Mistaken Identity

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Who is he, & why are his memories coming back to haunt him?
4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 05/14/2008
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(Author's Note: This is a 'what if' side story for The Perfect Pussy series. I never felt that I really had a chance to let Waylon talk about his feelings for Keni and think over what drove him over the edge. A lot of you have suggested that for his crimes he be locked up or sent to a mental hospital, maybe he will agree with you, but let him speak for himself and then decide from there okay, after all this is still America and the process of being innocent until proven guilty is still a part of our freedom...God Bless America...!

Sorry about the exuberance folks, but I really hope this works for me and for you all. Please vote and voice your opinion on it, if you like this twist, I will be working on the rest of the story I have planned, but it's up to you.)

darkstone57 Peace


Sitting on the porch of the small white house, Max Connor watched as Noreen Wilson's daughters played in the grass and leaves he had raked up. It was fall now and he wondered if he would still be here at Christmas. After these past months, he was still getting used to being who he was, and it wasn't easy. What did the dreams mean, and the nightmares? He kept seeing a different place, a group of people who had no meaning for him. Two seemed to stand out more clearly then the others, a tall man with scars and an almost evil smile, he was grinning at a tall, full figured woman with bright colored eyes and a look of love in them. He knew he should know them, but there was so much he didn't know.

He had no memory of what or who he had been before he woke in the hospital in Dallas. The police had run his finger prints, but they had come back with no clue who he was, and even a DNA test had revealed little. No positive match found.

Noreen, a volunteer at the hospital, had been the first face he saw when he opened his eyes. His groan had brought her instantly to his side and in her soft voice, she had told him not to move too much, he had been badly beaten and left for dead in the alley where they found him. She had gone to get the nurse and a tall policeman who had made a call. The nurse had checked him over and the policeman had asked him if he knew who and where he was, Max had shaken his head, making it scream in pain. A doctor had come in, asking questions and he had tried to answer them the best he could. At the same time he had been watching Noreen hovering in the back of the room, her soft brown eyes filled with worry and concern.

She wasn't a beautiful woman, she was short and round and had a round face surrounded by a mop of dirty brown hair that was flyaway and full of curls. There was something about her though that caught his attention and kept it long after the others had left him and he had felt lonely once she left as well.

For the few weeks he had looked forward to her almost daily visits. He found she was divorced, had two small daughters and volunteered at the hospital to give her something to do while they were in school. He had learned that she usually worked from home when she wasn't volunteering and she was here under orders.

"It was my doctor's suggestion. After my divorce I became a hermit, refusing to leave my house for the most minor chore. My...my ex-husband, he was extremely abusive to me and the girls. It got so he had me totally isolated from the rest of my family and friends, moved us here to where I didn't know anyone, didn't have anyone to turn to. I might have never gotten free of him if it hadn't been for a neighbor who was a Dallas police man. He and his wife suspected something was going on, they came by on evening when he was beating on me...the officer arrested him, and his wife took us to a shelter. They discovered he...my girls...I never knew, and he was..."

She had broken down then and he had reached out to comfort her. It had been funny really, here he was all banged up and he was comforting a woman he didn't know, over something he'd had no control over. When she was able to speak again, he had been reluctant to release her hand. "I...I'm sorry, here I am telling you things and you're all hurt and don't even know who you are."

"It's okay, I don't mind. It must be hard on you, you're a very strong woman to have survived so much and on your own..." Max had felt more then a little of awe of her.

Noreen had shaken her head, the mop bouncing in a cute, girlish sort of way. "No, I was weak and I still am...but I'm getting better..."

He had smiled at her and nodded. "Yes you are, and I still think you were and are; one of the strongest women I have ever met..."

Noreen had been with him through his entire hospital stay and offered him a place to stay once they said he could leave. He had come with her out of a need to have someone as he found his place in the world again. A world that didn't feel what he was familiar with, the weather, the way people talked yes, but not the city. He hated the city, hated the idea of being surrounded by concrete and tall buildings, even the quiet suburban neighborhood she lived in felt too crowded to him. Noreen thought he might be from a small town somewhere, a more spread out place. That might explain the visions of a farm and an older couple and a younger girl. They were important to him, but he had no idea how. As soon as he tried to find answers, they faded away. Just like the man with the black hair and bright blue eyes. There was another man who faded in and out as well, tall and muscular like the black haired man, but more bright and sunny.

