Making Music


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"That'll be fine." I was silently agreeing that we "mustn't be greedy. Apart from anything else, and despite my youthful potency, I felt as if I'd had sufficient for one day.

Halushka, still with her angelic smile went on, "We don't have to rush things, and we can feel each other out gradually, can't we?"

"Yes...yes, I suppose we can."

We did a bit more on the music for "Norman's Naughty Night," and satisfied on both the music and the sexual score I went home.

Mother looked at me and said, "You seem very pleased with yourself, did it go well?"

"Oh yes, very well."

"How long before it's finished?"

"Ah, well you see it's very complex, it'll take ages yet."

"Really; now Daniel, you be very careful with that Halushka Smith, I suppose you've heard she and her husband are breaking up?"

A cold hand seemed to grip my guts. "What have I got myself into," was my panic stations thought.

Mother looked at me and said, "You've gone quite pale, Daniel, are you feeling all right?"

"Yes...yes...fine, I've got a bit of sorting to do with the songs; I'd better get on with it."

I hurried to my room and flopped down on the bed.

"What the hell have I got involved in?" I moaned silently. Halushka breaking up with Stan, and me in the middle of it; what was the game she was playing? Was I to be the fall guy? Was I to be dangled in front of Stan with Halushka saying, "See what I can get? I've got a young buck fucking me."

I had fucked Halushka without giving a thought to Stan, whether breaking up or not. In silent self-justification I told myself I would never have approached Halushka for sex; it had been her determined approach that had led me on. Was there a price to be paid for this boisterous celebration of what she called "Love"?

Who was doing the breaking up? Was Stan breaking up with Halushka, or was it the other way round? Would a distraught Stan come blazing round to our house to confront me, wanting to fight me? He was a motor mechanic and a big muscular guy and I didn't fancy my chances. "Perhaps I should leave town for a few days...or weeks."

I could hardly eat that evening and my mother was anxious. "Are you sickening for something, Daniel?"

", I'm fine."

My father, unusually perceptive, asked, "Are you in some sort of trouble?"

"No," I said, "No problems."

I was so fine and problem free I didn't sleep that night, but forced myself to eat breakfast next morning just to keep mother happy. At first I hid in my bedroom under the pretext of doing some work on the musical. Unable to focus on anything I went out and wandered around dejectedly, making sure I went nowhere near Halushka's house.

I should have remembered something Halushka had said, because while drifting through the shopping centre, there she was. "It's shopping day," she had said.

She had Marion with her, but on seeing me that seraphic smile spread over her face and she came to me and said, "I'm so looking forward to tomorrow, Daniel," then with a meaningful look, "when we can make some more music together."

Despite my anxiety, as we stood talking for a moment, I had a vision of her naked as I had seen her the previous day. Sexually she had been the most gratifying woman I'd ever been with, and the mere memory had me horny.

Observant Halushka came close to me and said in a whisper, "A little loving will fix that tomorrow."

With that she skittered off with a teasing backward glance, to get on with her shopping, leaving me utterly bewildered.

By extended walking I managed to tire myself out to the point that I yawned over the evening meal thus provoking more maternal anxiety and paternal concern. It did mean, however, that I slept that night.

It also meant nightmares. Stan came into the lounge in Halushka's house, catching Halushka and I in a highly compromising position. I awoke sweating just before Stan managed to remove my head from my shoulders.

Wimp though I may sound, I'm not a complete coward. I knew I had to confront Halushka and challenge her to tell me what was going on - apart from the obvious. I got to her door next morning, took a deep breath, and rang the bell.

Bright Halushka opened the door then stared at me.

"What's the matter, Daniel, you look terrible?"

"We've got to talk," I muttered.

"You'd better come in and sit down."

We went to the lounge and I made sure I didn't sit on the divan on which – rather in which – Halushka had ensconced herself.

"What's the trouble?"

"You, me and Stan."

"Stan, what about Stan?"

"I've heard that you and Stan are breaking up."

"Ah, so the word is around is it? What else have you heard?"

"That's all, but what about you and me and what we did the other day?"

"What about it?...Ah, I know what's on your mind. You think I'm trying to use you to get at Stan, don't you?"

