Mission For God


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"You're my friends, guys," replied Justine. "Oh, and there's just two little things. Henry explained to me your operation. I would like an open invitation to come over any night you have a poolside orgy party, okay? He said there were some hunks here this weekend."

The expressions of Franzie and Adolph turned from gay to serious. Adolph replied haltingly, "Sure Justine. You can come anytime. What else?"

"Oh, it's just a little matter," replied Justine. "Sometimes there are some small repairs that are not worth calling out a handyman. I'd like you, Adolph, to come over for these small repairs. Like today, I have a small leak in my bedroom sill. Would you stop by today, please?" By the tone of Justine's voice, everyone knew that 'stopping by to make small repairs' meant stopping by for a quickie.

"Okay, Justine," replied Adolph. "After four be all right?"

"Excellent," replied Justine. "You don't know how long I've waited to fix that leak."

Monday 1:45 PM

A moment after the door bell rung, a sixty year old, balding man in a black robe pulled open the door. "Please come in," he said, "I am Father Joseph O'Donnell, the parish priest." He stepped back and offered the man his hand.

"I am Adolph Gelthaus and this is my wife of thirty three years, Franzie" said Adolph as he shook hands with the priest.

"Welcome. Please make yourselves comfortable on the couch," said Father O'Donnell as he pointed to the couch in the rectory. "They call me Father Joe or Joe, if you will," said the priest attempting some levity. "You know, Savannah and Tybee Island in particular are really small towns. I must say that I have heard of you both but I don't believe we have ever crossed paths before now. What brings to you Saint Gabriel Church?"

Adolph began, "Yesterday morning I had an encounter with an angel. I know it was real because he burned holes in the throw rug with the fire that dripped out of his scabbard and landed on the floor."

Father Joe's eyes were wide. "I apologize for being so uncouth; I should have offered you some ice tea or soda before we sat down," he said as he rose. He obtained their libation requests and returned with their drinks and a tall Boston ice tea for himself. Tales about devils and angels were usually spoken by deranged people. "Please tell me exactly what happened," said the priest. "Every detail."

When Adolph finished then he asked Franzie, "What did you see?"

"Nothing," she replied. "I was asleep through the whole thing. But I did see and smell the burned carpet."

"Sorry for the embarrassing questions but I must ask; are either of you on psychotropic drugs, prescriptive or otherwise? Have either of you ever used LSD? Used hash, Peyote or mushrooms?" the priest asked and both Adolph and Franzie wagged their heads no.

"I want to know," asked Adolph "what does 'a time and half a time' mean? I've tried to read the bible but it doesn't make any sense to me."

"Yes, for some, and at some times in our lives, the Bible can be confusing and at other times it is very clear," replied the priest. "But let me answer your question. In the Books of Daniel and Revelation, a time and half a time is mentioned. Sometimes, a time means one year and other times it means a year of years or 360 years, since the Jewish calendar had only 360 days to a year back then. Since the angel, if that is really what you saw, spoke in context of your life, then a time and a half time would mean a year and a half from yesterday.

"I would caution that sometimes demons have impersonated angels but if he told you to get up and do not worship him, I would think he probably was the genuine article. I say that because the evil one, like the Lord Almighty, craves worship," concluded the priest.

"So what does God want with me?" asked Adolph, moving to the edge of his seat.

"I have no idea," replied the priest. "Look Adolph, I am only a parish priest. Although I have a working knowledge of the bible, I am not a bible scholar. I work mainly with addictions, infidelities, and divorce. I have never even heard of such an angelic visitation by a sane person, as you appear to be to me. Nor has any priest that I know but there have obviously been such visits before. People keep their visitations secret for fear of ridicule and so does the church. From what I have read in the Bible, God also keeps His plans shrouded in secrecy, I would guess to avoid interference from the evil one."

"The evil one," replied Franzie disdainfully. "Do you mean the devil? Adolph, I haven't said anything so far but this is crazy. What really happened? How did you burn the carpet?"

Adolph shot a look back to Franzie, "Franzie, I swear on my life, it is all true. I don't know what this means and that's why I am here."

"What did the angel mean by 'the days for Franzie are almost complete'?" she looked at Father Joe. "Am I going to die? Is that what it means?"

