Mommy Was a Whore Ch. 04

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Gina, looking beautiful and wildly sexy in red.
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Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 09/21/2022
Created 06/24/2008
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Gina cleared her throat. "Judge McLennan? May speak to you?"

The well preserved judge in her early sixties squinted against the low sun and said, "Oh hello Gina. I was hoping you'd call for a wee chat but I thought it would be at my office."

"Oh I apologize. I'll make an appointment. I thought as my matter was not judicial I should see you privately."

"Not a problem. Come through the gate and shut it while I scrape up doggy doos. Royal who you saved for me is long gone and the latest successor Willie is a different breed but with a similar engaging personality."

"You remember, what is it, twenty-two years ago?"

"Of course and I shall never forget your stupidity. It was only a dog."

"I knew it as your pet, and knew it had no chance unless assisted."

"Well I knew you'd often seen Royal and me together and of course he was not 'only a dog' to me. Sam who is now deceased and I had no children so Royal was our youngster."

"Okay, I did take a risk in floodwater but a calculated one. I wasn't stupid."

The judge nodded. "And how are your parents?"

"Fine but no longer within my orbit. They disapproved of me working as a hostess in Italy where I received huge tips from wealthy clients of the firm I worked for when servicing VIPs who required it, er, intimately."

"They thought rightly or wrongly you we engaged in prostitution?"

"Rightly Judge McLennan although it was a minor role and I had other more conventional roles and worked very hard. I rather enjoyed my hugely rewarding intimate duties."

"You had no need to tell me Gina."

"True, but you were a close friend of my mother's when you were young and I knew you would remain puzzled unless I indicated the real reason why we are estranged."

"She was a right little prig when we were young ladies and I missed out on some sex because of her backing away from some of the guys we chanced to meet."

"J-judge. You have no need..."

"Just as you had no need. Now do we have a sound basis for a working relationship? I think so."

"I would like to think so if it happens."

"It will dear. The council is unlikely to recklessly reject the nominee I endorse. Please come in and I'll make coffee. You realize I'm the chairman and a strong-willed person?"


"I've heard you were quite sensational at the Founders' Society the other day, indicating you intend promoting a memorial for that Palin soldier?"


"Well, I'll give it to you straight. I'm against a memorial to that man. We don't know enough about him."

Gina decided not to reply.

"Well, just don't sit there young woman. Say something."

"That establishes one conflict between us, and there probably will be others because we will face a huge agenda. If because of that you don't think you could work with me you have the option of blocking my appointment or letting my appointment go through and you resigning."

"Me resign? Are you out of your mind?"

Ignoring that, Gina said a little icily, "I would ask you don't pre-judge my effort to honor Sergeant Palin until you have the facts in front of you. This town has treated that man contemptibly and I aim to put that right unless new facts emerge and paint the picture of a demonic man. If we are to work together you may have to compromise with me on this one to achieve majority support on some things you are adamant about because you perceive them as being desirable for the community. Remember we are two women and the other three on the commission are likely to be men."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Not a lot, other than women tend to think differently to men."

"God, you are brazen and you are sharp and probably devious and appear to have no shame."

"Oh, that's such an astute assessment Judge McLennan. You could have added big breasts and a winsome smile and possibly a lovely personality but then that would have become too personal and you wouldn't want me thinking you were soft on me."

"Young lady," said the judge picking up her coffee cup. "Consider yourself on the commission and you may call me Lucy but have the sense to use my title when appropriate. On Wednesday the council will name the commission. Please be on hand to arrive at short notice for the commission's official photograph to be taken with the mayor and council CEO."

Gina excused herself to take a call. She replied that was lovely, she'd be there and yes she would have a partner.

"Sorry about that, I should have switched my phone off Lucy. That was Murray Green calling from a director's meeting of the board of the newspaper. The directors and their wives wish to welcome me to Palin."

"Oh they will be offering a directorship no doubt. I read you were the largest single stockholder."

"Me a director? They would be mad doing that; I'd be an embarrassment to the board."