Max found himself looking in the mirror often these days, he was beat up and the cuts on his face would leave more scars then the ones he saw in his visions, but he did think that at one time he had been fairly good looking. The medium brown hair, the bright blue eyes, a shade or two darker than the other men, but still a feeling of being related to them clung to him. He was tall and muscular like them as well, and he got the idea he had spent a lot of time outside in his life. Closing his eyes and inhaling deeply he swore he could smell fresh turned earth and the smells connected with animals, like a farm yard or such. And he kept seeing a black calf, a black calf with a heart shaped patch of white on its side.

"Max, come play with us..." Noreen's oldest came running up with a ball. She was seven and her childish face was as cute as any little girl he had ever seen. Her name was Hannah, while the younger one was Leigh. When Noreen had told him what their father had done to them, he had felt his blood boil, wanting to get her ex in his reach and pound him into the ground. They were such sweet little girls, and had no need to be treated so.

He got up from the step and followed her to the center of the yard. Soon the girls were laughing and playing as if he was their own private toy, wrestling around and he felt a jolt as he hugged them both close. Did he have children like this somewhere, kids who missed him and wished he would come home and play ball with them? Did he have a wife who missed him in the night and cried because she had no idea where he was? But the police had checked missing person's and found no one who matched his description.

"Max, are you alright, you look so sad all of a sudden..." Five years old Leigh came and sat by his side.

Max nodded. "I feel sad because I don't know who I am Leigh, I don't know if I have a wife or kids like you and Hannah, or a family out there that might miss me or need me to come home." He knew even his name was one he couldn't be sure of. It had been written on a piece of paper found in his wallet. Everything else had been gone. No license, no social security card, nothing. Just the name Max Connor, Noreen had volunteered to go on line and search for some clue, but a search had revealed over a million hits and that had been too much to ask of her. For now, he would work on his visions and hope the answers came to him.

Hannah ran her hand up his arm. "You can stay with us Max, we like you and so does mom. You make her smile more then she has in a long time."

He smiled at that. "Do I Hannah? Your mom deserves to smile more and so do you two." He hugged them tight then, and when Noreen called them in for lunch, they all went in laughing and smiling.

* * *

"Damn it Waylon, why do you have to act this way...just leave Keni alone...leave us both..." The black haired man was yelling at him, and Max came awake drenched in sweat and shaking. Waylon, he tasted the name in his mind, and found somehow that it fit him. Waylon...but Keni...? Who was Keni, and why would he have to leave her alone? Had he hurt her somehow, done something he shouldn't have?

He screamed as a pain as huge as being hit by a semi rushed over him. Keni, he had loved her. The woman he saw with the tall, black haired man...he had loved her but she had chosen another... The pain radiated out from his very soul and he felt close to passing out...

"Are you okay Max...?" Noreen was kneeling by him now, her hands on his knee and shoulder, her eyes filled with fear and worry over him. "What...what happened..." She reached over and wiped something wet from his face. "You're crying..."

"I loved her, had loved her so much..." The words were coming out now, running in a nonstop need to tell someone. "I'd loved her forever...but I could never tell her. Then he came home...and she had eyes only for him..."

"For whom Max...? Who did she have eyes for...?"

"My...my brother Harley, I heard them that day...hell the whole family heard them...up in her room, they didn't even try to be quiet...he was no good for her, he was in prison, he treated women like sluts...beat on them for sexual pleasure..." He groaned. "How could she choose him Noreen, I loved her so much and I never really wanted to hurt her...I know I did some bad stuff, but I never wanted to hurt her at all..."

Noreen held him close..."its okay Max, really, let it out, sometimes you got to let it out..."

He cried as he was sure he had never cried before. It seemed to go on and on and never want to end. When it did begin to ebb, he looked at her. "My name...my name isn't Max, its Waylon...Waylon Barnes, and I'm from Crossroads, Oklahoma..."

