Ms. Margo

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A story of female domination, forced bisexuality, transition.
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This is a partially true story, with some embellishments and enhancements out of my own fantasy. I'll allow you, dear readers, to wonder what is true, and what is contrived, where truth ends and fantasy begins. Enjoy. ;)

Mistress Margo was waiting for me in the reception hall of Saint Petersburg Airport. I had been there a couple of times before, but this time was a bit tense. I was anxious about the week that awaited me with her. After Passport Control and Customs, and a cursory search of my baggage (thank God it was not more intense, given what was in my bag), I exited arrivals into the reception hall to search for Miss Margo. I recognized her immediately. This was not our first meeting. Our first, in fact, had been a year ago, and had not gone well. She was too kind to me, and should have been more insistent. But now I was ready. And so was she, if I knew her, from our conversations up to this point.

She gave me a cursory look, a gratuitous greeting and motioned me to follow her. I did so, out into the cold Saint Petersburg air and towards the car waiting for us. The driver helped me load my bags into the trunk and Ms. Margo motioned me to take a seat on the back seat from the opposite side of the car.

"So, Peter, are you ready?" she asked, somewhat accusitorially, somewhat skeptically.

"Yes Ma'am," I said. "I'm ready to submit." Ms. Margo had agreed to see me again and fulfill my secret fantasy of sucking cock. But true to her character, she refused any detailed components of it on my part. While I was allowed to name the theme, it was up to her to orchestrate and execute.

She waited a bit before she replied. "I hope so," she said slowly. "I won't tolerate any bullshit this time, and there is no fail-safe for you, no safe-word. It's all or none, and in a moment, it's all, do you understand me?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Good. Then hand over your cash, wallet, credit cards, your passport, all your identification and other documents. And your phone, too. You won't need that for now. You know what I mean, we talked about this. You agreed in principle already, so hand them over."

I already had everything in hand, in a central location. I took them out of my inside pocket of my jacket and handed them over to her. She placed it in her purse and spoke to the driver. Although I speak Russian tolerably well, it seemed she was speaking something else, something I only vaguely understood, if at all. But certainly not completely. Far from it. I wondered if it were Polish. Or maybe a Baltic language. No matter. Whatever she had planned, she had no intention of sharing it immediately with me.

As I recalled, Ms. Margo had her play apartment out a good distance on the outskirts of town. But short of that the driver took us to a central location, where there were shops and stores. I became nervous, realizing that she truly was going to do everything we had talked about. Whether I wanted it or not. And with my money and passport in her possession, I didn't have much choice at this point.

She said something else to the driver in Polish, or whatever, and then motioned to me with her long, sharp nails.

"Let's go, slave."

Ms. Margo led me towards a set of stores and shopfronts where we had stopped. Her direction took us to a salon. She walked directly in, not waiting for me.

By the time I caught up with her, she had already begun speaking with a stylist there, a lady about 45, and they continued to talk in quiet tones out of my earshot, as Ms. Margo made me take a seat away from them while she discussed matters with the stylist. In a moment Ms. Margo approached me and told me to stand.

"Oksana has all my instructions and you are to do whatever she says," she told me forcefully. "I want no bullshit or whining from you. You do what she says, when she says, or I promise you, you will pay dearly for your mistakes. Now, go to her, I have other things to do in preparation for your time here. Do NOT disappoint me! Do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am," I said humbly.

She turned and walked out of the salon. I looked at Oksana and walked slowly to her.

"So, Petra," she said with a gloating smile on her face, "are you ready for your salon treatment?"

"Yes Ma'am," I answered nervously.

"Well, first things first, we need to get you slick and clean, so I'm going to take you back and get you hairless, as Margo requested. Let's go."

Oksana took me to the back of the salon. There, she told me to strip and put my clothes in a plastic bag. She was all business about it, not tolerating any hesitation. I stood before her, naked, embarrassed, and she took the opportunity to enjoy the circumstances at my expenses.

"Well, I can certainly see why we're feminizing you, Dear," she commented harshly.

I didn't reply, not that one was expected or wanted.

"Get in the shower."