"Franzie," Father Joe spoke in his most sincere voice, "we're all going to die. The question is not if, but where will we go after our time on this planet is finished?"

"So you mean Heaven or Hell?" she shot back. "I don't believe any of this supernatural crap. When we die, we go into a hole in the ground and rot. That is all there is; dust to dust. The worms eat you and you become worm shit."

"Allow me to point out, Franzie," began Father Joe in a soft voice, "while you may not believe anything supernatural, you surely seem to fear a supernatural creature telling you that you're going to die."

"Joe, fuck you!" replied Franzie. She stood up and walked out the front door, leaving the door ajar.

Both Father Joe and Adolph stood and Father Joe spoke first, "I am sorry. Please express my sincere apologies to Franzie. Talking about faith, God, and Heaven and Hell can carry a lot of emotional baggage. Please tell her that I don't take offense, I don't keep a grudge, and she can come see me or call me anytime. The same applies to you, Adolph."

"Thank you, Father Joe," said Adolph shaking the priest's hand before he departed.


"Thank you for seeing me, Father O'Donnell," said Adolph as he greeted the old priest with a warm handshake.

"Come in. Come in, please," replied the parish priest. "It's Father Joe, please. How have you been getting along, Adolph?" Both men sat down in the sparsely appointed living room of the rectory. The smell of jasmine incense wafted from an unseen location.

"I am fine, remarkably," replied Adolph. "It has been nine months since Franzie passed away and one year since I met you. I wanted to again thank you for your kind remarks at her service."

"It was my privilege," the priest answered. "Adolph, what can I do for you today?"

"Yes, there is something you can do for me, if you will," offered Adolph. "I am going to sell the Captain Stanley Inn to my old friend Henry. You met him at the wake. I wish to go abroad for the next five months. I have always wanted to travel and without my inn, I will be free. I have an attorney but I would like another person of reputable character who will manage my estate while I am gone. I do trust my attorney with my affairs but there have been just too many attorneys who absconded with their client's money. Of course, I am not suggesting that my attorney would do that, but I would like you to be a co-signer and co-administrator of my trust. I thought of paying you a thousand dollars a month to be my business manager. Just review the deposits and send me money when I need it. Is that reasonable to you?"

"Well Adolph, I am honored that you think so highly of me. Yes I will do it, but you do not have to pay me," stated the priest.

"Yes, I do, Father Joe," countered Adolph. "If I am paying you then you will have to answer the phone. Besides, the size of the estate is just under five million dollars so a thousand a month is not much, speaking relatively."

"A thousand dollars is a lot of money, my son," answered Father Joe with a contained smile. "There is a lot I can do in our community for the poor and hurting with that money. Just make it a donation, though."

"Any way you like it. Thank you," Adolph replied relieved.

"Now I have some questions for you," began the priest with a wilily look. "Have you had any more angel visitations or significant dreams? Do you have any clue about what heavenly mission God is depending upon you for?"

"No, sir, not a thing," replied Adolph with a serious look on his face. "It seems so long ago now and yet it was so vivid and real. It was real; look how it turned out for my voice and for Franzie."

"Franzie, may our Lord take pity upon her soul. I have prayed for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary on behalf of you and Franzie during my morning mass each day," interjected the priest. "Have you given any thought to our discussion that you become baptized and start accepting the sacraments?"

"Yes, and I will, but I will wait another five months," replied Adolph with a grin. "This way I will have all the wildness out of my system and be ready to do something fantastic for God."

"Well Adolph," smiled the priest, "this is where I usually tell people that there are no guaranteed tomorrows and that tomorrow is promised to no one. However, considering what the angel told you, and from what we've seen, you will be alive in six months. Your case is amazing. The bishop and I are curious how this will turn out. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss today?"

"No, I will ask my attorney to contact you and add you as my trustee and on the checking account. I'm budgeting to spend about $10,000 per month traveling but I'll save a buck now and then," replied Adolph rising from his seat.

They shook hands and Adolph departed.


"Please call me Adolph," said Adolph with a slight bow. Once the automatic door completely closed, the din of the city noise was muted in the small, brilliantly lit travel office. About the walls were picture posters of about everywhere else in the world.