"Just accept it if they make the offer and get on with it. You have become wise and adroit beyond your years so use your personal assets to engender good. A directorship will also help give you stronger community standing to push the case for a memorial. I'll have thought of something – nomination for next month's annual meeting as junior vice-president on the Founder's Society board would help you even more."

"But that outfit is virtually a closed shop; six months to process membership applications and only society stalwarts are elected to the board, which is understandable."

"I'm the society's patron dear."

* * *

Nathan watched the office assistant bend over a filing cabinet in his office suite and his erection rose so fast it almost tore apart his zip. He'd been noticing his patients were becoming more and more appealing. He knew what the problem was: sex depravation. As soon as the assistant left he called Gina.

"Hi, I'm almost bursting with sexual desire."

"Ohmigod, I'm on my way down?"

"What?" He'd meant to make her laugh and she'd drawl something like, 'I could soak up all the cum you can deliver Big Boy.' He told her it could wait till later. "Perhaps you could drop around home and we'll knock one off and go out to dinner?"

"Marvelous. What time – don't make it too late?"


"Oh you darling. I can't wait."

Nathan waggled his balls under his clothing and grinned. "You guys will be busy early evening; that I promise." He thought Gina sounded in much need of it as he did. Normal people didn't go around like that; he and Gina were over-sexed.

Nathan went about his work still a little worked-up and with relief only hours away lost the urge to jump on anything in a skirt. He wondered if he should approach a consultant but no, fuck, consultants were too expensive. He frowned, remembering he was a consultant, a very expensive consultant. Well he'd run a trial and masturbate four times a day and see if that lowered his expectation that his next fuck ought to be within the next hour. He blamed his low-life departing wife for this spike in his behavior.

* * *

At the computer, scanning web sites, Fleur and Gina learned some of the basics of conception. They agreed their mothers should be there, informing them.

"We would have learned some of this during biology classes at high school but to me it didn't seem relevant. I wasn't even having sex at that time."

"Same with me Fleur."

"Do you want to use Adam to get you pregnant?"

Gina's eyes widened. "No thank you darling. You take all he has. Are you sure about calculating your most productive dates?

"Yes. And you?"

"Yes. I suppose I should talk to Nathan and inform him of his role. It wouldn't be fair to drop a pregnancy on him without his knowledge, not that I'd expect him to discharge any responsibility.

"I agree, it would be immoral Gina."

Gina sighed. "Isn't getting pregnant so complicated and to think of those girls at high school who went out once or perhaps only twice with a guy and ended up with mommy written on their forehead?"

"Yeah and a speedy arrival at that stage is not for us. Our chances of getting pregnant began reducing from the time we turned thirty, statistically speaking. I hope we haven't left it too late."

"Nah," said Gina. "We are two warm, sexy and very healthy women. We should have no problems if we keep patient, active and relaxed."

* * *

Nathan opened the front door ready to drool all over the caller and rip off her panties. He felt his face fall in disappointment as Gina smiled, gave him a peck and walked by saying they had to talk. His balls on a big promise appeared stunned. His gut felt like a knife had slashed though it.

"Talk?" he ventured, with a hound-dog expression.

Looking beautiful and wildly sexy in red, Gina asked him to sit down, saying she was really feeling like being fucked but she had to be responsible and honest with him. "I want you to know I stopped taking my contraceptive pills a few weeks ago."

"Y-e-e-e-s. So you want me to be responsible for our anti-contraception measures?"

"No, quite the reverse. I'd like you to impregnate me and then that's the end of your responsibility. You can then go on fucking me or you can drop me and find someone else."

"I see; isn't this a very candid conversation? Well of course this is not news to me. We talked about this when you first came to see me professionally. I mean we referred to your newspaper comment about coming home to have a baby."

"We did indeed. So I'm inviting you to have regular unprotected sex with me and I promise there will be no one else having sex with me or no one will be told about this conversation from this moment on. I am emotionally and financially independent so I foresee no problems and do not require you to assume any responsibility for any child I conceive. I am prepared to sign any legal document you wish to have drawn up and will pay the legal fees.

"I see. Do you mind if I take time to think about this?"

"Okay but why? All I require is a simple yes or no. If you are unsure say no and if you change your mind we could always discuss that."