She stripped down herself and joined me in the shower. Her body was voluptuous, with large breasts and a large round ass. She had a thick, dark, unkempt bush between her legs, in complete contrast to the blonde hair on her head. She turned on the water and waited for a warm flow of water before she began washing me and applying a depilatory to my entire body, from the neck down. She applied the solution twice, ensuring that there was not a hair from the neckline down on my body, paying particular attention to the crack between my ass and my crotch. She was not gentle in the process, either. She was all business.

When I was completely hairless and she turned off the shower, she handed me a towel to dry off before taking one herself to dry off and redress. Rather than hand me my clothes when I was dry, she handed me a robe, a very silky feminine one, and gave me some slippers to put on my feet. She led me to a booth away from the main salon area, fortunately. She sat me in the chair at her booth and took a look at me before she began.

"Margo would prefer you have a feminine hairstyle without a wig, for obvious reasons," she explained. "And it seems you've done just what she said, not cutting your hair since you began planning your meeting with her. I think I might have enough to work with here to give you a very nice, sexy, feminine pixie cut. So we'll begin with that. It shouldn't take too long. While I'm doing that, Ilona will come back to do your nails and then we'll work on your makeup. Lord knows you have no clue for now on how to do that, do you?"

"No Ma'am," I said. Everything Ms. Margo had promised -- threatened? - was coming to fruition.

After Oksana began working on my hair, another lady, Ilona, showed up in the back booth to work on my nails. But the first thing she did was pierce each of my earlobes. I almost wanted to cry. There was definitely no going back now. Even if I tried to run, Oksana had my clothes, in a plastic bag and where it was I had no idea. So I was committed. Oksana and Ilona chatted as they worked, but I was more focused on other things, not really listening to them, although occasionally I caught a catty comment about me, but I was more focused on what was to come.

In an hour's time or so, Oksana had finished my hairstyle. She had also colored it so I was now a blonde. It was very feminine and stylish, although very short on the sides, and long on the top. Ilona was close to finishing my nails by that point. They were long and sharp. I wondered how I would do anything with them. I'd never had nails before, obviously.

Oksana left for the time being, while Ilona finished her work.

"You want to be a girl?" she asked me.

I didn't know what to say. It was embarrassing enough to be dolled up as I was with her asking such questions.

"It's OK, you can tell me, we can be girlfriends," she laughed at my expense.

"Yes," I said.

"You will be a pretty girl, don't worry, Oksana and I will make you very pretty, sexy girl," she assured me.

"I will teach you how to act with such long nails, OK?" she continued. "It's not easy, but sexy girls have long nails like this, and this is what Margo told me to do. I will also teach you how to take care of them until it's time to come back to see me for a correction. OK?" I wondered why I would need a correction or any other sort of manicure attention in the span of a week.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Now sit for a while and let the polish dry. I'll be back with Oksana and we'll both help you with your makeup. I love doing these kinds of make-overs. It's so much fun!" She left with a giggle.

I sat and waited impatiently for them. I looked at my nails. They were about an inch long and very sharp, with a light bluish-green polish and some whitish adornments, like tiny pearls on them. I still wondered how I would get anything done with these talons on my fingers.

In a while Oksana and Ilona returned, ready to do my makeup. Before they began my makeup, they used something like a laser to eliminate the facial hair. It was a little painful, but probably better in the long run, I realized. It took about two hours for them to do this. The further we got into this, the more anxious I became, but I was stranded here in their care, so there was really nothing I could do. I truly hoped Ms. Margo had not ditched me here. Being of an alternative orientation in St. Petersburg would not be a good thing; the laws and society in general here are very abusive of such people.

The two of them began explaining to me how to do my makeup, as they applied it themselves. Base, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara, lipstick. Obviously, I wasn't the first they had transformed, probably not the first for Ms. Margo. She did seem to have a penchant for slaves like me. Perhaps it truly was her specialty.

About the time that they were putting the finishing touches on my makeup and on my lesson, Ms. Margo appeared.

"Well, well, don't we look all sexy and femmie," she said with condescension. "Are we ready to go and begin your adventure?"

"Yes, Ma'am," was all I could manage. She hadn't told me everything that would occur, what she had planned, and I was still very anxious.