"I shall, Adolph. Please call me Britta," the tour guide replied. Her smart business suit, accessorized with a warm and genuine smile, exuded respect and competence. "Welcome to Grenoble; the most beautiful city in the French Alps. We received your prepaid reservations but you did not specify what you wanted to see. It is no longer skiing season but there is still much to draw visitors. What would you like to see and do?"

"May I ask, and I ask with only the utmost respect, how long have you been a tour guide in this area?" inquired Adolph.

"Over thirty five years. I started when I was 16," answered Britta with pride. Pausing, she continued, "Oops, I guess I told you my age. Showing people a good time is all I ever wanted to do."

"I am certain that you will," he replied with a polite smile. Many former actresses and beauty queens turn to real estate or tour guiding when their looks begin to fade. Britta obviously was never endowed that way. Adolph reasoned she must have been knowledgeable and personable to last so long in the business. "You must be good to have lasted that long in this business. Your English is very good – very clear. May we sit down?" asked Adolph.

"Yes, please sir. Sorry, I should have offered," replied Britta as she lifted a stack of file folders off of a guest seat.

Seated, Adolph leaned forward and looked into Britta's eyes. She had a genuine charm. If Britta had been a guest at the inn, he would do her, but on this trip, he was looking for something else. "I would like to meet people and see how they live. I would like to see anything unique; that is why I booked with a small guide service," said Adolph. "So I could look through the eyes of a native. You know, Britta, there is a little exercise that I have done with other guides which would help. It is simple really. May I give it a try with you?"

"Sure Adolph," replied Britta. "Go ahead."

"Sit back, Britta," began Adolph, "and close your eyes. In your mind's eye think of a place that you'd like to show me. First, Britta, relax, put your arms on the chair arms and stretch out your legs. Relax, Britta. What is the name of the place?"

"Journée des Tuilesmonument. In English, Day of the Tiles. It is the site of the first uprising of the French Revolution," Britta replied sleepily.

Adolph touched her on the right wrist. "Journéedes Tuiles, it is. Relax, Britta, you've worked hard all day and I want you to relax all over. Your eyelids are so heavy that you can not open your eyes and your legs and arms are so heavy that you can not move them." Adolph touched her wrist again and said, "Sleep!" It was forceful but not distracting. Britta rested in a hypnotic trance. Adolph took her deeper into the trance and anchored her with the phrase "Journée des Tuiles". He gave her some instructions and brought her back to consciousness without remembering that she had been induced. They agreed to meet the next day.

The morning was cool but seemed to warm quickly as the sun rose and the people got about their daily business. The sounds of traffic and people walking by rose as well. Britta and Adolph walked to the first monument on her itinerary. Britta tried to make conversation but Adolph seemed aloof. Adolph was engrossed, scanning all the faces in the crowd, as if he were looking for someone, rather than viewing the sites. "May I ask you a question Adolph?" asked Britta.

"What is it?" replied Adolph.

"You seem to be concerned with the people in the crowds. You look and engage almost every face. You stare longer at nubile females, but I guess with so many at the universities in Grenoble, that is to be expected. Are you on the run? It is not my business but if you being hunted by someone who means violence, I should know for my own safety, don't you agree?" asked Britta.

"Yes, Britta, and No. You are in no danger. No police and no hit men," Adolph laughed. "I told you before I like to watch people, too." They continued to walk together as if they were an old married couple in their fifties. In the afternoon, Adolph and Britta walked through the famous park overlooking the confluence of the rivers Drac and Isère. During summer, both rivers flowed at a brisk pace, creating a background noise and a cooling mist which wafted over the park. The skies were clear and the weather fair. The park began to fill as many Frenchmen and women left work and met at the park and other public places.

Back away from the point, Adolph noticed a young college girl sitting on the bench with a sketch book in her hand. She sported a blonde pony tail and she seemed absorbed with something on the other river bank. Around her neck was a camera strap which disappeared between two overly large breasts under a green top. The weighty and expensive camera dropped like a plumb line through the taut, green material.

Adolph grabbed Britta's wrist and spoke the phrase, "Journée des Tuiles". Britta remained standing but went limp into the hypnotic trance. "Stand up straight, Britta," Adolph commanded and Britta responded. "Open your eyes and look at that young woman on the bench with the green top on," began Adolph. "We are going to walk over to her and you are going to ask her to take our picture. When we walk back I am going to have a conversation with her. You will tell her everything I say, exactly as I say. When she speaks you will tell me exactly what she says, okay?"