It was as if the dream and the tears had opened a dam inside him...It was all there, all in his mind. Some things he felt ashamed of, how he had treated women, how he had spied on them at night...and he remembered...

"Oh my god, I need a phone Noreen, I got to call Harley, that man is crazy, he hates my brother more then I ever did, he wants to kill Harley..." It sounded insane, but he knew it was true. "I got to call Harley, warn him..."

She didn't argue with him. Instead, they went to the phone and she dialed the number. It was 3 a.m. He watched as she listened to the ringing, and when someone answered, she spoke carefully. "Is Harley Barnes there? My name is Noreen Wilson, and I might have some information about his brother Waylon...what? No, that's not true, please I need to speak to Harley, this is important..." Noreen looked at him with fear in her eyes. "Waylon, did you try to shoot Harley?"

Waylon paled. "What? No, no...oh god no..."

"Hello, is this Harley? Keni? Keni, my name is Noreen Wilson...I'm a volunteer at the county hospital here in Dallas...yes, Dallas, Texas...we had a patient brought in a few weeks ago, he had been badly beaten and almost died. When he woke, he had not memory of who he was or where he was, he's been staying with me since his discharge and now...now he says he's Waylon Barnes and some man wants to kill Harley...hello...hello, are you there?" She listened and held out the phone..."She wants to talk to you..."

Waylon took the phone and spoke softly. "Keni...please believe me, I didn't try to kill Waylon..."

A husky soft voice gasped on the other end. "Waylon...it is you...but I need to be sure...what does Harley calls me when we're making love...?"

Despite himself, Waylon grinned. "He calls you his perfect pussy. Keni, is Harley safe, I know I did a lot of shit to you and to him, but I'm sorry, I am so damn sorry. I was so jealous of him...Keni, I...I loved you for so long and you never even looked at me..."

She sounded as near to crying as he was. "Oh Waylon...god, Harley wants to know where you are...and to tell you don't come back here...just tell me where you are, we'll come to you...okay?"

"Okay, please tell Harley...oh lord, Max Connor..."

"We know about Max...Just tell me where you are, we'll be leaving as soon as the sun comes up okay?"

He gave them the address and when the call was over, he looked at Noreen. "They're coming here. Keni told me not to come home...I don't know what's happening but she sounded frightened..."

Noreen nodded. "I know, she sounded that way when I mentioned your name...Waylon, what do you remember?"

Waylon shook his head. "Not until they get here Noreen, I don't think I can tell it more then once." He looked at her long and hard. Reaching out, he touched her face as he had remembered how he treated the women back home. In his way, he was no better then her ex-husband. "When they leave, I'll be leaving too. I need to be locked up myself Noreen; in a hospital...I don't think it's a good idea for me to be walking around."


"I got some problems...I realize that now...I just don't think it's something you or the girls should be around...I want to thank you though, I never been around a woman like you before. You been so good to me, and I don't really deserve it..." He swallowed hard. "I just think its better..."

For the first time in the short time he had known her, Waylon watched as Noreen got angry. "And who the hell are you to decide what is better for me and my girls. Those little girls, they've fallen in love with you Waylon. You have treated them a million times better then their own father ever did. And as for me, dammit Waylon, I am twenty-six years old, more then old enough to handle a man no matter his problems. You've been nothing but good to me since you been here and not once have you ever hit me or called me names. If you had, believe me, you would have been out the door faster then you could blink. I learned my lesson once, and never again will I let a man treat me the way Harvey did. These past few weeks, being with you in the hospital and here at home, you've taught me that I am strong, that I can survive, and I will be goddamn if I will let you just walk out of my life or the life of my girls because you have problems..."

Waylon heard himself chuckle. "Damn woman, where the hell is all that coming from?"

She looked as surprised as he did. "To be honest, I have no idea. What I do know is that I've went and fallen in love with you Max Connor or Waylon Barnes or what ever the hell your name is. I know I'm not pretty or a beauty queen, but I do know that you aren't the pretty boy I am sure you used to be either. I also know that what ever is going on, I will stand by you no matter what, whether you like it or not."