"Something like that. If I'd known you were breaking up I wouldn't have...have..."

"Fucked me?"


"So it was all right to fuck a woman still securely married, but not one whose marriage was breaking up?"

"I didn't mean it like that."

"How did you mean it then?"

"'t know."

"All right Daniel, you'd better know the rest. Stan cleared out four weeks ago. Things hadn't been right between us for a long time, and I got to know why. He came across with some silly garbage about he had to 'have his own space for a while'. 'It's only a temporary separation,' he said. I knew bloody well that his 'own space' included one of the girls at the supermarket check out. Last week he came and told me that the 'Temporary separation' was permanent. And that's about it."

"So you thought you'd console yourself with me?"

"That, Daniel, is a bloody nasty thing to say, and damned self-righteous. Do you think I'm blind and stupid? I know damned well that the men at the church, and elsewhere, want to get into my knickers, your self included. I'll tell you the truth, and if you don't like it, too bad. I'm not made to live like a nun, I like and need sex; you wanted help with the music, and if I was going to let someone into my knickers, then you were the one I really fancied letting in. It was pure chance that the opportunity came."

There was a long pause as she waited for my response, but I didn't know what to say, so she continued, "Tell me honestly, Daniel, did you enjoy what we did?"

I felt impelled to be honest; "Yes...yes, I did."

Halushka had been angry, but she seemed to soften and went on; "Daniel, in case you're wondering, I'm not promiscuous. All the time I've been married to Stan there was never anyone else. The thing is; I believe my fidelity should be matched by my sexual partner. On the other hand, since I virtually seduced you, I suppose that let's you off the fidelity hook. So, if you don't like the situation, you can clear out right now, or we can settle for writing music and nothing more."

She had that loose top on again and I could see her breasts in dim outline moving in that tantalising way that unbridled breasts have. I started to get an erection, but I fought against temptation and said, "Can we just write the music?"

"If that's what you want, then that's the contract."

She rose and we went to the piano. I wanted to avoid sitting on the piano stool with her, but decided that would be too blatant and revealing of my sexual desire for her. So I joined her and we plodded on with the music writing, but in an uninspired way.

After a couple of hours Halushka sighed and said, "I think we'd better give it up for today, let's make it tomorrow, Marion will be here, but that doesn't matter now."

I went home feeling miserable and deprived. I'd shut myself off from one of the most attractive women I had ever known, and certainly the best sex partner I'd had. I had the unpleasant feeling that any other woman was going to be second class after Halushka. I struggled through the evening meal in order to try and placate my mother's suspicions, and then once more using the songs as my excuse, I went to my bedroom. I lay on the bed and visions of naked Halushka reared up before me. I remembered her rosy nipples, the taste and smell of her and the moistness and warmth of her vagina. I masturbated, but the vision would not go away.

Nearly out of my mind wanting her, at ten o'clock I gave in. I sneaked quietly out of the house and made my way to Halushka's place. I rang the bell and it was a long time before the door was opened, and then only a crack.

Halushka peered at me, then opened the door wider and said, "What the hell do you want at this time of night, Daniel, I was just getting into bed." I could see that because she was wearing a nightdress more revealing than the top.

"I've go to talk," I said desperately.

"Now! Can't it wait until the morning?"

"No, please, Halushka, I must talk to you now."

"Oh, all right, come in, but I warn you, if it's to continue this morning's discussion you're out."

We sat austerely at the kitchen table and I started to speak in a stumbling fashion.


"It's what Daniel? Get it over I want to go to bed."

"Can we go back the way we were?"


"I need you, Halushka."

"Got over your worries about the predatory woman, have you?"

" don't know what to say."

"So, you feel like a bit of loving, do you, and Halushka's an easy fuck so I'll drop round and see her."

"No, please, it's not like that."

"What is it like, then?"

"I need you."

"You said that before."

"It's never been like this's different; I can't stop thinking about you?" "Do you realise what you're saying, Daniel. It's you approaching me now, and if we go ahead, I warn you, you're no longer off the fidelity hook."

"I don't want to be off the hook."

"Don't you? I wonder how you'll feel when I tell you I could get pregnant – might already be pregnant."