"Yes, Adolph," responded Britta obediently.

"We are going to do something wonderful for that girl and you will help me," continued Adolph. "You will pretend to be my wife."

Adolph led Britta over to address the young woman. "Pardon me, would you mind taking our picture as we stand at the railing?" Adolph asked as Britta translated to French. She responded agreeably and Adolph took the camera from around his neck and handed it to her. "My name is Adolph and this is Britta," began Adolph with all the European charm he could muster.

"I am Lise," replied the girl. Britta and Adolph walked to the railing but Lise directed them to another location, which would pick up better backdrop scenery. After the pictures were taken they reassembled at Lise's bench. Pretending to get Lise to remember the best local picture locations, Adolph was able to get Lise to close her eyes and fall into hypnotic trance. He took her deeper into the trance and also set an anchor by holding her wrist, as he had done with Britta.

"Lise, what time do you have to be back in your dormitory?" asked Adolph.

"11 PM is curfew for undergraduates. I have to call if I'm going to be later or not at all," replied Lise in French with Britta translating.

"We'll have you back by 11 PM. Britta and I will take you out to dinner. Then we will all go back to my hotel. Lise, do you like sex with men? How about sex with women?" Adolph asked.

"Sex with men I like but it's been awhile," she replied. "Sex with women I like, too

"Keeping your eyes closed, remember the most beautiful man you've ever seen. Do you have him in mind? Good. Now Lise, remove his clothes and picture him the sexiest that you can image. Do you have that picture in your mind clearly? When I touch your wrist and say 'Vulcan' you will project that body onto me. Lise, I want you to remember what you felt when you had the greatest sexual experience ever. Do you remember your greatest gushing orgasm? Good, when I touch your wrist and say 'Vulcan' you will get ready because those feelings will be coming to you again, okay?" Adolph paused. Lise agreed. Adolph continued, "If you would like to have sex with that handsome nude man that you imaged and feel like you remember feeling then you will come to my hotel room tonight and he will be there for you, okay?"

Lise agreed. Adolph brought both women out of trance. Lise took pictures of Britta and Adolph with her expensive camera. The women smoked cigarettes and talked incessantly until it became nearly dark. The trio walked to a restaurant recommended by Lise and afterwards, they walked to Adolph's hotel room.

"Adolph, I've got to go home," said Britta. "I have to cook dinner for my husband."

Adolph realized that he had forgotten to get Britta's consent for this rendezvous. He reached for Britta's wrist and said, "Journée des Tuiles". Britta went limp. Before Lise reacted Adolph apprehended Lise's wrist and commanded, "Vulcan". Lise went inert. He commanded the women to accompany him to his hotel room.

Once inside, Adolph instructed Britta, "Britta, call your home and tell your husband that your most important client is keeping you for one more hour and then you will start home." Britta mechanically dialed the hotel phone to make the call home. Lise stood without direction or movement. Adolph sat on the edge of the bed and removed his shoes and socks. When Britta was finished with the call, Adolph said, "Ladies, no talking unless you are spoken to. Britta, grab a chair and pull it near the bed then return to standing where you are now." He uncinched his belt and unfastened the loose fitting Wrangler jeans and let them drop to the floor and stepped out. "Britta," continued Adolph, "I forgot to ask you something." Adolph paused as he pulled the white polo style shirt over his head. "Do you want to have sex with Lise?"

Britta replied matter-of-factly, "No. Men. I like men only."

"Lise," called Adolph with Britta repeating, "on the count of three you will open your eyes and see the handsome stud that you dream about. He will give you the best sex of your life." Still rushing to undress, Adolph slid the boxer shorts down his legs and kicked them toward the jeans and shirt. His body was tanned from years at the inn by the beach except for the white imprint of a bathing suit. In anticipation of the sex, his penis was elongated but rose only to the sixty degree position. "Britta, when you look at me you will also see the sexiest male you have ever seen," continued Adolph. "Three. Two. One," commanded Adolph. "Open your eyes, Lise."