Without warning, she moved up to him and threw her arms up around his neck and with a strength he hadn't known she possessed, pulled his mouth down to hers. Resisting at first, but slowly he felt himself giving to the softness of her lips and the feel of her body. As the kiss deepened, he began to take command of it, and soon she was moaning against his mouth with a pleasure that he had seldom heard in his life. He had to admit, he felt as much pleasure from it as she seemed to be. Without thinking, he lifted her up in his arms and even her squeal didn't stop him from carrying her to the sofa and lowering them both down to it.

When he drew his head back, he looked at her and smiled. She was protesting she was too heavy, but he shook his head. "You are light as a feather to me Noreen, and you will see what I mean when Keni gets here, she's no small flower herself."

"Is she beautiful?"

"In her way, she's bright and sunny, and she loves her family and the land. Her sister married my oldest brother Dean and after that Keni and her brother John used to visit every summer. She was this round little butter ball the first time I saw her, but you couldn't help but feel good around her, her smile and her laughter. It just made you feel good to hear it. I used to love watching her with the cows and how she was a bundle of energy around the house. And each summer she just grew more and more beautiful to me. It got so I dreamed of her at night and I was so hungry for her...it was like a obsession to me, but she never even knew and she never gave me any sign that my feelings might be returned. Then she and Harley got together and it was like I snapped somewhere inside. It was like I had this feeling that if she wanted to be with a bad boy, then I would be a bad boy for her. I started drinking, started being all my big brothers were. I spied on them so many times, watched them making love or just holding each other...and god the things I wanted to do to her...I wanted to make her my slave, to turn her into something that no man would want but me..."

Noreen nodded. "I know how that goes, that was how Harvey made me feel when we first got together. And I was fool enough to let him do it. God, the things he did to me, and I let him do them all so willingly just to keep him. But Waylon, you never did them to her did you?"

He shook his head. "You haven't met Harley...he would have killed me with out batting an eye. He was in prison for five years for almost beating a man to death in a bar fight, he was hard, cold, not caring about anyone but him. While Dean and I worked the farm, he was out drinking, whoring around, and coming home long enough to sleep, eat, and clean up before he was gone again. I guess I hated the idea of him having that attitude with Keni..." He felt cold as a shiver of something ran over him. "When I think about it, it seems funny, but he never treated her all that bad when they were around people, just when I spied on them alone. When they were around people, he always touched her so gentle and looked at her so soft and kind, like she was some fragile piece of glass. I thought it was all a part of his game, now I'm not so sure. They been together over five months now, I heard him tell her he wanted to marry her..."

"Do you think he will?"

Did he, would Harley marry Keni...? "Six months ago, I would have answered that with a rousing no. But now, now I'm not so sure what he will do. I know she loves him, you can see it every time she looks at him...it's right there in her eyes for the whole world to see."

"How old is she? What does she do?"

"Just a kid really, just turned eighteen in March. I think her folks wanted her to go to college, but I don't know if she will or not. She's good at helping people, I know that...that's one of the reasons she came this last summer, to help her sister Kate. Kate has a history of miscarrying and this summer she was pregnant again and had made it about half way through. Keni wanted to help take care of her and keep her down as much as possible. She should have had the kid by now, and what do you mean, did I shoot Harley...?"

Noreen shook her head. "The guy I talked to at first, he was yelling and rambling on about you and shooting your brother...and causing nothing but grief to the family..."

Waylon considered her words. "I'll be glad when they get here, it sound like shit is going down and I'm the only ones with the answers." An answer he wished he didn't have to give, but it had to be done.

"Will you still leave Waylon...?"

Looking at her, he felt a tug of indecision...did he want to leave her and the girls? Could he leave her and the girls? Running his fingers over her face, he slipped his thumb along her lips. "Are you really all that attached to Dallas Noreen? I mean if I asked you to come back to Crossroads with me, would you? You and the girls, you could stay with my folks. They got a big farm and the kids would have fresh air to breath and animals to play with...I don't know what I could offer you, or what will happen, but I guess I'd feel better knowing you were there no matter what happens. I just don't want you or the girls hurt."