"I thought that'd set you back a bit."

"But why did you let me go ahead with you if you knew you might get pregnant?"

She had been somewhat grim up to that point, but now she laughed and said, "Selective breeding."

I was puzzled "Selective breeding?"

"Yes, you see when things started to go wrong with Stan I thought if we had another baby it might pull things together again. That's a completely wrong reason for having a baby I know, but I wanted another one anyway. Obviously I didn't get pregnant with Stan; I think he was too busy trying to get someone else pregnant. Then I thought about you. I thought 'Wouldn't it be nice to have a baby with him, with his big brown eyes and fair hair,' so I when we had the chance I went ahead."

"It might have had green eyes and dark hair," I rejoined, referring to Halushka's colouring. Anyway, I'm not in a position to support a child, I'm still a..."

"A student, yes, I know, and did I say anything about you supporting a child? What I said was I wanted a baby, and thought it'd be nice to make one with you. Is that so bad?"

" suppose not, but how would you support..."

"You don't think I'm a poor helpless woman, do you? Before I got married and had Marion I was a computer programmer. I'm a bit rusty now, but I could easily get something in that line of business, and I will. Come and have a look."

She rose and beckoned me and we went to a room at the back of the house. This woman was a constant source of surprises; the room seemed to be festooned with computers and their auxiliaries.

"You see," Halushka said, "I'm a computer buff. Stan makes heaps of money at that motor repair place of his so I can afford all this. A lot of the work he does is cash in hand so the tax man never sees it. Unfortunately for him he always used to get me to keep his accounts for him on the computer. I've got complete records and he knows it, so if he thinks he can bilk me of a decent allowance, he'd better think again. I really am a devious woman, aren't I," she laughed."

I suppose women are like that when it comes to defence of home and family, but yes, she was certainly a foxy lady. Halushka gave a deep throated chuckle and said, "So now do you still want to be in the business of baby making with me, because that's what I intend?"

I really didn't know what to make of her, but I did know that the transparent nightdress was having a definite effect on my more salacious emotions.

I threw caution to the winds and said, "Yes, I'll be in the 'baby making business' with you."

"You'd better be sure, Daniel, because if we start again it'll be one man and one woman. For as long as we have sex it'll be with me and no one else, and if I learn you are playing with some one else, you'll be history, agreed."


"And you want some loving now?"


"The come on, let's use the bed, darling, but we have to be quiet because we don't want to wake Marion."

It was quiet and rather different from anything I'd known before. She got me to lie facing her and then cocking one leg over me got me to insert my penis into her, then made me stop still. I was both fascinated and frustrated. I wanted to ejaculate into her, but at the same time enjoyed the stillness and soft warmth of her body against mine.

"It's beautiful, isn't it, darling," she said, "It's as if we're one body."

It was true, I felt as if I belonged in her and with her. I wanted to melt into possess have every part of her at once. Strangely the turbulence and frustration I experienced at first diminished and I longed to stay with her like this all night.

My peace was interrupted when Halushka said, "Now put that baby making juice in me," and still facing me she began to move.

When she orgasmed she contented herself with softly say, "I need you so badly, Daniel, don't leave me," then gasped and held me tight as I put my 'Baby making juice' in her.

There were a lot of things that puzzled me about Halushka, one of the most puzzling to me was, having experienced her body, why Stan left her. In our post-coital calm I felt bold enough to ask her, "Why did Stan leave you for another woman? I mean, it's with you."

She gave a laugh that sounded cynical, "Perhaps it was too beautiful."

"I don't understand."

"Well, my darling, you will understand. I've told you, I'm a woman who needs a lot of loving. If I'm in bed with a man I expect him to keep me happy and Stan couldn't, so he ran away. His check-out chick is probably not as demanding as I am, so he doesn't need to feel he's being emasculated all the time.

I felt a little alarmed and asked, "Does that mean every time I'm in bed with you you'll want us to make love?"

"Yes, it mean just that, my love, and not only in bed. I'm not a nymphomaniac, but I love the sensation of a man in me. Do you think you can cope?"

"We'll have to find out, won't we," I replied uncertainly.