"I've thought about it. My answer is yes. It would be my pleasure to help you out. Come through to the bedroom. I'll grab a small pillow to tilt you slightly.

"It's my 23rd day."

"Oh, later I'll check you out on your ovulation. But since it's possibly the 23rd day, prime time has slipped by. Please get on to the carpet with your panties and bra off. I'm hotly overdue for one and want to take you, riding doggie."

"Right Dr Doctor. Get that big cock up me. I won't need preparing – I'm oozing natural lube. Oh, before I forget. Please partner me to a dinner of directors of the newspaper company on Friday night at 7:00. They wish to honor me."

"I have a game of squash organized but can cancel."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm interested to see you in the company of high powered business men. Now where were we?"


"Oh yes...look what I have for you!"

Gina stayed the night. Next morning while Nathan was showering and shaving and fluffing around she cooked him breakfast and dashed outside to hang up the wet tea towels he'd washed but left in a pile. She looked across to the neighbor's house on the left and the woman waved with a sleepy smile and Gina waved back. Only then did she see the woman was wearing a robe that was pulled up over her backside and the guy standing behind her was plowing her. He had his head pulled back, mouth open and eyes closed. Gina was embarrassed at seeing that but the woman gave her a thumb up and smiled. Well, perhaps this was a neighborhood of interesting people?

Nathan came out in a panic. "My shirt...this button has failed."

"Oh take off your shirt and give it and the button to me," Gina smiled

He handed over the shirt and wrinkled his nose. "I smell bacon."

"And fries and tomato and onion but not in huge quantity because there is no need for you to go to seed before your time. Eat slowly, savor the tastes and it will seem like a big meal."

"And toast?"

"No, if you have toast you don't have a cooked breakfast; if you don't have a cooked breakfast you have toast. Am I getting through to you?"

"Yes ma'am. You sound like my mother."

"Oh god, spare me," wailed the 36-year-old. Typically like a man Nathan looked at her as if he didn't have a clue was she was on about.

"Mrs Whoever on the left out in the yard gets it over the table at breakfast time. What do I get?"

Dr Doctor looked at her as if she was speaking a foreign language. "Pardon me?"

"Oh it doesn't matter." Gina watched tomato dribble on to his chest and was glad he wasn't wearing his shirt. She went to the corner of the bench opposite the sink bench and lo, found needle and thread.

"I have an appointment at the Palin Post at 10:30 so rather than go home may I stay here until then?"

"Of course, treat it as your home. Why don't you move in with me?"

"Thank you but think about that offer about moving me in Nathan; it's a big decision. People might talk and your career could take a slide."

"Well said. I'll talk to you tonight about it. That breakfast was magnificent and my shirt looks factory-perfect. You are a wonder Gina and you are a heavenly fuck."

"I aim to please," Gina said, not knowing what else to say and received a lovely kiss and a big wave goodbye as if he really meant it.

Half an hour later Gina answered a door knock. The petite brunette said, "Hi, I'm Veronica. You saw me stretched out on our breakfast table a little over an hour ago."

"Oh so I did. You looked to be enjoying it. He must be good."

Veronica looked startled.

"Come in dear. Coffee?"

"I came to apologize."

"Whatever for?"

"You saw me receiving a robust shafting."

"Veronica dear, isn't that one of our purposes in life? How dare you apologize for something you ought to be celebrating."

Veronica swept aside her fringe. "You have me at a seem so refreshingly different."

"We are mostly all the same Veronica. The difference is in attitudes and how we emote."

Picking up her coffee Veronica said Gina was so inspirational. "What is your name?"

"Oh sorry, how thoughtless of me. I am Gina Lott..."

"Oh god, people are talking about you. My mom heard you speak at the founders' meeting the other day and she you are awesome. When you started talking about a Palin memorial at least half the people in that assembly were against you, she thought, and by the finish you had most of those against swinging your way."

"My technique is to plunge in and sail on regardless Veronica. Be steadfast, be sure of your facts and present them eloquently and people do seem to have an inclination to bend and even yield."

"I'm sure I understand what you are on about Gina. I'm glad you are calling in here because I was thinking about offering Nathan what men want because he looked lonely and restless. He went off to his car this morning as if he were on rocket fuel."