"Good. I have your clothes here, some of them. Put these on." She handed me panties, a skirt, fishnet stockings and a white blouse to put on, and put some high heels on the floor for me. They were from my bag. Obviously, she had already been through my things. Not that I expected anything less. She was insistent on no secrets and total transparency with her. I knew that going in. But it was just a little bit alarming. I put on the panties first, embarrassed before all three of them, and Ms. Margo scolded me as she instructed me how tuck my pee-pee, as she called it, and hide it in my feminine panties. Then she watched as I further dressed and got ready to walk out with her. After I put on the shoes, she had me turn and show her how I looked, front, back and from the sides.

"OK, let's get this show on the road, Petra," she laughed viciously. "We have a lot of things to do this week. Follow me. Ilona, Oksana, thanks so much for your help. I'll bring her back for a touchup soon. And maybe we'll have an evening together, the four of us?"

Lena and Oksana both agreed, smiling with glee at my departure with my new look. The heels weren't that hard to walk in, but I was still unsure of myself in my new state. Ms. Margo handed me a long jacket to wear, to ward off the spring cold, as we made our way to the cab. True or not, it seemed like every eye in the salon and on the street was on me, knowing I was not a girl, despite my appearance.

She remained silent as we made our way to her apartment. I couldn't help but look at my nails as we rode in the cab. They really were well-done and beautiful. When we arrived at her apartment building she took me upstairs via the tiny, rickety elevator I remembered from before. My bags were obviously already there, and she offered no commentary until we entered her apartment.

"So, my little slutty slave Petra," she began, after she took her place on the couch and lit a cigarette, me on my knees before her, "here is the plan. First, take these." She handed me several pills and I drank them down with some water she offered. I hoped it wasn't tap water. "You are going to be punished for your behavior from the last time we met. Then you will clean this apartment from top to bottom. And don't you dare break you nails in the process! Tomorrow you will begin your transformation. We will talk more about that when you're finished cleaning. I want this place spotless!"

Ms. Margo put me in restraints that held my wrists to the ceiling, after she stripped me down to only my heels. She whipped my ass and legs for a long time. It was Godawful painful, but she was not going to let up until she was satisfied. I begged her for forgiveness and mercy, but she was relentless and inconsolable. When she finally was satisfied, she released me, pointed me to the cleaning supplies, and sat and watched porn movies and smoked while I cleaned the apartment on my hands and knees.

When I was finally through cleaning, she brought me to her knees at that couch. She made me lick her pussy and then put me on the couch so that she could ride my face. She rode it for what seemed like hours, until her appetite for orgasms was quenched. She treated me to a taste of her piss in the process, promising to give me more later on.

When she was finished with me she sent me to sleep in the bathtub and serve her in the morning, when she was ready.

"Get on the couch, on your back," Ms. Margo told me, awakening me. "I need to be licked."

I got out of the tub and went to the couch, laying on my back. Ms. Margo mounted my face and filled my mouth with her piss, then rode me, while she smoked. She was relentless as she did so. But there wasn't much I could do. After she finally orgasmed for the fifth or sixth time, she got off of me.

She handed me more pills and water. I wondered what there were but I was afraid to challenge her with a question like that. "Go get cleaned up and let me see how you do your makeup," she said coldly. "We have guests this afternoon."

I went and took a shower, not knowing exactly what was going to happen further. Ms. Margo didn't share much information with me. I took my shower and toweled off. Ms. Margo entered as I was finishing up.

"I have your clothes here," she said. "You will wear this and your heels, and put on some lotion on your arms and legs. Men don't like girls with rough arms or legs. They will be here in about an hour and a half, so let's get ready. I want to see how you do your makeup. You won't always have me to help you with this, especially later this week." Her comment alarmed me, as I wondered what she meant, I wouldn't be with her. With whom would I be? It scared me, but there was nothing I could do.

I took the things for my makeup and began to apply it, nervously. Ms. Margo was very strict, and several times she took the brush or the applicator and did it herself. She was very impatient. I didn't know what to do. She was very demanding.

After I put on my makeup, I put on the panties and the robe that I had brought with me and slipped on my heels, after I donned my fishnet stockings. I went to the main room and kneeled before her. Ms. Margo was smoking and watching porn again.