"Yes, we'll start tomorrow, so pull out of me and go home and sleep because I'll need you nice and fresh in the morning."

I went home trying to work out what I got myself into; a woman who wanted to make a baby with me and for which I was apparently not to be held responsible, and at the same time she presented herself as being virtually sexually insatiable. This was a situation that a lot of guys, including myself just a few days ago, might think ideal. Now, faced with it, I wasn't sure I could cope. The matter of Halushka's demand that there be only 'One man and one woman' I didn't see as a difficulty because I'd need all my energy just coping with Halushka.

Having obediently done my sleeping I arrived at Halushka's place as commanded, "Nice and fresh." Halushka seemed equally fresh and ready for the tasks of the day in that she was naked on my arrival.

"Bedtime," she announced gleefully, and bedtime it was. As I sucked on a nipple and pushed my fingers into her vagina she made another of her pronouncements, "No anal sex until I'm sure I'm pregnant, I want all of your love juice where it belongs."

That established I proceeded to oblige with my love juice, implanting it in a now howling and sobbing Halushka. From having doubted my ability to cope with Halushka, I discovered that I had more potency than I'd given myself credit for. Shortly after my first ejaculation into her I was ready to go again, but Halushka dictated otherwise.

"Later, darling," she said, "its genital washing time now, and then some music writing." I must confess that the original purpose of my visits to her had somehow escaped me.

Invited to join her in the shower she was merciful and let me take her standing under the cascading water; a situation I'd dreamed of but never experienced.

The music making went incredibly well and after a couple of hours we rewarded ourselves on the divan, with Halushka sitting and opening her legs saying, "Show me how much you like my taste and smell."

I obliged and Halushka seemed to have gone into a free-wheeling mode and had several orgasms. This was a feature of her sexuality that I discovered was normal, since she proved capable of having orgasm after orgasm in quick succession.

Having announced that all my sperm must be placed in her vagina for baby making purposes, after my first experience of receiving oral sex from her, I was deprived of the privilege of coming into her mouth. In her practical tone of voice she said, "That can wait until after I'm sure."

At the end of our "working" day, and with the imminent arrival home of Marion, I was asked, "Can you come back this evening after eight o'clock when Marion has gone to bed."

"Yes," I replied, amazed that I thought I'd still got the energy to perform after the day's labours.

At eight promptly I was back with Halushka and naked in bed. It was the quiet unmoving union again, and Halushka said very softly, "It's a sort of goodnight, darling. If we could be together all night we might even be able to sleep like this."

"I think I'd have to come in you first," I replied.

"Mmmm, lovely, perhaps we'll have the chance to try it some time, come in me now."

The chance to 'try it' came sooner than I expected, and for three reasons: first, we finished writing the music and could not extend it any longer, but I kept visiting Halushka. secondly, Halushka announced she was pregnant, and thirdly, the word got around, "Halushka and that young Daniel are having an affair."

The word got around to my parents so, realising that all must eventually be revealed, I informed them that Halushka was going to have a baby and I was the father.

"Oh my God," wailed mother, "what'll the neighbours say? We'll never live it down...and the people at the church...oh, what are we going to do?"

My father, more practically asked, "Are you really keen on her?"

"Yes, dad."

"You're sure...she's about ten years older than you."

"I'm sure, dad." I didn't tell him that I had become so addicted to my sex life with Halushka that I couldn't imagine myself without her.

"Then don't you think you ought to marry her?"

"You see, I warned you Daniel," bemoaned mother. "She's got her claws into you and she'll ruin your future."

"Do be quiet, Doris," my father said, "He's had his fun, so now he can be responsible."

"It's's her, she's taken his innocence away."

Father and I said nothing, deciding that some of life's realities ought not to be revealed to mother.

That evening I arrived for my eight o'clock rendezvous with Halushka full of resolve. We got into bed, and once more engaged in our face to face, still penis in vagina position I asked, "Will you marry me?"

Halushka made a convulsive movement that almost had my penis out of her.

"Marry! Who said anything about marrying?"

"I did, didn't you just hear me?"

"Daniel, I'm a lot older than you. We've had a lovely time together but I never expected to marry you."