"Well help yourself. I have no claim on him."

"I bet he is working on that. I can't imagine any man waiting to let a top shelf trophy like you slip through his fingers."

"More coffee Veronica? You are like a breath of fresh air."

* * *

At the newspaper Gina inspected work done to build up a dossier for her on anything connected to Sergeant Palin. She skimmed through some of the 1890s clipping and when looking at the few into the turn of the century suddenly gasped when she read a small news item about the death of former army sergeant Thomas James Palin.

"What is it?" asked the young reporter in charge of coordinating 'clips' photocopied by various reporters from the bound volumes of the newspaper.

"This is magnificent work by you guys," Gina said. "This clip gives me new information about Sergeant Palin. He's no longer a shadowy character. I now have enough background detail to launch an Internet search to try to locate his family and begin building a proper profile. Palin didn't come up in searches of army records but the full name Sergeant Thomas James Palin may well produce results. Ohmigod."


"He worked until his illness in the town stables of my grandfather, Silas Youngerman. It says here the stables were in Pilcher Street, on the gully side of the city center; I was under the impression they'd always been in Oxford Hollow. Oh look, it says Sergeant Palin died in the West Street Infirmary and he was to be buried in the pauper's section of the town cemetery. I've finished here Vera; this is an astonishing breakthrough if my hunch is right. Bye."

Gina called a cab and asked for Salty. She did not have the address of Mrs Zoë Ross but the 18-minutes wait for Salty was worth it because he knew where she lived.

"I hear your appointment to a hot-shot planning committee will be announced tomorrow."

"I haven't heard but have high expectations. How on earth did you find out about the commission?"

"Salty doesn't say much but he drives with his ears open."

That puzzled Gina. Tubby had insisted on tight security, telling her not to mentioned the proposed appointment to anyone because he didn't want to see opposition mount against her appointment on the grounds Gina was 'an outsider'.

"Salty, how does our mayor get about in the city?"

"Mr Johnson walks a great deal to try to keep his weight down, and he's doing well. He rarely uses the mayoral limo apart when carting VIPs about or going long distance. I'm usually requested when he wants a cab home at evenings if he calls in before I sign off at 6:30."

"So you chat?"

"A bit. We sometimes chat about when we were kids. His father owned the apartment building where my family lived and his father would come around doing repairs and maintenance himself, bringing his oldest kid who was Tubby with him. I invited him into games with other kids. He liked that as there weren't many kids around where he lived and after that we never lost touch although you couldn't say we were ever friends."

"I see."

"When I'm driving him around he's mostly on the phone."

Gina smiled. Bingo – Tubby on the phone and Salty had ears.

Salty waited while Gina went in. The house was airy, clean and sweet smelling – the home of a woman who cared and was in charge. Mrs Ross was surprised to see her.

"I don't have many visitors call," she said. "It's my manner you see; I'm too over-bearing. I taught music at school for junior grades for most of my life and that's something many of the little blighters once they turned seven rebelled against. But I identified and nurtured some who became professional musicians and instilled a life-long love of music for a great number of others who alas lacked any musical talent. Musicality is god-given you know."

"I have heard that said, often."

"It's understood some children hear music as infants when no music is playing. Birds and other noises around them sound like music. They heard music of course and by the time they reached me they knew their scales, although don't realize it, and commonly could read music by ear as their tutoring progressed. I saw Salty drive you up. He plays the trumpet very well and never had a music lesson except at school. And why does he play the trumpet and play it well? Because his father did and his father's father did. To Salty it was just something one did in his family."

"That is amazing. Salty was the first person I had contact with in Palin when I returned five weeks ago. We have become friends that pass with distance between us, if you know what I mean? Every time I need I cab I ask for Salty."

"I do too. How can I help you? I see you have kept Salty waiting?"

"I need you to take me to your archives to took up hospital records."

"How long ago?"

"West Street Infirmary 1909."

"We might possess those records. The records of the main hospitals are in the custody of the city library."

"That's what I thought. The Infirmary would have served the poor folk and would be been run by nuns I would think."