"Slave, in a bit you're going to meet my girlfriend and her three slaves. You're going to serve them. You're going to suck their cocks. A lot. Are you ready for this?"

"Yes Ma'am," I said, not really sure I was ready.

"I hope so, because I really do NOT want you to disappoint me. I will beat your ass if you do. Before they come you make me a sandwich and something for yourself. You need your strength. You've got a lot of cocksucking to do."

I left Ms. Margo in the main room and went to the kitchen. I prepared sandwiches for us and returned. She ate silently until she finished, not waiting for me. She sent me to the kitchen to clean up when she received a call. I took the plates and washed them. She had already finished her call, not that I had heard anything of substance from it.

"Kneel, slave," she said, after she lit a cigarette, pointing to a place in the middle of the floor. After I was on my knees, she shackled my wrists to the restraints on the ceiling, pulling them tight.

"Now," she began, taking a long drag off her cigarette, "my girlfriend Vita has three slaves, and today you are going to practice sucking their cocks. Because in a couple of days, I'm going to sell your slutty, faggot ass to Mikhail. You're going to be his bitch, and maybe even his wife. Do you understand me?"

I was a little shocked. This was more than we had agreed to, but I didn't have much choice. "Yes, Ma'am," was all I could manage, with a hoarse voice.

"Good, now, relax, you're about to get what you wanted from the beginning, some nice, big Russian cocks," she said with humor. She left the room and went to the kitchen, probably to check her e-mail and surf the web while we waited for her girlfriend.

In a while the doorbell rang. Ms. Vita was there, and true to Ms. Margo's word, she had three young men in tow. And they were very virile and handsome. My knees ached, having been on the hardwood floor already for quite some time, but it was obvious this was far from over. Ms. Margo brought a glass of wine for herself and for Ms. Vita before they settled in.

"Well, well," Ms. Vita began, "What a pretty slave girl you have here for us to play with!" She took a seat, as her slaves disrobed and kneeled at her feet. It was hard not to notice the size of their cocks. They were very substantial. One in particular was just enormous. She pulled a cigarette from her purse and one of her slaves lit it for her.

"Yes, she has turned out very nicely, hasn't she?" Ms. Margo answered. "I think Mikhail will be very pleased, but she needs training. You know how demanding Mikhail is."

"Oh, yes, I certainly know that!" Vita answered. "He's so sexy and dominant. Are you sure this little slut can satisfy him?"

"Well, if she doesn't, then I'll sell her off to someone else," Ms. Margo said. "Why don't we get started? I want to see some action here. Let's not start with the hung stud, I want to work her in slowly."

"No problem," Ms. Vita said. "Sergej, stand up, fuck his mouth," she said.

I was more than a little terrified, "buyer's remorse" setting in when the first young man stood and presented his cock to my lips. He rubbed it across my lips and put his hand on the back of my head, roughly so.

"Open your mouth, slave bitch," Ms. Margo said. I was in a trance, and resisted her words. Sergej continued to trace my lips with the tip of his unsheathed cock, more insistently now, and when I failed to open my mouth, Ms. Margo stepped forward and took my jaw in her hand and opened it forcefully. Once my mouth was open, Sergej put his cock in my mouth.

"Take her head in your hands, slave," Ms. Vita said. "Fuck her mouth, show her what a cock is about, let her taste your cum."

Sergej seemed to be the youngest of the three young men that Ms. Vita had brought with her. But he was very enthusiastic about fucking my face. There was nothing I could do, being restrained to the ceiling by my wrists. He held my head firmly and bobbed me until he was on the verge of orgasm.

"Hold it, slave!" Ms. Vita said loudly. "I don't want you to cum until Ms. Margo says you may."

Sergej continued to pump my mouth with his cock while Ms. Vita and Ms. Margo watched. The other two slaves watched, enthusiastic for their turn in my mouth.

"When was the last time he came?" Ms. Margo asked Ms. Vita.

"Two weeks ago, obviously, you can see, he's horny as hell and wants to blow his load."

"Let's build it up, I want Petra to experience a nice big load for the first time."

"Slave, stroke your cock and build it up, empty your balls," Ms. Vita commanded him. And so he did.
