare thigh and its ascent as it pushed up her slip until it squeezed her perfect ass, drawing her body towards him.

"Aaaah...." Georgia groaned, arching her back as Jensen's mouth reached her pussy.

He began to eat her out in earnest, nosily, without the restraint of conscience.

Georgia pushed her crotch against him, to match the action of his tongue as it licked and parted her quivering folds.

"mmmm...mmph...." Jensen moaned as her juices flowed. She tasted better than he'd imagined in all his fantasies of the past weeks.

Georgia ran a hand through his short hair, before gripping hold of his broad shoulders.

He latched on to her throbbing clit and sucked as he penetrated her with two fingers

"Ooooh..." Georgia groaned and Jensen looked up, his eyes sparkling at her reaction. "Ooooh God....mmmmm"

Low looked away as the man she loved brought Georgia to orgasm but she couldn't stop the seemingly unending moans from reaching her ears.


Georgia had dropped to the floor after her climax had weakened her but Jensen had not relented. He'd simply spread her legs and continued to fuck her with his tongue.

The second orgasm, coming so soon after the first was almost unbearable. Georgia wondered if her screams of pleasure were audible out on the street.

Her eyes shut, she felt Jensen's big strong hands rip the straps at her shoulders and pull down her slip until her tits were exposed to the air.

With all the passion of a man releasing weeks of suppressed desire Jensen fell upon her breasts, with hands and mouth.

"I love your tits." He sighed, as his tongue raced to taste every part of them. "Big, beautiful tits...."

Georgia thought he'd said something else but it couldn't be heard because he'd squashed her tits together, burying his face in them.

"Better than Low's?" She asked.

"Much better..." He replied, pulling his smiling face level with hers.

They kissed, his hands still fondling her breasts, his body a welcome weight between her legs.

"Fuck me, baby. Please?" Georgia pleaded when she had enough breath to do so.

He propped himself up on one hand and looked down at her glistening body. He could see her need for him.

One of his hands and one of hers shoved his boxers down.

Georgia took a few seconds to admire his gorgeous male physique, all sweaty and hot, then she took hold his cock. It was big and weighty and it felt great in her hand.

Both of them were looking down between them as she guided it to her wet opening.

Jensen pushed his hips and worked his way into her tight tunnel.

"God...that feels good. So fucking tight....

"The best cunt you ever fucked?"

"Absolutely..." Jensen replied with a little laugh.

He started to thrust slow, watching his lover's face each time he plunged deep inside her.

He raised himself on his hands, watching as Georgia moaned beneath him, her hands on her tits, pinching her nipples as his cock slide inside her again and again.


Georgia rolled with him, pulling her body round so that she sat astride him.

Immediately Jensen wrapped his arms around her, kissing and sucking at her bountiful breasts.

She thrust her pelvic muscles and his cock disappeared into her as her cunt met his balls and pubic hair.

"Naaa..." He grunted as she wiggled in his arms and let her long hair fall about his face.

His cock had never been fucked like this, her cunt so tight and constricting around it.

He lay back on the rug, one hand running up Georgia's powerful thigh, the other stroking his belly, his pecs.

Georgia put her hands on his shoulders, letting her tits swing and bounce tantalisingly close, as she worked her magic.

He was breathing hard, panting as she rode him.


She put her hands behind her, on his knees, affording Jensen a clear view of his slick inches as they slipped into her shaved snatch.